563 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal patterns of cholera hospitalization in Vellore, India

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    Systematically collected hospitalization records provide valuable insight into disease patterns and support comprehensive national infectious disease surveillance networks. Hospitalization records detailing patient’s place of residence (PoR) can be utilized to better understand a hospital’s case load and strengthen surveillance among mobile populations. This study examined geographic patterns of patients treated for cholera at a major hospital in south India. We abstracted 1401 laboratory-confirmed cases of cholera between 2000–2014 from logbooks and electronic health records (EHRs) maintained by the Christian Medical College (CMC) in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. We constructed spatial trend models and identified two distinct clusters of patient residence—one around Vellore (836 records (61.2%)) and one in Bengal (294 records (21.5%)). We further characterized differences in peak timing and disease trend among these clusters to identify differences in cholera exposure among local and visiting populations. We found that the two clusters differ by their patient profiles, with patients in the Bengal cluster being most likely older males traveling to Vellore. Both clusters show well-aligned seasonal peaks in mid-July, only one week apart, with similar downward trend and proportion of predominant O1 serotype. Large hospitals can thus harness EHRs for surveillance by utilizing patients’ PoRs to study disease patterns among resident and visitor populations

    Clinical Management of Neuroendocrine Neoplasms in Clinical Practice: A Formal Consensus Exercise

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    Many treatment approaches are now available for neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs). While several societies have issued guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of NENs, there are still areas of controversy for which there is limited guidance. Expert opinion can thus be of support where firm recommendations are lacking. A group of experts met to formulate 14 statements relative to diagnosis and treatment of NENs and presented herein. The nominal group and estimate-talk-estimate techniques were used. The statements covered a broad range of topics from tools for diagnosis to follow-up, evaluation of response, treatment efficacy, therapeutic sequence, and watchful waiting. Initial prognostic characterization should be based on clinical information as well as histopathological analysis and morphological and functional imaging. It is also crucial to optimize RLT for patients with a NEN starting from accurate characterization of the patient and disease. Follow-up should be patient/tumor tailored with a shared plan about timing and type of imaging procedures to use to avoid safety issues. It is also stressed that patient-reported outcomes should receive greater attention, and that a multidisciplinary approach should be mandatory. Due to the clinical heterogeneity and relative lack of definitive evidence for NENs, personalization of diagnostic–therapeutic work-up is crucial

    Pancreatic tumours: molecular pathways implicated in ductal cancer are involved in ampullary but not in exocrine nonductal or endocrine tumorigenesis

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    Alterations of K-ras, p53, p16 and DPC4/Smad4 characterize pancreatic ductal cancer (PDC). Reports of inactivation of these latter two genes in pancreatic endocrine tumours (PET) suggest that common molecular pathways are involved in the tumorigenesis of pancreatic exocrine and endocrine epithelia. We characterized 112 primary pancreatic tumours for alterations in p16 and DPC4 and immunohistochemical expression of DPC4. The cases included 34 PDC, 10 intraductal papillary-mucinous tumours (IPMT), 6 acinar carcinomas (PAC), 5 solid-pseudopapillary tumours (SPT), 16 ampulla of Vater cancers (AVC) and 41 PET. All tumours were also presently or previously analysed for K- ras and p53 mutations and allelic loss at 9p, 17p and 18q. Alterations in K- ras, p53, p16 and DPC4 were found in 82%, 53%, 38% and 9% of PDC, respectively and in 47%, 60%, 25% and 6% of AVC. Alterations in these genes were virtually absent in PET, PAC or SPT, while in IPMT only K-ras mutations were present (30%). Positive immunostaining confirmed the absence of DPC4 alterations in all IPMT, SPT, PAC and PET, while 47% of PDC and 38% of AVC were immunonegative. These data suggest that pancreatic exocrine and endocrine tumourigenesis involves different genetic targets and that among exocrine pancreatic neoplasms, only ductal and ampullary cancers share common molecular events. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    El perdón y los confl ictos armados ¿es posible la reconciliación social?

