22 research outputs found

    SERANGAN Spodoptera frugiperda J.E SMITH (LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUIDAE) DAN PARASITOIDNYA DI KABUPATEN/KOTA BOGOR, INDONESIA: Attack of Spodoptera frugiperda J.E Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Its Parasitoid in Parts of Bogor, Indonesia

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    Spodoptera frugiperda J.E Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) merupakan hama asing invasif yang menyerang tanaman jagung di Indonesia sejak 2019. Daya jelajah yang luas dan kemampuan reproduksinya yang tinggi dapat mempercepat terjadinya penyebaran serta menaikkan tingkat serangan pada tanaman inangnya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai gejala serangan, insidensi serangan, populasi, intensitas serangan dan parasitoid utama yang berpotensi sebagai musuh alami untuk mengendalikannya. Enam Kecamatan di Kabupaten/ Kota Bogor dipilih sebagai target lokasi survei. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan observasi langsung pada 30 tanaman contoh di beberapa kebun jagung dengan luasan minimal 0.25 Ha dan jarak minimal antar kebun 1 km. Sebanyak 30 ekor larva dan kelompok telur dikoleksi pada setiap kebun untuk mengetahui parasitoid yang muncul. Insidensi serangan S. frugiperda pada masing-masing wilayah berkisar antara 88,89 - 100%. Populasi larva S. frugiperda pada masing-masing wilayah bervariasi dengan rataan 7 - 21 ekor/kebun. Intensitas serangan yang ditimbulkan S. frugiperda berkisar antara 9,02 - 34,88%. Hasil identifikasi musuh alami menunjukkan bahwa parasitoid larva yang ditemukan adalah Euplectrus sp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) dan Microplitis sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), sedangkan parasitoid telur yang ditemukan adalah Telenomus remus (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae). Dari hasil pemeliharaan larva dan telur, diperoleh tingkat parasitisasi larva berkisar 10 - 30% dan parasitisasi telur berkisar 42,98 - 70,99%. Kedua parasitoid berpotensi untuk dijadikan sebagai agen pengendalian hayati S. frugiperda

    Kinetics Approach of Biodegradation of Petroleum Contaminated Soil by using Indigenous Isolated Bacteria

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    The bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soil was investigated using a microscale Landfarming. The Indigenousbacteria, Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes, Bacillus megaterium, and Xanthobacter autotrophicus were isolated from the contaminated sites Sungai Lilin Jambi Pertamina Ltd and used further in the bioremediation experiments. The biodegradation rates of petroleum contaminated soil in the presence of the isolated bacteria were studied by using the chemical kinetics approach. The reaction orders were studied by using the differential method and the reaction rate constants were studied by using the integral method. The results showed that the reaction orders were 1.0949, 1.3985, 0.8823, and the reaction rate constants were 0.0189, 0.0204, 0.0324 day-1, respectively. Considering the values of reaction orders and reaction rate constants, the biodegradation rate of contaminated soil by usingeach bacteria had significantly different value; Xanthobacter Autotrophicus bacteria could degrade the petroleumoil sludge fastest than the others.Keywords: Biodegradation, indigenous bacteria, kinetics, petroleum oi

    Kinetics Approach of Biodegradation of Petroleum Contaminated Soil by using Indigenous Isolated Bacteria

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    The bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soil was investigated using a microscale Landfarming. The Indigenous bacteria, Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes, Bacillus megaterium, and Xanthobacter autotrophicus were isolated from the contaminated sites Sungai Lilin Jambi Pertamina Ltd and used further in the bioremediation experiments. The biodegradation rates of petroleum contaminated soil in the presence of the isolated bacteria were studied by using the chemical kinetics approach. The reaction orders were studied by using the differential method and the reaction rate constants were studied by using the integral method. The results showed that the reaction orders were 1.0949, 1.3985, 0.8823, and the reaction rate constants were 0.0189, 0.0204, 0.0324 day-1, respectively. Considering the values of reaction orders and reaction rate constants, the biodegradation rate of contaminated soil by using each bacteria had significantly different value; Xanthobacter Autotrophicus bacteria could degrade the petroleum oil sludge fastest than the others


