626 research outputs found

    Uniform Topologies on Types

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    We study the robustness of interim correlated rationalizability to perturbations of higher-order beliefs. We introduce a new metric topology on the universal type space, called uniform weak topology, under which two types are close if they have similar first-order beliefs, attach similar probabilities to other players having similar first-order beliefs, and so on, where the degree of similarity is uniform over the levels of the belief hierarchy. This topology generalizes the now classic notion of proximity to common knowledge based on common p-beliefs (Monderer and Samet (1989)). We show that convergence in the uniform weak topology implies convergence in the uniform strategic topology (Dekel, Fudenberg, and Morris (2006)). Moreover, when the limit is a finite type, uniform-weak convergence is also a necessary condition for convergence in the strategic topology. Finally, we show that the set of finite types is nowhere dense under the uniform strategic topology. Thus, our results shed light on the connection between similarity of beliefs and similarity of behaviors in games.Rationalizability, Incomplete information, Higher-order beliefs, Strategic topology, Electronic mail game

    Uniform topologies on types

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    We study the robustness of interim correlated rationalizability to perturbations of higher-order beliefs. We introduce a new metric topology on the universal type space, called uniform weak topology, under which two types are close if they have similar first-order beliefs, attach similar probabilities to other players having similar first-order beliefs, and so on, where the degree of similarity is uniform over the levels of the belief hierarchy. This topology generalizes the now classic notion of proximity to common knowledge based on common p-beliefs (Monderer and Samet 1989). We show that convergence in the uniform weak topology implies convergence in the uniform strategic topology (Dekel, Fudenberg, and Morris 2006). Moreover, when the limit is a finite type, uniform-weak convergence is also a necessary condition for convergence in the strategic topology. Finally, we show that the set of finite types is nowhere dense under the uniform strategic topology. Thus, our results shed light on the connection between similarity of beliefs and similarity of behaviors in games.Rationalizability, incomplete information, higher-order beliefs, strategic topology, electronic mail game

    Reputation Effects and Equilibrium Degeneracy in Continuous-Time Games

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    We study a class of continuous-time reputation games between a large player and a population of small players in which the actions of the large player are imperfectly observable. The large player is either a normal type, who behaves strategically, or a behavioral type, who is committed to playing a certain strategy. We provide a complete characterization of the set of sequential equilibrium payoffs of the large player using an ordinary differential equation. In addition, we identify a sufficient condition for the sequential equilibrium to be unique and Markovian in the small players’ posterior belief. An implication of our characterization is that when the small players are certain that they are facing the normal type, intertemporal incentives are trivial: the set of equilibrium payoffs of the large player coincides with the convex hull of the set of static Nash equilibrium payoffs

    Los judíos en las cortes reales portuguesas

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    On the basis of Jewish and Christian sources, specially the «Livros de Chancellaria» of the kings, kept in the «Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo» in Lisbon, it is described the shape of the «judeu de corte», from the consolidation of the Lusitanian State (12th century) to the appearence of the «cristão novo» problem in Portuguese society at the end of the 15th century. In the author's opinion, the participation of Jewish personalities in the Court affairs made very difficult the relationships between Jews and Christians in the society of that time.A partir de fuentes cristianas y judías, especialmente las de los «Livros de Chancellaria» reales que se encuentran en el «Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo» de Lisboa, se describe la imagen del «judeu de corte» (חצרן) desde la consolidación de la nación lusitana en el siglo XII hasta que surgió el problema del «cristão novo» en la sociedad portuguesa a fines del siglo XV. En opinión del autor, la participación de personalidades judías en las cortes dificultaba la convivencia entre los judíos y cristianos de aquella sociedad de la época

    Formation de formateurs à l’analyse des pratiques

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    Le paradigme du praticien réflexif souligne l’importance des temps d’analyse de pratiques dans la formation professionnelle. En France, dans un contexte où la formation en alternance des enseignants s’est accompagnée d’une injonction ministérielle à la généralisation des démarches réflexives, un certain nombre d’actions de formation de formateurs aux méthodologies d’analyse des pratiques ont été à l’origine d’une dynamique innovante. L’effet le plus remarquable de la mise en œuvre de ces dispositifs a été le changement de posture des formateurs passant du dire à l’écoute, de la transmission du savoir à un rôle d’aide à la prise de conscience et à la construction de l’identité professionnelle. Par ailleurs, l’expérience a montré l’importance de mener de front le travail d’analyse de pratiques en groupe et l’accompagnement individualisé des stagiaires.The paradigm of the reflective practitioner highlights the importance of the time spent on practice analysis in professional training. In France, in a context where training combined with teaching has been launched with an injunction from the Ministry of Education aiming to generalize reflective practices, a certain number of actions, training trainers to methods of practice analysis have fostered an innovative dynamics. The most remarkable effect of the implementation of these plans of action has been the changing attitude of trainers evolving from speaking to listening, from the transmission of knowledge to helping toward awareness and the construction of professional identity. Besides, experience has shown the importance of managing both the practice analysis in group and the personalized support of trainees.El paradigma del practicante reflexivo subraya la importancia de los tiempos de análisis de las prácticas en la formación profesional. En Francia, en un contexto en el que la formación en alternación de los docentes se ve acompañada de una exhortación ministerial a la generalización de los procesos reflexivos, cierto número de acciones de formación de formadores a las metodologías de análisis de las prácticas han favorecido una dinámica innovadora. El efecto más notable de la aplicación de estos dispositivos ha sido el cambio de postura de los formadores que pasaron de decir a escuchar, de la transmisión del saber a un papel de ayuda a la toma de conciencia y a la construcción de la identidad profesional. Por otra parte, la experiencia ha mostrado la importancia de llevar conjuntamente el trabajo de análisis de las prácticas en grupo y el acompañamiento individualizado de los cursillistas.Das Paradigma des nachdenkenden Praktikers betont die Wichtigkeit der Momente von Analyse der Tätigkeiten in der beruflichen Ausbildung. In Frankreich, wo das Ministerium neben der Fortbildung der Lehrer eine Entwicklung des Nachdenkens verlangt, ist eine innovative Dynamik auf manche Ausbildungen von Ausbildern zur Analysemethodologie der Tätigkeiten zurückzuführen. Die bemerkenswerteste Wirkung dieser Maßnahmen wurde das andere Verhalten der Ausbilder, die vom Sagen zum Zuhören, vom Übermitteln eines Wissens zur Rolle eines Helfers bei der Bewusstwerdung und der Erweiterung der beruflichen Identität übergehen. Aus Erfahrung ist es außerdem wichtig, die Analyse der Tätigkeiten in Teamarbeit und die individuelle Begleitung der Referendare gleichzeitig zu machen

