282 research outputs found

    Blitzkrieg against democracy: gender equality and the rise of the populist radical right in Spain

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    Populist radical right parties (PRRPs) are generally considered detrimental to democracy. Research on their damaging potential tends to focus on their influence in triggering policy backsliding but leaves the promotion of gender equality out of the equation. This study explores the case of Vox in Andalusia, a southern region of Spain, to show how PRRPs also contribute to de-democratization through their capacity to erode the equality framework. We demonstrate how they can effectively dismantle and reframe crucial policies, even when not in office. This opens new analytical pathways for studying the role of PRRPs in undermining democratic systems.Alba Alonso wishes to acknowledge the funding received from the Xunta de Galicia to support her research group Rede Armela USC (grant number ED431B 2020/23).S

    Elaboración y aplicación de cuentos de convivencia para mejorar el buen vivir, en la ludoteca de la carrera de parvularia en la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi de la parroquia Eloy Alfaro, cantón Latacunga, provincia de Cotopaxi, durante el periodo 2011-2012

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    This research was guided at the development and implementation of the tales of coexistence in order to improve the good life, in order that children find a communication link that favors the development of language and interactions with other kids; generating confidence and cognitively preparing to achieve the expected learning; through reading the child learns and demonstrates his/her ability to solve simple or complex problems, and the availability of having diversity of stories to increase the Good Life and Coexistence. The need to establish a communication to achieve a healthy coexistence among partners involves collecting stories of coexistence to enhance the talent and imagination in preschool children in the Ludoteca at Preliminary Education Major, achievement proposal in Children Education, and the development of abilities and skills in reading that combine the playful with the affective. The study methodology consisted of applying a survey to teachers in education, analysis and interpretation of data in statistical tables and graphs that show the need to present a proposal to implement coexistence tales to improve the good life.La presente investigación se orientó a la elaboración y aplicación de los cuentos de convivencia para mejorar el buen vivir, con la finalidad de que los infantes encuentren un vínculo de comunicación que favorezca el desarrollo del lenguaje y las interacciones con otros niños; generando autoconfianza y cognitivamente la preparación para alcanzar los aprendizajes esperados; a través de la lectura el niño aprende y demuestra su capacidad para resolver problemas simples o complejos, así como la disponibilidad de contar con diversidad de cuentos para mejorar el Buen Vivir y Convivencia. La necesidad de establecer una comunicación orientada a lograr una sana convivencia entre compañeros, implica la recopilación de cuentos de convivencia para mejorar el talento y la imaginación en los párvulos en la ludoteca de la carrera de Parvularia, el logro de los objetivos propuestos en la educación infantil, y el desarrollo de habilidades y destrezas lectoras que conjuguen lo lúdico con lo afectivo. La metodología de estudio consistió en la aplicación de una encuesta a los actores de la educación, el análisis e interpretación de datos en cuadros y gráficos estadísticos, muestran la necesidad de plantear una propuesta para implementar los cuentos de convivencia para mejorar el buen vivir

    El trabajo colaborativo mediado por la herramienta classroom como parte de una estrategia didáctica para la enseñanza de las matemáticas en el grado 8° de la i.e.d colegio técnico Palermo de la ciudad de Bogotá d.c.

