13 research outputs found

    HIV-1 Glycoprotein Immunogenicity

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    Développement d'anticorps monoclonaux humains de type IgA dirigés contre la partie C-terminale de la protéine d'enveloppe gp41 du VIH-1

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    La transmission du Virus de l Immunodéficience Humaine (VIH) par voie sexuelle représente le mode majoritaire de contamination (80%) (UNAIDS). Ce mode de contamination implique le passage du virus à travers les muqueuses et une interaction avec les cellules épithéliales et les cellules immunitaires présentes au sein de ces muqueuses (cellules dendritiques, macrophages ou lymphocytes). Les muqueuses représentent le principal site d'exposition de l organisme aux antigènes de l environnement. Les SIgA (IgA sécrétoires) présentes dans la lumière de ces muqueuses représentent la première ligne de défense immunitaire contre l infection et la colonisation des muqueuses. Les IgA sont capables d interagir avec les glycoprotéines (gp) exprimées à la surface du VIH et de bloquer l infection et/ou la transcytose à travers l épithélium muqueux. Nous avons pu étudier la prévalence des SIgA anti-gp41 et plus précisément anti-MPER présentes dans la salive parotidienne de personnes Exposées au VIH Séronégatives (ESN) et leur rôle dans l inhibition de l infection par le virus in vitro. Nous avons pu démontrer que ces sujets présentaient un taux plus important de SIgA anti-MPER neutralisantes. Ce premier travail nous a permis de valider la gp41 comme immunogène d intérêt pour la génération de SIgA neutralisantes. Nous avons pu générer des IgA1 dans un modèle murin a1Kl chimérique capable de produire des anticorps IgA1 humanisés. L immunisation de ces souris a permis la production de 6 anticorps monoclonaux spécifiques de la région MPER capables de reconnaître des épitopes conformationnels élargis, correspondant aux épitopes reconnus par le 2F5 et le 4E10. Les IgA1 présentaient de fortes capacités neutralisantes pour différentes souches de laboratoire et de souches primaires du VIH. Les études de caractérisation des fonctions antivirales de ces anticorps permettront de mieux définir le mode d action de ces anticorps. A notre connaissance, ces IgA1 neutralisantes anti-MPER sont les premières décrites à ce jour dans la littérature. De par leur faible immunogénicité et leur faible autoréactivité, ces anticorps peuvent facilement être intégrés dans des approches thérapeutiques locales ou par sérothérapie passive pour la protection après administration de SHIV dans des modèles animaux comme le macaque. L ensemble de mes travaux de thèse ont confirmé l intérêt thérapeutique potentiel des SIgA dans la lutte contre le VIH et notamment celles dirigées contre la partie gp41 de l enveloppeSexual transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the major mode of contamination (80%) for this pathogen (UNAIDS). This mode of transmission involves a passage of the virus though the mucosa and an interaction with epithelial cells and immune cells present in the mucosa (dendritic cells, macrophages and lymphocytes). Mucosa represents the major site of exposure for the organism to environmental antigens. The IgA expressed in the lumen of mucosa are the first line of immune defence against infection and colonization of mucosa. IgA are able to interact with glycoproteins (gp) expressed on the surface of HIV and prevent infection and/or block epithelial transcytosis. In this study we have investigated the prevalence of SIgA anti-MPER present in the parotid saliva of Exposed to HIV but Seronegative individuals (ESN). This study has allowed us to validate gp41 as an immunogen of interest for the generation of neutralizing IgA. IgA1 were generated in a chimeric mice model a1Kl that produced humanized IgA1 type antibodies. Immunizations of these mice has led to the elicitation of six monoclonal antibodies specific to the MPER region able to recognize extended conformational neutralizing epitopes of 2F5 and 4E10, two broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies specific to MPER. Elicited IgA1 have potent neutralizing properties for both laboratory and primary HIV strains. Characterization studies of the antiviral functions of these antibodies will further define the mode of action of these antibodies. To our knowledge, these anti-MPER humanized monoclonal neutralizing IgA1 antibodies are the first of this type described to date in the literature. By their low immunogenicity and autoreactivity, these antibodies can be easily integrated into local therapeutic approaches or passive serotherapy for protection in animal models such as the macaque challenged with SHIV. All the results of my PhD work confirm the great interest of gp41-specific SIgA as therapeutic agents against HIVST ETIENNE-Bib. électronique (422189901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Seminal Plasma Exposures Strengthen Vaccine Responses in the Female Reproductive Tract Mucosae

