96 research outputs found

    Acidólisis enzimática de trioleina con los ácidos palmítico y caprílico: Optimización de los parámetros de la reacción mediante la metodología de superficie de respuesta

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    An acidolysis reaction of triolein with caprylic and palmitic acids was performed using immobilized sn-1,3 specific lipase from Mucor miehei to produce a reduced calorie spreadable structured lipid (SL). Response surface methodology was applied to model and optimize the reaction conditions using a four-factor five-level central composite rotatable design. The selected factors were time (10-24 h), enzyme load (10-25 wt%), substrate mole ratio (Triolein:Caprylic acid:Palmitic acid), (1:1:1-1:2.5:2.5) and temperature (45-60 °C). The produced SLs were compared to fat extracts of commercial margarine in terms of melting profile and solid fat content (SFC). SL with a melting peak of 42 °C and SFC of 40.69% at 0 °C was very similar to soft margarines. The caloric value of this SL was determined as 37.74 kJ/g, theoretically. The optimum reaction conditions were found as reaction time 14 h; substrate mole ratio 1:2.1:2.1; temperature 58 °C; and enzyme load 15 wt%. Under optimum conditions, the product contained 29.68% COC, 25.47% POC, and 3.80% POP.La reacción de acidolísis de la trioleina con los ácidos caprílico y palmítico se realizó utilizando lipasa inmovilizada Mucor miehei, específica de sn-1, 3, para producir una grasa de untar baja en calorías compuesta de lípidos estructurados (SL). La metodología de superficie de respuesta se aplica para modelar y optimizar las condiciones de reacción utilizando un factor-cuatro y nivel-cinco de diseño central compuesto. Los factores seleccionados fueron el tiempo (10-24 h), la carga de enzima (10-25% en peso), la relación molar de sustratos (Trioleína:Ácido Caprílico:Ácido Palmítico), (1:1:1-1:2.5:2.5) y la temperatura (45-60 °C). Los SLs producidos se compararon con extractos de grasa de margarina comercial en términos de perfil de fusión y contenido de grasa sólida (SFC). El SL con un pico de fusión a 42 °C y SFC de 40,69% a 0 °C era muy similar a las margarinas suaves. El valor calórico de este SL se determinó teóricamente siendo 37,74 kJ/g. Las condiciones óptimas de reacción encontradas fueron 14 h de tiempo de reacción; una relación molar de sustratos 1:2.1:2.1; una temperatura de 58 °C, y una carga enzima de 15% en peso. En condiciones óptimas el producto contenía 29,68% de AOC, 25,47% de POC, y 3,80% de POP

    Extracción asistida por microondas de compuestos no polares de cáscaras de pistacho y caracterización de los extractos

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    Soxhlet and microwave assisted extraction (MAE) methods were used to obtain non-polar compounds from pistachio hull. MAE parameters (liquid to solid ratio, microwave power, and extraction time) were studied to obtain maximum extraction yield. The optimal conditions were found to be liquid to solid ratio of 15:1 (v/w), microwave power of 250 W and extraction time of 12.5 min. The extraction yields were 9.81 and 9.50% for MAE and Soxhlet methods, respectively. The total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and tocopherol content of the extract obtained by MAE was found to be significantly higher than those of the Soxhlet extract (p < 0.05). The results showed that the extract contained α-tocopherols (567.65 mg/kg) and oleic acid (48.46%) as the major tocopherols and fatty acids. These findings propose that hull extracts can be considered as a good source of natural bioactive compounds and MAE can be a good alternative to the traditional Soxhlet method.Se utilizó la extracción mediante Soxhlet y métodos de extracción asistida mediante microondas (MAE) para obtener compuestos no polares de las cascaras de pistacho. Se estudiaron los parámetros para la MAE (relación líquido-sólido, potencia de microondas y tiempo de extracción) para obtener el máximo rendimiento de la extracción. Se encontró que las condiciones óptimas eran una relación líquido a sólido de 15:1 (v/p), potencia de microondas de 250 W y un tiempo de extracción de 12,5 minutos. Los rendimientos de extracción fueron 9.81 y 9.50% para los métodos MAE y Soxhlet, respectivamente. El contenido fenólico total, la actividad antioxidante y el contenido de tocoferoles de los extractos obtenidos por MAE fueron significativamente más altos que los de los extractos de Soxhlet (p < 0,05). Los resultados muestran que el extracto contiene α-tocoferol (567.65 mg/kg) y ácido oleico (48.46%) como los principales tocoferoles y ácidos grasos, respectivamente. Estos hallazgos proponen que los extractos de las cascaras pueden considerarse como una buena fuente de compuestos bioactivos naturales y MAE puede ser una buena alternativa al método Soxhlet tradicional

