321 research outputs found

    Love and lust in the Indies : an analysis of the representation of njais in a selection of pre-World War II Malay language literature

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    The dissertation explores how the njai was represented in Malay language literature of the Indies up to the outbreak of World War II. Njais were the native mistresses of foreigners, usually Europeans. They could be required to fulfil many duties: that of housekeepers, cooks, laundry maids, language teachers, financial consultants and mothers, but it is in the role of sexual partners or mistresses that njais are best known. There are many other facets to the meaning of njai that I shall explore more thoroughly later in this chapter.[v. 1. Text] -- [v. 2. Appendices - Plot synopses to Love and lust in the Indes

    A non-invasive study of flow dynamics in membrane distillation hollow fiber modules using low-field nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

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    Low-field bench-top nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been applied to investigate the hydrodynamics in novel hollow fiber modules with four different configurations of randomly-packed, spacer-knitted, curly and semi-curly fibers, specifically designed for the membrane distillation (MD) process. Imaging, spatially resolved velocity maps and propagators (probability distributions of displacement/velocity) were all acquired in the modules with flow in the shell side. The MRI data were correlated with overall module performance. The results have revealed that the curly configuration exhibited more significant transverse flow and hence enhanced mixing, compared to the randomly packed configuration; this was consistent with an enhanced MD performance in terms of permeation flux. Interestingly, the velocity maps of the spacer-knitted fiber design indicated a significant flow channeling in the center of the module, despite its enhanced MD performance. Fortunately, combined with further investigations on the localized velocity images of this configuration, the acquisition of propagators provided valuable information in revealing the existence of reduced stagnant regions and significant transverse flow at varied operating conditions, which indicated a better overall mixing and hence confirmed its module performance

    Microfiltration of colloids and natural organic matter

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    Surface waters contain colloids and natural organic matter, largely composed of humic substances. In this work the effect of natural organic matter (NOM) and humic substances (IHSS stream humic and fulvic acid reference material) on the deposition and rejection of inorganic colloids (hematite) by GVWP and GVHP microfiltration (MF) membranes was studied. Parameters of interest were solution pH, ionic strength, calcium concentration, primary colloid size (75, 250 and 500 nm), organic-type and concentration, as well as membrane-type and hydrophobicity, aggregate structure and colloid stability. The method of preparation of the equilibrated suspensions, and thus their aggregation state, had a large influence on the rejection of colloids and their aggregates, as well as the association of particles with the membrane material and flux decline. The systems studied were grouped into (a) organics in the absence of inorganic colloids, (b) stable primary particles, (c) primary particles at pH extremes with organics, (d) particles pre-aggregated in electrolyte solution prior to adsorption of organics (SPO), and (e) particles stabilised with organics (OPS). Extreme pH conditions and pre-adsorption of organics onto the particle surface created very stable systems (colloids retained their primary particle size) and the deposition of the colloids at the membrane surface was reduced significantly. This led to a penetration of the particles into the pores and adsorption on the pore walls leading to full rejection in the absence of organics. Flux decline was, in this case, dependent on colloid size, with the size closest to the membrane pore size causing the greatest flux decline. In the presence of organics, membrane–colloid charge interaction and adsorption were reduced and rejection decreased to near-zero for these stable colloid systems. For aggregates the presence of organics led to a greater flux decline. Rejection of colloids was complete, now determined by the large size of the aggregates formed, which also indicates great mechanical stability of these aggregates. Calcium played a key role in the flux decline of all systems. In the absence of hematite, calcium contributed to organic aggregation and increased flux decline. Calcium led to an increased flux for hematite aggregates (SPO) presumably due to the formation of looser aggregates and a decreased flux for stable colloid–organic systems (OPS) due to destabilisation of these systems

    Natural organic matter removal by nanofiltration: effects of solution chemistry on retention of low molar mass acids versus bulk organic matter

