198 research outputs found

    Linking spatial patterns to forest ecological processes by using spatial statistical methods

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    Similar variation in carbon storage between deciduous and evergreen treeline species across elevational gradients

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    Background and Aims The most plausible explanation for treeline formation so far is provided by the growth limitation hypothesis (GLH), which proposes that carbon sinks are more restricted by low temperatures than by carbon sources. Evidence supporting the GLH has been strong in evergreen, but less and weaker in deciduous treeline species. Here a test is made of the GLH in deciduous-evergreen mixed species forests across elevational gradients, with the hypothesis that deciduous treeline species show a different carbon storage trend from that shown by evergreen species across elevations. Methods Tree growth and concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs) in foliage, branch sapwood and stem sapwood tissues were measured at four elevations in six deciduous-evergreen treeline ecotones (including treeline) in the southern Andes of Chile (40°S, Nothofagus pumilio and Nothofagus betuloides; 46°S, Nothofagus pumilio and Pinus sylvestris) and in the Swiss Alps (46°N, Larix decidua and Pinus cembra). Key Results Tree growth (basal area increment) decreased with elevation for all species. Regardless of foliar habit, NSCs did not deplete across elevations, indicating no shortage of carbon storage in any of the investigated tissues. Rather, NSCs increased significantly with elevation in leaves (P < 0·001) and branch sapwood (P = 0·012) tissues. Deciduous species showed significantly higher NSCs than evergreens for all tissues; on average, the former had 11 % (leaves), 158 % (branch) and 103 % (sapwood) significantly (P < 0·001) higher NSCs than the latter. Finally, deciduous species had higher NSC (particularly starch) increases with elevation than evergreens for stem sapwood, but the opposite was true for leaves and branch sapwood. Conclusions Considering the observed decrease in tree growth and increase in NSCs with elevation, it is concluded that both deciduous and evergreen treeline species are sink limited when faced with decreasing temperatures. Despite the overall higher requirements of deciduous tree species for carbon storage, no indication was found of carbon limitation in deciduous species in the alpine treeline ecoton

    Single-provenance mature conifers show higher non-structural carbohydrate storage and reduced growth in a drier location

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    Since growth is more sensitive to drought than photosynthesis, trees inhabiting dry regions are expected to exhibit higher carbohydrate storage and less growth than their conspecifics from more humid regions. However, the same pattern can be the result of different genotypes inhabiting contrasting humidity conditions. To test if reduced growth and high carbohydrate storage are environmentally driven by drought, we examined the growth and non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) concentrations in single-provenance stands of mature trees of Pinus contorta Douglas and Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex C. Lawson planted at contrasting humidity conditions (900 versus 300 mm of annual precipitation) in Patagonia, Chile. Individual tree growth was measured for each species and at each location as mean basal area increment of the last 10 years (BAI10), annual shoot elongation for the period 2011-14, and needle length for 2013 and 2014 cohorts. Additionally, needle, branch, stem sapwood and roots were collected from each sampled tree to determine soluble sugars, starch and total NSC concentrations. The two species showed lower mean BAI10 and 2013 needle length in the dry site; P. ponderosa also had lower annual shoot extension for 2011 and 2014, and lower 2014 needle length, in the dry than in the mesic site. By contrast, NSC concentrations of all woody tissues for both species were either similar or higher in the dry site when compared with the mesic site. Patterns of starch and sugars were substantially different: starch concentrations were similar between sites except for roots of P. ponderosa, which were higher in the dry site, while sugar concentrations of all woody tissues in both species were higher in the dry site. Overall, our study provides evidence that reduced growth along with carbon (C) accumulation is an environmentally driven response to drought. Furthermore, the significant accumulation of low-molecular weight sugars in the dry site is compatible with a prioritized C allocation for osmoregulation. However, since this accumulation did not come at the expense of reduced starch, it is unlikely that growth was limited by C supply in the dry site

    Introducción al análisis espacial de datos en ecología y ciencias ambientales: Métodos y aplicaciones

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    Nuevos antecedentes en la distribución y ecología de Botrychium dusenii (H. Christ.) Alston (Ophioglossaceae) asociado a ambientes antropogénicos de la provincia de Coyhaique, Región de Aysén, Chile

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    Conducting botanical and ecological explorations with the objective of studying the floristic composition of post-firecommunities in the Aysén Region, we found new regional records of the fern Botrychium dusenii (H. Christ.) Alston(Ophioglossaceae). These findings, that extend the north limit of the species distribution, occurred in open areas affectedby historical human-provoked fires (happening between 1950 and 1960) during the regional process of colonization.Conducting botanical and ecological explorations with the objective of studying the floristic composition of post-firecommunities in the Aysén Region, we found new regional records of the fern Botrychium dusenii (H. Christ.) Alston(Ophioglossaceae). These findings, that extend the north limit of the species distribution, occurred in open areas affectedby historical human-provoked fires (happening between 1950 and 1960) during the regional process of colonization

    Plan de mejora en señalización para senderos y atractivos turísticos de la parroquia Abdón Calderón del cantón Santa Isabel, Azuay