    The Effects of Acorn Flour on Some Quality Characteristics of Chicken Patties

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    The study was carried out to develop chicken patties by incorporating acorn flour as a meat replacer at 3%, 6%, and 9% levels in the formulation. For this purpose, the chemical (moisture, protein, fat, ash), pH, thiobarbituric acid (TBA), and color analyses in the raw and cooked chicken patties were analyzed. In addition, the cooking properties (cooking yield, diameter reduction, thickness reduction), functional properties (moisture and fat retention) and sensory properties were examined on cooked chicken patties. There were significant changes in the chemical, cooking, functional, and color properties of chicken patties with acorn flour. The moisture and protein values decreased, in both raw and cooked samples incorporated with acorn flour but fat level increased only in raw acorn flour added samples. Lightness (L*) and redness (a*) values decreased significantly. The addition of acorn flour caused an increase in b* values of raw samples and a decrease in cooked samples.  Acorn flour was not effective in preventing lipid oxidation. The addition of acorn flour contents in chicken patties improved functional and cooking properties, decreased cooking loss, and increased moisture and fat retention. The use of acorn flour improved the quality parameters of patties, but the addition of acorn flour resulted in a darker color in patties.  The use of acorn flour in chicken meatballs did not negatively affect sensory properties except color. In conclusion, acorn flour can be used as a filler and binder in chicken patties

    Augmented Winter's method for forecasting under asynchronous seasonalities

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    The method of Winters (1960) is one of the most well-known forecasting methodologies in practice. The main reason behind its popularity is that it is easy to implement and can give quite effective and efficient results for practice purposes. However, this method is not capable of capturing a pattern being emerged due to the simultaneous effects of two different asynchronous calendars, such as Gregorian and Hijri. We adapt this method in a way that it can deal with such patterns, and study its performance using a real dataset collected from a brewery factory in Turkey. With the same data set, we also provide a comparative performance analysis between our model and several forecasting models such as Winter’s (Winters 1960), TBAT (De Livera et al. 2011), ETS (Hyndman et al. 2002), and ARIMA (Hyndman and Khandakar 2008). The results we obtained reveal that better forecasts can be achieved using the new method when two asynchronous calendars exert their effects on the time-series

    Siyez, Dinkel ve Kavılca Unu ile Kaplanmış Tavuk Nuggetların Soğukta Depolama Süresince Bazı Kalite Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Siyez, Kavılca ve Dinkel gibi atalık buğday unlarının tam buğday unu yerine kaplama formülasyonlarında kullanılmasının tavuk nuggetların kalitesi üzerine etkilerini araştırmaktır. 4°C’de 7 gün depolanan derin yağda kızartılmış tavuk nuggetların kimyasal özellikleri, kalite karakteristikleri, pH, lipid oksidasyonu, renk, doku ve duyusal özellikleri değerlendirilmiştir. Hamur formülasyonları, nuggetların kimyasal ve kalite özelliklerini önemli ölçüde etkilediği, Dinkel unu ile kaplanan tavuk nuggetlarda kaplama kalınlığının, kaplama yapışma oranının ve pişirme veriminin en yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kontrol örneklerinin renk puanlarının depolama süresi boyunca azaldığı, atalık unlarla kaplanmış tavuk nuggetların renk puanlarının değişmediği tespit edilmiştir. 0. günde Siyez unu ile kaplı örnekler en yüksek lezzet puanını alırken, 3. günde örneklerin lezzet puanlarının birbirine yakın olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Depolamanın 7. gününde kontrol örneği en düşük lezzet puanını almıştır. Siyez unu ile kaplanmış tavuk nuggetların sululuk puanlarının depolama süresince değişmediği, doku puanlarının arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Siyez ve Kavılca unu ile kaplanmış nuggetların genel kabul edilebilirlik puanları depolamanın 0. ve 3. günlerinde kontrol örnekleriyle benzer bulunmuştur. Doku profil analizinde, tüm nuggetlarin sertlik, yapışkanlık, elastikiyet ve sakızımsılık değerleri arasında anlamlı bir farklılık olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Depolama süresi arttıkça Kavılca unu ile kaplı örneklerin sertlik değerinin arttığı, çiğnenebilirlik değerlerinin azaldığı tespit edilmiştir