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    Parasitoid A. lopezi dintroduksikan ke Indonesia pada 2014 untuk mengendalikan kutu putih asing invasif P. manihoti. A. lopezi berinteraksi dengan predator P. ramburi dan C. montrouzieri pada pertanaman singkong yang terserang kutu putih P. manihoti. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh interferensi kedua predator terhadap keefektifan A. lopezi pada P. manihoti. Percobaan dilakukan di dalam laboratorium dengan menggunakan cawan petri dan kurungan serangga. Nimfa kutu putih instar-3 dipaparkan pada kedua predator selama 24 jam. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap perilaku parasitoid dan tingkat pemangsaan predator. Kehadiran predator berpengaruh nyata terhadap penurunan masa kunjungan, masa penemuan inang, dan jumlah telur yang berhasil diletakkan oleh A. lopezi pada nimfa kutu putih. Kedua larva predator mampu memangsa kutu putih yang tidak terparasit dan yang terparasit umur 1-8 hari. Predator mampu mendikriminasi kutu putih yang terparasit umur 14 hari (mumi). Pemangsaan predator terjadi pada kutu putih yang terparasit umur 1-, 3-, dan 8- hari. Kombinasi parasitoid dengan kedua predator menunjukkan adanya interaksi antagonis. Kehadiran predator P. ramburi dan C. mountrouzieri menurunkan tingkat parasitisme A. lopezi pada P. manihoti

    Pemanfaatan Rosella dan Kulit Buah Manggis Menjadi Produk Peningkat Sistem Imun

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    Desa Ulak Kerbau Baru merupakan desa pembibitan. Di desa Ulak kerbau baru memiliki banyak tanaman bunga rosella dan manggis. Tanaman bunga rosella dan buah manggis belum dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat karena kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat terkait manfaat dan cara pengelolahan tanaman tersebut. Berdasarkan penelitian bunga rosella dan kulit buah manggis memiliki efek peningkat sistem imun. Dimasa pandemi covid 19 masyarakat membutuhkan suplemen peningkat sistem imun. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif penggunaan bahan alam menjadi produk peningkat sistem imun Di Desa Ulak Kerbau Baru Tanjung Raja. Metode kegiatan ini menggunakan observasi, diskusi, demonstrasi, dan praktik langsung. Adapun tahap pelaksanaan dibagi menjadi 3 tahapan yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat desa Ulak kerbau Baru dalam mengelola bunga rosella dan kulit buah manggis menjadi produk peningkat sistem inum dilihat dari peningkatan nilai pretest 72% dan nilai post test95%

    Optimization of Bio-Oil Pyrolysis Product from Palm Empty Fruit Bunches over H-Zeolite Catalyst using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

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    Bio-oil pyrolysis product considered as a promising resource of hydrocarbon compound that can be used as alternative fuel or other application. Palm empty fruit bunch (PEFB) based bio-oil converted into hydrocarbon trough pyrolysis over sulfate activation natural zeolite. Here, we reported an optimization process of bio-oil pyrolysis specifically on temperature and catalyst dose variables by using response surface methodology (RSM). Prior conversion process, PEFB was analyzed to determine cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin content. Sulfate activation natural zeolite confirmed its acidity by ammonia and pyridine adsorption calculated by gravimetric method. Two independent variables namely temperature and catalyst weight used in optimization process by RSM whereas response variable is conversion percentage. Analysis result on cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin content are 45.39%, 30.36% and 20.5% respectively. Catalyst acidity determination based on ammonia and pyridine adsorption gave 1.002 mmol/g and 0.1994 mmol/g. Optimum condition of hydrocracking achieved at 568 °C and 2.1088 g catalyst weight with the product obtained at 62.21% conversion. The best product density is 1.086 g/mL obtained at hydrocracking temperature 554 °C and 2.0362 g catalyst. Based on GC-MS analysis, it was confirmed that the product comprises more straight-chain hydrocarbon than cyclic one. RSM calculation able to formulate the feasible model equation to predict the conversion percentage. The equation is; percent conversion = 60.059 + 14.268T + 9.783W – 25.649T2 – 18.809W2 + 3.114TW, whereas model equation for response variable on product density; ρ= 1.09103 – 0.12356T – 0.09744W + 0.11489T2 + 0.28888W2 – 0.00740T

