73 research outputs found

    Chandra observation of the Galactic supernova remnant CTB 109 (G109.1-1.0)

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    Context: We study the X-ray emission of the Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) CTB 109 (G109.1-1.0), which is well-known for its enigmatic half-shell morphology both in radio and in X-rays and is associated with the anomalous X-ray pulsar (AXP) 1E2259+586. Aims: We want to understand the origin of the X-ray bright feature inside the SNR called the Lobe and the details of the interaction of the SNR shock wave with the ambient interstellar medium (ISM). Methods: The Lobe and the northeastern part of the SNR were observed with Chandra ACIS-I. We analysed the spectrum of the X-ray emission by dividing the entire observed emission into small regions. The X-ray emission is best reproduced with one-component or two-component non-equilibrium ionisation models depending on the position. In the two-component model one emission component represents the shocked ISM and the other the shocked ejecta. Results: We detect enhanced element abundances, in particular for Si and Fe, in and around the Lobe. There is one particular region next to the Lobe with a high Si abundance of 3.3 (2.6 - 4.0) times the solar value. This is the first, unequivocal detection of ejecta in CTB 109. Conclusions: The new Chandra data confirm that the Lobe was created by the interaction of the SNR shock and the supernova ejecta with dense and inhomogeneous medium in the environment of SNR CTB 109. The newly calculated age of the SNR is t ~ 1.4 x 10^4 yr.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 9 pages, 10 figure

    XMM-Newton Large Program on SN1006 - I: Methods and Initial Results of Spatially-Resolved Spectroscopy

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    Based on our newly developed methods and the XMM-Newton large program of SN1006, we extract and analyze the spectra from 3596 tessellated regions of this SNR each with 0.3-8 keV counts >104>10^4. For the first time, we map out multiple physical parameters, such as the temperature (kTkT), electron density (nen_e), ionization parameter (netn_et), ionization age (tiont_{ion}), metal abundances, as well as the radio-to-X-ray slope (α\alpha) and cutoff frequency (νcutoff\nu_{cutoff}) of the synchrotron emission. We construct probability distribution functions of kTkT and netn_et, and model them with several Gaussians, in order to characterize the average thermal and ionization states of such an extended source. We construct equivalent width (EW) maps based on continuum interpolation with the spectral model of each regions. We then compare the EW maps of OVII, OVIII, OVII Kδ−ζ\delta-\zeta, Ne, Mg, SiXIII, SiXIV, and S lines constructed with this method to those constructed with linear interpolation. We further extract spectra from larger regions to confirm the features revealed by parameter and EW maps, which are often not directly detectable on X-ray intensity images. For example, O abundance is consistent with solar across the SNR, except for a low-abundance hole in the center. This "O Hole" has enhanced OVII Kδ−ζ\delta-\zeta and Fe emissions, indicating recently reverse shocked ejecta, but also has the highest netn_et, indicating forward shocked ISM. Therefore, a multi-temperature model is needed to decompose these components. The asymmetric metal distributions suggest there is either an asymmetric explosion of the SN or an asymmetric distribution of the ISM.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures, 4 tables, MNRAS, in pres

    XMM-Newton Large Program on SN1006 - II: Thermal Emission

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    Based on the XMM-Newton large program on SN1006 and our newly developed spatially resolved spectroscopy tools (Paper~I), we study the thermal emission from ISM and ejecta of SN1006 by analyzing the spectra extracted from 583 tessellated regions dominated by thermal emission. With some key improvements in spectral analysis as compared to Paper~I, we obtain much better spectral fitting results with less residuals. The spatial distributions of the thermal and ionization states of the ISM and ejecta show different features, which are consistent with a scenario that the ISM (ejecta) is heated and ionized by the forward (reverse) shock propagating outward (inward). Different elements have different spatial distributions and origins, with Ne mostly from the ISM, Si and S from the ejecta, and O and Mg from both ISM and ejecta. Fe L-shell lines are only detected in a small shell-like region SE to the center of SN1006, indicating that most of the Fe-rich ejecta has not yet or just recently been reached by the reverse shock. The overall ejecta abundance patterns for most of the heavy elements, except for Fe and sometimes S, are consistent with typical Type~Ia SN products. The NW half of the SNR interior probably represents a region with turbulently mixed ISM and ejecta, so has enhanced emission from O, Mg, Si, S, lower ejecta temperature, and a large diversity of ionization age. In addition to the asymmetric ISM distribution, an asymmetric explosion of the progenitor star is also needed to explain the asymmetric ejecta distribution.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, MNRAS in pres