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    HIV-1 sexual transmission occurs mainly via mucosal semen exposures. In the female reproductive tract (FRT), seminal plasma (SP) induces physiological modifications, including inflammation. An effective HIV-1 vaccine should elicit mucosal immunity, however, modifications of vaccine responses by the local environment remain to be characterized. Using a modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) as a vaccine model, we characterized the impact of HIV-1+ SP intravaginal exposure on the local immune responses of non-human primates. Multiple HIV-1+ SP exposures did not impact the anti-MVA antibody responses. However, SP exposures revealed an anti-MVA responses mediated by CD4+ T cells, which was not observed in the control group. Furthermore, the frequency and the quality of specific anti-MVA CD8+ T cell responses increased in the FRT exposed to SP. Multi-parameter approaches clearly identified the cervix as the most impacted compartment in the FRT. SP exposures induced a local cell recruitment of antigen presenting cells, especially CD11c+ cells, and CD8+ T cell recruitment in the FRT draining lymph nodes. CD11c+ cell recruitment was associated with upregulation of inflammation-related gene expression after SP exposures in the cervix. We thus highlight the fact that physiological conditions, such as SP exposures, should be taken into consideration to test and to improve vaccine efficacy against HIV-1 and other sexually transmitted infections

    Développement d'anticorps monoclonaux humains de type IgA dirigés contre la partie C-terminale de la protéine d'enveloppe gp41 du VIH-1

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    Sexual transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the major mode of contamination (80%) for this pathogen (UNAIDS). This mode of transmission involves a passage of the virus though the mucosa and an interaction with epithelial cells and immune cells present in the mucosa (dendritic cells, macrophages and lymphocytes). Mucosa represents the major site of exposure for the organism to environmental antigens. The IgA expressed in the lumen of mucosa are the first line of immune defence against infection and colonization of mucosa. IgA are able to interact with glycoproteins (gp) expressed on the surface of HIV and prevent infection and/or block epithelial transcytosis. In this study we have investigated the prevalence of SIgA anti-MPER present in the parotid saliva of Exposed to HIV but Seronegative individuals (ESN). This study has allowed us to validate gp41 as an immunogen of interest for the generation of neutralizing IgA. IgA1 were generated in a chimeric mice model α1Kl that produced humanized IgA1 type antibodies. Immunizations of these mice has led to the elicitation of six monoclonal antibodies specific to the MPER region able to recognize extended conformational neutralizing epitopes of 2F5 and 4E10, two broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies specific to MPER. Elicited IgA1 have potent neutralizing properties for both laboratory and primary HIV strains. Characterization studies of the antiviral functions of these antibodies will further define the mode of action of these antibodies. To our knowledge, these anti-MPER humanized monoclonal neutralizing IgA1 antibodies are the first of this type described to date in the literature. By their low immunogenicity and autoreactivity, these antibodies can be easily integrated into local therapeutic approaches or passive serotherapy for protection in animal models such as the macaque challenged with SHIV. All the results of my PhD work confirm the great interest of gp41-specific SIgA as therapeutic agents against HIVLa transmission du Virus de l’Immunodéficience Humaine (VIH) par voie sexuelle représente le mode majoritaire de contamination (80%) (UNAIDS). Ce mode de contamination implique le passage du virus à travers les muqueuses et une interaction avec les cellules épithéliales et les cellules immunitaires présentes au sein de ces muqueuses (cellules dendritiques, macrophages ou lymphocytes). Les muqueuses représentent le principal site d'exposition de l’organisme aux antigènes de l’environnement. Les SIgA (IgA sécrétoires) présentes dans la lumière de ces muqueuses représentent la première ligne de défense immunitaire contre l’infection et la colonisation des muqueuses. Les IgA sont capables d’interagir avec les glycoprotéines (gp) exprimées à la surface du VIH et de bloquer l’infection et/ou la transcytose à travers l’épithélium muqueux. Nous avons pu étudier la prévalence des SIgA anti-gp41 et plus précisément anti-MPER présentes dans la salive parotidienne de personnes Exposées au VIH Séronégatives (ESN) et leur rôle dans l’inhibition de l’infection par le virus in vitro. Nous avons pu démontrer que ces sujets présentaient un taux plus important de SIgA anti-MPER neutralisantes. Ce premier travail nous a permis de valider la gp41 comme immunogène d’intérêt pour la génération de SIgA neutralisantes. Nous avons pu générer des IgA1 dans un modèle murin α1Kl chimérique capable de produire des anticorps IgA1 humanisés. L’immunisation de ces souris a permis la production de 6 anticorps monoclonaux spécifiques de la région MPER capables de reconnaître des épitopes conformationnels élargis, correspondant aux épitopes reconnus par le 2F5 et le 4E10. Les IgA1 présentaient de fortes capacités neutralisantes pour différentes souches de laboratoire et de souches primaires du VIH. Les études de caractérisation des fonctions antivirales de ces anticorps permettront de mieux définir le mode d’action de ces anticorps. A notre connaissance, ces IgA1 neutralisantes anti-MPER sont les premières décrites à ce jour dans la littérature. De par leur faible immunogénicité et leur faible autoréactivité, ces anticorps peuvent facilement être intégrés dans des approches thérapeutiques locales ou par sérothérapie passive pour la protection après administration de SHIV dans des modèles animaux comme le macaque. L’ensemble de mes travaux de thèse ont confirmé l’intérêt thérapeutique potentiel des SIgA dans la lutte contre le VIH et notamment celles dirigées contre la partie gp41 de l’envelopp

