199 research outputs found

    Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Rec (Studi Pada PT. Bank Mandiri Persero, Tbk Periode 2011-2013)

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    The purpose of this research is to know the application of REC analysis at Bank Mandiri and to know health rate of Bank Mandiri by using REC approach during 2011-2013. This research is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach. Research is done at Bank Mandiri, Tbk. The result of REC analysis at Bank Mandiri, Tbk shows that based on the analysis of (NPL) year 2012, credit risk was the lowest than year 2011 and 2013. Market Risk of Bank Mandiri, Tbk measured by (IRR) formula were increased every year, it means the income of the bank was always highest. Based on the calculation of Liquidity Risk using (LDR), (LAR), and (CR), known that LDR of the bank categorized is good enough, the result of LAR are larger than CR, besides the score earned by CR is small, so that the liquidity level of Bank Mandiri was low. Profitability factors measured by (ROA) and (NIM) during 2011-2013 shows an upward trend, it means that profit rise is signify followed by increased asset of Bank Mandiri. Capital factors that measured by (CAR) during 2011-2013 are classified in rank one, because it has top value at the provisions of Bank Indonesia (above 8 %)

    The Use of Information Gap Activity to Improve Speaking Ability of the Second Year of SMPN 34 Pekanbaru in Making Information Questions

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    The research is a classroom research that was conducted based on the problem occurred at the eighth grade students of SMP 34 Pekanbaru at studying the improvement on the ability of the eighth grade students of SMP 34 Pekanbaru in speaking in making information questions. Besides, knowledge in making information questions is mostly improved after being taught by information gap activity method. The participants were 34 students from VIII 2 of SMP 34 Pekanbaru. This research was conducted in two cycles. The data collection technique was obtained through (1) observation sheet which was applied to know the students and teacher performance during the teaching and learning process, (2) test was done to measure students' achievement, and (3) field note was obtain information about teacher, the students activities and performance in the teaching and learning process during the implementation of picture series. The research finding can briefly explain as follow: first the student's students speaking ability could be improved by using information gap activity method. Before the research was done, the average score of students was only 35.92 in pretest. After the research was done for cycle 1, it improved to77.19. Then, In cycle 2 increased up to 85.5. The observation sheet and field note result showed that the used of information gap activity make the teaching process more effective and it also helped students' improve their speaking ability and more active in learning process. This improvement happened because this information gap activity method is appropriate to be applied to the class

    Deterministic and Recursive Approach in Attitude Determination for InnoSAT

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    Attitude determination system (ADS) was indispensable in attitude control of satellite. Especially for InnoSAT due to the limitation of budget, weight, and power, the attitude was determined using onboard position sensors. Previous research has successfully implemented the attitude determination using only Earth's magnetic field sensors for small attitude angle, but the approach produced quite big error for large attitude angle. This paper presents attitude determination for InnoSAT using combination of sun sensors and earth's magnetic field for large attitude angle. The attitude was determined using a deterministic (QUEST) and recursive (EKF) approach. A problem arises when using the sun sensors while the satellite experiencing eclipse. Consequently, the accuracy of both approaches was analyzed at eclipse and no eclipse conditions. The result shows that deterministic approach produced better accuracy at no eclipse but recursive approach produced better accuracy at eclipse. The strategy to apply the both approaches and eclipse conditions also discussed in this paper

    Studi Kasus: Asuhan Keperawatan pada Klien Isolasi Sosial Pasca Pasung

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    Social isolation is characterized by decline or loss inability to interact with others. This paper aimed to analyze the nursing care of social isolation on Mr. P with schizophrenia paranoid. The nursing care process is based on the standard of generalist nursing care which provided for six days from May 7th throughout 12th 2018 on Mr. P aged 32 years male. Main nursing problem was social isolation. Nursing intervention was emphasized on client\u27s ability to establish mutual relationship and improve client\u27s communication skills gradually. Nursing interventions affected client positively as manifested gy decreased signs and symptoms of social isolation on the cognitive, affective, physiological and social aspects, but there had not been a decline in behavioral aspects. Client\u27s barriers in establishing relationship with nurses were internal factors in which clients had negative judgments about themselves, others and the environment and external factors where clients considered the nurse as a threatening stressor. Nursing care follow-up plans are expected to be maximized for individually, family, group and community

    Analisis Keadaan USAha Budidaya Ikan Sistem Keramba Jaring Apung ( Kja) di Danau Toba ( Kasus Desa Untemungkur Kecamatan Muara Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara Provinsi Sumatera Utara)

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    This study was conducted on May 7 to 15, 2014, aims to determine how much investment and operational costs and problems faced by farmers in the cultivation of fish in floating net cages in the village Untemungkur. The method used in this research is to conduct interviews respondents were 9 people divided into Category I and Category II From the research that has been conducted in the village of Muara Untemungkur on farming in floating net cages in mind that a large total investment of fish farming in floating net cages for category I Rp.161.935.000, with operating expenses of Rp.81.641.568, / harvest. Net income is farming Rp38.358.432, / harvest. As for category II total investment fish farming in floating net cage aquaculture transform Rp.130.905.000 category II, namely, - the operating expenses of Rp.61.701.778, - / harvest. The advantages are achieved net farmers in this village is supported by the ability of farmers in the supplementary feeding

    Kemampuan Siswa dalam Memahami Teks Bahasa Inggris pada Siswa Semester Kedua di Sman 1 Benai

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    This research was designed to describe the students' ability incomprehending English texts. The aim was to find out students ability in comprehendingthe text. This descriptive research took place in SMAN 1 Benai in March 2016. Thesample was 40 students from XI IPA3 class that took by using cluster random sampling.In collecting the data, there were 30 questions that included in this test. The durationtime for doing the test was 90 minutes. The data was analyzed by calculating thestudents' score individually and finding out the mean score. The students' scoreclassified into five level mastery; they are: very poor, poor mediocre, good, andexcellent. The data was presented by using graphic. Based on the result finding of thisresearch, the students' ability in comprehending English texts at second year of SMAN1 Benai was in good level. Meanwhile, the mean score of the whole students' scores was62.2

    Legal Protection for Children Victims of Narcotics Abuse in Riau Province

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    Narcotics abuse can be categorized as a criminal act as regulated in Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. The method used in this research is socio-legal research. In Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, there is no distinction between the abuse committed by children who are already drug addicts and children who are victims of narcotics abuse and are taking narcotics for the first time, so that these children are combined at the time of the crime. It is hoped that there will be political will from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to revise Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics in order to provide legal protection for children who are victims of narcotics abuse. One of the obstacles faced by the Riau Regional Police in eradicating narcotics abuse by children is the minimal role of parents who are willing to report their children. Therefore, the Riau Regional Police should cooperate with religious leaders from MUI, traditional leaders from LAM Riau, as well as community leaders in order to provide enlightenment to the public about the dangers of narcotics abuse for the future of children

    Analisis Hedonic Shopping, Lifestyle Shopping dan E-Impulse Buying Bagi Pengguna Platform Shopee

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Shopping Lifestyle, Hedonic Shoping, pruce discount terhadap Impulse Buying. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada e-commerce shopee. Jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 108 responden, dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner dengan sampel yaitu konsumen yang pernah membeli atau melakukan transaksi dan juga memiliki aplikasi di shopee. Data dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) menggunakan AMOS 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  bahwa 1) hedonic shopping berpengaruh positif  dan signifikan terhadap impulsif buying. 2) Shopping Lifestyle berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Impulse Buying. 3) price discount berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap impulsif buying pada pelanggan di shopee
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