13 research outputs found

    Empowering Muslim Women Though Executive Coaching & Mentoring

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    This paper examines the role and effect of executive coaching and mentoring on the empowerment of Muslim women and enhancing their levels of contribution. It further substantiates the manner in which executive coaching can accommodate both the nature and needs of Muslim women while further unleashing her respective talents, creativity and skills. The study further highlights the role and significance of coaching in spheres relevant to family, as well as social and career development. This study highlights the use of the strategic technique for personal and leadership development set to explore talents, leaders and implicit abilities. Moreover, it exhibits the flexibility of self-coaching and its appropriateness for Muslim women, especially concerning self-development, which in turn influences social and institutional development. This inquiry highlights a number of practical results which emphasizes the viability and efficacy of executive coaching on personal and institutional levels as far as the making of better world for Muslim women is concerned

    Critical review on Ibn Khaldun’s political thought and relevance: The perspective of Abdallah Sharit

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    İbn Haldun’un düşünceleri hem Arap dünyasında, hem de Batı’da fikri tartışmalar yaratmaya devam etmektedir. İbn Haldun’un devlet kavramı, yönetimin temelleri, devletin yükselmesinin ve çöküşünün dâhili nedenleri hakkındaki görüşleri, Arap toplumunun bugünkü ve gelecekteki emarelerini ziyadesiyle taşımaktadır. İbn Haldun devletin gerilemesinin kesin sebebi olarak daha çok iç amillerle alâkadar olmuştur. Bununla birlikte, devletin zayıflamasında yabancı istilaların ve harici faktörlerin etkisini de kabul etmektedir. Öte yandan, İbn Haldun dış taarruzların ancak toplumdaki parçalanma belli bir seviyeye ulaştıktan sonra etkili olduğuna inanmaktadır. Başka bir deyişle, asabiyet anlayışının sosyal ve siyasi güçleri bir araya getirmekte zorlandığı veya harici saldırılara karşı bu güçleri harekete geçiremediği durumlarda harici saldırılar devletin zayıflamasında müessirdirler. Abdullah Şerit’e göre, günümüz Arap toplumunun sosyal, siyasi ve kültürel bakımdan eleştirel değerlendirmesi; İbn Haldun’un devrinden bu yana değişen çok bir şey olmadığını ve Mukaddime’de yaptığı teşhislerin günümüzde de geçerli olduğunu göstermektedir. Asabiyet halen Arap toplumlarının temelidir ve siyasi otorite uğruna mücadele hâkim davranış kalıbıdır. Arap toplumları milliyetçiliğe yönelmişlerdir ancak bu alanda başarısız olmaları keskin bir şekilde asabiyeti yeniden diriltmişti. Bu durum, daha evvel İbn Haldun tarafından öne sürülen kavramların ne kadar önemli ve kayda değer olduğunu açıklamaktadır. Şerit, İbn Haldun’un ortaya koyduğu anlayışın bugünkü Arap devletlerinin ihtiyaçlarına cevap verebilir nitelikte olduğuna inanmaktadır. Ayrıca günümüz çatışmaları açısından İbn Haldun’un fikirlerinin hayati bir önem kazandığını düşünmektedir. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmanın amacı, Şerit’e göre İbn Haldun’un bilhassa siyaset düşüncesinin günümüze uygun olduğunun göstergelerinin ve emarelerinin ortaya çıkarılmasıdır. Ayrıca bu çalışma Arap ülkelerindeki güncel sosyo-politik değişimlerin ışığında İbn Haldun’un siyaset düşüncesinin uygulanabilirliğini değerlendirmektedir. Şerit yaptığı çalışmalarla Arap toplumunun bugünkü şartlarının yorumlanmasında ve anlaşılmasında İbn Haldun’nun görüşlerinden yararlanılabileceğini vurgulamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, bu makale günümüz ile ilgili dersler çıkarmayı hedeflemektedir.The thought of Ibn Khaldun’s thought continues to generate highly intellectual debate in the Arab and Western world. His thought on the state and the foundations of government, as well as the factors inherent within their rise and collapse are highly reflective of some of the contemporary and future tracks of Arab society. Ibn Khaldun was greatly intrigued and interested in internal factors as being the most decisive reasons of decline, while nonetheless acknowledging the impact of foreign invasions and externalities on the decline of states. He holds however that foreign invasion is only effective to the degree of disintegration reached by society, or alternatively where it is difficult for the sense of ‘Asabiyyah to unite existing social and political powers, or consequently fails to awaken those forces in the face of external aggression. The critical evaluation of the contemporary socio-politico-cultural context of Arab societies in accordance with Abdallah Shari?’s probes show little change since Ibn Khaldun’s times, and are no different from what is found in his own diagnosis within the Muqaddimah. Arab societies are still based on Asabiyyah, and the struggle for political authority continues to be their governing pattern. Though they made inroads towards nationalism; their failure sharply revived the aforementioned Asabiyyah. explains and highlights the relevance and credibility of concepts raised earlier by Ibn Khaldun. Shari? is of firm belief that the insight offered by Ibn Khaldun can meet the dire needs of present-day Arab states. Within this context, Shari? finds that the ideas of Ibn Khaldun have become critically relevant to the existing conflict.This inquiry seeks to explore the manifestations of and implications of Ibn Khaldun’s relevance to the present-day according to Shari?, especially regarding the pertinence of his political thought. This study also assesses the relevance of Ibn Khaldun’s political thought in light of contemporary socio-political changes taking place in Arab countries. This study intends to derive relevant lessons pertinent to our times; precisely on what Shari? attempted to do in his study of Ibn Khaldun, specifically seeking to emphasize Ibn Khaldun’s relevance to the interpretation and understanding of contemporary Arab conditions


