1,632 research outputs found

    On the Weak Localization Principle of the Eigenfunction Expansions of the Laplace-Beltrami Operator by Riesz Method

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    In this paper we deal with the problems of the weak localization of the eigenfunction expansions related to Laplace-Beltrami operator on unit sphere. The conditions for weak localization of Fourier-Laplace series are investigated by comparing the Riesz and Cesaro methods of summation for eigenfunction expansions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator. It is shown that the weak localization principle for the integrable functions f(x) at the point x depends not only on behavior of the function around x but on the behavior of the function around diametrically opposite point \overline{x}


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    Tilapia is a type of consumption fish that is very popular with the community, has an affordable price and is easy to cultivate. However, limited land for cultivation is one of the obstacles for the community in cultivating tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). One alternative solution that needs to be done is the Budikdamber activity. Budikdamber is a method of cultivating fish in a limited space with high effectiveness if done intensively. The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth rate of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and survival during the cultivation of damber activities. The results showed that tilapia fry (Oreochromis niloticus) cultured in buckets (budikdamber) for 6 weeks of rearing had a significant average increase in length and weight after the adaptive phase in the first and second weeks. The average increase in length and weight of tilapia during cultivation reached 1 cm/week, increased body weight of 20 grams/head and had a 100% survival rate

    The Influence of Learning Style and Motivation On Students' Learning Achievement in Entrepreneurship and Archives Science Courses in the Covid-19 Pandemic at Amik Lamappapoleonro Soppeng

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    In this research process, the researcher applied a quantitative approach to the type of ex post facto (correlational) research. The examination system is carried out at the Amik Lamappapoleonro Soppeng campus. Samples or research participants are students III. Semester Computer Management Amik Lampapoleonro Soppeng Study Program 2019/2020 academic year, totaling 50 students, the variables used in this study were learning styles (X1), achievement motivation (X2) and student performance in semester III of the Study Program Entrepreneurship and Archives course Management. Researchers used data collection techniques to measure a learning style variable and achievement motivation using a Likert Scale questionnaire measuring instrument and the documentation method was used to measure student achievement learning variables. In this study using data, namely descriptive analysis as a tool to measure the Mean, Median, Mode. The product and moment system uses a correlation analysis with a significant level of 5% as a measure for the hypothesis. From the results of testing that is influential. there is a significant and positive relationship (influence) in which student learning styles and student learning in Entrepreneurship and Archives courses with a contribution of 11.4 student learning styles. This means that the student style system in learning is very good will be directly proportional to student learning achievement. There is a significant and positive influence on student achievement motivation with learning achievement in the Informatics Management study program at the Amik Lamappapoleonro Soppeng campus in the Entrepreneurship and Archives course with a contribution of 14.2% to student achievement motivation, namely that if it is very good student achievement motivation so that learning achievement students would be great. In terms of research it has a significant influence between motivation and student achievement learning styles with student achievement learning in the Entrepreneurship and Archives course on the Amik Lamappapoleonro Soppeng campus with a linear regression equatio


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    Asma merupakan penyakit inflamasi kronik saluran pernapasan yang tidak dapat disembuhkan tetapi dapat dikontrol dengan perilaku dan penanganan yang tepat. Pencapaian asma yang terkontrol dipengaruhi oleh kebiasaan merokok. Penderita asma masih dijumpai merokok meskipun jumlahnya sedikit. Merokok meningkatkan gejala, memicu serangan, mempercepat penurunan fungsi paru dan menurunkan respon pengobatan pada penderita asma Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kebiasaan merokok dengan tingkat kontrol asma pada penderita asma Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah pasien asma yang berobat di Poliklinik Paru RSUDZA Banda Aceh. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara non probability sampling yaitu accidental sampling yang dilakukan pada tanggal 14 November sampai dengan 16 Desember 2016 dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 33 pasien. Pasien diwawancara untuk menilai kebiasaan merokok dengan kuesioner baku merokok dalam Riskesdas dan menilai tingkat kontrol asma dengan kuesioner Asthma Control Test (ACT). Hasil analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman dengan ? = 0,05 dan 95% Confidence Interval (CI) didapatkan nilai p = 0,001 dan r = -0,543, menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara kebiasaan merokok dengan tingkat kontrol asma, dengan kekuatan korelasi sedang dan arah korelasi negatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kebiasaan merokok mempengaruhi tingkat kontrol asma pada penderita asma di Poliklinik paru RSUDZA Banda Aceh. Kata Kunci : Asma, Kebiasaan Merokok, Tingkat Kontrol Asm

