1,249 research outputs found
Comportamiento frente a la corrosión inducida por cloruros de armaduras de nuevos aceros inoxidables con bajo contenido en níquel
La utilización de armaduras de acero inoxidable, de los tipos austeníticos y dúplex, con el objetivo de prolongar la vida útil de las estructuras de hormigón, es una alternativa que está recibiendo cada vez más consideración. Los aceros inoxidables son aleaciones fundamentalmente de cromo y níquel, con muy alta resistencia a la corrosión, especialmente por cloruros. El elevado coste del níquel y sus grandes fluctuaciones en el mercado, han favorecido la aparición de nuevos aceros inoxidables con bajo contenido en dicha aleación y, por lo tanto, más económicos, que sin embargo presentan una resistencia a la corrosión similar a los tradicionales. En este trabajo se ha evaluado la resistencia a la corrosión por cloruros de dos nuevos aceros inoxidables de bajo contenido en níquel. Uno de los aceros es austenítico, de producción en forma de chapa, y el otro dúplex, que se comercializa como barra corrugada. La resistencia a la corrosión se ha evaluado, respectivamente, mediante ensayos electroquímicos de dichos aceros embebidos en solución simulada de poros de hormigón y en probetas de mortero contaminados con diferentes cuantías de cloruros. Los resultados de los ensayos se han comparado con los del acero austenítico tradicional AISI 304 y del acero al carbono B500SD
The merchants of death in Colombia: multinationals and human rights
For over fifteen years, several regions have suffered serious human rights violations and breaches of IHL. Thousands of peasants, union leaders and political leaders have been killed, disappeared, displaced, forced into exile, and so on, but who are the perpetrators of such violations? On today's globalized world the conflict actors remain the same for other times?, Does the crime has evolved and progressed to other areas?, What factors make people who commit such violations are likely to be held responsible?
All of the above questions, try to be addressed in this article where it's being from theoretical sources on the principles and functioning of markets be closer to the Colombian reality, especially multinational corporations act Chiquita Brands, Dole, Del Monte and Drummond, from operating in Colombia, more than eighty years, in the case of Chiquita Brands. This is to prove that these companies, as higher denominations of paramilitary leaders in Colombia have had no qualms about paying these illegal armed groups to end just with the participation of workers and communities in decisions their environment.
In this regard million Colombians, belonging to the most vulnerable groups of Colombian society, die, disappear, are tortured, displaced, exiled, etc. As a result of the actions of multinationals established in our country that not only leverage our resources and our workforce at a very low price, but that fund illegal groups to commit the most serious human rights violations, in order to expand and increase profits.
We try to show the magnitude of the negative consequences caused by the multinationals in our territory and the other possible scenarios to go in search of justice against such violations. Thus, the lack of speed and efficiency of the Colombian justice against the actions of such multinationals in our territory, refers to another mechanism we have had to use the victims of these companies: American podium with basis for the "ALIEN TORT CLAIM ACT CLAUSE - ATCA - foreign torts in violation of the law of nations, statute that prohibits and punishes the serious human rights violations of United States nationals abroad or foreigners in the U.S. territory.
This is the only way that specific field of human rights violations victims can make use of events caused by these companies in Colombia, as the United States has been characterized as a country reserved the ratification of various human rights instruments and international humanitarian law, as the Rome Statute.