    Acidolisis de aceite de pistacho con los ácidos palmítico y caprílico en un reactor de recirculación de lecho compacto: optimización mediante metodología de superficie de respuesta

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    The acidolysis reaction of terebinth fruit oil with caprylic and palmitic acid has been investigated. The reaction was catalyzed by lipase (Lipozyme IM from Rhizomucormiehei) and carried out in recirculating packed bed reactor. The effects of reaction parameters have been analyzed using response surface methodology. Reaction time (3.5–6.5 h), enzyme load (10–20%), substrate flow rate (4–8 mL·min-1) and substrate mole ratios (Terebinth oil : Palmitic acid : Caprylic acid, 1:1.83:1.22–1:3.07:2.05) were evaluated. The optimum reaction conditions were 5.9 h reaction time, 10% enzyme load, 4 mL·min-1 substrate flow rate and 1:3.10:2.07 substrate mole ratio. The structured lipid obtained at these optimum conditions had 52.23% desired triacylglycerols and a lower caloric value than that of terebinth fruit oil. The melting characteristics and microstructure of the structured lipid were similar to those of commercial margarine fat extracts. The results showed that the structured lipid had the highest oxidative stability among the studied fats.Se ha investigado la reacción de acidolisis del aceite de pistacho con los ácidoscaprílico y palmítico. La reacción fue catalizada por la lipasa Lipozyme IM de Rhizomucormiehei y realizada mediante recirculación del reactor de lecho compacto. Los efectos de los parámetros de la reacción han sido analizados mediante el uso de la metodología de superficie de respuesta. El tiempo de reacción (3.5 hasta 6.5 h), la carga de enzima (10–20%), el caudal de sustrato (4–8 mL·min-1) relaciones molares de los sustrato (aceite de pistacho: ácido palmítico: ácido caprílico, 1: 1,83: 1,22–1: 3,07: 2,05) fueron evaluados. Las condiciones óptimas de reacción fueron 5,9 h de tiempo de reacción, el 10% de carga de la enzima, 4 mL·min-1 de caudal de sustrato y 1: 3,10: 2,07 de relación molar de sustratos. Los lípidos estructurados obtenidos en las condiciones óptimas tenías 52,23% de triacilgliceroles deseados y un valor calórico menor que la de encina aceite de la fruta. Características de fusión y microestructura de lípido estructurado fueron similares a las de los extractos de grasa margarina comerciales. Los resultados mostraron que el lípido estructurado tenía una estabilidad oxidativa más alta entre las grasas estudiadas

    Virginia Henderson’ın Teorisine Göre Tip I DM ’nin Değerlendirilmesi: Olgu Sunumu

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    Hemşirelik mesleği, insan ve onun karmaşık süreci ile çalıştığı için insana yönelik yasaları formüle etmesi gerekmektedir. Bu durumda yapılabilecek en iyi yol insan davranışlarını teorilere başvurarak açıklamaya çalışmaktır. Bu amaçla çalışmamızda hemşireliğe öncülük etmiş hemşire kuramcılardan Virginia Henderson’ın Teorisini bir olgu çerçevesinde tartışmaya çalıştık. Bu makalede, Tip I Diabetes Mellitus olan bir hasta, Henderson Hemşirelik Teorisine göre incelenmiş ve bu teori bireylerin bütüncül olarak ele alınmasını sağlayarak, hemşirelere bir çerçeve sunup hasta verilerinin daha kolay toplanmasını dolayısıyla hastanın memnuniyetini ve güvenliğini de arttırmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu teori özellikle veri toplama konusunda etkin olabileceği düşünülmektedir

