64 research outputs found

    The Development of Animation-Based Learning Media Using Construct 2 on Logic Material

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    Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah menghasilkan produk berupa media pembelajarn berbasis animasi menggunakan construct 2 yang “layak” digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran untuk peserta didik di SMA Negeri 1 Purbolinggo dan menghasilkan produk yang “praktis” digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran untuk peserta didik di SMA Negeri 1 Purbolinggo. Model pengembangan yang digunakan sebagai dasar penelitian ini adalah model 4D yang terdiri dari 4 tahap yaitu Define, Design, Development, Disseminate. Instrument pengumpulan data pada pengembangan ini berupa angket validasi ahli dan angket kepraktisan produk. Hasil pengembangan produk berupa media pembelajaran animasi diperoleh analisis materi 89% yang masuk dalam kategori “sangat layak” dan analisis ahli media 90% yang masuk dalam kategori “sangat layak” untuk digunakan pada saat uji coba. Selanjutnya uji coba kelompok kecil dilakukan oleh 10 peserta didik diperoleh 90% yang masuk dalam kategori “sangat praktis” digunakan pada proses pembelajaran. Berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan media pembelajaran berbasis animasi pada materi logika yang dikembangkan memenuhi kriteria layak dan praktis. Kata kunci: Pengembangan, media pembelajaran, berbasis animasi, Construct 2, logika

    Electrochemical studies of 1-ferrocenylmethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium iodide and 1-(ferrocenylmethyl)-3-mesityl-imidazolium iodide: redox potential and substituent effects

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    The electrochemical behavior of 1-ferrocenylmethyl-3-(methyl)-imidazolium iodide (or mesityl) imidazolium was studied by cyclic voltammetry at glassy carbon electrode in midiums organic to determine the influences of electronic imidazolium group on the ferrocene. The experimental results indicated that the redox reaction was reversible. Mass transport towards the electrode is a simple diffusion process and the diffusion coefficient (D) for redox couple has been also calculated and we have evaluated the heterogeneous charge transfer rate constant (K0).                     KEY WORDS: Electrochemical behaviour, Cyclic voltammetry, Imidazolium salts, Diffusion coefficient   Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2020, 34(3), 605-612. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v34i3.1

    Penerapan Nilai Kode Etik Kedokteran Indonesia pada Era Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di Kabupaten Siak

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    Indonesian physicians, in their daily practices, are set to hold firm to Indonesian Medical Codes of Ethics or Kode Etik Kedokteran Indonesia (KODEKI) as it composes moral values and norms in order to preserve professional nobleness in every situation that may persist. The ongoing National Health Insurance (NHI) that has been implemented since January 2014 has arose several challenges for physicians. The aim of this study was to discover the implementation of KODEKI value in NHC era in Siak Regency among general practitioners. This is a qualitative research using exploration method. Data was collected by interview technique and recorded by audio recorder. The results showed that all of the selected general practitioners possess altruism, responsibility, professional idealism, scientific and social integrity which are the values of KODEKI being observed in this research


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    Penelitian telah dilakukan di perairan pantai Matani Satu, Tumpaan, Minahasa Selatan, Sulawesi Utara. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakteristik gelombang di perairan Matani Satu, Tumpaan, Minahasa Selatan, Sulawesi Utara. Berbagai kegiatan masyarakat terpusat di daerah pantai Matani Satu karena sebagian besar masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah ini bermata pencarian sebagai nelayan, sehingga penggunaan lahan untuk pemukiman penduduk semakin menyebar sampai pada kawasan yang dekat dengan garis pantai. Kondisi ini mengancam penduduk yang bermukim di sekitar pantai karena pada bulan-bulan tertentu sering terjadi gelombang besar yang dapat merusak pemukiman dan infrastruktur yang berada dekat dengan pantai. Oleh karena itu diperlukannya penelitian mengenai karakteristik gelombang untuk pengamanan daerah pesisir pantai Matani Satu ini. Penelitian terhadap lokasi studi ini dimulai dengan survey ke lokasi studi, kemudian mengumpulkan data-data seperti peta lokasi pantai Matani Satu dan data angin selama 10 tahun dari BMKG yang selanjutnya akan digunakan dalam peramalan tinggi dan periode gelombang signifikan yang terjadi di daerah Pantai Matani Satu. Dari hasil perhitungan tinggi dan periode gelombang, dengan gelombang maksimum terjadi pada bulan Desember 2003 diperoleh menggunakan Metode Hind Casting adalah H = 1.2770 m dan T = 4.5279 det. Tinjauan arah gelombang dominan untuk lokasi ini adalah arah barat. Koefisien refraksi yang terjadi berkisar antara 0.9505 sampai 1.1485 dan koefisien shoaling yang terjadi berkisar pada 0.8980 sampai 1.5405. Tinggi gelombang yang didapatkan dari hasil perhitungan berkisar pada  1.0799 m sampai 1.8003 m dengan kedalaman 0.5 m sampai 25 m. Kata kunci: Pantai Matani Satu, Karakteristik gelombang, Refraksi, Shoaling, Gelombang Pecah