    Attitude Determination And Control For Stabilization And Pointing Accuracy For 3u Class Nano-Satellite

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    Penyelidikan dan pembangunan 3U nano-satelit semakin meningkat sekarang ini dan telah membawa pelbagai misi ke angkasa lepas. InnoSAT adalah satelit 3U yang dibangunkan oleh Astronautics Technology Sdn.Bhd. (ATSB) dan lima universiti di Malaysia. Satelit itu dibangunkan dengan berat, kuasa, ruang dan bajet terhad. Misi satelit adalah untuk menangkap imej wilayah Malaysia daripada angkasa. Sistem yang sedia ada di dalam satelit menghasilkan dinamik tidak stabil dan berat tidak seimbang. Tiga paksi tork magnit, penderia matahari dan medan magnet dipasang pada paksi badan satelit. Tork kawalan satelit boleh dihasilkan oleh medan magnet daripada tork magnet yang serenjang dengan vektor medan magnet bumi yang berbezabeza di setiap posisi di orbit. Tiga paksi giroskopik berjenis Sistem Mikro Elektro Mekanikal (MEMS) dipasang sebagai penentuan utama sikap dan gabungan optimum penderia matahari dan medan magnet sebagai menengah. Sikap yang tepat, kedudukan dan kestabilan satelit di dalam orbit diperlukan ketika menangkap imej. Tesis ini membincangkan tentang bentuk pengiraan tepat dan cepat untuk penentuan sikap menengah dan juga penstabilan sikap, ketepatan menunjuk, dan kawalan gangguan untuk semua kedudukan satelit di orbit dengan menggunakan konfigurasi satelit sedia ada. Sikap ini telah dipilih menggunakan lima kaedah; TRIAD, The Quaternion Estimator (QUEST), kaedah-q, Fast Optimal Attitude Matrix (FOAM), Estimator Of The Optimal Quaternion-1 (ESOQ1) dan rekursi EKF. Kaedah yang dipilih dengan mempertimbangkan kerumitan dan kemungkinan untuk dapat diimplementasikan di dalam pengawal-mikro InnoSAT. Kaedah asas titik mampu menghasilkan keluaran yang tepat dan cepat apabila satelit itu berada jauh daripada gerhana tetapi kaedah EKF mampu melaksanakannya pada semua kedudukan. Kaedah-q menunjukkan hasil paling cepat dan tepat dalam menentukan sikap berbanding kaedah lain dengan kesilapan kurang daripada 5 %. Satelit ini dikawal dengan memasukkan mod terjerumus ke dalam model satelit untuk membentuk pengawal berdasarkan persamaan linear Riccati; LQR, H2, H¥, sintesi-m dan LPV berdasarkan Ketidaksaam Matriks Linear (LMI). Gelung tertutup dianalisis terhadap perubahan fungsi pemberat, ketidaktentuan, dan jumlah maklum balas di mana-mana kedudukan di orbit. Penggunaan kuasa pengawal amat dianggap melihat kemungkinan untuk dapat diimplementasikan di dalam sistem yang sedia ada. Pengawal ini mampu mengekalkan kestabilan hanya dalam bulatan kecil kedudukan satelit daripada titik kiraan pengawal tetapi jika satelit berada di luar bulatan maka pengawal baru mesti dikira semula. Kestabilan berterusan boleh dicapai dengan pengawal LPV, tetapi pengawal tidak dapat mengekalkan ketepatan menunjuk, dan penolakan gangguan pada masa yang sama. Sikap satelit disimulasi menggunakan 2-dimensi (2D) dan 3-dimensi (3D) Simulink MatlabTM. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Research and development of 3U nano-satellite is increasing nowdays and have been carrying various mission to space. InnoSAT is a 3U satellite developed by ATSB and five universities in Malaysia. The satellite is developed with limited weight, power, space and budget. The satellite mission is to capture images of Malaysia’s territory from space. Existing system in the satellite produces unstable dynamic and unbalance of weight. Three axis magnetorquers, sun and magnetic field sensor are installed on satellite body axes. The satellite control torque is produced by perpendicular magnetic field from magnetorquer and Earth’s magnetic field vector which varies periodically in orbit. Three axis Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) gyro is installed as a primary attitude determination and optimal combination of sun and magnetic field sensor as a secondary. Accurate attitude, position and stability of the satellite in orbit while capturing the image is required. This thesis discuss about designing of accurate and fast computation of secondary attitude determination and also attitude stabilization, pointing accuracy, and disturbance rejection control for all satellite position in orbit with existing satellite configuration. The attitude is determined using five methods; TRIAD, QUEST, q-method, FOAM, ESOQ1 and a recursive EKF. The methods are chosen by considering the complexity and possibility to be able to implement in onboard micro-controller of InnoSAT. The point base methods are able to produce accurate and fast output when the satellite out of eclipse but the EKF is able to perform at all position. The q-method shows the fastest and accurate attitude determination compare with other six methods with less than 5% error. The satellite is controlled by inserting sliding mode into satellite model to design controller based on linear Riccati equation; LQR, H2, H¥, m-synthesis and LPV based on Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI). The closed loop is analyzed due to variation of weighting functions, uncertainties, and number of feedback at any position in orbit. The controller power consumption is highly considered to see the possibility to implement in existing system. The controller is able to maintain the stability only in small radius position from its design point but if the satellite go beyond the radius the new controller must be recalculated. The continuous stability can be achieved by LPV controller, but the controller unable to maintain stability, pointing accuracy, and disturbance rejection simultaneously at the same time. The attitude is represented in Two Dimensions (2D) and Three Dimensions (3D) simulation using Simulink MatlabTM