    Acidolysis of terebinth fruit oil with palmitic and caprylic acids in a recirculating packed bed reactor: optimization using response surface methodology

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    The acidolysis reaction of terebinth fruit oil with caprylic and palmitic acid has been investigated. The reaction was catalyzed by lipase (Lipozyme IM from <em>Rhizomucormiehei</em>) and carried out in recirculating packed bed reactor. The effects of reaction parameters have been analyzed using response surface methodology. Reaction time (3.5–6.5 h), enzyme load (10–20%), substrate flow rate (4–8 mL·min<sup>-1</sup>) and substrate mole ratios (Terebinth oil : Palmitic acid : Caprylic acid, 1:1.83:1.22–1:3.07:2.05) were evaluated. The optimum reaction conditions were 5.9 h reaction time, 10% enzyme load, 4 mL·min<sup>-1</sup> substrate flow rate and 1:3.10:2.07 substrate mole ratio. The structured lipid obtained at these optimum conditions had 52.23% desired triacylglycerols and a lower caloric value than that of terebinth fruit oil. The melting characteristics and microstructure of the structured lipid were similar to those of commercial margarine fat extracts. The results showed that the structured lipid had the highest oxidative stability among the studied fats.<br><br>Se ha investigado la reacción de acidolisis del aceite de pistacho con los ácidoscaprílico y palmítico. La reacción fue catalizada por la lipasa Lipozyme IM de <em>Rhizomucormiehei</em> y realizada mediante recirculación del reactor de lecho compacto. Los efectos de los parámetros de la reacción han sido analizados mediante el uso de la metodología de superficie de respuesta. El tiempo de reacción (3.5 hasta 6.5 h), la carga de enzima (10–20%), el caudal de sustrato (4–8 mL·min<sup>-1</sup>) relaciones molares de los sustrato (aceite de pistacho: ácido palmítico: ácido caprílico, 1: 1,83: 1,22–1: 3,07: 2,05) fueron evaluados. Las condiciones óptimas de reacción fueron 5,9 h de tiempo de reacción, el 10% de carga de la enzima, 4 mL·min<sup>-1</sup> de caudal de sustrato y 1: 3,10: 2,07 de relación molar de sustratos. Los lípidos estructurados obtenidos en las condiciones óptimas tenías 52,23% de triacilgliceroles deseados y un valor calórico menor que la de encina aceite de la fruta. Características de fusión y microestructura de lípido estructurado fueron similares a las de los extractos de grasa margarina comerciales. Los resultados mostraron que el lípido estructurado tenía una estabilidad oxidativa más alta entre las grasas estudiadas


