293 research outputs found

    Territorial reforms in Europe: effects on administrative performance and democratic participation

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    Territorial reform is the most radical and contested reorganisation of local government. A sound evaluation of the outcome of such reforms is hence an important step to ensure the legitimation of any decision on the subject. However, in our view the discourse on the subject appears to be one sided, focusing primarily on overall fiscal effects scrutinised by economists. The contribution of this paper is hence threefold: Firstly, we provide an overview off territorial reforms in Europe, with a special focus on Eastern Germany as a promising case for cross-country comparisons. Secondly, we provide an overview of the analytical classifications of these reforms and context factors to be considered in their evaluation. And thirdly, we analyse the literature on qualitative performance effects of these reforms. The results show that territorial reforms have a significant positive impact on functional performance, while the effects on participation and integration are indeed ambivalent. In doing so, we provide substantial arguments for a broader, more inclusive discussion on the success of territorial reforms

    Gender differences in aggression of borderline personality disorder

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    Aggression is a core feature of borderline personality disorder (BPD). Well-replicated results from the general population indicate that men engage in aggression more frequently than women. This article addresses the question of whether gender also influences aggression in BPD, and whether the neurobiological mechanisms underlying aggressive behavior differ between male and female BPD patients. Data show that most self-reports, interviews and behavioral tasks investigating samples of BPD patients do not find enhanced aggressiveness in male patients, suggesting that BPD attenuates rather than aggravates gender differences usually present in the general population. Neurobiological studies comparing BPD patients with gender-matched healthy controls, however, reveal a number of interesting gender differences: On the one hand, there are well-replicated findings of reduced amygdala and hippocampal gray matter volumes in female BPD patients, while these findings are not shared by male patients with BPD. On the other hand, only male BPD patients exhibit reduced gray matter volume of the anterior cingulate cortex, increased gray matter volume of the putamen, reduced striatal activity during an aggression task, and a more pronounced deficit in central serotonergic responsivity. These neurobiological findings point to a particular importance of impulsivity for the aggression of male BPD patients. Limitations include the need to control for confounding influences of comorbidities, particularly as male BPD patients have been consistently found to show higher percentages of aggression-predisposing comorbid disorders, such as antisocial personality disorder, than female BPD patients. In the future, studies which include systematic comparisons between females and males are warranted in order to disentangle gender differences in aggression of BPD patients with the aim of establishing gender-sensitive treatments where needed

    Garnet-type Mn3Cr2(GeO4)3

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    Single crystals of garnet-type trimanganese(II) dichrom­i­um(III) tris­[orthogermanate(IV)], MnII 3CrIII 2(GeO4)3, were obtained by utilizing a chemical transport reaction. Corres­ponding to the mineral garnet with the general formula A II 3 B III 2(SiO4)3, each of the four elements occupies only one crystallographically distinct position. Mn2+ occupies the respective A position (Wyckoff site 24c, site symmetry 2.22), being surrounded by eight O atoms that form a distorted cube [d(Mn—O) = 2.291 (2) and 2.422 (2) Å, 4× each], while Cr3+ on the B position (Wyckoff site 16a, site symmetry .-3.) is situated in a slightly distorted octa­hedron of six O2− anions [d(Cr—O) = 1.972 (2) Å, 6×]. In addition, the O atoms on general site 96h form isolated [GeO4]4− tetra­hedra with Ge4+ on site 24d [site symmetry -4..; d(Ge—O) = 1.744 (2) Å, 4×]

    Volumetric Prefrontal Cortex Alterations in Patients With Alcohol Dependence and the Involvement of Self‐Control

