48 research outputs found

    Learners’ Perception Regarding the Role of Native-like English Language Proficiency in a Pakistani Academic Setting

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    Students learning any foreign language must develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and become proficient in the use of that language. In Pakistan, English is a language that is highly used in educational institutions as well as professionally. This research has been carried out by quantitative method approach. This research carries two objectives. Firstly, to explore the Pakistani student’s perception regarding the role of native English proficiency in their Academic setting. Secondly, to statistically analyze the variation in perception regarding the role of native-like English language proficiency in an Academic setting. The data has been collected from a university from university students. The exact number of participants from which the questionnaire has been taken is 30 students from 3 different departments of the university. This research comes with the result that participants generally agreed that good handwriting, fast writing speed, and use of technical words in papers all have a positive impact on their marks in exams. However, they did not agree as strongly that the use of difficult vocabulary increases their marks in exams. This research is beneficial for the students that how they can get native-like English language proficiency. This research is also good for the teachers because this gives them an understanding of designing syllabi for the students. &nbsp

    Concept of Cosmetics in the light of Classical Unani Literature

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    Since very ancient period Unani physicians has paid great attention toward the use of cosmetics. Unani literature is very rich in cosmeceutical formulations taking care of appearance and dealing with cosmetic diseases in humans. In Unani classical text like Kitab-ul-Mansoori, Al-Hawi-fil-Tib, Kamiul-us-Sana, Al-Qanoon-fit-Tib, Zakheera-e-Khwarzam Shahi, the details of cosmetics are mentioned under the headings of Tazeeniyaat. There are several single drugs or compound formulations described in Unani classical text. The use of Unani cosmetics is splendid because of its low cost, no side effect, easily available preparation. There are several Unani cosmeceuticals are described in unani classical text like Solid Cosmeceutical (Ghaza, Ghaliya, Kajal), Semi-solid Cosmeceutical (Tila, Zimad, Ubtan) and Liquid cosmeceutical (Ghusool, Pashoya). Keywords: Unani Medicine, Tazeeniyaat, Ubtan, Ghaza

    Anorexie mentale et myelinolyse centropontine et extrapontine

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    Introduction La myélinolyse centropontine et extrapontine est une complication connue mais rare des hyponatrémies et de leur correction. Elle représente une entité pathologique définie par des arguments cliniques et radiologiques survenant dans un contexte étiologique susceptible d’orienter le diagnostic. L’anorexie mentale est rarement décrite comme responsable d’une hyponatrémie compliquée de myélinolyse centro et extrapontine.Observation Nous rapportons l’observation d’une patiente de 19 ans ayant une histoire d’anorexie mentale depuis 4 ans admise pour trouble de conscience associée à une hyponatrémie. Malgré la correction adéquate des troubles hydro-électrolytiques, la patiente a présenté des crises convulsives tonico-cloniques généralisées et une tétraplégie. L’IRM cérébrale a confirmé le diagnostic de la myélinolyse centro et extrapontine. Malgré l’installation d’un tableau clinique particulièrement spectaculaire, l’évolution était marquée par l’amélioration progressive des troubles neurologiques.Discussion La myélinolyse centropontine est une complication neurologique rattachée le plus souvent à la correction trop rapide d’une hyponatrémie. Dans le cas rapporté, la correction de l’hyponatrémie ne semble pas être l’agent déclenchant du syndrome, l’hypokaliémie et la dénutrition, en induisant une vulnérabilité particulière des cellules gliales aux variations osmotiques, ont probablement joué un rôle favorisant. Le pronostic de la myélinolyse est diversement apprécié mais dans le cadre de l’anorexie mentale, il semble être moins grave. Toutefois aucune corrélation n’existe entre la gravité du tableau clinique, l’aspect radiologique et l’évolution d’où l’importance d’une surveillance clinique et radiologique étroite surtout durant le premier mois

