512 research outputs found

    Broad levels in 17^{17}O and their relevance for the astrophysical s-process

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    Levels in 17^{17}O affect the astrophysical s-process in two opposite ways. The neutron production is enhanced by resonances in the 13^{13}C(α\alpha,nn)16^{16}O reaction at excitation energies around 7 MeV in 17^{17}O, and the number of available neutrons is reduced by low-lying resonances in the 16^{16}O(nn,γ\gamma)17^{17}O reaction corresponding to levels in 17^{17}O with excitation energies of 4−54-5 MeV. The present work uses the 19^{19}F(dd,α\alpha)17^{17}O reaction to determine absolute widths of the relevant levels in 17^{17}O. The results improve the uncertainties of the previously adopted values and resolve a discrepancy between recent studies for the 1/2+1/2^+ level close to the threshold of the 13^{13}C(α\alpha,nn)16^{16}O reaction. In addition, improved excitation energies and widths are provided for several states in 17^{17}O up to excitation energies close to 8 MeV.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Phys. Rev. C (in press

    Is the GSI anomaly due to neutrino oscillations? - A real time perspective -

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    We study a model for the "GSI anomaly" in which we obtain the time evolution of the population of parent and daughter particles directly in real time, considering explicitly the quantum entanglement between the daughter particle and neutrino mass eigenstates in the two-body decay. We confirm that the decay rate of the parent particle and the growth rate of the daughter particle do \emph{not} feature a time modulation from interference of neutrino mass eigenstates. The lack of interference is a consequence of the orthogonality of the mass eigenstates. This result also follows from the density matrix obtained by tracing out the unobserved neutrino states. We confirm this result by providing a complementary explanation based on Cutkosky rules applied to the Feynman diagram that describes the self-energy of the parent particle.Comment: 11 page

    Role of cross-shell excitations in the reaction 54Fe(d_pol,p)55Fe

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    The reaction 54Fe(d_pol,p)55Fe was studied at the Munich Q3D spectrograph with a 14 MeV polarized deuteron beam. Excitation energies, angular distributions and analyzing powers were measured for 39 states up to 4.5 MeV excitation energy. Spin and parity assignments were made and spectroscopic factors deduced by comparison to DWBA calculations. The results were compared to predictions by large scale shell model calculations in the full pf-shell and it was found that reasonable agreement for energies and spectroscopic factors below 2.5 MeV could only be obtained if up to 6 particles were allowed to be excited from the f_7/2 orbital into p_3/2, f_5/2, and p_1/2 orbitals across the N=28 gap. For levels above 2.5 MeV the experimental strength distribution was found to be significantly more fragmented than predicted by the shell model calculations.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, submitted to European Physical Journal

    Possible experimental signature of octupole correlations in the 02+^+_2 states of the actinides

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    JÏ€J^{\pi}= 0+^+ states have been investigated in the actinide nucleus 240{}^{240}Pu up to an excitation energy of 3 MeV with a high-resolution (p,t) experiment at EpE_{p}= 24 MeV. To test the recently proposed JÏ€J^{\pi}= 02+^+_2 double-octupole structure, the phenomenological approach of the spdf-interacting boson model has been chosen. In addition, the total 0+^+ strength distribution and the 0+0^+ strength fragmentation have been compared to the model predictions as well as to the previously studied (p,t) reactions in the actinides. The results suggest that the structure of the 02+^+_2 states in the actinides might be more complex than the usually discussed pairing isomers. Instead, the octupole degree of freedom might contribute significantly. The signature of two close-lying 0+^+ states below the 2-quasiparticle energy is presented as a possible manifestation of strong octupole correlations in the structure of the 02+^+_2 states in the actinides.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, published in Phys. Rev. C 88, 041303(R) (2013

    Search for supernova-produced 60Fe in a marine sediment

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    An 60Fe peak in a deep-sea FeMn crust has been interpreted as due to the signature left by the ejecta of a supernova explosion close to the solar system 2.8 +/- 0.4 Myr ago [Knie et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 171103 (2004)]. To confirm this interpretation with better time resolution and obtain a more direct flux estimate, we measured 60Fe concentrations along a dated marine sediment. We find no 60Fe peak at the expected level from 1.7 to 3.2 Myr ago. However, applying the same chemistry used for the sediment, we confirm the 60Fe signal in the FeMn crust. The cause of the discrepancy is discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Clustering in 18O - absolute determination of branching ratios via high-resolution particle spectroscopy

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    The determination of absolute branching ratios for high-energy states in light nuclei is an important and useful tool for probing the underlying nuclear structure of individual resonances: for example, in establishing the tendency of an excited state towards α -cluster structure. Difficulty arises in measuring these branching ratios due to similarities in available decay channels, such as ( 18 O, n ) and ( 18 O, 2 n ), as well as differences in geometric efficiencies due to population of bound excited levels in daughter nuclei. Methods are presented using Monte Carlo techniques to overcome these issues

    Spectroscopy of 19^{19}Ne for the thermonuclear 15^{15}O(α,γ\alpha,\gamma)19^{19}Ne and 18^{18}F(p,αp,\alpha)15^{15}O reaction rates

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    Uncertainties in the thermonuclear rates of the 15^{15}O(α,γ\alpha,\gamma)19^{19}Ne and 18^{18}F(p,αp,\alpha)15^{15}O reactions affect model predictions of light curves from type I X-ray bursts and the amount of the observable radioisotope 18^{18}F produced in classical novae, respectively. To address these uncertainties, we have studied the nuclear structure of 19^{19}Ne over Ex=4.0−5.1E_{x} = 4.0 - 5.1 MeV and 6.1−7.36.1 - 7.3 MeV using the 19^{19}F(3^{3}He,t)19^{19}Ne reaction. We find the JπJ^{\pi} values of the 4.14 and 4.20 MeV levels to be consistent with 9/2−9/2^{-} and 7/2−7/2^{-} respectively, in contrast to previous assumptions. We confirm the recently observed triplet of states around 6.4 MeV, and find evidence that the state at 6.29 MeV, just below the proton threshold, is either broad or a doublet. Our data also suggest that predicted but yet unobserved levels may exist near the 6.86 MeV state. Higher resolution experiments are urgently needed to further clarify the structure of 19^{19}Ne around the proton threshold before a reliable 18^{18}F(p,αp,\alpha)15^{15}O rate for nova models can be determined.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Phys. Rev. C (in press
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