However, lack of internal regulations regarding human rights violations as mentioned above, various court decisions have been based on the Act on Liability for Damage to Aliens (Alien Tort Claims Act or ATCA, Alien Tort Statute
Comparación intraespecífica de la conducta antidepredatoria de la culebra Thamnophis melanogaster
Se explora la variación geográfica, ontogénica y sexual de la conducta antidepredatoria presentada en laboratorio de una culebra endémica de México. El diseño experimental no demostró que la conducta antidepredatoria fuera influida por la ontogenia, diferencias sexuales o geográficas, aunque el tamaño del cuerpo posiblemente sí la afecta. Se sugiere que la selección natural por depredación es similar en ambas poblaciones y entre sexos, pero posiblemente está sujeta a cambios ontogénicos en Cuitzeo, Michoacán.Se explora la variación geográÀca, ontogénica y sexual de la conducta antidepredatoria presentada en laboratorio de una culebra endémica de México. El diseño experimental no demostró que la conducta antidepredatoria fuera inÁuida por la ontogenia, diferencias sexuales o geográÀcas, aunque el tamaño del cuerpo posiblemente sí la afecta. Se sugiere que la selección natural por depredación es similar en ambas poblaciones y entre sexos, pero posiblemente está sujeta a cambios ontogénicos en Cuitzeo, Michoacán
A role for antizyme inhibitor 2 in the biosynthesis and content of serotonin and histamine in mouse mast cells
Polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine; PAs) are essential for the majority of living cells. Antizymes and antizyme inhibitors are key regulatory proteins of PA levels by affecting ornithine decarboxylase and PA uptake. In addition to PAs, mast cells (MC) synthesize and store in their granules histamine (Hia) and serotonin (5-HT), which are critical for their function. Our previous studies have indicated a metabolic interplay among PAs, Hia and 5-HT in this cell type. For instance, we showed that PAs affect Hia synthesis during early stages of IL-3-induced bone marrow cell differentiation into bone marrow derived MCs (BMMCs) and demonstrated that PAs are present in MC secretory granules and are important for granule homeostasis, including Hia storage and 5-HT levels. A few years ago, a novel antizyme inhibitor (AZIN2) was described whose expression is restricted to a few tissues and cell types including brain, testis and MCs. In MCs, it was recently proposed that AZIN2 could act as a local regulator of PA biosynthesis in association with 5-HT-containing granules and with 5-HT release following MC activation. To gain insight into the role of AZIN2 in the biosynthesis and storage of 5-HT and also Hia, we have generated BMMCs from both wild-type and transgenic mice with severe Azin2 hypomorphism, and have analyzed the content of PAs, 5-HT and Hia, and some elements of their metabolisms. Spermine and 5-HT levels were reduced in Azin2 hypomorphic BMMCs compared with wild-type controls, whereas the amount of Hia was increased. Accordingly, the level of tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (the key enzyme for 5-HT biosynthesis) was reduced and the amount of enzymatic activity of histidine decarboxylase (the enzyme responsible for Hia biosynthesis) was increased in Azin2 hypomorphic BMMCs. Taken together, our results show evidence that AZIN2 has an important role in the regulation of 5-HT and Hia biosynthesis and storage in MCsUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This work was supported by SAF2011-26518 (MINECO, Spain) and P10-CVI-6585 and Bio-267 (Junta de Andalucia, Spain). CIBERER is an iniciative of Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain)
A role for antizyme inhibitor 2 in the biosynthesis and content of histamine and serotonin in mouse mast cells
Polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine; PAs) are required for the survival of the majority of living cells. Antizymes and antizyme inhibitors are key regulatory proteins of PA levels by affecting ornithine decarboxylase, the rate-limiting biosynthetic enzyme, and PA uptake. In addition to PA, mast cells (MC) synthesize and store in their granules the biogenically active amines histamine (Hia) and serotonin (5-HT), which are of critical importance for their function. Previously, we have performed several studies in this cell type regarding the interplay between the metabolisms of PAs and Hia and 5-HT. Our results showed that PAs affect Hia synthesis during early stages of IL-3-induced bone marrow cell differentiation into bone marrow derived MCs (BMMCs) and demonstrated that PAs are present in MC secretory granules and are important for granule homeostasis, including Hia storage and 5-HT levels. A few years ago, a novel antizyme inhibitor (AZIN2) was described. In contrast to AZIN1, AZIN2 expression is restricted to a few tissues and cell types including brain, testis and MCs. In MCs, it was recently described that AZIN2 could act as a local regulator of PA biosynthesis in association with the 5-HT granule content and release. At present, our aim is to gain further insight into the role of AZIN2 in the biosynthesis, storage and release of both Hia and 5-HT. In this study, we have generated BMMCs from both wild-type and transgenic mice with severe Azin2 hypomorphism, and have analyzed the content of PAs, Hia and 5-HT, and some elements of their metabolisms. Both PAs and 5-HT levels were reduced in Azin2 hypomorphic BMMCs compared with wild-type controls, whereas the amount of Hia was increased. Accordingly, the level of tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (the key enzyme for 5-HT biosynthesis) was reduced and the amount of enzymatic activity of histidine decarboxylase (the enzyme responsible for histamine biosynthesis) was increased in Azin2 hypomorphic BMMCs. Taken together, our results show evidence that AZIN2 has an important role in the regulation of Hia and 5-HT biosynthesis and storage in MCs.