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    The main emphasis of this study is the difference in behaviour between those two organic types. Stirred cell experiments were used to investigate charge and size effects in the rejection behaviour of bulk natural organics as well as low molecular mass (LMM) acids by nanofiltration membranes. To distinguish between size and charge effects thorough characterisation of membrane, natural organics and ionic environment was carried out. Membrane zeta potential was determined as a function of the ionic environment and the intrinsic membrane rejection was measured with dextran, ionic solutions and synthetic surface water. The behaviour of three thin film composite (TFC) and one cellulose acetate (CA) membranes was studied as a function of solution chemistry (pH, ionic composition and strength, calcium concentration, and organic type). Rejections of DOC, UV254nm, as well as the cations calcium and sodium were measured. Natural organics in selected feed and permeate samples were also characterised using liquid chromatography organic carbon detection (LC-OCD) which allows the characterisation of the organic fractions in the low concentration permeates and hence give insight into the rejection of low molecular mass (LMM) organics. The retention of such LMM compounds is important due to their impact on the microbiological regrowth potential of the product water The results emphasised that charge and size are both important for cations and low molecular mass acids. While the bulk of the natural organics are retained due to size exclusion that is independent on solution chemistry for the membranes investigated, the retention of LMM acids follows different mechanisms. The analysis of organic fraction in the permeates showed that the rejection of low molecular mass acids is strongly pH, and thus charge, dependent while this effect of solution chemistry on the LMM acids was masked when only bulk organic rejection was measured

    Quantitative trait loci for head bug resistance in sorghum

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    An experiment was conducted during the 1997/99 cropping seasons, in Mali, France, to study the inheritance for resistance to head bug (Eurystylus oldi) of sorghum progenies using quantitative trait loci (QTL) maps. Cultivars Malisor 84-7 (resistant) and S 34 (susceptible) were used as parents. To build the sorghum genetic map, 345 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) probes in combination with 6 restriction enzymes (BamHI, DraI, EcoRI, EcoRV, HindIII and SstI) were screened for their ability to reveal polymorphism. Thousand kernel weight (TKW) and germination rate at grain maturity were measured. Head bug damage was assessed visually on a 1 to 9 scale on the infested part of the panicle (NOTF2). Among the 345 RFLP probes, 81 revealed polymorphism between the parents. Additionally, 14 microsatellite markers gave amplification products. The genetic map based on Malisor 84-7 × S 34 includes 13 linkage groups (LGs) covering a total distance of 1160 cM. Three significant and 7 putative QTLs were detected. One QTL for TKW reduction that accounted for 13% of the phenotypic variation was detected on LG C2. For this QTL, resistance is conditioned by the Malisor 84-7 allele and is dominant. Two QTLs were detected on LG D and LG E for visual damage score under natural head bug infestation, explaining 16 and 26% of the phenotypic variation for this trait, respectively. Resistance from the QTL on LG D is conditioned by the S 34 allele, whereas resistance from the QTL on LG E is provided by the Malisor 84-7 allele. In both cases, resistance is recessive. No significant QTLs were detected for NOTF2 and germination rate, but co-localization of 2 putative QTLs for these traits was observed on LG G2, and in both cases, resistance is conditioned by the S 34 allele

    Investigation on the risk of brucellosis linked to the production and consumption of milk in rural Cinzana, Mali

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    Background: The objective of this study was to assess the risk of brucellosis associated with different hygiene practices in the informal dairy production sector in rural Mali and local milk consumption habits. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 12 villages in the rural commune of Cinzana in Mali, and consisted of two complementary surveys. The first used a participatory approach, based on focus group discussion coupled with open question interviews during general meetings in villages. Its objective was to describe attitudes and practices related to milk production and consumption. The second was a prevalence survey conducted in parallel on humans and dairy herds. In each selected household, serum was collected from people consuming milk or in contact with livestock, after written consent was given. A questionnaire on livestock management practices and milk consumption habits was also administered to households included in the study. Two types of biological samples were collected from dairy cows and goat: raw milk and serum. Screening agglutination Ring test was carried out on milk samples. Rose Bengal test was performed on all human and animal sera. Positive Rose Bengal samples were tested by ELISA for confirmation. Human sera positive to ELISA were re-submitted to a Rose Bengal test by dilution. This confirmatory test allows differentiating between actual infection and exposure to the pathogen. Results: Positive results to the ring test were obtained for 5.9% (2/34) of milk samples from cows and 1.3% (1/75) of milk samples from goat. Only 1.0% (2/204) of sera from cows and 0.7% (3/404) of sera from goat were positive to the Rose Bengal test. The same test gave positive results in 0.9% (2/213) of human sera. All animal positive with Rose Bengal yielded negative results with ELISA, while one serological human case was found. This case was recorded in the village where the 2 positive cow milk samples came from, and where cattle herds are managed individually rather than by the community. The results indicated that 100% and 98.1% of respondents consume milk from cow or goat respectively without prior heating. Handling of abortion material was also common amongst respondents: 72.7% reported it with goats, 6.1% with cows and 11.3% with both species. Summary: This study confirms the presence of human and animal brucellosis in the rural area of Cinzana, Mali. The prevalence found in this study was very low despite widespread risky production and consumption practices. Further investigations on risk factors and preventive practices would be valuable