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    Background: Aspects of self-control such as sensation seeking and impaired impulse control have been implicated in alcohol dependence (ALC). Conversely, sensation seeking has been ascribed a possible protective role in stress-related psychopathologies. We therefore examined gray matter (GM) morphology in individuals with ALC, focusing on differences in prefrontal regions that have been associated with self-control. Additionally, we accounted for differences in lifetime alcohol intake regarding self-control measures and cortical structures in ALC patients. Methods: With voxel-based morphometry (VBM) focusing on prefrontal a priori defined regions of interest, we assessed a group of 62 detoxified ALC patients and 62 healthy controls (HC). ALC patients were subsequently divided into high (n = 9) and low consumers (n = 53). Self-control was assessed by use of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale and the Sensation Seeking Scale. Results: Compared to HC, ALC had significantly less GM volume in bilateral middle frontal gyrus (MFG) and right medial prefrontal cortex as well as in the right anterior cingulate. High-consuming ALC showed smaller GM in right orbitofrontal cortex as well as lower sensation seeking scores than low consumers. In low-consuming ALC, right MFG-GM was positively associated with magnitude of sensation seeking; particularly, larger MFG-GM correlated with greater thrill and adventure seeking. Conclusion: Thus, our findings (i) indicate deficient GM volume in prefrontal areas related to self-control and (ii) might accentuate the phenotypic divergence of ALC patients and emphasize the importance of the development of individual treatment options

    Nudging sustainability transitions in Central Mozambique

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    An Agricultural Innovation Platform (AIP) facilitates and accelerates transition of farmers from subsistence farming to socially inclusive, environmentally sound and market-oriented farming. AIPs adapt interventions around interlinked levers in the food value chains, with entry points based on a good understanding of farming systems and input/output market requirements. Learning activities around these entry points strengthen stakeholder networks. Capacitating farmers through stakeholder networks, using mutual learning and additional technical training sessions, improves their self-organization and helps them become entrepreneurs, with the private sector as business mentors and government and extension as facilitators and support. Prospects for change in complex farming systems often appear few and uncertain, leaving farmers feeling helpless in the face of challenges. AIPs demonstrate that small interventions around significant leverage points will have far-reaching benefits. With time, stakeholders facilitate multiple changes through AIPs, magnifying the impact and paving the way for initiatives beyond a project’s lifespan. The ‘AIP experience’ changes their self-perception, resilience, motivation and empowerment forever

    Wissenschaftliche Bedarfsanalyse der Lebens- und Betreuungssituation Àlterer alkohol- bzw. opioidabhÀngiger Menschen in Berlin

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    WISSENSCHAFTLICHE BEDARFSANALYSE DER LEBENS- UND BETREUUNGSSITUATION ÄLTERER ALKOHOL- BZW. OPIOIDABHÄNGIGER MENSCHEN IN BERLIN Wissenschaftliche Bedarfsanalyse der Lebens- und Betreuungssituation Ă€lterer alkohol- bzw. opioidabhĂ€ngiger Menschen in Berlin / Kammerer, Kerstin (Rights reserved) ( -

    Synthese und Charakterisierung neuartiger Kupfer(II)-Komplexe

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    In dieser Arbeit wird die Synthese und strukturelle Charakterisierung 15 neuer Kupfer(II)-Komplexverbindungen vorgestellt. DafĂŒr wurden Kupfer(II)-acetat, Kupfer(II)-chlorid und Kupfer(II)-nitrat mit N-Liganden und ionischen FlĂŒssigkeiten in Kombination mit konventionellen Lösungsmitteln umgesetzt. Das Hauptaugenmerk lag dabei aufgrund seiner Paddle-Wheel-Struktur auf Kupfer(II)-acetat.In this thesis the synthesis and structural characterization of 15 new copper(II) complex compounds is presented. Copper(II) acetate, copper(II) chloride and copper(II) nitrate were used with N-ligands and ionic liquids in combination with conventional solvents. The main focus was on copper(II) acetate due to its paddle-wheel structure

    Feasibility of the Engagerℱ aortic transcatheter valve system using a flexible over-the-wire design

