844 research outputs found

    Analisis Komposisi Fasa Komposit Keramik Berbasis SiO2-MgO dengan Penambahan B2O3 pada Temperatur Sinter 1150C

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    Komposit keramik berbasis SiO2-MgO menggunakan pasir Tanah Laut sebagai bahan baku dengan penambahan variasi B2O3 telah berhasil disintesis. Tujuan penambahan B2O3 adalah untuk meningkatkan densitas dan mereduksi porositas. Komposit dibuat dengan cara mencampurkan serbuk pasir Tanah Laut dan MgO dengan penambahan massa B2O3 sebesar 0%, 4,8%, dan 9,1% (berat) diaduk menggunakan mortar selama 30 menit. Campuran serbuk dicetak dalam bentuk pelet silinder dengan tekanan 4.500 N kemudian disinter pada temperatur 1150°C untuk membentuk komposit keramik padat. Identifikasi fasa dilakukan menggunakan X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD). Data XRD dianalisis secara kualitatif menggunakan Match!2 dan secara kuantitatif menggunakan Rietica. Hasil analisis data XRD menunjukkan bahwa pada temperatur sinter 1150°C tanpa B2O3 fasa yang ditemukan adalah kuarsa, forsterit dan enstatit. Sedangkan pada penambahan 4,8% dan 9,1% B2O3 fasa yang ditemukan kuarsa dan protoenstatit. Komposit mengalami penyusutan diameter maksimal sebesar 5.4(1)% pada 9,1% B2O3. Dari pendekatan RoM dalam analisis komposisi fasa maka nilai KET sampel-sampel komposit tersebut dapat dikategorikan sebagai kandidat seal fuel cell

    Analisa Penetapan Harga Jual Unit Rumah Pada Proyek Perumahan Soka Park, Bangkalan

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    PT. Soka Abadi merupakan sebuah Perumahan yang sedang dibangun di kabupaten Bangkalan. Perumahan yang dibangun di wilayah Kecamatan Socah ini menawarkan beberapa produk berupa rumah tinggal tipe 39, 49, 54, 63 dan 71. Di sekitar wilayah Socah juga cukup banyak pengembang lainnya yang menawarkan rumah dengan tipe yang hampir sama. Perumahan tersebut akan menjadi kompetitor bagi Soka Park dalam hal penjualan rumah tipe yang setara dengan tipe rumah di Soka Park. Persaingan yang ketat antar Perumahan mendorong harga jual sebagai faktor utama bagi pengembang. Harga jual rumah merupakan acuan pertimbangan pemilihan rumah oleh pembeli, disamping berbagai fasilitas yang ditawarkan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui besarnya harga jual yang pantas untuk tiap tipe rumah pada proyek Perumahan Soka Park berdasarkan analisa biaya dan analisa permintaan pasar. Hasil analisa penetapan harga jual didapatkan dari metode analisa titik impas dimana analisa ini mempertemukan kurva biaya dan kurva pendapatan untuk mendapatkan harga. Pada penelitian ini kurva pendapatan didapatkan dari kurva permintaan. Berdasarkan metode ini diketahui harga jual rumah yang dapat diterima oleh pengembang dan konsumen. Berdasarkan analisa yang telah dilakukan maka harga jual unit rumah berdasarkan jumlah unit terjual optimum untuk tipe 39 adalah Rp 107.355.393, tipe 49 adalah Rp 130.976.971, tipe adalah 54 Rp 160.761.740, tipe 63 adalah Rp 168.290.784 dan tipe 71 adalah Rp 189.040.78

    On the performance of machine-type communications networks under Markovian arrival sources

