147 research outputs found

    VARIASI WAKTU SALAT: Studi Kasus Masjid-Masjid Di Kota Parepare Dalam Prespektif Hisab Kontemporer Dan Hukum Islam

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    Prayer times in the Parepare city, such as at the Great Mosque of Parepare, the Senggol Grand Mosque of Parepare, and mosques in all sub-districts of Parepare City still occur differences and time differences. This is based on the author's observation on 18 October 2021. The time of maghrib prayer based on the adhan varies. One mosque calls to prayer at 5:53 pm, while another calls to prayer at 6:00 pm, 5:59 pm, and the latest at 6:02 pm. This problem is the basis of research on prayer time variations in Parepare City with a Contemporary Hisab Review and Islamic Law Analysis. The objective of this research is first, to describe the way or method of determining prayer times in Parepare City Mosques. Second, to analyse the accuracy of prayer times in Parepare City Mosques in the review of Contemporary Hisab. Third, to analyse, describe and compare the difference of prayer times in Parepare City. The result of this research is that the method of determining the prayer time of Parepare City Mosques varies (Ministry of Religion Schedule, Sheikh Sa'aduddin Djambek's Timetable, Prayer Time Application, Hisab Muhammadiyah Version). The accuracy of the praying time of the mosques in Parepare City from the perspective of contemporary hisab has three categories; accurate, inaccurate and passing the time of ikhtiyat (less and more not passing 2 minutes), inaccurate and fatal (passing 2 minutes). The variation of prayer times in the Parepare city from the perspective of Islamic law is that the schedule of the five daily prayers (Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha' and Fajr) at the Al-Azhar Islamic Centre mosque, Al-Muttaqin Mosque and Nurul Asiah Mosque (especially for the Fajr prayer) is invalid, because it has not yet entered the time for the obligation to pray.Prayer times in the Parepare city, such as at the Great Mosque of Parepare, the Senggol Grand Mosque of Parepare, and mosques in all sub-districts of Parepare City still occur differences and time differences. This is based on the author's observation on 18 October 2021. The time of maghrib prayer based on the adhan varies. One mosque calls to prayer at 5:53 pm, while another calls to prayer at 6:00 pm, 5:59 pm, and the latest at 6:02 pm. This problem is the basis of research on prayer time variations in Parepare City with a Contemporary Hisab Review and Islamic Law Analysis. The objective of this research is first, to describe the way or method of determining prayer times in Parepare City Mosques. Second, to analyse the accuracy of prayer times in Parepare City Mosques in the review of Contemporary Hisab. Third, to analyse, describe and compare the difference of prayer times in Parepare City. The result of this research is that the method of determining the prayer time of Parepare City Mosques varies (Ministry of Religion Schedule, Sheikh Sa'aduddin Djambek's Timetable, Prayer Time Application, Hisab Muhammadiyah Version). The accuracy of the praying time of the mosques in Parepare City from the perspective of contemporary hisab has three categories; accurate, inaccurate and passing the time of ikhtiyat (less and more not passing 2 minutes), inaccurate and fatal (passing 2 minutes). The variation of prayer times in the Parepare city from the perspective of Islamic law is that the schedule of the five daily prayers (Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha' and Fajr) at the Al-Azhar Islamic Centre mosque, Al-Muttaqin Mosque and Nurul Asiah Mosque (especially for the Fajr prayer) is invalid, because it has not yet entered the time for the obligation to pray. &nbsp


