36 research outputs found


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    Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa penggunaan bahasa Inggris sudah tidak bisa dihindari sekarang ini, beberapa orang merasa sulit untuk belajar. Apalagi kemajuan teknologi telah membawa dampak pada cara orang belajar bahasa seperti teknologi pengenalan suara yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran. Namun beberapa media pembelajaran yang ada memiliki beberapa kekurangan. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjembatani kesenjangan tersebut diperlukan media pembelajaran dan praktik bahasa tersebut. Makalah ini berfokus pada pengembangan chatbot percakapan bahasa Inggris menggunakan teknologi speech recognition dan artificial intelligence dengan platform Dialogflow sebagai mesin kecerdasan buatan. Evaluasi terhadap chatbot dilakukan oleh expert review untuk mengetahui pencapaian indikator dan user untuk mengetahui tingkat akurasi respon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua agen telah mencapai semua indikator dan sebagian besar tanggapan memiliki tingkat akurasi 100%. Ketersediaan chatbot diharapkan dapat membantu siswa dalam meningkatkan keterampilan percakapannya

    Use of spent garnet in industry: A review

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    Globally, the increasing concrete production also creates growing demand for growing natural sand which is one of the vital mixing ingredients that act as filler to form a dense concrete. Excessive harvesting of river sand results in its depletion and destroys the existing river environment creating an imbalance ecosystem. Integrating industrial by-product as an alternative material to reduce the dependency on sand supply is attractive to ensure the sustainability of rivers. In relation to that, spent garnet which is derived from the surface treatment process in shipping industry and usually disposed as waste at landfill is one of the choices. Continuous practice of dumping this waste would consume the precious land space and pollutes the environment. Realization on the importance of environment sustainability has driven researchers to discover the possible use of spent garnet as sand replacement in concrete. Thus, this paper presents reviews related to properties spent garnet and its effect on concrete performance. On overall, the integration of suitable amount of spent garnet provides encouraging strength result. Success in integrating spent garnet as sand replacement in modern concrete would reduce its dumping at landfill thus contributing to cleaner earth and sustainable river environment

    Compressive strength and fire resistance of mortar containing crushed cockle shell as fine aggregate replacement

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    Continuous extraction of sand from the river without any control would disrupt the ecosystem in the river. In addition, disposal of cockle shells as garbage contributes to pollution and an unpleasant atmosphere. Thus, the current study investigates the influence of substitution of crushed cockle shell as a partial fine aggregate on the compressive strength and fire resistance of mortar. Five mortar mixes were created by using 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% crushed cockle shell replacement by weight of sand. Compressive strength and fire resistance tests were carried out. The results demonstrate that using 10% crushed cockle shell produces mortar with the highest compressive strength value. All mixes met the target strength at 28 days, with values ranging from 17.52 MPa to 22.21 MPa. Up to 600 °C, the mortar containing 10% crushed cockle shell exhibits more mass and strength loss almost compared to control mortar. Excessive use of crushed cockle shell results in greatest mass loss and strength when exposed to high temperatures. On overall, the incorporation of cockle shell substitute as fine aggregate would reduce the demand for natural river sand and pollution caused by cockle shell disposal

    Eco-coalcrete : Waste-less earth, lively life

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    The palm oil industry and coal industry produce a large number of wastes which disposed of and created environmental pollution. Global demand for natural aggregates for the production of concrete is projected to grow by an average of 7.7% per year to reach 66.2 billion metric tons by 2022 (Kuhar, 2014). Using coal bottom ash (CBA) as partial sand replacement and palm oil clinker (POC) as granite full replacement in ECO-COALCRETE would reduce the use of natural resources. ECO-COALCRETE give a beneficial effect on the environment by lessening the quantity of CBA and POC thrown on landfill sites. ECO-COALCRETE which contains lesser sand and no granite as compared to plain concrete is acceptable for structure

    Effect of spent garnet waste as partial fine aggregate replacement on properties of high strength lightweight aggregate concrete