    Design of a device for the assessment of dyspnea patients

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    Dyspnea is a disorder that occurs because of shortness of breath and may lead to multiple complications. Intoxicated dyspnea patients are those who are addicted to alcohol, as well as have breathing problems. Mostly, problems faced by dyspnea patients are inhalation, when they take alcohol with severe concentration. For intoxicated dyspnea patients, there is a continuous need for alcohol breath testing along with breath indicators, since, an individual is prone to alcohol addiction, and faces problems of breathing such as asthma, hypertension, etc. The severe outbreak of dyspnea in these individuals may be deadly. To handle this condition, an alcoholic meter along with an incentive spirometer is designed that helps in the assessment of breathing problems by measuring the alcohol concentration and inhaled air. Several parameters have opted for both inhalation detection and alcohol concentration which include the severity of health problems encompassing asthma, hypertension for the detection of inhaled air, and normal, moderate, severe alcohol concentration. The working of the proposed device is validated through the analysis of these parameters. The results are obtained on the graph as well as on display, which shows a variation in the range among every individual with respect to selected parameters either in incentive spirometer (inhalation detection) or alcoholic meter, and these ranges are also displayed in a numeric form on LCD. The idea is to design an economical and portable device for intoxicated dyspnea patients for emergency conditions which is a combination of an alcoholic meter with an incentive spirometer (IS) for the measurement of alcohol concentration along with breathing problems by making use of sensors. This unique idea of combining an alcoholic meter with an incentive spirometer will aid intoxicated dyspnea patients in case of emergency

    The Effect of Energy Drink on Histomorphological Changes in Skeletal Muscles of Wistar Albino Rats

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    Objective: To observe the histomorphological alterations induced by consumption of energy drinks on skeletal muscles of Albino rats. Study Design:An experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted by the Department of Anatomy in collaboration with the animal house of Liaquat national hospital and medical college (LNH&MC), Karachi from November 2 to December 1 2020. Materials and Methods: For the study, 30 adult male Wistar Albino rats weighing between 140 and 200 grammes were allocated evenly into 3 groups. Group A served as control, kept on a regular laboratory diet. Group B served as a low dose treated group receiving energy drink at a dose of 7.5ml/day while group C received a high dose of drink i-e 15ml/day via gastric tube. All the animals were sacrificed following completion of the experimental period and were subjected to microscopic examination for histo-morphological study. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 25. Results: The Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stained sections revealed significant structural and parenchymal damage in skeletal muscle tissue. The regular parallel arrangement of skeletal muscle fibers was lost with the disappearance of nuclei. Dilated and congested blood vessels were observed in the treated tissues. Infiltration of mononuclear cells was also observed suggesting the inflammatory changes in the tissues of animals treated with caffeinated beverages in the present study. Conclusion: The consumption of energy drinks produces a significant histo-morphological alteration in the skeletal muscles of Wistar Albino rat

    Effect of site conditions and fertilization treatments on morphological traits and mineral content of Aloe vera plants

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of various fertilizer treatments on the morphological traits and mineral content of Aloe vera plants. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in Rabat, as well as two other fields in Skhirat and Sidi Bettach. The treatments including the ‘no application’, control F0 and three treatments which is compost (Organova) F1, compost combined with humus (Humivital) F2, and nitrogen (ammonitrate) 33% F3. The productivity of biomass was estimated based on the variables of morphological traits and mineral content. The effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the different variables of Aloe vera depends on the site. Significant effects were found for the most of the variables such as length, width, dry matter; ash content, manganese Mn, copper Cu, zinc Zn, calcium Ca, potassium K, carbon C, nitrogen N, sulfur S contents. Site effect was significant, with the higher values obtained for length, Width, Dry matter, Ash contents, Ca and N in Skhirat. Site effect was also significant for Mn and Cu in Sidi Bettach, and K in the greenhouse. The effect of the treatment F1 was significantly higher for the length and width of the leaves than F3 and the control F0, in addition F2 was significantly higher for the width of the leaves, nitrogen N and sulfur S contents

    Efficacy of Gabapentin vs Oxcarbazepine in terms of pain, sleep and quality of life in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy

