413 research outputs found

    Energetics of hydrogen coverage on group VIII transition metal surfaces and a kinetic model for adsorption/desorption

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    We determined the binding energy of hydrogen to the closest packed surface for all nine group VIII transition metals as a function of surface coverage using quantum mechanics (density functional theory with the generalized gradient approximation) with periodic boundary conditions. The study provides a systematic comparison of the most stable surfaces of the nine group VIII transition metals, leading to results consistent with available surface science studies. We then use these to develop a simple thermodynamic model useful in estimating the surface coverage under typical heterogeneous catalysis conditions and compare these results to temperature programmed desorption experiments

    Thermodynamics modeling of deep learning systems for a temperature based filter pruning technique

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    We analyse the dynamics of convolutional filters' parameters of a convolutional neural networks during and after training, via a thermodynamic analogy which allows for a sound definition of temperature. We show that removing high temperature filters has a minor effect on the performance of the model, while removing low temperature filters influences majorly both accuracy and loss decay. This result could be exploited to implement a temperature-based pruning technique for the filters and to determine efficiently the crucial filters for an effective learning

    Medical Database for Detecting Neoplastic Lesions in Human Colorectal Cancer with Deep Learning

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    Medical databases are fundamental for developing new techniques for early detection of neoplastic cells. They are however difficult to obtain, since the labelling of the images is often operator dependent, requires specialized skills and the written informed consent of the patient. The variability of structures in biological tissue poses a challenge to both manual and automated analysis of histopathology slides. Although some authors showed moderate to good agreement among expert pathologists, and satisfactory results on their intra-observer reliability, other studies found that even experienced pathologists frequently disagree on tissue classification, which may lead to the conclusion that solely using expert scoring as gold standard for histopathological assessment could be insufficient. Hence, there is a growing demand for robust computational methods in order to increase reproducibility of diagnoses. In this note we present a database containing images of preneoplastic and neoplastic colorectal tissues and in a forthcoming paper we will describe our proposed DL algorithm to classify them into the following categories: normal mucosa, early preneoplastic lesions, adenomas, cancer


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    This paper discourses about the pedal harp and what would have possibly been its repertoire through the first decades of the 18th century, a period before the first known publication of original compositions for the instrument. Thinking about the music that could have been performed by the harpists of that time, the text focuses on the improvisational practice of preludes and also on the harpist’s appropriation of a repertoire originally composed for other instruments, like the harpsichord or the pianoforte. Within this context, the paper also discourses about the figure of Madame de Genlis (1746-1830), an important harpist from the 18th century, and on her opinions about the technique and possibilities of the pedal harp used during that time.Esse artigo discorre a respeito da harpa de pedais e daquele que, possivelmente, teria sido seu repertório ao longo das primeiras décadas do século XVIII, período anterior à primeira publicação conhecida de composições originalmente escritas para o instrumento. Pensando a respeito da música que poderia ter sido executada por intérpretes do instrumento no citado período, o texto foca-se na prática improvisatória dos prelúdios e também na apropriação, por parte dos harpistas, do repertório originalmente destinado a outros instrumentos, como o cravo ou o pianoforte. Nesse contexto, o artigo trata também da figura de Madame de Genlis (1746-1830), importante harpista do século XVIII, bem como de algumas de suas opiniões sobre a técnica e as possibilidades da harpa de pedais utilizada na época

    Giochi Matematici come strumento didattico

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    In questa tesi e' stato fatto un lavoro prima creativo e poi pratico di tipologia didattica. Prima di tutto sono avvenuti degli incontri a Parma nei quali ho imparato a scrivere i giochi matematici confrontandomi con degli esperti. A questo lavoro e' seguitala creazione di una prova a cui sottoporre degli studenti delle medie. E con le conoscenze ottenute dagli incontri ho creato un compito composto da 7 esercizi con lo scopo di valutare ma soprattutto stimolare ogni parte del ragionamento matematico in un ragazzo. A questo lavoro e' seguito quello in classe dove sono stati dati i compiti e poi e' stata fatta la correzione insieme alle classi e infine la raccolta dati e il commento. Con anche l’aiuto delle insegnanti che mi hanno coinvolto nell’attivita' sia durante l’attivita' didattica che successivamente fornendo il quadro completo della classe. La tesi e' strutturata in tre parti: nel primo capitolo farò un’introduzione storica e filosofica sulla matematica e in particolare sui giochi matematici nelle scuole, spiegando nel dettaglio che cosa mi ha portato a svolgere questo lavoro. Nel secondo capitolo invece parlerò del compito stesso, di come e' stato concepito con particolare attenzione nei singoli quesiti. Infine nel terzo discuterò dei risultati ottenuti dagli studenti, guardando le percentuali di esercizi corretti e dedicando l’ultima sezione agli errori piu' comuni