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    PERSIAPAN DAN PERAWATAN OPERASI HERNIA ABDOMINALIS PADA KUCING DOMESTIKABSTRAKKegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesuksesan operasi Hernia Abdominalis pada kucing domestik melalui pesiapan dan perawatan operasi. Kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam tindakan persiapan dan perawatan operasi adalah melakukn signalemen, anamnesa, pemeriksaan fisik, dan dengan perawatan paska operasi diharapkan dapat mempersingkat waktu penyembuhan luka operasi. Prosedur kegiatan adalah persiapan hewan sebaik-baiknya. Persiapan ruang operasi didesinfeksi. ruangan dan meja operasi dengan alkohol 70%, setelah itu persiapan alat operasi berupa sterilisasi alat bedah bertujuan menghilangkan seluruh mikroba yang terdapat pada alat bedah, persiapan pasien agar jaringan steril atau pembuluh darah pada pasien tidak terkontaminasi. Operasi dilakukan dengan mengembalikan usus ke ruang abdomen dan menutup cincin hernia. Kegiatan pasca operasi berupa pengamatan, pengobatan, dan pencatatan perubahan-perubahan klinis yang terjadi selama perawatan, pengolesan salep gentamisin pada luka insisi, pemberian makanan basah dengan harapan penciuman kucing terangsang dengan bau makanan basah yang menyengat, sehingga kucing mendapat asupan nutrisi yang cukup. Hasil pengamatan yaitu luka kucing yang dioperasi mengering di hari ke- 5 dan dibuka jahitannya.Kata kunci : operasi Hernia abdominalis, Kucing domestik

    Complete Feed Based on Fermented Sago Waste Against the Consumption and Digestion of Goat

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    A common method used to improve the nutritional quality of feed is by fermentation method.  The working principle is that fermentation activates the growth and metabolism of microorganism so that it can increase the digestibility of feed and produce the preferred aroma of livestock.  This study aims to find out the effect of giving fermented sago waste on the consumption and digestibility of goat and cattle. Two feed treatments were tested on 12 goats.  The results showed that the consumption and digestibility value of Dry Matter (DM) and Crude Protein (CP) showed no noticeable difference in goat cattle. The study concluded that complete feed-based fermented sago waste did not affect the consumption and digestibility of CP and DM of goat. Keywords: Sago waste, completed feed, consumption, digestion, dry matter, crude protei