530 research outputs found

    Performance of Embedded Fiber Optic Sensors in Composite Structures

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    The technology of fiber optic sensors, initially developed for use in aerospace industry, is currently investigated for its applicability in civil engineering. Advances in the structural application of this technology will facilitate the use of built-in monitoring capability in reinforced concrete members, and consequently enable the production of smart structures. This paper investigates the development of a Fiber Optic Bragg Grating Sensor (FOBGS) for embedding in concrete members to measure strain and monitor cracks. Tests were carried out on a steel plate subjected to flexural stress and reinforced concrete beams subjected to axial tensile stress and temperature change. The FOBGS was employed to track the behaviour of these members under loading conditions. A theoretical analysis was performed on the tested specimens to estimate strain values and cracking loads. Good agreement was found between the theoretical and the experimental results

    Experimental Studies on Reinforced Hollow-Block Concrete Sections

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    This study evaluates two different types of techniques for concrete hollow-block sections reinforced with traditional steel rebars and wire meshes, and compares their structural behaviour to that of an ordinary reinforced concrete beam section. The comparisons are based on the responses both before and after they were repaired with Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymers (GFRP). The specimens were subjected to concentrated loading up to initial failure. After failure, the specimens were repaired and loaded once again until ultimate failure. It was shown that the success of the repair by GFRP depended on the mode of failure of the hollow-block concrete beams


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membuktikan pengaruh intellectual capital, corporate social responsibility, dan struktur modal yang diproksikan dengan debt to equity ratio (DER) terhadap kinerja keuangan yang diproksikan dengan return on assets (ROA). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling, yaitu pemilihan sampel dengan kriteria-kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Berdasarkan metode purposive sampling tersebut didapatkan sebanyak 72 sampel dari 18 perusahaan makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan periode pengamatan 2015 sampai dengan 2018. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah uji asumsi klasik dan uji hipotesis serta analisis regresi linier berganda dengan alat bantu aplikasi SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions). Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linier berganda dengan tingkat signifikansi 5%, maka hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, intellectual capital berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan, corporate social responsibility tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan, dan struktur modal berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan. secara simultan seluruh variabel independen didalam penelitian ini berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Kemudian hasil estimasi regresi menunjukkan kemampuan prediksi dari 3 variabel independen tersebut terhadap kinerja perusahaan sebesar 56%, sedangkan sisanya 44% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain diluar model yang tidak dimasukkan kedalam penelitian in

    Eksistensi Kesenian Kuda Lumping Turangga Tunggak Semi di Era Globalisasi dan Endemi Covid-19: Suatu Pendekatan Budaya

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                                                                         AbstractCulture is a form of creation and work in society that can be expressed in various forms. One of the cultural elements mentioned is traditional art. Kuda Lumping is one of the traditional arts in the form of dance with horse movements. The city of Semarang as the capital of Central Java province also has the Kuda Lumping art called Kuda Lumping Turangga Tunggak Semi. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with an emic approach. In the interview, the researcher used SLC technique with an emic perspective so that the data were collected in the form of narratives, stories, and the original language of the construction of the sources in the form of recordings, without any interpretation from the researchers. The data obtained were transcribed and reduced and then abstracted which aims to display the facts. The art of Kuda Lumping Turangga Tunggak Semi was brought from Demak by Mbah Sargi in the 70s. The origin of the art of Kuda Lumping Turangga Tunggak Semi comes from the story of King Kelono Suwodhono and his horse army against the giant Buto Ijo. This art is often performed on an annual basis at the “Merti Desa” event in Jurang Belimbing Village, Tembalang. There needs to be more attention from the local government in the right way so that the arts develop better.Keyword:  Culture; Art; Leathered Horse; Jurang Belimbing AbstrakKebudayaan merupakan salah satu bentuk hasil cipta dan karya dalam masyarakat yang dapat diekspresikan ke dalam berbagai bentuk. Salah satu unsur kebudayan yang disebutkan adalah kesenian tradisional. Kuda Lumping menjadi salah satu kesenian tradisional berupa tarian dengan gerakan-gerakan kuda.Kota Semarang sebagai ibukota provinsi Jawa Tengah juga memiliki kesenian Kuda Lumping bernama Kuda Lumping Turangga Tunggak Semi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan emik. Dalam wawancara peneliti menggunakan teknik SLC dengan prespektif emik sehingga pengambilan datanya dalam bentuk narasi, cerita, dan bahasa asli hasil kontruksi para narasumber dalam bentuk rekaman, tanpa ada interpretasi dari peneliti. Data yang diperoleh ditranskrip dan direduksi lalu kemudian diabstraksikan yang bertujuan untuk menampilkan fakta. Kesenian Kuda Lumping Turangga Tunggak Semi ini dibawakan dari Demak oleh Mbah Sargi pada tahun 70 -an. Asal Usul kesenian Kuda Lumping Turangga Tunggak Semi berasal dari kisah Prabu Kelono Suwodhono dan pasukan kudanya melawan raksasa Buto Ijo. Kesenian ini sering dipertunjukan secara rutin tahuanan dalam acara “Merti Desa” di Kampung Jurang Belimbing Tembalang. Perlu adanya perhatian lebih dari pemerintah setempat dengan cara yang tepat agar kesenian tersebut berkembang lebih baik.Kata Kunci: Kebudayaan; Kesenian; Kuda Lumping; Jurang Belimbin


