210 research outputs found

    Do Asymmetric Central Bank Preferences Help Explain Observed Inflation Outcomes?

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    Recent theoretical work shows that changes in the volatility of inflation and/or unemployment affect equilibrium inflation outcomes when the central banker's loss function is asymmetric. We show that previous evidence offered in support of the proposition that the volatility of unemployment helps explain inflation outcomes suffers from a spurious regression problem. Once this problem is controlled for, the evidence suggests that the volatility of unemployment does not help explain inflation outcomes. There is some evidence of a relationship between inflation and its volatility, but the data is not strongly supportive of the view that asymmetric central bank preferences are an important driver of inflation.inflation; monetary policy; asymmetric loss

    Testing Commitment Models of Monetary Policy: Evidence from OECD Economies

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    Inflation rates in a number of OECD follow a common trend over the past four decades: inflation starts out low in the 1960s, rises for a time before peaking in the 1970s or early 1980s, and then falls back to initial levels. This similarity in the behavior of trend inflation suggests that any explanation of long run inflation trends ought to apply across OECD countries. Ireland (1999) shows that a simple time inconsistency model of monetary policy, modified to allow for a time-varying NAIRU, can explain long run trends in U.S. inflation. In this paper we show that this result cannot serve as an explanation of the common trend in OECD inflation, as it fits the data only in the U.S.. We investigate two important variants of the hypothesis: i) that time inconsistency was an important component of central bank behavior in earlier decades, but has become less significant in recent years, and ii) that time inconsistency problems drive U.S. inflation, which affects inflation rates in other countries as a result of central bankers' attempts to manage nominal exchange rate movements vis a vis the U.S. dollar. We find that the first hypothesis fits the data no better than the baseline model. We find some support for the international spillovers version of the model, but the behavior of non-U.S. central bankers with respect to domestic unemployment rates is not well described by the time inconsistency mechanism.monetary policy; inflation; time incosistency

    Dismay, Dissembly and Geocide:Ways Through the Maze of Trumpist Geopolitics

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    Written in the still-unfolding aftermath of Donald Trump's accession to the office of President of the United States, this article picks up and expands upon some of the key points raised by Kyle McGee's Heathen Earth, particularly concerning the forms of political violence emergent in an age ever-increasingly defined by climate change and the strategies of analysis, theorisation and critique that these geohistorical developments demand. Much like McGee's book, it takes a particularly troubling contemporary political event as a spur to develop thoughts deriving from more long-term projects concerning the way we have come to divide up the world and the manner in which these divisions are contestedpublishersversionNon peer reviewe

    The Na conductance in the sarcolemma and the transverse tubular system membranes of mammalian skeletal muscle fibers

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    Na (and Li) currents and fluorescence transients were recorded simultaneously under voltage-clamp conditions from mouse flexor digitorum brevis fibers stained with the potentiometric dye di-8-ANEPPS to investigate the distribution of Na channels between the surface and transverse tubular system (TTS) membranes. In fibers rendered electrically passive, voltage pulses resulted in step-like fluorescence changes that were used to calibrate the dye response. The effects of Na channel activation on the TTS voltage were investigated using Li, instead of Na, because di-8-ANEPPS transients show anomalies in the presence of the latter. Na and Li inward currents (INa, ILi; using half of the physiological ion concentration) showed very steep voltage dependences, with no reversal for depolarizations beyond the calculated equilibrium potential, suggesting that most of the current originates from a noncontrolled membrane compartment. Maximum peak ILi was ∌30% smaller than for INa, suggesting a Li-blocking effect. ILi activation resulted in the appearance of overshoots in otherwise step-like di-8-ANEPPS transients. Overshoots had comparable durations and voltage dependence as those of ILi. Simultaneously measured maximal overshoot and peak ILi were 54 ± 5% and 773 ± 53 ”A/cm2, respectively. Radial cable model simulations predicted the properties of ILi and di-8-ANEPPS transients when TTS access resistances of 10–20 Ωcm2, and TTS-to-surface Na permeability density ratios in the range of 40:60 to 70:30, were used. Formamide-based osmotic shock resulted in incomplete detubulation. However, results from a subpopulation of treated fibers (low capacitance) provide confirmatory evidence that a significant proportion of ILi, and the overshoot in the optical signals, arises from the TTS in normal fibers. The quantitative evaluation of the distribution of Na channels between the sarcolemma and the TTS membranes, as provided here, is crucial for the understanding of the radial and longitudinal propagation of the action potential, which ultimately govern the mechanical activation of muscle in normal and diseased conditions

    The G0 Experiment: Apparatus for Parity-Violating Electron Scattering Measurements at Forward and Backward Angles