    Development of human monoclonal IgA antibodies directed against the C-terminal region of the gp41 envelope protein of HIV1

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    La transmission du Virus de l’Immunodéficience Humaine (VIH) par voie sexuelle représente le mode majoritaire de contamination (80%) (UNAIDS). Ce mode de contamination implique le passage du virus à travers les muqueuses et une interaction avec les cellules épithéliales et les cellules immunitaires présentes au sein de ces muqueuses (cellules dendritiques, macrophages ou lymphocytes). Les muqueuses représentent le principal site d'exposition de l’organisme aux antigènes de l’environnement. Les SIgA (IgA sécrétoires) présentes dans la lumière de ces muqueuses représentent la première ligne de défense immunitaire contre l’infection et la colonisation des muqueuses. Les IgA sont capables d’interagir avec les glycoprotéines (gp) exprimées à la surface du VIH et de bloquer l’infection et/ou la transcytose à travers l’épithélium muqueux. Nous avons pu étudier la prévalence des SIgA anti-gp41 et plus précisément anti-MPER présentes dans la salive parotidienne de personnes Exposées au VIH Séronégatives (ESN) et leur rôle dans l’inhibition de l’infection par le virus in vitro. Nous avons pu démontrer que ces sujets présentaient un taux plus important de SIgA anti-MPER neutralisantes. Ce premier travail nous a permis de valider la gp41 comme immunogène d’intérêt pour la génération de SIgA neutralisantes. Nous avons pu générer des IgA1 dans un modèle murin α1Kl chimérique capable de produire des anticorps IgA1 humanisés. L’immunisation de ces souris a permis la production de 6 anticorps monoclonaux spécifiques de la région MPER capables de reconnaître des épitopes conformationnels élargis, correspondant aux épitopes reconnus par le 2F5 et le 4E10. Les IgA1 présentaient de fortes capacités neutralisantes pour différentes souches de laboratoire et de souches primaires du VIH. Les études de caractérisation des fonctions antivirales de ces anticorps permettront de mieux définir le mode d’action de ces anticorps. A notre connaissance, ces IgA1 neutralisantes anti-MPER sont les premières décrites à ce jour dans la littérature. De par leur faible immunogénicité et leur faible autoréactivité, ces anticorps peuvent facilement être intégrés dans des approches thérapeutiques locales ou par sérothérapie passive pour la protection après administration de SHIV dans des modèles animaux comme le macaque. L’ensemble de mes travaux de thèse ont confirmé l’intérêt thérapeutique potentiel des SIgA dans la lutte contre le VIH et notamment celles dirigées contre la partie gp41 de l’enveloppeSexual transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the major mode of contamination (80%) for this pathogen (UNAIDS). This mode of transmission involves a passage of the virus though the mucosa and an interaction with epithelial cells and immune cells present in the mucosa (dendritic cells, macrophages and lymphocytes). Mucosa represents the major site of exposure for the organism to environmental antigens. The IgA expressed in the lumen of mucosa are the first line of immune defence against infection and colonization of mucosa. IgA are able to interact with glycoproteins (gp) expressed on the surface of HIV and prevent infection and/or block epithelial transcytosis. In this study we have investigated the prevalence of SIgA anti-MPER present in the parotid saliva of Exposed to HIV but Seronegative individuals (ESN). This study has allowed us to validate gp41 as an immunogen of interest for the generation of neutralizing IgA. IgA1 were generated in a chimeric mice model α1Kl that produced humanized IgA1 type antibodies. Immunizations of these mice has led to the elicitation of six monoclonal antibodies specific to the MPER region able to recognize extended conformational neutralizing epitopes of 2F5 and 4E10, two broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies specific to MPER. Elicited IgA1 have potent neutralizing properties for both laboratory and primary HIV strains. Characterization studies of the antiviral functions of these antibodies will further define the mode of action of these antibodies. To our knowledge, these anti-MPER humanized monoclonal neutralizing IgA1 antibodies are the first of this type described to date in the literature. By their low immunogenicity and autoreactivity, these antibodies can be easily integrated into local therapeutic approaches or passive serotherapy for protection in animal models such as the macaque challenged with SHIV. All the results of my PhD work confirm the great interest of gp41-specific SIgA as therapeutic agents against HI

