566 research outputs found

    Prinsip Kedaulatan Rakyat Dalam Penentuan Sistem Pemilihan Umum Anggota Legislatif

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    PendahuluanDalam proses Perubahan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945 terjadi pergulatan pemikiran tentang gagasan kedaulatan rakyat. Pergulatan pemikiran tersebut berujung dengan diubahnya ketentuan Pasal 1 ayat (2) UUD 1945. Awalnya, Pasal 1 ayat (2) UUD 1945 berbunyi “Kedaulatan adalah ditangan rakyat, dan dilakukan sepenuhnya oleh Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat”. Kemudian diubah pada saat Perubahan ketiga UUD 1945 sehingga rumusannya menjadi “Kedaulatan berada di tangan rakyat dan dilaksanakan menurut Undang-Undang Dasar”. ..

    Menelusuri Konsep Keadilan Pemilihan Umum Menurut UUD 1945

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    . As a contest for garnering the trust of the people, an election shall be lawful and legitimate whenever it is conducted in a fair manner. A fair election is a constitutional mandate, explicitly stated in Article 22E point (1) of the 1945 Constitution. However, the Constitution had not provided further guidance on fair election. Consequently, exploring the philosophical base of the fairness of the election will be critical in order to formulate the benchmark of fairness of the election. Furthermore, such benchmark will be referred to in formulating regulations or the technical issues of election organization. By means of conceptual approach, this Excerpt wishes to explore this cause. Based on the studies conducted, the fairness of election as intended by the Constitution is actually based on the concept of fairness and the social justice stated in the Fifth Principles of Pancasila

    Sistem Penanganan Tindak Pidana Pemilu

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    Penal law is a branch of law applied as instrument in overseeing free and fair election. By means of penal law or its approach, it is expected that various offenses can be proceeded in the course of assuring fair election processes. However, in regulation and implementation, the application of penal law in administration of election is yet effective. This is due to the legal subsystems that underlie the election legal system which comprise election penal law, apparatus involved in the enforcement of election law, and the culture of the parties involved in election administration

    The Analysis of Diagnostic Assesment Result in Pisa Mathematical Literacy Based on Students Self-efficacy in Rme Learning

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    This research aimed to test RME learning with an effective scientific approach to improving mathematical literacy and self-efficacy, obtaining an overview of the mathematical literacy diagnostic assessment results that has high, medium and low self-efficacy as well as student difficulties in learning RME with a scientific approach. This research using mix method concurrent embedded with the subject of research is students class VIII. The research begins with a mathematical literacy diagnostic assessment and self-efficacy inventory then performed RME learning in experimental class and conventional learning in control class. Quantitative analysis was conducted to test the effectiveness of learning and deepened with the interview as a qualitative analysis. Learning RME with a scientific approach effective is marked by the achievement of classical completeness, the proportion of students\u27 mathematical literacy, self-efficacy and the difference in pre-post students\u27 mathematical literacy on RME learning better than conventional learning. The results of students\u27 mathematical literacy diagnostic assessment fit the criteria of self-efficacy students except for medium mathematical literacy that having high self-efficacy. Student difficulties in RME learning with the scientific approach are based on the results of mathematical literacy diagnostic assessment, namely language skills problem, the capacity to understand, create strategies, and create the algorithm

    Analisis Kesalahan Gramatikal Teks Terjemah (Indonesia-arab) Dalam Pendidikan Bahasa Arab

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    Analisis Kesalahan Gratikal Teks Terjemah (Indonesia-Arab) dalam Pendidikan Bahasa Arab. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang mendalam mengenai kesalahan gramatikal dalam teks hasil terjemah. Sebagai sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah teks hasil terjemah. Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah kesalahan morflogis dan sintaksis bahasa arab setelah diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis isi. Instrumen penelitian adalah peneliti sendiri yang dibantu dengan tabel analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan yang ada pada mahasiswa meliputi kesalahan morfologi tataran kata dan kata kerja, dan kesalahan sintaksis tataran frasa, klausa, kalimat, dan kesalahan huruf preposisi. Kesalahan tersebut terjadi akibat pengaruh bahasa Indonesia kedalam Bahasa Ara


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang wajib ditempuh oleh mahasiswa program studi kependidikan pada semester khusus. Matakuliah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam bidang pembelajaran, menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki ke dalam kehidupan nyata, melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi kependidikan untuk bekal mahasiswa sebagai sumber daya pengajar yang dibutuhkan dalam dunia pendidikan kelak ketika terjun langsung di dunia pendidikan yang sebenarnya. SMP N 15 Yogyakarta berlokasi di Jalan Tegalempuyangan, Bausasran, Danurejan, Yogyakarta ni merupakan sekolah yang mempunyai 10 kelas untuk maisng-masing angkatan. Kegiatan PPL merupakan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa sebagai wujud pengabdian mahasiswa kepada masyarakat, sekolah atau lembaga masyarakat sekaligus untuk melatih mahasiswa untuk menerapakan pengetahuan dan kemampuan yang telah dimiliki. Program PPL di SMP NEGERI 15 Yogyakarta yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 Juli sampai dengan 17 September 2014. Kegiatan PPL yang dilakukan meliputi tahap persiapan, praktik mengajar, dan pelaksanaan. Program PPL selain sebagai sarana untuk pelatihan dan pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa, juga menjadi usaha Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta untuk turut berkontribusi dalam mentransformasikan nilai-nilai kependidikan kepada sekolah tersebut. Harapannya, bukan hanya transfer of knowledge yang diberikan mahasiswa, tetapi juga transfer of value. Keberadaan mahasiswa KKN PPL UNY diharapkan dapat membuat perubahan-perubahan sebagai upaya memajukan pendidikan Indonesia

    An Error Analysis of Using Tenses in Student’s Writing Composition. Fahmi Ikhsan : 127010055

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    The title of this research paper is “Error Analysis of Using Tenses in Students’ Writing Composition”. It is written to be submitted to the English Department of Pasundan University. This research explains about tenses errors, especially in past tense. The participant of the study is eleven grade student at SMAN 1 Ciparay academic year 2016/2017. The writer chooses this research because the writer think that students in SMAN 1 Ciparay still weak in using tenses, they only transfer Indonesian words to English without thinking about the time. Their knowledge about tenses is not good enough. Therefore this research conducted to give information to teachers about it. The method that the writer uses in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The writer chooses this method because the writer will analyze the group of human, object, condition, idea or a phenonemnon. This method is used to describe a description about the relation of related phenomenon systematically and accurately. In conducting this research, descriptive method is considered suitable and appropriate for analyzing and classifying something or fact. The writer does some steps in doing this research those are planing, implementation, and reporting. The writer collects the data in school, the writer ask the studentst to write composition (recount text about the last vacation), then the data analyzed. The findings in this study clearly find that many errors which produced by students’ in using Past Tense in their composition. The writer found 257 sentences in student’s writing compositions. The total number of errors was 137 in 104 sentences. That are 19 to be error, 111 verb error, and 7 form error. The students cannot differentiate between verb one and verb two, they still using present form while it must be past tense. The total percentage of error that the students made was 40,46%. The writer believes that this number is not significant because it is less than 50%. Yet, this number of 40,46% can actually be minimized if the students know the English Tenses especially past tense really well. Key words: past tense, writing composition, recount tex
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