225 research outputs found

    Diseño de un sistema de video vigilancia para el GAD parroquial de Sayausí

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    La presente investigación expone una propuesta con el objetivo de solucionar un problema social como es la inseguridad a través del uso de la tecnología y las telecomunicaciones, para lo cual se realizó un análisis de causa – efecto , encuestas y entrevistas, determinándose que la inseguridad en el centro parroquial de Sayausí ocurre por la falta de control y respuesta inmediata por parte de la Unidad de Policía Comunitaria, provocando la generación de actos ilícitos como: micro tráfico, delincuencia, robos, riñas callejeras, otros. Luego de la investigación de campo realizada a los pobladores del sector con el afán de establecer en forma clara la problemática y en base a la pregunta: “¿Cómo se puede disminuir la inseguridad ciudadana en el centro parroquial de Sayausí?”, se plantea realizar el diseño de un sistema de video vigilancia en el centro parroquial de Sayausí para monitorear los sectores críticos, las cámaras serán instaladas en puntos estratégicos y la central de monitoreo se instalará en las oficinas de la Unidad de Policía Comunitaria, permitiendo así vigilar la zona las 24 horas al día para transformar al centro parroquial de Sayausí en un lugar seguro. El Gobierno Autónomo de Sayausi gestionará los recursos para la implementación del sistema.This research presents a proposal in order to solve a social problem as insecurity through the use of technology and telecommunications, for which a cause analysis was cause - effect, surveys and interviews, determining that insecurity Sayausí parish center occurs by the lack of control and immediate response delivered by the Community Police Unit, causing the generation of unlawful acts as: micro traffic, crime, theft, street fights, and others. After field research to the residents of the sector in an effort to establish clearly the problem and based on the following question: "How can you reduce insecurity in the parish center of Sayausí" it arises perform designing a video vigilance system in the parish center of Sayausí to monitor critical sectors, which will meet at strategic points of the parish center and the base of monitoring will be to support the offices of Unit Community Police, thus allowing to monitor the area 24 hours a day to transform the parish center Sayausí in a safe place

    O controle da hipertensão arterial sistêmica na Estratégia de Saúde da Família Nossa Senhora de Fátima

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    A Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica é uma doença que acomete grande parte da população brasileira e possui uma taxa muito baixa de controle. É um fator condicionante para as doenças cardiovasculares, a qual se classifica como a principal causa de morte no Brasil, também é responsável por grande parte das internações, causando grandes gastos para o país. A Equipe Saúde da Família constatou que a Hipertensão Arterial é um problema prioritário da área de abrangência, por vários quesitos como: a falta de acompanhamento adequado dos pacientes e pela importância desse problema para a saúde da população, que ocasiona vários outros problemas se não houver uma compensação adequada da doença, portanto, este trabalho tem como objetivo propor uma plano de intervenção para se obter o controle da Pressão Arterial da população. A hipertensão arterial dos hipertensos da área de abrangência da Estratégia de Saúde da Família Nossa Senhora de Fátima, da cidade de Natalândia, Minas Gerais. Primeiramente, fez-se pesquisa bibliográfica na base de dados do SciELO e no acervo da biblioteca virtual do NESCON, manuais, diretrizes, livros texto a partir dos descritores: hipertensão arterial, atenção primária à saúde e intervenção. Acreditando no potencial da Atenção Primária à Saúde, o plano de ação utilizou a metodologia do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional com a finalidade de ajudar a equipe a melhorar o seu desempenho junto aos usuários. Isto será possível através da implantação de ações como diagnosticar precocemente e cadastrar os hipertensos, manter a população bem informada sobre o assunto, estratificar o risco cardiovascular de todos os usuários diagnosticados como hipertensos e organizar o serviço para melhor atender aos hipertenso

    Does the level of competition influence the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and service quality?