    Evaluacija inovativno digitalno kontroliranog Er:YAG lasera u liječenju leukoplakije - probno istraživanje

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    The use of lasers for treatment of oral leukoplakia has gained a lot of interest in the past years, however, data on the use of Er:YAG laser are scarce. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of Er:YAG laser and 1% topical isotretinoin in the treatment of 27 oral leukoplakia patients. Er:YAG laser (LightWalker AT, Fotona, Slovenia) was used in 27 patients with 27 leukoplakia lesions. Postoperative pain was assessed by use of visual analog scale (VAS), and the impact of laser treatment on the quality of life was assessed by the OHIP-14 questionnaire (Croatian version). Control group consisted of the same 27 patients previously treated with 1% topical isotretionin three times a day during the period of one year. No improvement in the size of leukoplakia lesions was observed after treatment with topical isotretinoin. There were significant differences between men and women according to leukoplakia localization, number of laser sessions and VAS (p<0.05). At follow-up after six months and one year, there was no recurrence of lesions. Er:YAG laser is a successful treatment for oral leukoplakia. Topical isotretionin treatment is unsuccessful in patients with oral leukoplakia.Posljednjih godina postoji veliko zanimanje za upotrebu lasera u liječenju oralne leukoplakije, ali su podatci o upotrebi Er:YAG lasera malobrojni. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je usporediti učinak Er:YAG lasera i 1%-tnog topikalnog izotretinoina u liječenju 27 bolesnika s oralnom leukoplakijom. Er:YAG laser (LightWalker AT, Fotona, Slovenia) je korišten u 27 bolesnika s 27 leukoplakičnih lezija. Poslijeoperacijska bol je određena uz pomoć vizualne analogne ljestvice (visual analog scale, VAS), a utjecaj na kvalitetu života mjeren je pomoću upitnika OHIP-14 (hrvatska verzija). Kontrolna skupina se sastojala od istih 27 bolesnika koji su prije toga liječeni 1%-tnim topikalnim izotretioninom tri puta na dan tijekom tri mjeseca. Nije bilo poboljšanja u veličini lezija leukoplakije nakon topikalno primijenjenog izotretinoina. Utvrđene su značajne razlike između muškaraca i žena s obzirom na lokalizaciju leukoplakije, broj laserskih zahvata i rezultata VAS (p<0,05). Šest mjeseci i godinu dana od laserskog zahvata nije bilo recidiva oralne leukoplakije. Er:YAG laser je uspješna terapija u liječenju oralne leukoplakije. Topikalna primjena izotretionina nije uspješna u liječenju oralne leukoplakije

    Experimental evolution of viruses: Microviridae as a model system

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    φX174 was developed as a model system for experimental studies of evolution because of its small genome size and ease of cultivation. It has been used extensively to address statistical questions about the dynamics of adaptive evolution. Molecular changes seen during experimental evolution of φX174 under a variety of conditions were compiled from 10 experiments comprising 58 lineages, where whole genomes were sequenced. A total of 667 substitutions was seen. Parallel evolution was rampant, with over 50 per cent of substitutions occurring at sites with three or more events. Comparisons of experimentally evolved sites to variation seen among wild phage suggest that at least some of the adaptive mechanisms seen in the laboratory are relevant to adaptation in nature. Elucidation of these mechanisms is aided by the availability of capsid and pro-capsid structures for φX174 and builds on years of genetic studies of the phage life history

    Attribution and contestation: Relations between elites and other social groups

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    In this article we explore the often ambiguous relations between elites and other social groups, both subordinate and of relatively equal standing. The article draws on two distinctive ethnographic cases: the white Franco-Mauritian elite, and the expert elite of management consultants in a Western European context. Our analysis of the two cases provides insights into how the power and status of elites is both contested and attributed by the people they interact with and relate to in concrete, yet substantially different contexts and situations. The aim is to show how the position and power of different kinds of elites is relationally negotiated and achieved. As we argue, a better understanding of the role of other social groups in the attribution, maintenance and contestation of status is relevant for understanding both more traditional economic elites and expert elites without tight networks