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    In the G0 experiment, performed at Jefferson Lab, the parity-violating elastic scattering of electrons from protons and quasi-elastic scattering from deuterons is measured in order to determine the neutral weak currents of the nucleon. Asymmetries as small as 1 part per million in the scattering of a polarized electron beam are determined using a dedicated apparatus. It consists of specialized beam-monitoring and control systems, a cryogenic hydrogen (or deuterium) target, and a superconducting, toroidal magnetic spectrometer equipped with plastic scintillation and aerogel Cerenkov detectors, as well as fast readout electronics for the measurement of individual events. The overall design and performance of this experimental system is discussed.Comment: Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Method

    Filopodyan: An open-source pipeline for the analysis of filopodia

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    Filopodia have important sensory and mechanical roles in motile cells. The recruitment of actin regulators, such as ENA/ VASP proteins, to sites of protrusion underlies diverse molecular mechanisms of filopodia formation and extension. We developed Filopodyan (filopodia dynamics analysis) in Fiji and R to measure fluorescence in filopodia and at their tips and bases concurrently with their morphological and dynamic properties. Filopodyan supports high-throughput phenotype characterization as well as detailed interactive editing of filopodia reconstructions through an intuitive graphical user interface. Our highly customizable pipeline is widely applicable, capable of detecting filopodia in four different cell types in vitro and in vivo. We use Filopodyan to quantify the recruitment of ENA and VASP preceding filopodia formation in neuronal growth cones, and uncover a molecular heterogeneity whereby different filopodia display markedly different responses to changes in the accumulation of ENA and VASP fluorescence in their tips over time.J.L. Gallop and V. Urbančič are supported by the Wellcome Trust (WT095829AIA). J. Mason and B. Richier are supported by the European Research Council (281971). C.E. Holt is supported by the Wellcome Trust (program grant 085314) and the European Research Council (advanced grant 322817). The Gurdon Institute is funded by the Wellcome Trust (203144) and Cancer Research UK (C6946/A24843)

    Improving STD testing behavior among high-risk young adults by offering STD testing at a vocational school

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chlamydia trachomatis infection (CT) is the most prevalent bacterial STD. Sexually active adolescents and young adults are the main risk group for CT. However, STD testing rates in this group are low since exposed individuals may not feel at risk, owing-at least in part-to the infection's largely asymptomatic nature. Designing new testing environments that are more appealing to young people who are most at risk of acquiring chlamydia can be an important strategy to improve overall testing rates. Here we evaluate the effect of a school-based sexual health program conducted among vocational school students, aiming to obtain better access for counseling and enhance students' STD testing behavior.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Adolescents (median age 19 years) attending a large vocational school were provided with sexual health education. Students filled in a questionnaire measuring CT risk and were offered STD testing. Using univariate and multivariate analysis, we assessed differences between men and women in STD-related risk behavior, sexual problems, CT testing behavior and determinants of CT testing behavior.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 345 participants, 70% were female. Of the 287 sexually active students, 75% were at high risk for CT; one third of women reported sexual problems. Of sexually active participants, 61% provided a self-administered specimen for STD testing. Independent determinants for testing included STD related symptoms and no condom use. All CT diagnoses were in the high-CT-risk group. In the high-risk group, STD testing showed an increased uptake, from 27% (previous self-reported test) to 65% (current test). CT prevalence was 5.7%.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Vocational school students are a target population for versatile sexual health prevention. When provided with CT testing facilities and education, self selection mechanisms seemed to increase CT testing rate dramatically in this high-CT-risk population expressing sexual problems. Considering the relative ease of testing and treating large numbers of young adults, offering tests at a vocational school is feasible in reaching adolescents for STD screening. Although cost-effectiveness remains an issue counseling is effective in increasing test rates.</p

    Women and community sentences

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    Despite the increasing numbers of women given community sentences in the UK and in other jurisdictions in recent years, there has been relatively little research into women&rsquo;s experiences of these disposals. This is particularly surprising given what is known about the distinctive characteristics of women in conflict with the law and the gendered nature of pathways to crime. This article draws upon the experiences of women made subject to a range of community sentences to identify recurring themes including the complexity of women&rsquo;s problems, the significance of stigma, trauma and abuse, the importance to women of their supervisory relationships, the relevance of self-efficacy and the nature of barriers to compliance. The article considers the consequences of the discourses of &lsquo;penality&rsquo; when underpinned by ideological assumptions and expectations based on gender relations. The implications for the supervision of women in the community are considered, while acknowledging that community sanctions are unlikely in themselves to be capable of addressing broader issues that bring women into and retain them in the criminal justice system

    Q methodology and rural research

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    Traditionally, rural scholarship has been limited in its methodological approach. This has begun to change in recent years as rural researchers have embraced a range of different methodological tools. The aim of this article is to contribute to greater methodological pluralism in rural sociology by introducing readers to a method of research that is rarely engaged in the field, that is, Q methodology. The article describes the defining features of the approach as well as providing examples of its application to argue that it is a method that offers particular opportunities and synergies for rural social science research