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    Amaç: Her yıl dünyada birçok insan kardiyovasküler cerrahi geçirmektedir. Koroner arterby-pass grafting ameliyatında cerrahi tekniklerdeki ilerleme sonucunda yüksek risk grubundakihastalar da (hipertansiyon ve diyabet gibi) ameliyata alınabilmektedir. Yüksek riskgrubundaki ve ileri yaştaki hastalara CABG uygulanması beraberinde nörolojikkomplikasyonları da getirmiştir. Ortaya çıkan nörolojik sorunlar inme, ameliyat sonrasıdeliryum, bilişsel bozukluklar ve depresyondur. Bu nedenle ilgi son yıllarda kalbin ameliyatsonrası durumu yerine CABG'nin beyin üzerine de olan etkilerine kaymıştır.Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmamıza CABG ve valf replasmanı geçiren 24 olgu alındı. Buolgularda serebral hasarı göstermek amacı ile gliadan salınan S-100B protein, nöronlardansalınan nöron spesifik enolaz ve iskemi patofizyolojisinde birçok fonksiyonu olan nitrik oksiddüzeyleri ölçüldü. Ayrıca hastaların bilişsel fonksiyonlarını ölçen nöropsikolojik testleruygulandı. Bu amaçla CABG ve VR ameliyatı geçiren 24 olgudan ameliyat öncesi veameliyattan sonra 1., 6. ve 24. saatler ve 3. ve 7. günlerde venöz kan alınarak S-100Bprotein, NSE ve NO düzeyleri ölçüldü. Nöropsikolojik testler ameliyattan önce ve ameliyatsonrası 3. ve 7. günlerde uygulandı.Bulgular: Nöropsikolojik testler sonucunda 8 olguda bilişsel fonksiyon kaybı saptandı. Buolgularda ameliyat sonrası 1. ve 6. saatteki S-100B protein düzeyleri, perfüzyon zamanı veolguların yaş ortalaması bilişsel kayıp saptanmayan grupla karşılaştırıldığında anlamlıyüksek bulundu. NSE, VR grubunda ameliyattan sonra 7.gün ameliyat öncesi değerleregöre anlamlı yüksek bulundu ancak bunun bilişsel fonksiyon kaybıyla bir bağlantısı saptanmadı.Ameliyat öncesi ve ameliyat sonrası NO düzeylerinde ise anlamlı fark bulunmadı.Sonuç: CABG hastaları içinde yaş ortalaması yüksek ve perfüzyon zamanı uzun olanlardabilişsel fonksiyon kaybı daha fazla görülmektedir. Artan serum S-100B protein düzeyleriserebral etkilenme ve buna bağlı bilişsel fonksiyon kaybı ile koreledir.Objective: Every year, many people undergo cardiovasculary surgery in the world. Due toimprovements in coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) tecniques, patients in high risk group such as patients withhypertension or diabetes mellitus areadmitted to operation frequently. But itshould be kept in mind remember thatin the high risk group of patients andalso in advanced age groups, CABG cause many neurological complications like stroke,postoperative delirium, depression, cognitive decline etc. Because of these problems, theeffect of CABG on the brain functions gain more importance with respect to effects onpostoperative heart status last years.Material and method: In our study, 24 cases undergoing CABG and valve replacementwere invastigated. Neuron-specific enolase released from neurons, protein S-100B releasedfrom glial cells and nitric oxide that known to have many functions in ischemia were studiedin these cases to show cerebral effects of these operations. Also neuropsychological testusing for assesment of cognitive functions were performed. We analysed protein S-100B,NSE, NO concentrations in serial venous blood samples taken preoperatively and 1, 6, 24 hand 3, 7 days postoperatively in 24 patients undergoing VR or CABG surgery.Neuropsychological tests were performed preoperatively, and 3. and 7 days after surgery.Results: After performing of neuropsychological tests, cognitive decline was seen in 8cases. Protein S-100B levels at postoperative 1. and 6. hours and also the mean levels ofage and perfusion times were significantly higher in these cases. NSE levels weresignificantly higher in VR group at postoperative7. days with respect to preoperative levelsalso. However there was no significant differance between preoperative and postoperativeNO levels.Conclusions: Cognitive decline is seen in CABG patients with advanced age and withlong perfusion time frequently. Increased protein S-100B levels in these patients arecorrelated with cerebral influence which cause distrubtion in cognitive functions

    Characterisation of general proteolytic, milk clotting and antifungal activity of Ficus carica latex during fruit ripening

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    The physiological role of fig latex is to protect the plant from pathogens. Latex is a rich source of proteases, predominantly ficin. Fig latex also contains collagenolytic protease and chitinolytic enzymes. Our aim was to investigate changes in protein composition, enzyme and antifungal activities of fig latex during fruit ripening. RESULTSComparison of latex samples in different time periods showed a uniform increase of protein concentration in chronological order. The content of collagenolytic protease did not differ significantly in the latex samples, while the content of ficin decreased. Ficin-specific activity towards casein was the highest at the beginning of fruit development (about 80 U mg(-1)). Specific milk clotting activity increased as well as the abundance of casein band in the clots. Specific chitinolytic activity at the beginning of flowering was 6.5 times higher than the activity in the period when fruits are ripe. Antifungal activity is the most extensive in spring. CONCLUSIONFicin forms with different casein specificities are present in different proportions during fruit ripening, which is of importance for applications in the dairy industry. The protection mechanism against insects and fungi, which relies on chitinolytic activity, is the most important in the early phases of flowering and is replaced with other strategies over time. (c) 2015 Society of Chemical IndustryThis is peer-reviewed version of the following article: Raskovic, B.; Lazic, J.; Polovic, N. Characterisation of General Proteolytic, Milk Clotting and Antifungal Activity of Ficus Carica Latex during Fruit Ripening. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2016, 96 (2), 576–582. [https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.7126]Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3398