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    In times of economic instability and increasingly competitive environments, organisations need to differentiate themselves and find the best version of themselves. Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is increasingly present in organisations in general and constitutes an opportunity to improve performance in the sports associations sector. Sporting clubs are organisations of great qualitative and quantitative relevance, although few studies have approached their entrepreneurial character as an opportunity to seek success in achieving their goals. Although the positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and organisational performance has been well established, the moderating role of other variables in this relationship has not been studied to the same extent. The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between EO with its constitutive dimensions (innovation, proactivity and risk-taking), with service quality (SQ) considered as the performance variable. The study has been approached considering entrepreneurship orientation from both a one-dimensional and multidimensional point of view, taking into account the discrepancies observed in the literature. The moderating role of the competition level (CL) of Spanish basketball clubs in this relationship was analysed as well, and this analysis was performed using the PROCESS macro, designed to test moderation by directly evaluating the importance of the indirect effect of the independent variable (X; EO INNO, RISK, and PROAC) on the dependent variable (Y; SQ) through a moderator: CL (M). The study was carried out with 103 Spanish basketball clubs (61% from the national category and 39% from the regional category). The results show significantly higher results in proactivity and EO in national sports clubs. There is also a relationship between all the variables studied (innovation, proactivity, risk taking, EO and service quality). The variables that best explain service quality are risk taking and entrepreneurial orientation. However, there is no moderating role for the competition level in the relationship between innovation, proactivity, risk taking and EO, with service quality

    Physical Education classes, sports motivation and adolescence : study of some moderating variables

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    Adolescence is considered a stage in which there are high rates of sports drop out, and this evidence justifies the need to study those factors that may affect this fact. Importance and Utility of Physical Education Perception (IUPEP) is shown in the literature as a factor to consider when studying this phenomenon, and seems to be affected by the Sport Motivation (SM) of young people. Although the relationship between these two constructs has been studied, it has not been the moderating role that other constructs such as the Professor Learning Climate (PLC) or Student Learning Orientation (SLO) can have in this relationship. The present study analyzes the relationship between IUPEP and SM, as well as the moderating role of PLC and SLO in this relationship. This analyses was performed using the PROCESS macro (Hayes, 2013), designed for testing the moderation by directly assessing the significance of the indirect effect of the independent variable (X; SM) on the dependent variable (Y; IUPEP) through two moderators: PLC (M) and SLO (W). The study was carried out with 267 adolescents from eight classes of public centers in Valencia, aged between 11 and 18 years (mean = 14.04 ± 1.64), 52.8% male. The results suggest that Sports Motivation explains 21% of the Importance and Utility of Physical Education Perception, and, in addition, a moderating role of Professor Learning Climate and Student Learning Orientation in this relationship is observed.La adolescencia está considerada como una etapa en la que existen altas tasas de abandono deportivo, y esta evidencia justifica la necesidad de estudio de aquellos factores que puedan afectar a este hecho. La Percepción de la importancia y utilidad otorgada a la educación física (IUPEP) se muestra en la literatura como un factor a considerar a la hora de estudiar este fenómeno, y parece estar afectada por la motivación deportiva (SM) de los jóvenes. Aunque la relación entre estos dos constructos ha sido estudiada, no lo ha sido el papel moderador que pueden tener en esta relación otros constructos como el clima de aprendizaje propiciado por el profesor (PLC) o la orientación al aprendizaje del alumno (SLO). El presente estudio analiza la relación entre IUPEP y SM, así como el papel moderador de PLC y SLO en dicha relación. Para el análisis se utiliza la macro PROCESS (Hayes, 2013), diseñada para testear la moderación mediante la evaluación de la importancia del efecto indirecto de la variable independiente (X; SM) sobre la variable dependiente (Y; IUPEP), a través de dos moderadores: PLC (M) y SLO (W). El estudio se llevó a cabo con 267 adolescentes de ocho clases de centros públicos de Valencia, con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y 18 años, (Media=14.04 ± 1.64), 52.8 % varones. Los resultados sugieren que la motivación deportiva explica en 21% de la percepción de la importancia y utilidad de las clases de educación física, además de observarse un papel moderador del clima de aprendizaje propiciado por el profesor y la orientación al aprendizaje del alumno en esta relación