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    A number of studies show that, in Malaysia, women continue to make significant contributions to the country’s economic and social development. Moreover, women’s access to health and education has increased rapidly over the years. However, some studies claim that socio-economic discrimination against Muslim women persists. Although several factors contribute to this discrimination, fatwas (a legal opinion of Muslim jurists on Muslim affairs) are accused of discriminating against Muslim women in Malaysia such as prohibiting the appointment of female judges in shariah courts, employment of women for night shifts i.e. in the electronic factories, police force, and hospitals. Women’s socio-economic participation is important as it empowers them and creates gender equality. This paper reviews 16 fatwas on five topics relevant to women’s socio-economic participation in Malaysia issued by 11 state muftis (who issue fatwa) during the period of 1970 to 2012 in order to realize whether they hamper their participation. Using a qualitative content analysis approach, this paper concludes that fatwas had neither affected their socio-economic participation nor shaped their life negatively. This paper is hoped to positively shape the society’s impression of fatwas and help Muslim women in Malaysia abide to Islamic teachings by realizing the good impacts of fatwas issued.  Keywords: Fatwa, Muslim, women, socio-economic participation, Malaysia. Cite as: Mohammad Monawer, A. T., Grine, F., Abdullah, M. F., & Mohd Nor, M. R. (2019). Do fatwas hamper Muslim women’s socio-economic participation in Malaysia? Journal of Nusantara Studies, 4(1), 232-245. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol4iss1pp232-24

    Understanding Muslim theology in the works of Shaykh Muhammad Ghazali

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    This inquiry explores Shaykh Ghazali’s perspective on Muslim beliefs and change; and his views on how faith can sustain commitment to holistic change while assuring a favorable interaction with the intellect, without jeopardizing human freedom or the laws and patterns of the universe. This study also examines Ghazali's views on the intimate connection of Muslim beliefs to life in addition to his ideas on the reform of theological instruction as an effective means of re-shaping the intellectual identity of Muslims and actualizing change in contemporary Muslim societies. The study of Ghazali’s intellectual analysis on Muslim faith and change is vital to understanding the current debate on religion, reform and modernity, particularly as he addresses many problems and issues pertaining to the methodology of religious understanding and practice within the very context of Muslim life

    Muslim Scholastic Theology and Social Reform: Shaykh Mohammad Ghazālī’s Perspective