    Memória e história do movimento sionista: Nechama Puchachevski, escritora da odisseia sionista

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    A memória do povo judeu se manteve umbilicalmente vinculada aos seus principais personagens. O movimento sionista, parte desta memória, legou figuras valiosas envolvidas na realização do sonhado lar nacional judaico. Dentre elas, considera-se neste trabalho a vida da agricultora de Rishon Letzion, Nechama Feinstein Puchachevski, que relatou a sacrificada jornada nas moshavot (aldeias agrícolas da Palestina otomana e britânica) no início do século XX. Ela é uma das primeiras a lutar pelos direitos das mulheres na Terra de Israel.Memory and history of the zionist movement: Nechama Puchachevski, writer of the Zionist odyssey - Abstract:  The memory of the Jewish People has been always connected to their main personalities. The Zionistmovement, part of this memory, had a legacy of valuable figures involved in building the national “Homeland” dream. Among these personalities, we consider here the life of the farmer Nechama Puchachevski from Rishon Letzion. She reported in details the sacrificed journey in the moshavot (small villages in Otoman and British Palestine) in the early 20th century. Nechama was one of the first women to fight for women rights in Eretz Israel

    Un dispositif universitaire centré sur un travail réflexif d’exploration du vécu subjectif : formation et transformation de soi

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    Le master « Formation de formateurs à l’accompagnement professionnel » de l’université de Cergy-Pontoise s’adresse à des professionnels des métiers de la relation, et privilégie une approche en première personne, expérientielle et réflexive. Dans ce cadre a été proposé un dispositif centré sur l’explicitation puis le décryptage des enjeux et des valeurs impliqués dans les pratiques professionnelles. Les étudiants sont invités à mettre en place un accompagnement professionnel mobilisant des temps d’entretiens d’explicitation et de décryptage, puis à opérer un retour réflexif sur leur posture et leur vécu subjectif au cours de cet accompagnement.Cergy-Pontoise University’s Master’s in “Training trainers in vocational support” is designed for professionals in occupations which require people skills, and favours a first person approach which is experiential and reflective. In this academic context, we propose a scheme which focuses on the elicitation of subjective experience and the description of issues and values involved in professional practices. Students are encouraged to develop vocational support including elicitation and description interviews, and then provide reflective feedback on their stance and their own subjective experience during this support

    Uniform topologies on types

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    10.3982/TE462Theoretical Economics53445-47

    Association Between Recruiters\u27 Perceptions of Education Delivery Mode and Applicants\u27 Workplace Readiness

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    The academy, its faculty, and recruiters have discordant views about credentialed graduates’ workplace viability. As the powerful gatekeepers between education and the employment market, recruiters’ perceptions of college credentials may dictate applicants’ interview progression. Although nearly 100% of today’s college administrators believe higher education programs prepare students for the workplace, less than 12% of recruiters deem graduates ready to succeed in organizational settings after graduation. The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in recruiters’ perceptions of online and face-to-face higher education credentials as indicators of applicants’ workplace readiness. The theoretical foundation of this study was Spence’s signaling theory grounded on the traditional premise that academic credentials profoundly benefit college graduates. Topics of inquiry were recruiters’ perceptions of college degree importance, the applicability of online and face-to-face higher education credentials, academic rigor, educational quality, credential trustworthiness, and applicants’ workplace and leadership readiness. A non-experimental cross-sectional Higher Education and Workplace Readiness Survey comparative design provided quantitative data from 159 recruiters and was analyzed with U, H, and t tests. Recruiters viewed academic credentials as important to applicants’ workplace readiness, yet perceived that online college degree programs lack academic rigor and educational quality. Online bachelors, masters, and doctorate credentials were viewed as inferior to and less trustworthy than face-to-face credentials. Positive social change can occur when academic and organizational leaders collaborate to build principled degree programs around essential job skills, so graduates and recruiters view all academic credentials as trusted predictors of career readiness that benefit society