    Peningkatan Kualitas Batubara terhadap Sub-Bituminus dengan Metode Froth Flotation

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    Penelitian tentang kualitas batubara sub-bituminus dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode flotasi. Peningkatan kalor pembakaran batubara diperoleh dengan mengoptimalkan kadar karbon tertambat melalui penurunan kandungan air lembab, kadar abu dan zat terbang tereduksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kondisi optimum peningkatan kalor pembakaran batubara dengan variasi ukuran partikel dan variasi volume frother. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ukuran partikel optimum 40 mesh dan volume trother optimum 5 mL. Kondisi optimum tersebut meningkatkan kadar karbon tertambat dimana persentase kenaikan 38,31%, dengan persentase penurunan kadar air lembab sebesar 93,18%, kadar abu dari sebesar 84,17% dan zat terbang sebesar 8,74%, sehingga kalor pembakaran batubara meningkat dari 26,19 kJ/g menjadi 29,13 kJ/g

    Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Budaya dan Perilaku Sosial Pada Masyarakat Yogyakarta

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    This study aims to determine student perceptions of the culture and social behavior of the people of Yogyakarta. The subjects in this study were active students aged 18-23 years. This study used qualitative research methods and data collection techniques used in this study were semi-structured interviews. The result of this research is that the cultural environment has a great influence on the formation of oneself and one's behavior. In Yogyakarta society itself, the presence of a culture such as gotong royong can provide positive reinforcement and influence on social behavior to the people around them.Keywords: Perception, Culture, Social Behavio

    Green Manufacturing Challenge in Small and Medium Industries (SMEs) Batik Laweyan Surakarta

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    Small and medium industries (SMEs) are the main contributor of the economic growth in the countries, especially developing countries. On the other hand, SMEs also produce serious problems to the environment. Therefore, SMEs, especially the textile and apparel sector need to apply green manufacturing (GM). GM can reduce the amount of waste and pollution produced. It can lead to financial benefits and a positive public image of the SMEs if properly implemented. It is a challenge to apply GM in SMEs because their limitation of knowledge and resources. It needs a study the enabler and inhibiter factors to the application of GM. It need also an analysis how the factors related each other. The aim of this study is to determine the most significant enabler and inhibiter factors in applying GM to SMEs at Kampung Batik Laweyan Surakarta. This study uses Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) approach to compare the perceptions of respondents regarding the relationship of each factor. The results show that the main enabler factor is the implementation of environmental regulations and strict supervision, while the main inhibiter factor is the lack of subsidies provided for SMEs to implement GM

    Preparation And Characterization Of Cr/Activated Carbon Catalyst From Palm Empty Fruit Bunch

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    Preparation and characterization of Cr/activated carbon catalyst from palm empty fruit bunch had been done. The research were to determine the effect of carbonization temperature towards adsorption of ammonia, iodine number, metilen blue number, and porosity of activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst. The determination of porosity include surface area, micropore volume and total pore volume. The results showed the best carbonization temperature activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst at 700°C. The adsorption ammonia of activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst as 6.379 mmol/g and 8.1624 mmol/g. The iodine number of activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst as 1520.16 mg/g and 1535.67 mg/g. The metilen blue number of activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst as 281.71 mg/g and 319.18 mg/g. The surface area of activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst as 1527.80 m2/g and 1652.58 m2/g. The micropore volume of activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst as 0.7460 cm3/g and 0.8670 cm3/g. The total pore volume of activated carbon and Cr/activated carbon catalyst as 0.8243 cm3/g and 0.8970 cm3/g.Keywords : activated carbon, palm empty fruit bunch, porosity, catalyst, chromiu