    Novel palladium(II) and platinum(II) complexes with a fluoropiperazinyl based ligand exhibiting high cytotoxicity and anticancer activity in vitro

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    cis-Dichloro-palladium(II) and cis-dichloro-platinum(II) complexes (2, 4) of the general formula [M(N-N)Cl2] (M=Pd(II) and Pt(II), N-N= 1,2-diamino-4-fluoro-5-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl) benzene, (DFMPB)) and the dicationic palladium(II) complex [Pd(N-N)(CH3CN)2](BF4)2 (3) have been prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, 1H-NMR-, mass spectroscopy, and IR spectroscopy. The cytotoxic effect of these complexes against MDA-231 and MCF-7 human breast cancer cell lines and K562 human leukemia cell line has been studied. The influence was dose dependent and varies with cell type. The palladium(II) complex (2) showed superior cytotoxic effect compared with the corresponding platinum(II) complex and the standard, cisplatin, when tested against all the above cell lines. 2016 Kayed A. Abu-Safieh et al.Scopu

    Preschool family irregularity and the development of sleep problems in childhood

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    Background: Previous studies have shown that poor family environments are related to more sleep problems; however, little is known about how family irregularity in early life affects the development of sleep problems ove

    Lichen rehydration in heavy metal polluted environments: Pb modulates the oxidative response of both Ramalina farinacea thalli and its isolated microalgae

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    Lichens are adapted to desiccation/rehydration and accumulate heavy metals, which induce ROS especially from the photobiont photosynthetic pigments. Although their mechanisms of abiotic stress tolerance are still to be unravelled, they seem related to symbionts' reciprocal upregulation of antioxidant systems. With the aim to study the effect of Pb on oxidative status during rehydration, the kinetics of intracellular ROS, lipid peroxidation and chlorophyll autofluorescence of whole Ramalina farinacea thalli and its isolated microalgae (Trebouxia TR1 and T. TR9) was recorded. A genetic characterization of the microalgae present in the thalli used was also carried out in order to assess possible correlations among the relative abundance of each phycobiont, their individual physiological responses and that of the entire thallus. Unexpectedly, Pb decreased ROS and lipid peroxidation in thalli and its phycobionts, associated with a lower chlorophyll autofluorescence. Each phycobiont showed a particular pattern, but the oxidative response of the thallus paralleled the TR1's, agreeing with the genetic identification of this strain as the predominant phycobiont. We conclude that: (1) the lichen oxidative behaviour seems to be modulated by the predominant phycobiont and (2) Pb evokes in R. farinacea and its phycobionts strong mechanisms to neutralize its own oxidant effects along with those of rehydration

    Culex pipiens, an Experimental Efficient Vector of West Nile and Rift Valley Fever Viruses in the Maghreb Region

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    West Nile fever (WNF) and Rift Valley fever (RVF) are emerging diseases causing epidemics outside their natural range of distribution. West Nile virus (WNV) circulates widely and harmlessly in the old world among birds as amplifying hosts, and horses and humans as accidental dead-end hosts. Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) re-emerges periodically in Africa causing massive outbreaks. In the Maghreb, eco-climatic and entomologic conditions are favourable for WNV and RVFV emergence. Both viruses are transmitted by mosquitoes belonging to the Culex pipiens complex. We evaluated the ability of different populations of Cx. pipiens from North Africa to transmit WNV and the avirulent RVFV Clone 13 strain. Mosquitoes collected in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia during the summer 2010 were experimentally infected with WNV and RVFV Clone 13 strain at titers of 107.8 and 108.5 plaque forming units/mL, respectively. Disseminated infection and transmission rates were estimated 14–21 days following the exposure to the infectious blood-meal. We show that 14 days after exposure to WNV, all mosquito st developed a high disseminated infection and were able to excrete infectious saliva. However, only 69.2% of mosquito strains developed a disseminated infection with RVFV Clone 13 strain, and among them, 77.8% were able to deliver virus through saliva. Thus, Cx. pipiens from the Maghreb are efficient experimental vectors to transmit WNV and to a lesser extent, RVFV Clone 13 strain. The epidemiologic importance of our findings should be considered in the light of other parameters related to mosquito ecology and biology
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