    Dynamics of Vaginal and Rectal Microbiota Over Several Menstrual Cycles in Female Cynomolgus Macaques

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    International audienceThe composition of the microbiota in cynomolgus macaques is only partially characterized, although this animal model is often used to study pathogenesis and preventive strategies against infections. We thus performed, for the first time, a longitudinal characterization of the vaginal and rectal microbiota of five cycling female cynomolgus macaques. Samples were collected weekly for 15 weeks and the V3/V4 regions of the16S rRNA gene sequenced. Sequences were analyzed with QIIME for OTU detection and taxonomic assignment. Progesterone levels were also determined to evaluate hormonal influence on bacteria relative abundance. The rectal and vaginal bacterial composition in cynomolgus macaques is polymicrobial and clearly distinct, with larger individual variability in the vagina. Rectal microbiota profiles were consistent between animals, whereas they were highly variable and animal-specific in the vagina. In the rectum, the most abundant taxa were Ruminococcaceae, Prevotella, and Clostridiales. In the vagina, the most abundant genera were Sneathia, Porphyromonas, Prevotella, and Fusobacterium. Lactobacillus were found at relative abundances higher than 1% in only one animal and were not predominant. Comparison of the vaginal cynomolgus macaque microbiota with that of humans showed similarity to community state type IV-A usually associated with dysbiosis. In the vagina, the relative abundance of 12 bacterial genera was found to be associated with progesterone levels. Our study provides a detailed characterization of the rectal and vaginal microbiota in female cynomolgus macaques and opens new perspectives of this animal model

    Activation of Toll-Like Receptors Differentially Modulates Inflammation in the Human Reproductive Tract: Preliminary Findings

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    International audienceThe female reproductive tract (FRT) is the main site of entry of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Toll-like receptors (TLRs) that recognize pathogenic motifs are widely expressed in the FRT. TLR stimulation induces immune activation and local production of inflammatory mediators. In the FRT, this response should also be compatible with reproductive functions and symbiosis with host microbiota. With a view to develop efficient mucosal vaccines to prevent STI acquisition, the role of TLR ligands in the FRT needs to be explored. We have therefore investigated the cytokine profiles of the different compartments of the FRT (vagina, endocervix, ectocervix, and uterus) before and after stimulation of mononuclear cells from human tissue specimens. The comparison with PBMCs allowed us to highlight the FRT specificities. We first characterized the main immune cell populations in each compartment and observed that their distribution was different through the compartments. The CD45+ cells represented a maximum of 11% in the FRT in contrast to 96% in PBMCs. We identified two main populations among the CD45+ cells in the four compartments of the FRT: CD3+ T cells (CD4+ and CD8+) and CD14+ APCs. B cell populations (CD19+) were much less frequent than T cells in all the FRT regions and were equally distributed. NK CD56+ cells were detected in all compartments and were more abundant in the uterus. Stimulation of the mononuclear cells was then performed with TLR agonists: R848 for TLR7/8, Poly I:C for TLR3, LPS for TLR4 and ODN CpG for TLR9. Cytokine levels in unstimulated cultures of cells isolated from all FRT compartments were higher than in cultures of unstimulated PBMCs. In contrast, after stimulation with TLR agonists, cytokine responses induced by TLR agonists were moderate in the FRT and significantly lower than in PBMCs. These responses were varied with different TLR ligands and FRT compartments. The cytokine profile induced by TLR activation in the FRT supports the role of these tissues in genital anti-microbial immunity and in the control of inflammation while allowing maintenance of its reproductive function