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    One of the reasons for the variation in prayer times is the difference in the methods used in making prayer time schedules. Differences in prayer times also occur in the city of Parepare, as happened between the two large mosques in the city of Parepare, namely the Grand Mosque and the Al-Azhar Islamic Center Mosque. Based on the observations of researchers on September 20, 2022 the prayer times for the two mosques are different, for example the time for the Maghrib prayer at the Grand Mosque is 17.59 WITA and the Al-Azhar Islamic Center Mosque is 18.01 WITA. This difference is due to the method used by the Great Mosque, namely the Prayer Times of all time and the Al-Azhar Islamic Center Mosque with Contemporary Hisab Ephemeris. The researcher is then interested in studying how the method of determining the reckoning of prayer times of all time and how accurate of reckoning of prayer times of all time is the Great Mosque of Parepare City from a contemporary reckoning perspective. The method used in this research is field research method to examine the beginning of the time of prayer at the Great Mosque of Parepare City. This research aims to describe the method of prayer time throughout the period of the Great Mosque of Parepare City and to analyse the accuracy of hisab prayer time throughout the period of Parepare City from the perspective of contemporary hisab. The results showed that the prayer time of the Great Mosque of Parepare City is a few minutes faster when compared to contemporary hisab.Variasi waktu shalat salah satu penyebabnya adalah perbedaan metode yang diapakai dalam pembuatan jadual waktu shalat. Perbedaan Waktu shalat begitu juga terjadi di Kota Parepare, seperti yang terjadi antara dua Masjid Besar di Kota Parepare yakni Masjid Raya dan Masjid Al-Azhar Islamic Center. Berdasarkan pengamatan peneliti pada tanggal 20 September 2022 waktu shalat kedua masjid ini berbeda, contohnya waktu shalat magrib Masjid Raya 17.59 Wita dan Masjid Al-Azhar Islamic Center 18.01 Wita. Perbedaan ini disebabkan karena metode yang dipakai Masjid Raya adalah Waktu Salat sepanjang masa dan Masjid Al-Azhar Islamic Centre dengan Hisab Ephemeris Kontemporer. Peneliti kemudian tertarik mengkaji bagaimana metode penentuan hisab waktu salat sepanjang masa dan bagaimana akurasi hisab waktu salat sepanjang masa Masjid Raya Kota Parepare perspektif hisab kontemporer. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode field research untuk meneliti awal masuknya waktu salat Masjid Raya Kota Parepare. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan metode waktu Salat sepanjang Masa Masjid Raya Kota Parepare serta menganalisis akurasi hisab waktu salat sepanjang Masa Kota Parepare perspektif hisab kontemporer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Waktu salat masjid Raya Kota Parepare lebih cepat beberapa menit jika dibandingkan dengan hisab kontemporer

    Reorienting Cash Waqf for Economic Development: A Maqāşid Sharia Perspective Study on the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI) Case in Parepare

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    Cash waqf, an initiative introduced by BWI Parepare City, initially aimed to alleviate post-Covid-19 poverty in the region. However, its implementation has proven ineffective and counterproductive to local economic development. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issue, a qualitative study was conducted, consisting of interviews at the BWI Office and PCNU in Parepare City, to gather relevant data.  The study aimed to provide a description of currency waqf from both a fiqh and positive law perspective, while also conducting a Maqāşid Sharia-centric analysis of the reorientation of cash waqf at BWI Parepare City. The first finding showed that cash waqf involved depositing funds in financial institutions for socioreligious purposes. However, the second finding indicated the issue with the current cash waqf implementation in Parepare City, as it lacked orientation and failed to contribute effectively to economic development. This study discusses the implications of cash waqf in facilitating economic recovery, emphasizing the need for waqf fiqh to align with concepts that genuinely benefit the people and remain adaptable to the prevailing conditions. The aim is to ensure the implementation of cash waqf in a manner that supports economic development and maintains harmony with the present circumstancesCash waqf, an initiative introduced by BWI Parepare City, initially aimed to alleviate post-Covid-19 poverty in the region. However, its implementation has proven ineffective and counterproductive to local economic development. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issue, a qualitative study was conducted, consisting of interviews at the BWI Office and PCNU in Parepare City, to gather relevant data.  The study aimed to provide a description of currency waqf from both a fiqh and positive law perspective, while also conducting a Maqāşid Sharia-centric analysis of the reorientation of cash waqf at BWI Parepare City. The first finding showed that cash waqf involved depositing funds in financial institutions for socioreligious purposes. However, the second finding indicated the issue with the current cash waqf implementation in Parepare City, as it lacked orientation and failed to contribute effectively to economic development. This study discusses the implications of cash waqf in facilitating economic recovery, emphasizing the need for waqf fiqh to align with concepts that genuinely benefit the people and remain adaptable to the prevailing conditions. The aim is to ensure the implementation of cash waqf in a manner that supports economic development and maintains harmony with the present circumstance

    The mediating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between role stressor and organizational commitment among postgraduate part time student in Universiti Utara Malaysia