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    Este PIE (Proyecto de Intervención Educativa) trata sobre el trabajo colaborativo en interacción con la herramienta classroom, como estrategia didáctica para optimizar la enseñanza de las matemáticas en grado 8° de la IED Colegio técnico Palermo de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. En el planteamiento del problema se detecta que dicha institución presenta dificultades en la enseñanza de las matemáticas, debido a la ausencia de metodologías activas donde el estudiante se involucre como agente creador de nuevos conocimientos y el aprovechamiento de los recursos tecnológicos. El objetivo principal está dirigido a optimizar el trabajo colaborativo mediado por la herramienta classroom como parte de una estrategia didáctica para la enseñanza de las matemáticas en el grado 8°; dado que está metodología ayuda al desarrollo del pensamiento en los educandos y les permite generar nuevos conocimientos; como parte de una sociedad, les conlleva a buscar alternativas de solución de conflictos dentro de sus comunidades, como lo es la IED contribuyendo al mejoramiento de las estrategias pedagógicas con el apoyo de herramientas tecnológicas; que a su vez permiten al estudiante el desarrollo de pensamiento crítico y analítico en respuestas a diferentes situaciones en su vida cotidianas y así dar solución a los mismos. En el estado del arte se examinaron varios autores, dentro de los que se resalta Vygotsky, quien relaciona su teoría de pensamiento y lenguaje con el trabajo colaborativo estableciendo una relación entre el mejoramiento del aprendizaje del ser humano en la medida que interactúa con los demás y el conocimiento construido a través del diálogo, como se hace por medio del trabajo.This PIE (Educational Intervention Project) deals with collaborative work in interaction with the classroom tool, as a didactic strategy to optimize teaching of mathematics in grade 8 of the IED Palermo Technical College of the city of Bogotá D.C. In the statement of the problem, it is detected that said institution presents difficulties in the mathematics teaching, due to the absence of active methodologies where the student get involved as a creative agent of new knowledge and the use of resources technological. The main objective is aimed at optimizing collaborative work mediated by the classroom tool as part of a didactic strategy for teaching the math in grade 8; given that this methodology helps the development of thinking in students and allows them to generate new knowledge; as part of a society, leads to seeking alternative conflict solutions within their communities, such as the IED contributing to the improvement of pedagogical strategies with the support of tools technological; which in turn allow the student the development of critical and analytical thinking in responses to different situations in their daily life and thus provide solutions to them. In the state of the art, several authors were examined, among which Vygotsky stands out, who relates his theory of thought and language to collaborative work establishing a relationship between the improvement of learning of the human being to the extent that he interacts with others and the knowledge built through dialogue, as it is done through work

    In vitro cytotoxic effects and apoptosis induction by a methanol leaf extract of carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.)

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    This research evaluated the in vitro apoptotic inducing properties of a methanol leaf extract of carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) on a human cervical adenocarcinoma cell line (HeLa). The cell viability effect on a prostate (DU-145), breast (MDA-MB-231) and colon cell line (HCT-166) was also assessed. The effect of the extract on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by HeLa cells was studied, and a phytochemical evaluation was made by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC). Total mean yield of identified phenols was 261.1 mg/g DW, and (+)-catechin was the major compound (76.8 mg/g DW). The extract decreased cell viability in a dose-and time-dependent manner, and a more pronounced effect on HeLa line was observed. In vitro cytotoxic activity was associated with apoptosis, but not to the increase of ROS production. Among the tested compounds identified in the extract, the highest activity was detected with gallic acid (GA), (+)-catechin and quercetin, with reductions in HeLa cells viability down to 8.0, 11.9 and 27.1%, respectively. This is the first report on the apoptotic activity of a leaf extract of carob tree on a human cancer cell line, suggesting that it may be a potential source of chemopreventive compounds

    Genetic Polymorphisms in VEGFR Coding Genes (FLT1/KDR) on Ranibizumab Response in High Myopia and Choroidal Neovascularization Patients

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    A severe form of myopia defined as pathologic/high myopia is the main cause of visual impairment and one of the most frequent causes of blindness worldwide. It is characterized by at least 6 diopters or axial length (AL) of eyeball > 26 mm and choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in 5 to 10% of cases. Ranibizumab is a humanized recombinant monoclonal antibody fragment targeted against human vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) used in the treatment of CNV. It acts by preventing VEGF-A from interacting with its receptors (VEGFR-1 and -2) encoded by the FLT1 and KDR genes. Several studies found that the KDR and FLT1 genotypes may represent predictive determinants of efficacy in ranibizumab-treated neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) patients. We performed a retrospective study to evaluate the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in VEGFR coding genes with the response rate to ranibizumab in patients with high myopia and CNV. In the association study of genotypes in FLT1 with the response to ranibizumab, we found a significant association between two FLT1 variants (rs9582036, rs7993418) with ranibizumab efficacy at the 12-month follow-up. About the KDR gene, we found that two KDR variants (rs2305948, rs2071559) are associated with best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) improvement and KDR (rs2239702) is associated with lower rates of BCVA worsening considering a 12-month follow-up period