    Systemic transport of Alfalfa mosaic virus can be mediated by the movement proteins of several viruses assigned to five genera of the 30K family

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    We previously showed that the movement protein (MP) gene of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) is functionally exchangeable for the cell-to-cell transport of the corresponding genes of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), Brome mosaic virus, Prunus necrotic ringspot virus, Cucumber mosaic virus and Cowpea mosaic virus. We have analysed the capacity of the heterologous MPs to systemically transport the corresponding chimeric AMV genome. All MPs were competent in systemic transport but required the fusion at their C terminus of the coat protein-interacting C-terminal 44 aa (A44) of the AMV MP. Except for the TMV MP, the presence of the hybrid virus in upper leaves correlated with the capacity to move locally. These results suggest that all the MPs assigned to the 30K superfamily should be exchangeable not only for local virus movement but also for systemic transport when the A44 fragment is present.We thank L. Corachan for her excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by the Spanish granting agency DGICYT via grant BIO2011-25018 and by the Generalitat Valenciana via grant PROMETEO 2011-003.Fajardo, TVM.; Peiró Morell, A.; Pallás Benet, V.; Sanchez Navarro, JA. (2013). Systemic transport of Alfalfa mosaic virus can be mediated by the movement proteins of several viruses assigned to five genera of the 30K family. Journal of General Virology. 94:677-681. https://doi.org/10.1099/vir.0.048793-0S6776819

    Endovascular treatment of thoracic aorta injury after spinal column surgery

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    Producción CientíficaA 61-year-old woman with a history of left dorso-lumbar scoliosis and severe dorso-lumbar kyphosis underwent surgical treatment of a spinal deformity. Surgery was conducted on the patient by performing a dorso-lumbar spinal arthrodesis (T6-L5) by means of the insertion of two longitudinal rods and a number of pedicle-expander screws at different vertebral levels. Following the orthopedic surgery, the patient presented paraparesis of the lower limbs and anemia that required transfusion. In the immediate postoperative period, a noncontrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scan was obtained to assess the medullary canal. A deviation of the left screw placed at T6 was detected; this screw projected outward from the vertebral cortex, protruding into the descending thoracic aorta. A contrast-enhanced CT scan showed that the screw had been malpositioned, and the image was highly suggestive of a perforation of the aortic wall, despite a lack of evidence of a peri-aortic hematoma, extravasation of contrast medium, or pleural effusion. The patient remained hemodynamically stable, and the decision was to perform an endovascular repair electively within 24 hours

    Evaluation of a chitosan-based edible film as carrier of natamycin to improve the storability of saloio cheese

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the application of chitosan coating containing natamycin on the physicochemical and microbial properties of semi-hard cheese. Three cheese groups were prepared: samples without coating, samples coated with chitosan and with chitosan containing 0.50 mg mL−1 of natamycin, whose minimum inhibitory concentration was previously determinated on cheese surface. Microbiological analyses showed that natamycin coated samples presented a decrease on moulds/yeasts of 1.1 log (CFU g−1) compared to control after 27 days of storage. Addition of natamycin also affected O2 and CO2 permeability, increasing from 7.12 to 7.68 × 10−15 g·(Pa s m)−1, and from 10.69 to 64.58 × 10−14 g·(Pa s m)−1, respectively. The diffusion coefficient values of natamycin from the film to phosphate buffered saline solution and to the cheese were 3.60 × 10−10 and 1.29 × 10−12 cm2 s−1, respectively. This study demonstrated that chitosan-based coating/films can be used as release system containing natamycin to create an additional hurdle for moulds/yeasts in cheese thus contributing to extend its shelf-life.Plan Galego de Investigación, Desenvolvemento e Innovación Tecnolóxica-Incite (Xunta de GaliciaFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    The psychosocial intervention to family deprivation and/or social disabilities