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    Previous studies have been exploring the factor that lead to organizational commitment. Role stressor and job satisfaction are several possible factors that influenced organizational commitment. This study examined the relationship between role stressor which consist of role ambiguity, role conflict and role overload and job satisfaction and organizational commitment using 240 postgraduate part time students in Universiti Utara Malaysia. This study used a quantitative research design, whereby the data was collected using the mail and online questionnaire. Four research questions and four research objectives are solved by implementing suitable descriptive and inferential statistical analyses. All of the main hypotheses of the present study examined used regression analyses. The results of the study show that there are significant negative relationship between all three types of role stressor (i.e. role ambiguity, role conflict and role overload) and organizational commitment. Furthermore the study reveals that only role ambiguity and role overload have significant negative correlation with job satisfaction. The results of this study also reveal that job satisfaction mediated the relationship between three role stressor and organizational commitment. The mediating role played by job satisfaction assisted in clarifying the underlying process that was responsible for the relationship between role stressor and organizational commitment of part time students. Limitation and recommendations for future study were also discusse


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    Abstract : Dhuha time is a special time. Allah SWT swears in the name of Dhuha time and Dhuha time becomes one of the names of surah in Al-Qur'an. This privilege is also included by Allah SWT regarding the law of taklifi for the people of Prophet Muhammad SAW to perform prayers at dhuha time (Sunnah Dhuha Prayer). The scholars of madzhab differ in their opinion in determining the time and the law. Therefore, the writer will conduct a study (study) about the time of dhuha in two perspectives, namely the perspective of madzahib fiqh and hisab of Falak Science (astronomical). The formulations of the problems in this study are: first, how is the dhuha time in the perspective of madzahib fiqh? Second, how is the time of Duha in the perspective of falak? This research is a qualitative research (Library Research). The presentation of the data in this article uses the narrative method, which describes all the findings of the research data. As for the findings in the study of this paper, first there is a mistake of opinion in the initial determination of the time for Duha prayer. Second, According to astronomical hisab the time of Duha starts 18 minutes after the time of shuruq (sunrise).   Keywords : Dhuha, Fiqh, Hisab.Abstrak : Waktu dhuha adalah waktu yang spesial sampai Allah SWT bersumpah atas nama waktu dhuha dan Waktu Dhuha menjadi salah satu nama dari salah satu nama surat dalam Al-Qurā€™an. Keistimewaan ini juga disertakan oleh Allah SWT akan hukum taklifi bagi umat Nabi Muhammad SAW, yakni kesunnahan melaksanakan shalat diwaktu dhuha (Shalat Sunnah Dhuha). Para ulamaā€™ madzhab berbeda pendapat dalam penentuan waktu dan hukumnya, maka berdasarkan hal itu penulis akan melakukan studi (kajian) tentang waktu dhuha dalam dua prespektif, yakni prespektif fiqih madzahib dan hisab Ilmu Falak (astronomis). Adapun rumusan  masalah dalam studi tulisan ini ialah : pertama, bagaimana waktu dhuha dalah prespektif fiqh madzahib?. Kedua, bagaimana waktu dhuha dalam prespektif hisab ilmu falak (astronomis)?. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan metode analisis dalam jenis penelitian kualitatif (Library Research). Adapun penyajian data dalam artikel ini ialah menggunakan metode narasi, yakni menjabarkan dan mendiskripsikan semua temuan data penelitian. Adapun temuan dalam studi tulisan ini, pertama terjadi khilaf pendapat dalam awal penentuan awal waktu shalat dhuha. Kedua, sevara hisab astronomis waktu dhuha dimulai 18 menit setelah waktu syuruq (matahari terbit).   Kata Kunci : Dhuha, Fiqih, hisab