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    Abstract. This thesis evaluates the performance of reliability and latency in machine type communication networks, which composed of single transmitter and receiver in the presence of Rayleigh fading channel. The source’s traffic arrivals are modeled as Markovian processes namely Discrete-Time Markov process, Fluid Markov process, Discrete-Time Markov Modulated Poisson process and Continuous-Time Markov Modulated Poisson process, and delay/buffer overflow constraints are imposed. Our approach is based on the reliability and latency outage probability, where transmitter not knowing the channel condition, therefore the transmitter would be transmitting information over the fixed rate. The fixed rate transmission is modeled as a two-state Discrete-time Markov process, which identifies the reliability level of wireless transmission. Using effective bandwidth and effective capacity theories, we evaluate the trade-off between reliability-latency and identify QoS requirement. The impact of different source traffic originated from MTC devices under QoS constraints on the effective transmission rate are investigated

    Ensuring data integrity in deep learning-assisted IoT-Cloud environments: Blockchain-assisted data edge verification with consensus algorithms

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    Ensuring the reliability and trustworthiness of massive IoT-generated data processed in cloud-based systems is paramount for data integrity in IoT-Cloud platforms. The integration of Blockchain (BC) technology, particularly through BC-assisted data Edge Verification combined with a consensus system, utilizes BC's decentralized and immutable nature to secure data at the IoT network's edge. BC has garnered attention across diverse domains like smart agriculture, intellectual property, and finance, where its security features complement technologies such as SDN, AI, and IoT. The choice of a consensus algorithm in BC plays a crucial role and significantly impacts the overall effectiveness of BC solutions, with considerations including PBFT, PoW, PoS, and Ripple in recent years. In this study, I developed a Football Game Algorithm with Deep learning-based Data Edge Verification with a Consensus Approach (FGADL-DEVCA) for BC assisted IoT-cloud platforms. The major drive of the FGADL-DEVCA algorithm was to incorporate BC technology to enable security in the IoT cloud environment, and the DL model could be applied for fault detection efficiently. In the FGADL-DEVCA technique, the IoT devices encompassed considerable decentralized decision-making abilities for reaching an agreement based on the performance of the intrablock transactions. Besides, the FGADL-DEVCA technique exploited deep autoencoder (DAE) for the recognition and classification of faults in the IoT-cloud platform. To boost the fault detection performance of the DAE approach, the FGADL-DEVCA technique applied FGA-based hyperparameter tuning. The experimental result analysis of the FGADL-DEVCA technique was performed concerning distinct metrics. The experimental values demonstrated the betterment of the FGADL-DEVCA approach with other existing methods concerning various aspects

    Contemporary Issues in Current Account Operations in Pakistani IBs - Sharia Compliant Solution

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    Contemporary Sharia scholars have three stances about the Current Account Operations in Pakistani Islamic Banks (IBs) i.e., (i) Ijarah based contract (ii) Wadi'ah based contract, and (iii) Qard based contract. This paper is an attempt to delve into the root causes of the differences of scholars and to find the Sharia-compliant solution acceptable for all. Descriptive as well as applied approaches are used in this paper. Clearing of ambiguity on this issue may result in twofold benefits: from the public point of view, it would satisfy practising Muslims which may result in form of huge deposits in this account (ii) from IBs viewpoint the Current Account is a bonus deposit

    Prenatal care perception of Saudi females of childbearing age: an epidemiological study

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    Background: The purpose of this study is to assess perception of Saudi women of childbearing age regarding prenatal care.Methods: Participants were invited to participate in a voluntary online survey. The brief survey consisted of 15 basic multiple choice questions administered in Arabic, and delivered as a secure link through private social media messaging services. The survey permitted only 1 attempt per user. In order to reach and capture non-respondents, 2 follow-up reminders 10 days apart were sent through the same channels of communication. The survey data was collected and analyzed using the survey software platform, Qualtrics by Qualtrics © LLC 2017.Results: Approximately 9% of participants reported previous pregnancy without use of prenatal care. Nearly 12% of respondents thought that prenatal care is only indicated for malnourished pregnant females, and 7% reported not knowing who prenatal care is specifically indicated for. Nearly 21% reported prenatal care should start after confirmation of pregnancy, 14% thought proper start is anytime within the first 3 months, 8% reported proper start should be after confirmation of healthy pregnancy and 8% reported not sure when to initiate prenatal care. Approximately 12% thought taking prenatal vitamins should be once weekly or some days of the week, while 5% do not advice women to take prenatal vitamins during pregnancy at all.Conclusions: The majority of Saudi women are well educated on prenatal care. However, women in early and late twenties are less aware of proper usage of prenatal care