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    Reformasi pendidikan islam di abad 20 menjelaskan tentang pembaharuan pendidikan Islam pada abad 20 dengan pemikiran Islam, serta ide-ide yang juga telah masuk dalam dunia pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memberikan gambaran reformasi pendidikan islam pada abad 20. Metodologi penelitian ini menggunakan tinjauan literatur bersama dengan studi terfokus pada jurnal akademis terkait dan artikel ilmiah.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan reformasi pendidikan islam berimplikasi pada peningkatan sistem pendidikan ke arah yang lebih optimal melalui perubahan kebijakan institusional

    Omega-3 Oil Ameliorate Histological and Ultrastructural Alterations Induced by Cadmium Chloride in Rats Testis

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    Cadmium (Cd) is considered to be one of the major environmental pollutants which have potential threat to human health. Reports of declining male fertility have renewed interest in the role of environmental and occupational exposures in the etiology of human infertility. Cd exposure led to obvious degenerative changes in testicular tissue. This study was performed to investigate the Cd-induced structural effects on the testes and to evaluate the possible protective effect of omega-3 oil in adult albino rats. Thirty adult male rats were used in the present work, divided randomly into five groups, six rats in each group; the first group was considered as a control group and left without treatment except the standard rat chow and tap water. The second group was given 40 mg/L of CdCl2 in drinking water while the third group was given 60 mg/L of CdCl2 in drinking water. The fourth group was given 40 mg/L of CdCl2 in drinking water plus omega-3 oil (4 g/kg diet), while the fifth group was given 60 mg/L of CdCl2 in drinking water plus omega-3 oil (4 g/kg diet), the Cd-treated rats showed dose-dependent histological and ultrastructural alterations which have been ameliorated after exposure to omega-3 oil. The present investigation concluded that omega-3 played a protective role against Cd-induced histopathological changes in rat testis

    Radish Juice Promote Kidney Stone Deposition in Ethylene Glycol-induced Urolithiasis in Rats

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    Urolithiasis is a well-known problem that stones could form in various parts of the urinary system and it is the most common disease of the urinary tract. The current study was planned to investigate the effect of radish juice on ethylene glycol (EG)-induced urolithiasis. Twenty-one rats randomly divided into three groups. The first group was the control group was received normal standard diet and drinking water and the second group represented the model group received 0.75% EG in drinking water ad libitum. The third group received radish juice (2 ml/kg of body weight) by gavage plus EG (0.75%) in drinking water ad libitum. The experiment was conducted for 28 days. The light microscope examination revealed a disturbed histological architecture of the kidney tissues, including dilated renal tubules, aggregation of infiltrated leukocytes inflammatory cells, and crystal deposition in the model group. The EG plus radish juice treated rats showed higher crystal density with improved renal tubule structure and alleviated inflammation. Both treated groups showed various biochemical alterations compared to control group, but the most interest biochemical result was the significant decrease of malondialdehyde, a lipid peroxidation marker, and in the radish plus EG group compared to the EG group. Scanning electron microscopy showed clear structural detail about calcium oxalate crystals in which radish-treated group showed higher crystal deposition and calcified tissue compared to EG group. The present study concluded that radish juice promotes stone deposition but exerted an antioxidant effect

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Peserta Didik dengan Model Tipe Stad Pembelajaran Matematika Sdn 09 Pontianak Utara

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    Aktivitas belajar di Kelas VI SDN 09 Pontianak Utara masih rendah mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa. Dalam pembelajaran guru masih menggunakan metode konvensional, yaitu metode ceramah, pembelajaran matematika masih bersifat verbal, tanpa disertai contoh konkrit. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan perencanaan pembelajaran model kooferatif tipe Stad tentang FPB dan KPK; mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran kooferatif tipe Stad dan mendeskripsikan peningkatan aktivitas fisik, mental dan emosional peserta didik dalam belajar. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif, dalam bentuk penelitian tindakan kelas. Prosedur penelitian mencakup perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD hasilnya meningkatan aktivitas belajar peserta didik, baik aktifitas fisik, mental, maupun emosional dan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik, siklus I nilai rata-rata kelas sebesar 63,4 dan meningkat sebesar 68,2 pada siklus II. Kata Kunci: Model Kooperatif Tipe STAD, Peningkatan, Aktivitas Belajar Abstrack: Study activity at slass VI SDN 09 North Pontianak is still low affect student study result. In learning teacher is still use conventional method, mathematic learning still verbaly, without concrete example. This research is purpose to describe mathematic lesson plan cooperative model type STAD about GCD and LCM; describe cooperative learning implementation type STAD and describe physical activy improvement, mental and emotional of student and study. The reserch use descriptive method, in from in classrom action reserct. Research procedure including plan, implementatio, observation and reflection. The result of the use cooperative learning method type style STAD are increasing student study activy, either phicycal activy, mental, or emotional and also able to increase student study activy, cycle I class average score 63,4 and increase 68,2 cycle II