    Pharmacogenetic polymorphisms affecting bisoprolol response

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    This article is part of the thesis: Analysis of genetic variants associated with response to bisoprolol in patients with acute coronary syndrome with percutaneous coronary intervention with stent, within the doctoral program in Pharmacy at the University of Granada, to whom we thank for their collaboration. We would like to thank Dr. T. Eschenhagen and Dr. K. Kontula for sharing with us detailed information from their articles [16,22] which have allowed us to perform the meta-analysis.β-blockers are commonly prescribed to treat multiple cardiovascular (CV) diseases, but, frequently, adverse drug reactions and intolerance limit their use in clinical practice. Interindividual variability in response to β-blockers may be explained by genetic differences. In fact, pharmacogenetic interactions for some of these drugs have been widely studied, such as metoprolol. But studies that explore genetic variants affecting bisoprolol response are inconclusive, limited or confusing because of mixed results with other β-Blockers, different genetic polymorphisms observed, endpoint studied etc. Because of this, we performed a systematic review in order to find relevant genetic variants affecting bisoprolol response. We have found genetic polymorphism in several genes, but most of the studies focused in ADRB variants. The ADRB1 Arg389Gly (rs1801253) was the most studied genetic polymorphism and it seems to influence the response to bisoprolol, although studies are inconclusive. Even, we performed a meta-analysis about its influence on systolic/diastolic blood pressure in patients treated with bisoprolol, but this did not show statistically significant results. In conclusion, many genetic polymorphisms have been assessed about their influence on patients´ response to bisoprolol and the ADRB1 Arg389Gly (rs1801253) seems the most relevant genetic polymorphism in this regard but results have not been confirmed with a meta-analysis. Our results support the need of further studies about the impact of genetic variants on bisoprolol response, considering different genetic polymorphisms and conducting single and multiple SNPs analysis, including other clinical parameters related to bisoprolol response in a multivariate study

    Universidad y sociedad. Innovación social desde la universidad

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    “Nuestras universidades deben ir mucho más allá: a las obligaciones con el espacio nación donde directivos, profesores, estudiantes y egresados seamos capaces de comprometernos con el futuro de nuestra sociedad, entregándolo todo en el presente. Es decir, que jamás tengamos que decir: “Todo está ya dicho y llegamos demasiado tarde”, sino, más bien, debemos luchar por darle un impulso al optimismo y afirmar con Gilberto de Tournai: “Nunca encontraremos la verdad si nos contentamos con lo que ya se ha hallado […] Los que escribieron antes que nosotros no son para nosotros señores sino que son guías. La verdad está abierta a todos y todavía no ha sido poseída por entero”. Debemos levantarnos en los hombros de quienes nos han precedido en la tarea de formar y educar para poder ver mucho más lejos. La transformación de la universidad debe comenzar por hacer de la búsqueda y transmisión del saber un medio de emancipación mediante el disfrute colectivo del progreso y de la calidad de vida individual y social. Los trabajos que se publican en este volumen son tan notables: la interdisciplinariedad, los procesos de innovación, el emprendimiento, la participación social en procesos productivos, la protección de sujetos especiales, pues se enmarcan en la idea de lograr una cooperación social entre diferentes actores con el fin de reequilibrar un orden injusto. Son este tipo de reflexiones las que deberían invadir los planes de estudio que siguen orientándose a impartir conocimientos, en vez de presentar problemas alrededor del cual se debe empezar a articular la formación de una universidad comprometida con la sociedad”

    Lack of Annexin A6 exacerbates liver dysfunction and reduces lifespan of Niemann-Pick type C protein-deficient mice

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    Niemann-Pick type C (NPC) disease is a lysosomal storage disorder characterized by cholesterol accumulation caused by loss-of-function mutations in the Npc1 gene. NPC disease primarily affects the brain, causing neuronal damage and affecting motor coordination. In addition, considerable liver malfunction in NPC disease is common. Recently, we found that the depletion of annexin A6 (ANXA6), which is most abundant in the liver and involved in cholesterol transport, ameliorated cholesterol accumulation in Npc1 mutant cells. To evaluate the potential contribution of ANXA6 in the progression of NPC disease, double-knockout mice (Npc1-/-/Anxa6-/-) were generated and examined for lifespan, eurologic and hepatic functions, as well as liver histology and ultrastructure. Interestingly, lack of ANXA6 in NPC1-deficient animals did not prevent the cerebellar degeneration phenotype, but further deteriorated their compromised hepatic functions and reduced their lifespan. Moreover, livers of Npc1-/-/Anxa6-/- mice contained a significantly elevated number of foam cells congesting the sinusoidal space, a feature commonly associated with inflammation. We hypothesize that ANXA6 deficiency in Npc1-/- mice not only does not reverse neurologic and motor dysfunction, but further worsens overall liver function, exacerbating hepatic failure in NPC disease