    Geometric Deep Learning: a Temperature Based Analysis of Graph Neural Networks

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    We examine a Geometric Deep Learning model as a thermodynamic system treating the weights as non-quantum and non-relativistic particles. We employ the notion of temperature previously defined in [7] and study it in the various layers for GCN and GAT models. Potential future applications of our findings are discussed.Comment: Published on Proceedings of GSI 202

    O legado de Jean-Baptiste Krumpholtz

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    O presente artigo investiga a obra de Jean-Baptiste Krumpholtz, importante figura da harpa de pedais da segunda metade do século XVIII, a fim de mostrar sua relevância em meio ao universo do instrumento durante o mesmo perí­odo. Para tanto, o texto, buscando explicitar as singularidades do legado do harpista, concentra-se na explanação e análise de aspectos que destacam Krumpholtz entre seus contemporâneos, mostrando seus feitos significativos como inventor, compositor e figura inspiradora junto à história e desenvolvimento da harpa de pedais e de seu repertório

    Synthetic Data Generation for Automatic Segmentation of X-ray Computed Tomography Reconstructions of Complex Microstructures

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    The greatest challenge when using deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) for automatic segmentation of microstructural X-ray computed tomography (XCT) data is the acquisition of sufficient and relevant data to train the working network. Traditionally, these have been attained by manually annotating a few slices for 2D DCNNs. However, complex multiphase microstructures would presumably be better segmented with 3D networks. However, manual segmentation labeling for 3D problems is prohibitive. In this work, we introduce a method for generating synthetic XCT data for a challenging six-phase Al-Si alloy composite reinforced with ceramic fibers and particles. Moreover, we propose certain data augmentations (brightness, contrast, noise, and blur), a special in-house designed deep convolutional neural network (Triple UNet), and a multi-view forwarding strategy to promote generalized learning from synthetic data and therefore achieve successful segmentations. We obtain an overall Dice score of 0.77. Lastly, we prove the detrimental effects of artifacts in the XCT data on achieving accurate segmentations when synthetic data are employed for training the DCNNs. The methods presented in this work are applicable to other materials and imaging techniques as well. Successful segmentation coupled with neural networks trained with synthetic data will accelerate scientific output


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    O bruxismo uma parafuno oral que pode ser includa nas patologias de causa e/ou efeito multifatorial, relacionada hiperatividade muscular, extremamente destrutiva pelo atrito dos dentes em movimento parafuncional, adquirida de forma inconsciente, que pode ocorrer durante o dia, todavia, mais frequente durante o sono. Essa patologia, pode provocar desgastes dentais, leses nas estruturas de suporte, desordens da articulao temporomandibular e cefalias. Sua natureza multifatorial e no suficientemente esclarecida, assim esto envolvidos desde fatores psicolgicos at alteraes fsicas. Atualmente, sugere-se uma resposta controlada por neurotransmissores do sistema dopaminrgico, pois alm do desgaste dentrio o paciente pode apresentar fraturas dentrias, mobilidade, migrao patolgica, dores musculares e articulares, principalmente, ao acordar. Por sua caracterstica multifatorial o tratamento, muitas vezes, requer atuao de vrios profissionais. Sendo assim, indispensvel o amplo conhecimento do cirurgio-dentista sobre os mecanismos fisiolgicos envolvidos no desenvolvimento do bruxismo, e sobre as caractersticas clnicas, para determinao de tratamentos adequados que resultem em um prognstico favorvel e duradouro. Por conseguinte, a partir desta reviso literria objetiva-se relatar sobre a etiopatogenia, caractersticas clnicas e tratamento de bruxmanos