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    Background. The treatment of peripheral diabetic neuropathy is difficult to treat considering the pain is severe, long-lasting and does not respond to analgesics. Gabapentin has been recommended as the first line treatment for DPN but owing to cognitive dysfunction and other side effects the drug is discontinued. Recent studies suggest that oxcarbazepine; an antiepileptic drug has good-efficacy in management of DPN. This prospective, observational and comparative study was done to compare gabapentin and oxcarbazepine monotherapy in patient of DPN. Objectives. We assessed the efficacy of Oxcarbazepine monotherapy in terms of pain score, sleep score and quality of life and compared with gabapentin monotherapy. Methods. 100 patients with DPN or examinations suggesting DPN were divided into 2 groups to receive gabapentin 300- 1200 mg/day or Oxcarbazepine 300-600mg/day. Assessment of pain scores, sleep score and quality of life were done at different duration during the course of therapy. Results. Out of total subject selected, the maximum (46%) subjects were between age group 60-90 years and the least effected were (24%) between age group 50-59 years. Male were more prevalent with 57% when compared to females with 43%. Improvement in Sleep was seen on using Group II with p value (0.0005). However, the correlation of Pain and Quality of life with the treatment shows p –value 0.24, 0.31 and 0.27 respectively showing non-significance. Conclusion. The sleep improved statistically correlated in patients with DPN, but not with quality of life and pain as the calculated p value was (p= 0.24, 0.31 and 0.27) respectively. Findings of this study suggest that oxcarbazepine can be used as an alternative treatment owing to its similar analgesic efficacy and improvement in sleep

    Use of Computed Tomography for Nasal and Paranasal Anatomic Variants

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    Augmentations and improvements in sinus surgical methods and computed tomography (CT) have concurrently elaborated interest in variable anatomical features of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses (PNS). Anatomical variations are normal morphological structures that are present in humans. The presence of these anatomical variations can affect nearby anatomical relations resulting in structural modifications. By the broad perspective of anatomical features in the sinonasal area, certain anatomical characteristics are supposed to be a risk factor for the advancement of sinus pathological conditions and hence it should be essential for the radiologist to be conscious of the variable anatomical structures residing within the nasal and PNS area, significantly if the treatment plan includes surgical procedures. The sinonasal tomographic imaging is required in symptomatic subjects of sinusitis to evaluate the mysterious sinonasal anatomy including morphology, variations, detailed bony visualization, and pathologies within the sinonasal region and surroundings. This review includes studies from 2013-2023 which were extracted from searching databases like Google Scholar, Internet sources, PubMed, Scopus, and Medline to establish a critical review of hidden anatomy of nasal and paranasal sinus region, detected by computed tomography and highlight the operative significance to enhance the surgical outcomes globally

    Optimalisasi dan Pengembangan Produk Unggulan Desa Banyubiru Guna Mendukung Pembangunan Desa yang Inklusif

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    Kondisi geografis Desa Banyubiru yang terletak di Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah memiliki ketinggian yang tepat, curah hujan yang cukup, dan suhu yang sejuk sehingga menjadikan daerah ini ideal dan berpotensi untuk pertumbuhan kopi. Meskipun demikian, potensi besar dari sektor kopi ini masih belum optimal. Sebagaimana daerah penghasil kopi lainnya, petani kopi di Desa Banyubiru menghadapi berbagai tantangan, seperti: (1) keterbatasan pengetahuan dan teknologi yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan produktivitas kopi, (2) masalah pemasaran yang kurang efektif, (3) pengemasan produk kopi yang masih sangat sederhana sehingga mempengaruhi kualitas cita rasanya, dan (4) rendahnya literasi keuangan. Tim pengabdian melakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan teknis serta sosialisasi teknologi terkait dengan E-Smart Integrated Farming kepada petani dan masyarakat Desa Banyubiru sebagai salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas para petani kopi. Kegiatan ini menghasilkan temuan yang menunjukan bahwa penerapan E-Smart Integrated Farming oleh petani kopi lokal dapat membuka potensi besar dalam meningkatkan produktifitas, kesejahteraan, dan perekonomian masyarakat Desa Banyubiru dengan melibatkan berbagai kelompok masyarakat desa seperti petani, Bumdes, dan UMKM. Dari permasalahan yang ada upaya pemberdayaan kopi lokal Desa Banyubiru perlu dilakukan agar dapat mengembangkan potensi unggulan dan perekonomian Desa Banyubiru. Pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat untuk masyarakat dari sisi ekonomi dan sosial