    First Membrane Proximal External Region-Specific Anti-HIV1 Broadly Neutralizing Monoclonal IgA1 Presenting Short CDRH3 and Low Somatic Mutations.

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    International audienceMucosal HIV-1-specific IgA have been described as being able to neutralize HIV-1 and to block viral transcytosis. In serum and saliva, the anti-HIV IgA response is predominantly raised against the envelope of HIV-1. In this work, we describe the in vivo generation of gp41-specific IgA1 in humanized α1KI mice to produce chimeric IgA1. Mice were immunized with a conformational immunogenic gp41-transfected cell line. Among 2300 clones screened by immunofluorescence microscopy, six different gp41-specific IgA with strong recognition of gp41 were identified. Two of them have strong neutralizing activity against primary HIV-1 tier 1, 2, and 3 strains and present a low rate of somatic mutations and autoreactivity, unlike what was described for classical gp41-specific IgG. Epitopes were identified and located in the hepted repeat 2/membrane proximal external region. These Abs could be of interest in prophylactic treatment to block HIV-1 penetration in mucosa or in chronically infected patients in combination with antiretroviral therapy to reduce viral load and reservoir

    Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara vector induces specific cellular 2 and humoral responses in the female reproductive tract, the main

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    International audienceThe female reproductive tract (FRT) is one of the major mucosal invasion sites for HIV-1. This site has been neglected in previous HIV-1 vaccine studies. Immune responses in the FRT after systemic vaccination remain to be characterized. Using a modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) as a vaccine model, we characterized specific immune responses in all compartments of the FRT of nonhuman primates after systemic vaccination. Memory T cells were preferentially found in the lower tract (vagina and cervix), whereas APCs and innate lymphoid cells were mainly located in the upper tract (uterus and fallopian tubes). This compartmentalization of immune cells in the FRT was supported by transcriptomic analyses and a correlation network. Polyfunctional MVA-specific CD8+ T cells were detected in the blood, lymph nodes, vagina, cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes. Anti-MVA IgG and IgA were detected in cervicovaginal fluid after a second vaccine dose. Thus, systemic vaccination with an MVA vector elicits cellular and Ab responses in the FR

    A high mucosal blocking score is associated with HIV protection

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    International audienceBACKGROUND:Early steps of HIV infection are mediated by the binding of the envelope to mucosal receptors as α4β7 and the C-type lectins DC-SIGN and langerin. Previously Env-specific B-cell responses have been reported in highly exposed seronegative individuals (HESN).METHOD:Here, we studied gp120-specific antibodies ability to block HIV interaction with α4β7, DC-SIGN and/or langerinin HESN. New cell-based assays were developed to analyze whether antibodies that can alter gp120 binding to α4β7, DC-SIGN and/or langerin are induced in HESN. A mucosal blocking score (MBS) was defined based on the ability of antibodies to interfere with gp120/α4β7, gp120/DC-SIGN, and gp120/langerin binding. A new MBS was evaluated in a cohort of 86 HESN individuals and compared with HIV+ patients or HIV- unexposed healthy individuals.RESULTS:Antibodies reducing gp120 binding to both α4β7 and DC-SIGN were present in HESN serum but also in mucosal secretions, whereas antibodies from HIV+ patients facilitated gp120 binding to DC-SIGN. Any correlation was observed between MBS and the capacity of antibodies to neutralize infection of α4β7 CD4+ T cells with primary isolates.CONCLUSIONS:MBS is significantly associated with protection in HESN and might reflect altered HIV spreading to mucosal-associated lymphoid tissues