    On the origin of the jet-like radio/X-ray morphology of G290.1-0.8

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    The origin and evolution of supernova remnants of the mixed-morphology class is not well understood. Several remnants present distorted radio or X-ray shells with jet-like structures. G290.1-0.8 (MSH 11-61A) belongs to this class. We aim to investigate the nature of this supernova remnant in order to unveil the origin of its particular morphology. We based our work on the study of the X-ray emitting plasma properties and the conditions imposed by the cold interstellar medium where the remnant expanded. We use archival radio, HI line data and X-ray observations from XMM-Newton and Chandra observatories, to study G290.1-0.8 and its surrounding medium. Spatially resolved spectral analysis and mean photon energy maps are used to obtain physical and geometrical parameters of the source. Radio continuum and HI line maps give crucial information to understand the radio/X-ray morphology. The X-ray images show that the remnant presents two opposite symmetric bright spots on a symmetry axis running towards the NW-SE direction. Spectral analysis and mean photon energy maps confirm that the physical conditions of the emitting plasma are not homogeneous throughout the remnant. In fact, both bright spots have higher temperatures than the rest of the plasma and its constituents have not reached ionization equilibrium yet. HI line data reveal low density tube-like structures aligned along the same direction. This evidence supports the idea that the particular X-ray morphology observed is a direct consequence of the structure of the interstellar medium where the remnant evolved. However, the possibility that an undetected point-like object, as a neutron star, exists within the remnant and contributes to the X-ray emission cannot be discarded. Finally, we suggest that a supernova explosion due to the collapse of a high-mass star with a strong bipolar wind can explain the supernova remnant morphology.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Discovery of X-ray Emission from the Galactic Supernova Remnant G32.8-0.1 with Suzaku

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    We present the first dedicated X-ray study of the supernova remnant (SNR) G32.8-0.1 (Kes 78) with Suzaku. X-ray emission from the whole SNR shell has been detected for the first time. The X-ray morphology is well correlated with the emission from the radio shell, while anti-correlated with the molecular cloud found in the SNR field. The X-ray spectrum shows not only conventional low-temperature (kT ~ 0.6 keV) thermal emission in a non-equilibrium ionization state, but also a very high temperature (kT ~ 3.4 keV) component with a very low ionization timescale (~ 2.7e9 cm^{-3}s), or a hard non-thermal component with a photon index Gamma~2.3. The average density of the low-temperature plasma is rather low, of the order of 10^{-3}--10^{-2} cm^{-3}, implying that this SNR is expanding into a low-density cavity. We discuss the X-ray emission of the SNR, also detected in TeV with H.E.S.S., together with multi-wavelength studies of the remnant and other gamma-ray emitting SNRs, such as W28 and RCW 86. Analysis of a time-variable source, 2XMM J185114.3-000004, found in the northern part of the SNR, is also reported for the first time. Rapid time variability and a heavily absorbed hard X-ray spectrum suggest that this source could be a new supergiant fast X-ray transient.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Unraveling the Effects of Dense Medium on a Near to Bohm-Limit Acceleration in Kepler's SNR

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    The maximum energy of electrons accelerated by supernova remnants (SNR) is typically limited by radiative losses. In this scenario, the synchrotron cooling time scale is equal to the acceleration time scale. On the other hand, the low propagation speed of a shock in a dense medium is expected to result in an extended acceleration time scale, thus inducing a decrease in the maximum electron energy for a given SNR age and in the X-ray nonthermal flux. The young Kepler's SNR shows an enhanced efficiency of the acceleration process, which is close to the Bohm limit in the north of its shell, where the shock is slowed down by a dense circumstellar medium. Conversely, in the south, where no interaction with a dense medium is evident and the shock speed is high, the acceleration proceeds with a higher Bohm factor. To investigate this scenario, we studied the temporal evolution of the non-thermal emission, taking advantage of two Chandra X-ray observations of Kepler's SNR (performed in 2006 and 2014). We analyzed the spectra of different filaments both in the north and south of the shell, and measured their proper motion. We found a region with low shock velocity where we measured a significant decrease in flux from 2006 to 2014. This could be the first evidence of fading synchrotron emission in Kepler's SNR. This result suggests that under a certain threshold of shock speed the acceleration process could exit the loss-limited regime

    Suzaku Detection of Diffuse Hard X-Ray Emission outside Vela X

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    Vela X is a large, 3x2 degrees, radio-emitting pulsar wind nebula (PWN) powered by the Vela pulsar in the Vela supernova remnant. Using four Suzaku/XIS observations pointed just outside Vela X, we find hard X-ray emission extending throughout the fields of view. The hard X-ray spectra are well represented by a power-law. The photon index is measured to be constant at Gamma~2.4, similar to that of the southern outer part of Vela X. The power-law flux decreases with increasing distance from the pulsar. These properties lead us to propose that the hard X-ray emission is associated with the Vela PWN. The larger X-ray extension found in this work strongly suggests that distinct populations relativistic electrons form the X-ray PWN and Vela X, as was recently inferred from multiwavelength spectral modeling of Vela X.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ (Suzaku Special Issue

    The origin of the X-ray emitting plasma in the eastern edge of the Cygnus Loop

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    The Cygnus Loop is interacting with a protrusion of the cavity wall in its eastern edge (the XA region), where the X-ray emission is very bright. The complexity of the environment and the non-linear physical processes of the shock-cloud interaction make the origin of the X-ray emission still not well understood. Our purpose is to understand the physical origin of the X-ray emission in the XA region, addressing, in particular, the role of thermal conduction in the interaction process. We analyzed two XMM-Newton data sets, performing image analysis and spatially resolved spectral analysis on a set of homogeneous regions. We applied a recently developed diagnostic tool to compare spectral analysis results with predictions of theoretical models, and to estimate the efficiency of thermal conduction on the X-ray emitting shocked plasma. We found that the inhomogeneous cavity wall contains both large clumps (the protrusion) and small isolated clumps with different densities. A large indentation bent over to the south is detected. The abundance of the surrounding ISM is ~0.2 times solar value. We confirmed the important role of thermal conduction in the evolution of X-ray emitting plasma during shock-cloud interaction.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, MNRAS in pres
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