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, and CIBER de Enfermedades Raras (CIBER-ER), Faculty of Sciences, University of Málaga, Málaga 29071, Spain. Corresponding author: I. Fajardo ([email protected])
This work was supported by SAF2011-26518 (MINECO, Spain) and P10-CVI-6585 and Bio-267 (Junta de Andalucia, Spain). CIBERER is an iniciative of Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía-Tech. SAF2011-26518 (MINECO, Spain) and P10-CVI-6585 and Bio-267 (Junta de Andalucia, Spain. CIBERER is an iniciative of Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain)
Comportamiento frente a la corrosión de armaduras de acero inoxidable
Se presentan los resultados de la exposición a la corrosión por cloruros durante dos años de tres tipos de armaduras de acero inoxidable embebidas en probetas de mortero
Aceptación y uso de los recursos digitales en telecapacitación del personal de salud de un hospital público de Ancash, 2022
El contexto de pandemia ha originado nuevos cambios y consigo la implementación
de nuevas herramientas digitales en el sector salud. El objetivo de esta investigación
es determinar la relación entre la aceptación y el uso de los recursos digitales en
telecapacitación del personal de salud de un hospital público de Ancash, 2022. La
metodología correspondió a un estudio de tipo básica, enfoque cuantitativo, de
alcance correlacional y de diseño no experimental – transversal con un grupo
muestral conformado por 50 trabajadores del establecimiento sanitario. Asimismo,
se aplicaron dos cuestionarios que valoraron cada una de las variables y que fueron
debidamente validados por expertos en el rubro. Respecto a la confiabilidad, para el
instrumento de aceptación se obtuvo un alfa de Cronbach de 0,953 y para el
cuestionario que midió el nivel de uso de recursos digitales un valor igual a 0,955.
Los principales hallazgos lograron confirmar la relación entre la aceptación y el uso
de recursos digitales en telecapacitación con un Rho de Spearman igual a 0,658.
Asimismo, se evidenció un nivel regular de aceptación (50%), mientras que también
existe un nivel regular en el uso de recursos digitales (48%)
Optimización de la red privada del banco de Machala:
Este proyecto esta dirigido hacia una optimización adecuada de la red de Telecomunicaciones del Banco de Machala, que maximize los recursos de la misma para el año 2000.
Se hace una revisión general de como está estructurada la red de datos del Banco de Machala a nivel nacional, así como la arquitectura y protocolos utilizados en la misma, además de presentar las justificaciones para la optimización de la red.
Se presenta además una descripción de los equipos tanto en software como en hardware, que se plantean como solución en el nuevo diseño de la red del Banco de Machala y se describen los enlaces de comunicación para el diseño; se detallan las consideraciones tomadas en el diseño, se muestra el diagrama de bloques para la nueva configuración y se dan a conocer los diferentes beneficios y desventajas que se presentarían en el nuevo diseño, así como los costos que implicarían ejecutarlo
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