    Pendidikan Berbasis Agama, Filsafat, Psikologis, dan Sosiologis

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    Tujuan Penulisan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui konsep pendidikan. Tetapi pendidikan umum terlihat hanya terpaku pada otak dan pikiran serta kecerdasan ilmu pengetahuan. Iman tampaknya hanya masalah pribadi yang harus dipelajari dan dipusatkan di luar jam sekolah. Penelitian ini disusun menggunakan pendekatan deduktif, khususnya melalui metodologi studi kepustakaan baik dalam buku, artikel, jurnal, maupun media online yang memperdebatkan kepemimpinan akademik yang berkualitas lebih lanjut karena fondasi kepemimpinan akademik masa depan. Landasan pendidikan ilmu sosial di Indonesia menganut paham integralistik yang bersumber dari norma-norma kehidupan masyarakat: (1) kekeluargaan dan gotong royong, kedekatan musyawarah untuk mufakat (2) kesejahteraan bersama adalah tujuan kehidupan bermasyarakat. (3) negara melindungi pemilihnya (4) keseimbangan yang harmonis antara hak dan kewajiban. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan di Indonesia tidak hanya meningkatkan taraf individu manusia tetapi juga taraf struktur masyarakat. Dari garis besar di atas dapat kita gambarkan bahwa kepemimpinan akademis yang berbasis ilmu sosial sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi sosial masyarakat dan pendiriannya untuk orang-orang dan masyarakat biasany

    Komunikasi dan Human Relation Pendidikan Berbasis Agama Filsafat, Psikologi dan Sosiologi

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    Kegiatan komunikasi akan dipikirkan dalam setiap perspektif yang ada dalam kehidupan manusia sehari-hari, khususnya dimulai sejak individu bangun hingga manusia beristirahat tidur. Bagi seorang pemimpin (apapun jabatannya), hubungan manusia dengan semua hal (Komunikasi) dan kondisi ini sangat penting untuk siap diterapkan, karena itu semua akan mencerminkan temperamennya sendiri dan juga citra organisasi yang dipimpinnya. Analisis ini menggunakan metodologi analisis kepustakaan sebagai bahan jalan dan sekaligus teknik pemilahan informasi dengan cara mengumpulkan berbagai literatur yang mungkin dapat digunakan sebagai kajian teoritis. Berdasarkan berbagai alasan dalam tulisan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa hubungan antarmanusia merupakan salah satu teknik komunikasi yang harus siap diterapkan dalam setiap struktur komunikasi untuk mendukung tercapainya berbagai tujuan dari setiap organisasi kesimpulan dari kepuasan timbal balik di antara setiap peserta komunikasi dapat menjadi karakteristik dari setiap teknik hubungan manusia


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    Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) berdiri di lingkungan yang memiliki banyak sejarah, baik yang berkaitan dengan kemerdekaan Indonesia di Bandung Utara, atau perkembangan pendidikan guru di Indonesia. Pengembangan wisata kampus merupakan solusi untuk melestarikan sejarah-sejarah tersebut. Masalahnya, UPI belum memiliki program interpretasi suntuk mendukung hal tersebut. Interpretasi merupakan sebuah proses komunikasi yang direncanakan untuk menyampaikan arti dan hubungan dari warisan budaya dan alam kepada publik (pengunjug) melalui pengalaman langsung dengan objek, artefak, pemandangan atau sebuah tempat. Program interpretasi sendiri merupakan program yang mewadahi proses tersebut. Klasifikasi sejarah fisik yang diinterpretasi dikelompokan ke dalam bangunan atau reruntuhan bangunan, tempat sejarah, tempat arkeologi dan kumpulan objek. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan mengacu pada teori Wells & Lovejoy (2009) dalam tahapan perencanaan program. Hasilnya, terdapat tujuh belas titik di lingkungan UPI yang bersejarah. Ketujuh belas titik ini dianalisis dengan bantuan story development form dari Veverka (1994), mempertimbangkan antara sumber daya sejarah yang ada dengan ilustrasi pasar yang didapat dari kuesioner, serta tujuan-tujuan program pada masing-masing titik. Berdasarkan proses tersebut, didapatkan program dengan media non-personal seperti poster dan pameran (sesuatu yang bersifat memamerkan) di tiap titik, yang disatukan dengan guided tour yang mengikuti jalur wisata kampus yang muncul dari penelitian ini. Guided tour ini dimulai dari Villa Isola, dan berakhir di Museum Pendidikan Nasional UPI dimana terdapat program penutup yaitu living history mengenai budaya dan kebiasaan para pejuang Bandung Utara. Program wisata kampus ini juga harus didukung dengan fasilitas umum yang bisa digunakan oleh wisatawan, sebab pada dasarnya belum ada fasilitas yang spesifik dibangun untuk tujuan wisata di lingkungan UPI.;---Indonesia University of Education (UPI) was developed in a historical area in Northern part of Bandung. The history of how the people strive for the Indonesia Independence and the development of teacher education in Indonesia. Hence, to preserve this spirit and the value of the historical background, it is important to pay attention at developing the educational tourism or campus tour for the students as well as the tourists who will visited UPI. The problem is that UPI hasnā€™t had any interpretation program to support that yet. Interpretation is a communication process designed to reveal meaning and relationship of our cultural and natural heritage to the public (visitors) through first-hand experiences with objects, artifacts, landscape, or sites. Interpretation program is a program which bridges that process. The interpreted history is classified into buildings or ruins, historical places, archeological places and objects. This research uses a qualitative approach and Wells & Lovejoy theory (2009) for its steps. As the result, there were found seventeen points (sites) with histories in UPI. These seventeen sites were analyzed with the help of story development form by Veverka (1994), considering the existing historical resources, market illustration from questionnaire, and the objectives of the programs in each sites. Based on that process, the output program consists non-personal media such as poster and exhibition (something to exhibit) at every sites, which united by a guided tour. This guided tour starts at Isola Villa and ends at National Education Museum, where there is a closing program; a living history about cultures and habits of North Bandung patriotists. This campus tour program is also have to be supported by public facilities for visitor because basically, there hasnā€™t been any facility that is built spesifically for tourism purposes yet in UPI