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    As time goes on, the usage of natural resources for concrete production affects the environment. Both the quarrying activities for granite aggregate harvesting and sand mining destroys the environment. At the same time, industrial by-products namely palm oil clinker (POC) and spent garnet waste which thrown as waste, also cause pollution. The inclusion of spent garnet waste as fine aggregate replacement in POC lightweight aggregate concrete production would reduce the consumption of river sand. This research investigates the effect of using spent garnet waste as a fine aggregate replacement on workability, dry density, and compressive strength of POC lightweight aggregate concrete. Five concrete mixes were prepared by varying the percentage of spent garnet waste as a fine aggregate replacement up to 40% by the weight of fine aggregate. All concrete specimens underwent water curing until the testing age of 7 and 28 days. The specimens were tested to determine dry density and compressive strength. Overall, the use of spent garnet as partial fine aggregate replacement influences the concrete properties. Inclusion of 20% spent garnet in concrete resulted in formation of semi-lightweight concrete with density of 2240 kg/m3. On top of that, the concrete with spent garnet exhibit higher compressive strength of about 60MPa which is about 14% higher than control specimen. Conclusively, the utilization of spent garnet as a partial fine aggregate replacement would save river sand consumption and reduce the dumping of spent garnet

    Performance of palm oil clinker lightweight aggregate concrete comprising spent garnet as fine aggregate replacement

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    The increase in building activity as a result of population expansion has resulted in an overexploitation of aggregate, with disastrous environmental consequences. Simultaneously, the disposal of spent garnet by the shipbuilding industry and palm oil clinker by palm oil mills harms the environment and needs a greater amount of landfill space. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the influence of spent garnet as a fine aggregate substitute on the fresh, mechanical, and durability properties of palm oil clinker concrete. Concrete mixes were created using various percentages of spent garnet as a fine aggregate substitute, including 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%. )e workability, compressive strength, flexural strength, splitting tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, water absorption, and acid resistance of the water cured concrete were all determined. It was determined that using 20% spent garnet increased the compressive strength of lightweight concrete. )e positive filler effect of spent garnet resulted in a densely packed internal structure of concrete, allowing it to have the lowest percentage of water absorption. )e same mixtures exhibited the least mass change and strength reduction when exposed to acid solution. )e results established that ecologically friendly concrete may be manufactured by including considerable volumes of waste from the shipbuilding and palm oil sector

    The need to improve the family cases management system in Malaysia’s syariah courts

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    The increase in family cases today, including domestic violence, failure to pay alimony, infidelity, polygamy without consent, and others, has drawn attention from the public on social media, not to mention the involvement of well known influencers and celebrities. A total of 19,268 cases of domestic violence were reported between 2020 and 2022 (Royal Malaysia Police) (PDRM). In 2020, 5,260 cases were recorded, followed by 7,468 cases in 2021 and 6,540 cases in 2022. When legal action is taken against religious organizations and the government, the situation becomes further tense. The credibility of Malaysia’s Islamic judicial institutions will erode if this predicament remains. The Malaysian Syariah Justice Department (JKSM), the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM), the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), and Bank Negara are among the various organizations involved in these cases. Is there a consistent system in place across Malaysia’s different justice institutions? Consequently, the purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a need to enhance Malaysia’s data management system for Islamic family issues. This qualitative research involved five of the highest-ranking JKSM officers being subjected to in-depth interviews with a line of questions that had been carefully selected and aligned with the study’s objective. A theoretical framework model of Islamic family management was created based on the thematic analysis of the findings. The research findings suggest that there is a significant need to improve the management of family cases in the Syariah Court, including the need to improve the record system and technology between Malaysia’s Syariah Courts. This advancement is significant because it contributes to the development of a Civilized Malaysian and is in line with Malaysia Madani proposed by Malaysia Prime Minister, which prioritizes the development of socially prosperous Malaysian families and communities

    Physicochemical, physical characteristics and antioxidant activities of three edible red seaweeds (Kappaphycus alvarezii, Eucheuma spinosum and Eucheuma striatum) from Sabah, Malaysia

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    Kappaphycus alvarezii (KA), Eucheuma spinosum (ESp) and Eucheuma striatum (Est are tropical red seaweeds taken from Kunak, Sabah, contain essentials source of bioactive compounds to produce variety of functional foods. This study was intended to investigate the physicochemical, physical properties and antioxidant activities related to these edible seaweeds. Physicochemical properties value of swelling capacity (SWC) and oil retention capacity (ORC) in KA species showed the highest value (p<0.05) compared to ESp and ESt, and water retention capacity (WRC) in ESp species was significantly different than KA and ESt (p<0.05). As in physical properties, ESp exhibited higher in moisture content and opacity than KA and ESt. KA showed the highest water solubility (p<0.05) which associated to its carrageenan compound. The antioxidant activities; DPPH and TEAC assay with total phenolic content (TPC) of three seaweed species indicated that KA displayed the highest TPC (19.17±0.04 mg GAE/g DW) and the lowest radical scavenging activity in both TEAC and DPPH assays. Hence, the findings disclose the physical and physiochemical properties and antioxidant values of these seaweeds application as new information and potential antioxidant sources in foods manufacturing commodities

