30 research outputs found

    Abdominal dermocutaneous flap for reconstruction of a bleeding area in necrotizing fasciitis

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    INTRODUCTION: The sequelae caused by Fournier's syndrome are extensive, systemic, debilitating, and deforming. They require both general and local treatments with antibiotics and subsequent debridement to delimit non-necrotic margins, which result from extensive bleeding areas. METHODS: The area affected and described in this study is the upper third of the right thigh. The goal was to use the dermocutaneous excess, usually removed in abdominoplasties. Abdominoplasty was routinely performed, and the cutaneous excess of the hypogastrium was transferred to cover a bleeding area in the upper third of the thigh throughout its extension. In the bleeding region, adequate occlusion was performed, and a tissue with similar thickness and elasticity was used to minimize the deformities that affected both the donor and receiving areas. RESULTS: The bleeding area was covered in a single surgery. CONCLUSION: The use of the cutaneous excess of the hypogastrium to cover the bleeding region of the upper third of the thigh is an alternative technique, which can be conducted in a single surgery in patients presenting excess abdominal skin

    Fall-related traumas in urgent care centers

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify the scope and the characteristics of fall-related traumas in urgent care centers in Sergipe, Brazil and to verify potential associations among the following variables: gender, age, and where the event occurred. METHOD: This descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach was conducted in the urgent care centers of two public referral hospitals in the state of Sergipe, Brazil. The data collection was conducted in November 2010, after approval was obtained from the Human Research Ethics Committee, through a structured interview with a sample of 509 fall victims. RESULTS: Most of the participants were male, between 0 and 19 years old, single, with no impairments or preexisting diseases, nor regular use of medication or alcohol. The victims were brought to the hospital by ambulance and were accompanied. Most events occurred at home, were same-level falls, and most frequently resulted from slipping and tripping during recreational activities with a subsequent fracture, contusion or sprain. Most victims were discharged from the hospital after care delivery. Statistically significant associations were found between place of fall and age and gender. CONCLUSION: There is a high incidence of seeking out care in urgent care centers due to falls, which constitutes a severe public health problem that affects both genders in different age groups. The adoption of preventive measures aimed to reduce such events is urgently required

    Lesões penianas em parceiros de mulheres com infecção pelo Papilomavírus humano atendidas em um ambulatório de patologia cervical / Penile lesions in partners of women with human Papillomavirus infection attended at a cervical pathology ambulatory service

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    Introdução: Em contraste com o grande número de estudos relacionados aos fatores de risco para adquirir infecção pelo Papilomavírus humano (HPV) em mulheres, pouco se conhece acerca desses fatores em homens. Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de lesões epiteliais penianas induzidas pelo HPV em homens parceiros de mulheres com lesões cervicais induzidas pelo HPV utilizando a peniscopia e o estudo anatomopatológico e investigar a associação entre as variáveis. Métodos: Estudo transversal conduzido no Ambulatório de Patologia Cervical do Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Sergipe no período de junho de 2009 a novembro de 2018. Esses homens foram submetidos a peniscopia e biópsia. Foram investigados dados sociocomportamentais desses pacientes. Para análise estatística, utilizamos o teste do qui-quadrado e o teste exato de Fisher com intervalo de confiança de 95% e margem de erro de 5% para realizar associações entre as variáveis estudadas. Resultados: A idade média dos pacientes foi 36,3 anos. As peniscopias foram alteradas em 87% dos casos e a biópsia com sugestão de infecção viral em 41,2%. Houve associação significativa entre idade e peniscopia p=0,025 e entre tipo de lesão encontrada na peniscopia e passado de infecção transmissível. Conclusão: O número de peniscopias alteradas entre os parceiros foi alta, assim como o número de biópsias. As associações entre lesão peniana e idade, e tipo de lesão e passado de infecção sexualmente transmissível parecem ser mais significativas em detrimento de outras variáveis de risco.