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    This paper reviews the current panorama of the situation of children at risk of social exclusion, disadvantaged and other existing problems in their families. This is essentially displaying the different possibilities offered to this collective, displaying the improvements that have been doing along the last two decades and how it raises the future and possibilities for them. To make possible this review, we will go around the possibilities in intervention with sector professionals, specific intervention programs existing, how to assess situations of vulnerability and finally see the latest trends in residential care and in family foster care

    Effect of whole-body vibration training on bone mass in adolescents with and without Down syndrome: a randomized controlled trial

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    Summary: Whole-body vibration training (WBV) attracts great interest as osteoporosis prevention strategy. Twenty-six adolescents with and without Down syndrome (DS) (13 DS//12–18 years) performed 20 weeks of WBV. The results indicate that WBV seems to provoke a lesser response in adolescents with DS than in those without DS. Introduction: This study aims to observe the differences between adolescents with and without DS in the effects of 20 weeks of WBV training, on bone mineral content (BMC) and density (BMD). Methods: Twenty-six adolescents (13 DS//12–18 years) were measured with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry before and after the intervention (3/week, 10 repetitions (30–60 s) and 1-min rest, frequency 25–30 Hz and peak-to-peak displacement of 2 mm (peak acceleration 2.5–3.6 g)). Both, an intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis designed to assess the effects on bone mass and a per-protocol analysis, designed to compare poor and high compliers, were performed. Results: The ITT analysis revealed significant increases in all BMC and BMD parameters (dz = 0.66 to 1.64//all p < 0.05) in the non-DS group, whilst DS group improved whole-body, subtotal (whole-body less head), upper limbs (ULIMBS), pelvis, lower limbs (LLIMBS) and spine BMC (dz = 0.75 to 1.76//all p < 0.05) and subtotal, pelvis, LLIMBS and spine BMD (dz = 0.73 to 1.28//all p < 0.05). Significantly greater increases were evident in the absolute and percent changes of the non-DS group over DS group (d = 0.88 to 3.85//all p < 0.05). ULIMBS BMD showed a tendency towards an interaction (f = 0.41 and p = 0.086) with higher increase for non-DS group. When a per-protocol analysis was considered, high-complier adolescents had 8.1 versus 5.3 % of gains in the spine BMC over poor-complier adolescents (d = 0.93//p < 0.05). Conclusions: Twenty weeks of WBV training may improve BMC and BMD in clinically relevant skeletal sites in both groups. Nevertheless, this type of training seems to provoke a lesser response in adolescents with DS than in those without DS

    Actitud del profesorado ante la integración del alumnado con discapacidad y las diferencias entre los colectivos de Primaria y Secundaria

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    En este estudio se analizan las actitudes del profesorado de Educación Primaria y Secundaria que tiene integrados en sus aulas a alumnos con discapacidad. Se han elaborado dos cuestionarios específicos, uno dirigido al profesorado de primaria y a profesores especialistas y otro a secundaria. Planteamos dos preguntas, una sobre la formación académica que recibe en discapacidad el futuro maestro y en la otra se trata de valorar los puntos fuertes de la integración en Primaria y en Secundaria. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el profesorado está mejor formado cuanto menor es su edad y uno de los puntos fuertes de la integración es la implicación y aceptación del profesorado existiendo divergencias entre el de Primaria y Secundaria.This study analyzes the attitudes of teachers in primary and secondary education that is integrated into their classrooms for students with disabilities. They have developed two specific ques- tionnaires, one aimed at primary teachers and specialist teachers and another school. Asked two questions, one on the academic training they receive in the future disability teacher and the other is about assessing the strengths of integration in Primary and Secondary. The results indicate that teachers are better trained in the lower age and one of the strengths of integration is the acceptance of teacher involvement and differences exist between primary and secondary.peerReviewe