    Supercontinuum generation from a sub-megahertz repetition rate femtosecond pulses based on nonlinear polarization rotation technique

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    A means of supercontinuum (SC) generation is proposed and demonstrated, using femtosecond mode-locked pulses with sub-megahertz repetition rate based on the nonlinear polarization rotation technique. Total cavity length is approximately 522 m, which includes an additional 500 m single mode fiber (SMF) and the fundamental repetition rate obtained is 404.5 kHz. The mode-locked spectrum has a central wavelength of approximately 1600 nm and a 3 dB bandwidth of 16 nm, which falls within the L-band region. The threshold power for the mode-locked operation is achieved at approximately 52 mW. At pump power of 74 mW, the measured pulse width, pulse energy, and average output power are 70 fs, 18.3 nJ and 7.4 mW respectively. The generated pulses are amplified by a 72.44 mW erbium-doped fiber amplifier before being injected into a 100 m long highly non-linear fiber as the nonlinear medium to generate the SC spectrum. The obtained SC spectrum spans from 1250 nm to more than 1700 nm, with bandwidths of 450 nm at a −70 dBm output power level. For comparison purpose, the 500 m SMF is removed from the setup and similar measurements are then repeated for this case


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    A happy family needs to possess a balance between its interior and exterior needs. Such criteria for wellness in the family are also discernable from the voluminous writings of Muslim scholars. However, the reality is, Muslim families nowadays are facing great challenges which have caused moral disintegration, social problems and chaotic economic situations. The government of Terengganu under the “Happy Family Happy Nation” principle in its New Terengganu Transformation initiative has launched 10 special programs to address these challenges. This study aims to analyse the effectiveness of the programs in promoting the wellbeing of families. This paper also offers suggestions for the betterment of the programs, in accordance with the real needs for a happy family. This paper concludes that the programs have partially fulfilled the requirements needed for creating a happy family. Nevertheless, there are several shortcomings that need to be attended to from time to time especially in terms of strategic knowledge, worship, premarital preparation and transportation. Keywords: Family, happiness, Malaysia, New Terengganu Transformation, peacefulness.Cite as: Wan Chik, W.M.Y, Md. Ali, A.W., Mohamad, Z., Ramly, A.F., Mohd Ghazalli, F.S. (2017). Pembinaan keluarga sejahtera: Analisis terhadap prinsip ‘Keluarga Bahagia Rakyat Sejahtera’ dalam transformasi Terengganu baharu [Building a happy family: An analysis of the ‘Happy Family Happy Nation’ principle in new Terengganu transformation]. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 2(2), 306-318.  http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol2iss2pp306-318 AbstrakSebuah keluarga yang sejahtera perlu memiliki keseimbangan antara dalaman dan luaran. Kriteria sebuah keluarga yang sejahtera ini boleh difahami menerusi penulisan para ilmuwan Islam di dalam kitab-kitab mereka. Realitinya, keluarga Islam masa kini sedang menghadapi ancaman yang cukup besar sehingga boleh membawa kepada keruntuhan akhlak, sosial dan ekonomi. Atas kesedaran ini, kerajaan negeri Terengganu melalui Transformasi Terengganu Baharu (TTB) telah melancarkan sepuluh program khas di bawah prinsip ‘Keluarga Bahagia Rakyat Sejahtera’. Justeru, kajian ini menganalisis program-program yang telah diperkenalkan di bawah prinsip tersebut dari sudut sejauhmana ia membantu dalam pembinaan keluarga sejahtera. Beberapa cadangan dan penambahbaikan turut dilontarkan bersesuaian dengan keperluan sebenar sebuah keluarga yang sejahtera. Kesimpulannya, berasaskan program-program yang dilancarkan di bawah prinsip tersebut, ia dilihat memenuhi sebahagian keperluan yang perlu dimiliki dalam sebuah keluarga sejahtera. Pun begitu, masih terdapat beberapa kelompangan yang perlu diperbaiki dari semasa ke semasa terutamanya berhubung elemen ilmu, ibadah, persiapan sebelum perkahwinan dan pengangkutan.Kata Kunci: Keluarga, kesejahteraan, kegembiraan, Malaysia, Transformasi Terengganu Bahar