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    OBJECTIVES The aim was to investigate the safety and feasibility of the redesigned Engagerℱ transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) system. METHODS Transapical aortic valve implantation with the Engagerℱ valve prosthesis was intended in 11 patients, and performed in 10. Endpoints were defined according to the valve academic research consortium recommendations for reporting outcomes of TAVI in clinical trials. RESULTS All 10 patients were implanted successfully. No devicerelated or delivery system complications like coronary obstruction or aortic dissection emerged. One patient (10%) died from non-device-related reasons at post-operative day 23 of multi-organ failure. The invasively measured peak-to-peak gradient after valve implantation was 7.1±3.5mmHg. In 90%, there was no or only trivial (≀grad I) aortic regurgitation due to paravalvular leakage. In 10% of the patients, aortic regurgitation grade I-II was observed. At 30-day follow up, the mean gradient was 15.6±4.9mmHg, and no more than a mild transvalvular and paravalvular aortic regurgitation was seen as assessed by transthoracic echocardiography. CONCLUSIONS Application of the Engagerℱ TAVI system is safe and feasible. Prosthesis deployment in an anatomically correct position was facilitated by the design of the valve prosthesis and was successful in all patients. No device or delivery-system-related complications emerged. Safety and feasibility endpoints were met. Good results concerning the aortic valve performance after implantation and at 30-day follow up were ascertained. These results encouraged the start of a European Pivotal trial including patients to dat

    [F18] FDG-PET/CT for manual or semiautomated GTV delineation of the primary tumor for radiation therapy planning in patients with esophageal cancer: is it useful?

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    BACKGROUND Target volume definition of the primary tumor in esophageal cancer is usually based on computed tomography (CT) supported by endoscopy and/or endoscopic ultrasound and can be difficult given the low soft-tissue contrast of CT resulting in large interobserver variability. We evaluated the value of a~dedicated planning F18 FDG-Positron emission tomography/computer tomography (PET/CT) for harmonization of gross tumor volume (GTV) delineation and the feasibility of semiautomated structures for planning purposes in a~large cohort. METHODS Patients receiving a~dedicated planning F18~FDG-PET/CT (06/2011-03/2016) were included. GTV was delineated on CT and on PET/CT (GTVCT and GTVPET/CT, respectively) by three independent radiation oncologists. Interobserver variability was evaluated by comparison of mean GTV and mean tumor lengths, and via SĂžrensen-Dice coefficients (DSC) for spatial overlap. Semiautomated volumes were constructed based on PET/CT using fixed standardized uptake values (SUV) thresholds (SUV30, 35, and 40) or background- and metabolically corrected PERCIST-TLG and Schaefer algorithms, and compared to manually delineated volumes. RESULTS 45~cases were evaluated. Mean GTVCT and GTVPET/CT were 59.2/58.0 ml, 65.4/64.1 ml, and 60.4/59.2 ml for observers~A-C. No significant difference between CT- and PET/CT-based delineation was found comparing the mean volumes or lengths. Mean Dice coefficients on CT and PET/CT were 0.79/0.77, 0.81/0.78, and 0.8/0.78 for observer pairs AB, AC, and BC, respectively, with no significant differences. Mean GTV volumes delineated semiautomatically with SUV30/SUV35/SUV40/Schaefer's and PERCIST-TLG threshold were 69.1/23.9/18.8/18.6 and 70.9 ml. The best concordance of a~semiautomatically delineated structure with the manually delineated GTVCT/GTVPET/CT was observed for PERCIST-TLG. CONCLUSION We were not able to show that the integration of PET/CT for GTV delineation of the primary tumor resulted in reduced interobserver variability. The PERCIST-TLG algorithm seemed most promising compared to other thresholds for further evaluation of semiautomated delineation of esophageal cancer


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    Background: In obese individuals impaired sleep and neuroendocrine alterations such as melatonin deficits are associated with circadian rhythm disruption, altered circadian clock gene expression, and bright light at night. While the relation of pineal gland volume (PGV) and melatonin levels has recently been documented in humans, surprisingly little is known about the possible interference of the PGV and the pathophysiology of obesity in humans. Subjects and methods: We therefore compared the PGV of obese with non-obese individuals; both groups were matched by age and gender. Volumetric analyses were performed on the basis of 3 Tesla high resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Results: We found, that the PGV was significantly smaller in obese individuals than in lean controls (P=0.036). Moreover, PGV and waist-hip ratio showed a significant negative association in controls (P=0.018, rS=-0.602) whereas no association of both variables was found in obese individuals (P=0.856, rS=-0.051). Conclusions: Thus, the current pilot investigation suggests that pineal gland function, reflected by PGV might be involved in the energy homeostasis and pathophysiological mechanisms that contribute to the development and the maintenance of obesity in humans. Moreover, our data supports the notion that the replacement of melatonin deficits might be a novel strategy in the treatment of obesity