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    Este trabajo de titulación se elaboró con el propósito de desarrollar un plan de mejora en la señalización para senderos y atractivos turísticos de la parroquia Abdón Calderón del cantón Santa Isabel, Azuay. A pesar del potencial turístico de la zona, los atractivos del territorio no han sido aprovechados de manera óptima debido a la falta de señalética turística. El objetivo del plan propuesto es mejorar y diseñar una nueva señalética para los senderos turísticos y los atractivos de la parroquia. Para lograr esto, se realizó un análisis del territorio para comprender la situación actual de la señalización y los senderos turísticos. Posteriormente, se elaboró el diseño técnico de la señalética turística que se implementaría en la zona. Por último, se llevó a cabo un análisis de la incidencia en el desarrollo local a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas. En virtud de esto, la implementación del Plan de mejora en la señalización para senderos y atractivos turísticos no sólo busca atraer la visita de más turistas, sino también promover el compromiso local en la creación de nuevas fuentes de empleo y emprendimientos vinculados o no al turismo, fortaleciendo así la economía y mejorando la calidad de vida de la parroquia Abdón Calderón.Palabras clave: señalización, atractivos turísticos, parroquia Abdón Calderón, desarrollo localThis titling work was prepared with the purpose of developing a plan to improve the signaling for trails and tourist attractions of the Abdón Calderón parish of the Santa Isabel canton, Azuay. In the parish La Unión-Abdón Calderón, because despite the tourist potential of the area, the attractions of the territory have not been used optimally due to the scarcity of tourist signage. The proposed plan aims to improve and design new signage for the tourist trails and attractions of the parish. To achieve this, an analysis of the territory was carried out to understand the current situation of signage and tourist trails. Next, the technical design of the tourist signage that would be incorporated into the area was developed. Finally, an analysis of the impact on local development was carried out through semi-structured interviews. In this virtue, the implementation of the Plan to improve signage for trails and tourist attractions would seek not only to attract the visit of more tourists, but also to promote local commitment in the creation of new sources of employment and enterprises linked or not to tourism, thus strengthening the economy and improving the quality of life of the Abdón Calderón parish. Keywords: signage, tourist attractions, Abdón Calderón parish, local development.0000-0001-7654-788

    Étudier l’exportation et la commercialisation des grains de café rôti à Berne - Suisse

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    Ce projet vise à faire une étude sur l'exportation et la commercialisation de grains de café rôti exotique à Berne en Suisse, à travers un plan stratégique de marketing qui permet de faire connaître le produit. Dans ce que nous voulons identifier les exportations sont faites vers Berne depuis notre pays et ainsi définir la présentation et la promotion de ce que nous voulons offrir. Pour quelque chose qui est reconnu par notre pays est le café que la Colombie est l'un des plus grands exportateurs de ce produit à l'Union européenne, ainsi que la Suisse est l'un des pays ayant la plus forte consommation de café. Notre objectif de cette recherche est de tirer avantage de consommer ce produit délicieux et faire un plan de marketing numérique pour faire connaître et promouvoir notre café exotique et différent à différents types d'établissements tels que les restaurants, les bureaux, et les cafés dans la ville de Berne.CHAPITRE 1 Introduction Introduction à l'étude Énoncé du problème Justification du travail de recherche Question de recherche et objectif (s) Objectif général Objectifs spécifiques: CHAPITRE 2 Cadre théorique et état de l'art Introduction au chapitre Cadre théorique Plan Marketing Café Spéciale Neuromarketing Marketing International État de l'art CHAPITRE 3 Conception de la recherche Introduction au chapitre Type d'étude Contexte Participants Instruments de collecte de données CHAPITRE 4 Conclusions Introduction au chapitre Comparaison du travail de recherche avec les études précédentes Importance de votre travail de recherche Limite de l’étude Projections de la recherche RéférencesPregradoProfesional en Lenguas ModernasLenguas Moderna

    Trait-based tests of coexistence mechanisms

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    Abstract Recent functional trait studies have shown that trait differences may favour certain species (environmental filtering) while simultaneously preventing competitive exclusion (niche partitioning). However, phenomenological trait-dispersion analyses do not identify the mechanisms that generate niche partitioning, preventing trait-based prediction of future changes in biodiversity. We argue that such predictions require linking functional traits with recognised coexistence mechanisms involving spatial or temporal environmental heterogeneity, resource partitioning and natural enemies. We first demonstrate the limitations of phenomenological approaches using simulations, and then (1) propose trait-based tests of coexistence, (2) generate hypotheses about which plant functional traits are likely to interact with particular mechanisms and (3) review the literature for evidence for these hypotheses. Theory and data suggest that all four classes of coexistence mechanisms could act on functional trait variation, but some mechanisms will be stronger and more widespread than others. The highest priority for future research is studies of interactions between environmental heterogeneity and trait variation that measure environmental variables at within-community scales and quantify species&apos; responses to the environment in the absence of competition. Evidence that similar trait-based coexistence mechanisms operate in many ecosystems would simplify biodiversity forecasting and represent a rare victory for generality over contingency in community ecology