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    No todos los procesos de reconciliación social han seguido los mismos patrones, sin embargo la invocación del perdón es un requisito esencial para la paz socia

    A dipole band in 124 Xe

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    High-spin states in 124Xe were populated by means of the 110Pd(18O,4n) reaction. In-beam γ rays were measured using the GASP spectrometer. A dipole band, similar to those previously found in other nuclei of this mass region, was identified in 124Xe

    Evaluación de largo plazo de efectos de diferentes estrategias de fertilización sobre indicadores productivos, económicos y ambientales en el norte de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

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    A nivel productivo, las deficiencias de nitrógeno (N), fósforo (P) y azufre (S) no ocurren de manera aislada, sino que se combinan de diversas maneras, por lo que es necesario evaluar integralmente la respuesta a la fertilización y conocer su efecto sobre la fertilidad química de los suelos. Con el propósito de estudiar la evolución en el tiempo de los rendimientos, el balance de nutrientes, las propiedades del suelo y los resultados económicos se diseñó un ensayo de estrategias de fertilización NPS en la secuencia maíz-soja-trigo/soja-cebada/soja (Mz-Sj-Tr/Sj-Ce/Sj). El proyecto se inició en la campaña 2006/07, con maíz como el primer cultivo, llegando a dieciséis campañas completas en 2021/22. En este escrito se reporta el efecto de las diferentes estrategias de fertilización NPS sobre los rendimientos anuales, los rendimientos acumulados, el balance de nutrientes y su nivel final en el suelo luego de dieciséis años, la eficiencia de recuperación de P y los resultados económicos.EEA PergaminoFil: Ferraris, Gustavo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Grupo Manejo de cultivos; ArgentinaFil: Paolilli, María Cecilia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Desarrollo Rural; ArgentinaFil: Toribio, M. Profertil S.A Investigación y Desarrollo; ArgentinaFil: Falconi, R. El Ceibo Cereales S.A.; ArgentinaFil: Ferrero, N. El Ceibo Cereales S.A.; ArgentinaFil: Falcone, R. Profertil S.A Investigación y Desarrollo; ArgentinaFil: Moriones, F. Profertil S.A Investigación y Desarrollo; Argentin

    The rotational γ-continuum in the mass region A≈110

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    Abstract Unresolved γ transitions of 114 Te and of 112 Sn sorted into one-dimensional and two-dimensional spectra have been studied. The reaction 64 Ni + 54 Cr at bombarding energies 230, 240, 250, 260, 270 MeV was used and the γ -rays were detected with the EUROBALL array. In the case of the nucleus 114 Te the values of the multiplicity as a function of bombarding energy and of the moment of inertia were obtained. The effective moment of inertia was found to be almost constant in the interval I=20 – 40 ℏ , in contrast to the decreasing behaviour of the dynamic moment of inertia for the terminating yrast band. The ridge valley structures in E γ 1 ×E γ 2 spectra of 114 Te and of 112 Sn were analysed with the fluctuation analysis technique. The analysis of the two nuclei are compared to simulations based on microscopic cranking calculations with residual interactions included. A rather good agreement is found between data and predictions

    Treatment challenges in and outside a specialist network setting: Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours

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    Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms comprise a group of rare tumours with special biology, an often indolent behaviour and particular diagnostic and therapeutic requirements. The specialized biochemical tests and radiological investigations, the complexity of surgical options and the variety of medical treatments that require individual tailoring, mandate a multidisciplinary approach that can be optimally achieved through an organized network. The present study describes currents concepts in the management of these tumours as well as an insight into the challenges of delivering the pathway in and outside a Network

    The DNA Glycosylases Ogg1 and Nth1 Do Not Contribute to Ig Class Switching in Activated Mouse Splenic B Cells

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    During activation of B cells to undergo class switching, B cell metabolism is increased, and levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are increased. ROS can oxidize DNA bases resulting in substrates for the DNA glycosylases Ogg1 and Nth1. Ogg1 and Nth1 excise oxidized bases, and nick the resulting abasic sites, forming single-strand DNA breaks (SSBs) as intermediates during the repair process. In this study, we asked whether splenic B cells from mice deficient in these two enzymes would show altered class switching and decreased DNA breaks in comparison with wild-type mice. As the c-myc gene frequently recombines with the IgH S region in B cells induced to undergo class switching, we also analyzed the effect of deletion of these two glycosylases on DSBs in the c-myc gene. We did not detect a reduction in S region or c-myc DSBs or in class switching in splenic B cells from Ogg1- or Nth1-deficient mice or from mice deficient in both enzymes