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Dan Motivasi Tehadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Biro Tata Pemerintahan Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    In every organization anywhere in the world, man plays a very important to the development and destruction of the organization. So it can be said that man is the driving force in guiding the Organization towards the achievement of objectives. The human resources of the organization has a variety of characteristics, including the Employee performance is influenced by leadership style appropriate to the maturity level of each employee and a good motivation that will lead towards the objectives of the Organization to be achieved, For performance in getting the work becomes maximum. This research was conducted to determine the influence of leadership style and motivation to Employee Performance at The Bureau Regional Secretariat of Governance of Central Java Province. In this study using sampling techniques Proposional Random Sampling, quantitative sampling in which 42 respondents. Analysis of the data used is linear regression and multiple regression. The results showed that the employees performance of Bureau Regional Secretariat of Governance of Central Java Province well that is equal to 37,7%. From the results of 18,515 F count > F table 3,3277 the leadership style (X1) has a positive and significant impact on performance (Y), results of 15,257 F count > F table 3,3277 the motivation (X2) has a positive and significant impact on performance (Y), and The amount of the influence of leadership style (X1) and motivation (X2) simultaneously to the performance (Y) of 38,8%. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between Leadership Style and Motivation of Employee Performance

    Extraction and characterization of microcrystalline cellulose from Apocynum venetum

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    In this work, cellulose microcrystal has been isolated from Apocynum venetum (AV) through acid hydrolysis. In addition, the properties of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC-N) extracted from AV are compared with those of commercially available microcrystalline cellulose (MCC-C). The characterizations of MCCs are studied by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, thermo gravimetric analyzer, and Zeta potential. As compared to MCC-C, MCC-N unveil more crystallinity percentage, fewer impurities, and comparable thermal stability without modifying the chemical composition of the sample. Besides, SEM images demonstrate rough surface and slight aggregation of extracted MCC from AV. Extracted MCC from AV can be possibly utilized as a reinforcement in green composites or hydrophilic micro composites as well as a source for AV fibre derived nanocellulose. Moreover, MCC-N can also be used in food, cosmetics, and medical industries.

    Using Enterprise Architecture Framework

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, February 2013."October 2012." Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 88-92).The demand for Saudi oil is increasing locally and internationally, and being one of the major oil exporters in the world, the government of Saudi Arabia needs to balance between local consumption and international demand. To address this challenge, Saudi Arabia is adopting an aggressive strategy to use solar energy instead of oil to generate electricity. This strategy creates an opportunity to diversify the country's GDP by building solar manufacturing industry. This thesis uses the Enterprise Architecture Framework, developed by Nightingale and Rhodes, to propose the optimal architecture for the Saudi solar manufacturing in terms of organization, policy, strategy, product, services, infrastructure, and R&D. The first stage of the framework identifies the landscape and the major stakeholders in the solar manufacturing, and then studies the current situation of the Saudi solar manufacturing. The second stage analyzes the different proposed architectures. The third stage evaluates the different architectures, and the fourth stage selects and validates the winning architectures. The evaluation criteria for the different proposed architectures are based on three angles: "Attractiveness", which measures the level of compatibility between the architecture and the needs of the Saudi government. The "Effort", measures the human and financial effort required to deploy the architecture. The "Risk", which measures the different risks associated with the architecture. The winning architecture encourages Saudi businessmen to acquire international companies along with building local manufacturing for products in the lower end of the solar manufacturing value chain. The strategy in this architecture is to build fast capabilities in the technology and process side by acquiring international companies and steady capabilities in the production side by gradually moving up in the value chain. Also, the architecture proposes focusing and building the local R&D capabilities to improve the productivity, and profitability of the solar manufacturing companies.by Bassel F. Alsultan.S.M