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    Social reform does not emerge in vacuum. It requires a comprehensive worldview (Weltanschauung) that answers the arising epistemological, theological and ethical issues. In the Muslim societies, contemporary Muslim thinkers have sought to illustrate the critical role of Muslim theology in shaping the Muslim thought while underscoring not only the socio-historical development of theology, but also the urgent need to formulate new approaches and instruction methods towards a Muslim theology (kalÉm) suited for a positive societal development. This study seeks to analyze the perspective of one prominent Azharite Muslim scholar, Shaykh Mohammad GhazÉlÊ (d.1996), concerning the Muslim theology and social reform and his views on the problems impeding prospect development of a new method of kalÉm. It explores GhÉzÉlÊ’s views with regards to the development of Muslim theology and spirituality, the interface between Muslim beliefs and social reform, the method of the Quran in raising beliefs, and the need for shaping an effective style for instructing Muslim beliefs. The paper concludes that GhÉzÉlÊ’s perspective provides a critical yet constructive insight on the role of Muslim theology for social change in the contemporary Muslim societies

    The Intellectual Developments During the AlMohad Dynasty (1130-1269): Some Preliminary Remarks

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    Much has been written about the acclaimed Mahdi Ibn Tumart (1080–1130), the theological doctrine of AlMohads and their tireless efforts to extinct Malikism in the Maghreb. Such a development and Ibn Tumart’s claim of Mahdism caused AlMohads’ contributions to be totally or partially obscured while AlMohads shows significantly prosperous intellectual life. This research examines the background of the intellectual developments during AlMohad Dynasty, and their influence on advancing learning and scholarship. This inquiry not only helps highlight the effects of earlier dynasties on AlMohads intellectual life but also repositions the distinct theological character of AlMohads in the process of intellectual and legal development in the Maghreb

    Positive thinking: an Islamic perspective

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    The subject of positive thinking is gaining growing popularity while drawing the increasingly piqued interests of academic researchers and health professionals. The most relevant literature to the topic however, appears to overlook major differences in the religious and cultural beliefs of various nations. In an attempt to fill this lacuna in the cultural and religious dimensions of positive thought, the current research seeks to explore the nature of positive thinking in light of Islamic sources. It sheds light on the structure, order, and parameters of positive thinking according to Muslim beliefs and practices while also highlighting the process of sustaining positive thinking according to Islamic teachings. Using a comparative method of analysis, the current inquiry contrasts both positive and negative thinking patterns in an attempt to determine the influence of religious thought and practice in shaping and sustaining healthy thinking patterns. The research reveals the distinct character and system of positive thinking according to Muslims and suggests new areas of potential interest to psychologists and professional therapists, in the field of sustaining positive thinking among Muslims as well as in multi-cultural societies

    Sustainability in multi-religious societies: an Islamic perspective

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    The question of sustainability in multi-religious societies underscores many interrelated theological, moral, legal and socio-cultural issues affecting the very process of social co-existence, cohesion and development. This paper discusses Islam’s stand on sustainability in multi-religious contexts while highlighting its perspective on the religious, spiritual and moral pre-requisites of sustainability. This study also sheds light on a number of key concepts and core values in Islam related to shaping sustainable development in multi-religious societies. This inquiry on the perspective of Islam towards sustainability provides an understanding of not only the religious implication of sustainability but equally highlights a number of critical factors required for development in multi-religious societies

    Islamic art and the ethos of spirituality within a civilizational context

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    Islamic art is characterized by a deep-rooted vitality and distinct form of expression that arises from its intimate position with regard to Islamic civilization. While civilizational turning points and major occurrences have held deep ramifications for its growth and development, the most prominent catalysts of civilizational status are not only found in the realm of the political and economic, but rather within a deeper expanse of ideas, spirituality, and societal consciousness; of which Islamic art acts as a prime indicator. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach. This paper would seek to survey the depths inherent within Islamic spirituality’s relationship with Islamic art, and further isolate the reasons and source of their subsistence and continued prevalence. The paper further delves into the relationship shared by spirituality and art, and the influences they exert upon one another. Moreover, it attempts to delineate between the mundane and transcendental spheres of civilizational growth and development, while seeking to come to terms with the sustainability of Islamic art, and its position with respect to Islamic civilization. The paper concludes that Islamic art is sustained and defined by means of a unique catalyzing ethos responsible for Islamic civilizational culture that is altogether distinct from the temporal mundane reality of socio-political conditions of civilization