    IgG4-Related Disease : Insights in the pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnostics and treatment

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    IgG4-related disease is a systemic inflammatory disease. All parts of the human body may be affected. This thesis provides insights in the clinical presentations, pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment of IgG4-related disease

    PENGALAMAN SPIRITUAL K.H. BISRI MUSTOFA DALAM NASKAH MANASIK HAJI: TINJAUAN SOSIOLOGI SASTRA (The Spiritual Experience of KH Bisri Mustofa in Manasik Haji Manuscript : A Literary Socio- logical Review)

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    Di dalam naskah lama tersimpan ide, pemikiran, dan pengalaman penulisnya yang hidup di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Naskah Tuntunan RingkasĀ  Manasik Haji (TRMH) karya K.H. Bisri Mustofa (KHBM) mengungkap kondisi sosial masyarakat berkaitan dengan pengalaman spiritual haji penulisnya ke Tanah Suci pada masa transportasi kapal laut sebagai kendaraan pilihannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap pengalaman spiritual KHBM dalam naskah TRMH. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian filologi dan sosiologi sastra. Dari hasil penelitian filologi (kritik teks), dihasilkan kesalahan tulis substitusi sebanyak 16 kata, adisi 2 kata, omisi 3 kata, dan transposisi 2 kata atau kalimat. Naskah TRMH adalah potret pengalaman spiritual KHBM dan juga potret pengalaman spiritual haji masyarakat Indone- sia pada saat itu. Berdasarkan analisis sosiologi sastra diperoleh lima hasil penelitian tentang pengalaman spiritual KHBM, yaitu pengalaman spiritual 1) saat di kapal laut menuju Tanah Suci, 2) saat berziarah ke makam Rasulullah, 3) saat menyaksikan jemaah bertabaruk (mengharap berkah) berlebihan di Tanah Suci, 4) saat menyaksikan air Sumur Aris yang kering, dan 5) saat salat arbaā€™in (salat empat puluh waktu).Abstract:In the old manuscripts,Ā  ideas, thoughts, and authorā€™s experience are stored. The manu- script of Tuntunan Ringkasan Manasik Haji (TRMH) byĀ  Bisri Mustafa (KHBM) reveals social conditions associated with authorā€™s pilgrimage spiritual experiences to the Holy Land author dur- ing sea transportation as choice. The present researchĀ  aims at revealing the KHBM spiritual experiences in TRMH manuscript. In addition, this study also uses philological research method and literary sociology.Ā  The results of the research indicate that in philological research (textual criticism) there areĀ  substitution errorsĀ  as many as 16 words, 2 words addition, 3 words omission and two words or sentences transposition. TRMH manuscript is a portrait of a KHBM spiritual experienceĀ  and also peopleā€™s pilgrimage spiritual experience that occurred at that time. Based on the analysis of literary sociology it can be summarized that there areĀ  five findingsĀ  on KHBM spiritual experience: his observation on spiritual experience during on voyage to the Holy Land, during a pilgrimage to the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad, during the pilgrims praying to expect a plentiful blessing(tabarruk) in the Holy Land, during the experience to see the Aris dry well , and during prayer forty time praying (Arbaā€™in
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