54 research outputs found

    A busca por cidades saudáveis

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    Vivemos indubitavelmente no Planeta Cidade. O início do século XXI marca um ponto de viragem importante na odisseia dessa espécie peculiar de primata, o Homo sapiens. Pela primeira vez na história da humanidade, a população global é eminentemente urbana. Através de metáforas com seres vivos e enfermidades, algumas bastante felizes (carros como dinossauros metálicos), outras menos inspiradas (calvície humana, representando a perda de cobertura vegetal nas cidades), Paulo Saldiva (2018) apresenta no seu livro de divulgação científica Vida urbana e saúde: os desafios dos habitantes das metrópoles1 o surgimento, o crescimento e os principais dilemas das cidades, tendo como “laboratório” a cidade de São Paulo. Ainda que Saldiva refira-se, inclusive no título de seu livro, às metrópoles, os desafios dos citadinos, gestores, legisladores, cientistas e urbanistas na busca por cidades saudáveis é uma verdade não apenas para São Paulo, mas para todas as cidades brasileiras

    Understanding and Applying Ecological Principles in Cities

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    Renaturing cities requires a thorough understanding of how plants and animals interact with the urban environment and humans. But cities are a challenging environment for ecologists to work in, with high levels of heterogeneity and rapid rates of change. In addition, the hostile conditions often found in cities mean that each city, and region of a city, can have their own unique geographical context. In this chapter, we contrast urban ecological research in the UK and Brazil, to demonstrate the challenges and approaches needed to renature cities. In so doing, we provide a platform for global transferability of these locally contextualised approaches. The UK has a long history of urbanisation and, as a result of increasing extinction debts over 200 years, well-established urban ecological research. Research is generally focused on encouraging species back into the city. In contrast, Brazil is a biodiversity hotspot with relatively rich urban flora and fauna. This rich ecosystem is imperilled by current rapid urbanisation and lack of support for urban nature by city-dwellers. By working together and transferring expertise, UK and Brazilian researchers stand a better chance of understanding urban ecological processes and unlocking renaturing processes in each location. We present one such method for applying ecological knowledge to cities, so-called Ecological Engineering, in particular by discussing ecomimicry—the adaptive approach needed to apply global ecological principles to local urban challenges. By reading the ecological landscape in which urban developments sit and applying tailored green infrastructure solutions to new developments and greenspaces, cities may be able to reduce the rate at which extinction debt is accumulated

    The role played by exotic plants in urban ecosystems: comments on Spennemann, 2019

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    The article written by Dirk HR Spennemann, and published in the European Journal of Ecology, addresses the role played by a palm tree species native to the Canary Islands as food source for several frugivore species found in Australian cities. This palm tree bears fruit throughout the year; therefore, it is a reliable food source in winter and helps increasing wildlife support. Spennemann avoids the native versus exotic dogmatic simplism; instead, he assesses the palm tree species based on its positive environmental impact

    Consumo incidental de plástico y otros materiales antropogénicos por parte de Coragyps atratus (Bechstein, 1793) en un vertedero de basura de Ecuador

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    This study analyzes and discusses the ingestion of plastic and other anthropogenic materials by Coragyps atratus in a suburban waste dump in Calceta, Manabí Province, Ecuador. Of a total of 112 pellets analyzed, 100% contained anthropogenic materials, the most conspicuous being different types of plastics and microplastics, as well as metals, glass, soil, and others. The relative importance of the anthropogenic materials found is discussed and analyzed, same as their potential impact on the species and humanity.En este estudio se analiza y discute la ingesta de plástico y otros materiales antropogénicos por parte de Coragyps atratus en un vertedero de residuos suburbano de Calceta, Provincia de Manabí, Ecuador. De un total de 112 egagrópilas analizadas, el 100% contenía materiales antropogénicos siendo los más conspicuos, diferentes tipos de plásticos y microplásticos, además de metales, vidrio, suelo y otros. Se discute y contrasta con la bibliografía la importancia relativa de los materiales antropogénicos encontrados, así como su potencial impacto en la especie y para el ser humano

    Ciudades medias de Brasil: una tipología socioambiental

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    La urbanización global de los territorios, que es el fenómeno ecológico humano más importante en curso, y cuyos impactos ambientales poseen niveles local, regional y mundial, presenta la característic notable de un crecimiento pronunciado de las ciudades pequeñas e intermedias, en las cuales la capacidad de planificación y gestión es usualmente ínfima, en comparación a las ciudades grandes. Es lo que se verifica en Brasil, donde las ciudades de tamaño medio, es decir, las que tienen poblaciones entre 100.000 y 500.000 vecinos están creciendo más rápidamente que las grandes ciudades, desde mediados de la década de 1990. El artículo tiene como objetivo trazar una tipología de las ciudades medias brasileñas por medio de análisis estadísticos multivariados. La tipología resultante señala dos tipos de ciudades, con demandas sociales, ambientales y de gestión diferentes. Algunas de estas ciudades se encuentran en hotspots de biodiversidad. En paralelo, hemos recopilado estadísticas sobre la gestión ambiental en marcha en estas ciudades. Nuestros resultados demuestran una baja efectividad de las acciones de gestión ambiental en estos municipios

    The negative influences of the new brazilian forest code on the conservation of riparian forests

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    More than one million hectares of riparian forests were degraded or altered in Mato Grosso State (Brazil) up to 2009. The aim of the research is to set a comparative scenario to show differences in the quantification of environmental liabilities in riparian forest areas resulting from the change in native vegetation protection rules due to the transition between Laws 4771/65 and 12651/2012. Data collection took place in a marginal stretch of Vermelho River in Rondonópolis County, Mato Grosso State. The following data set was taken into consideration: aerial images derived from unmanned aerial vehicle, Rapid Eye satellite images and orbital images hosted at Google Earth. The spatial resolution of those images was compared. The aerial photos composed a mosaic that was photo-interpreted to generate land use and occupation classes. The riparian forest areas of a rural property were used as parameter, and their environmental situation was compared in 05 meter and 100 meter strips. Thus, by taking into consideration the current rules, 23,501 m2 of area ceased to be an environmental liability within the riparian forest and became a consolidated rural area. According to the previous Forest Code, in a different scenario, that is, in a set of rural properties, the public authority would receive USD 68,600.00 in fines. The new Brazilian Forestry Code of 2012, which replaces the previous one made in 1965, exempts those responsible for rural property from regenerating previously deforested native vegetation — an obligation established by older Forest Code. We have shown that the new Forest Code has diminished the legal responsibility of the rural owners in relation to the maintenance of forest fragments in their properties

    ¿Hay flores en el jardín? La vegetación cultivada en patios urbanos a través de un gradiente social

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    Jardines domésticos urbanos tienen un potencial considerable para la conservación de la biodiversidad, y para el incremento de la calidad de la vida humana. Sin embargo, estos espacios no son planificados, y existe poca información sobre la diversidad de la flora presente en los patios de las diferentes clases sociales. Hemos cuantificado y comparado la diversidad vegetal de los patios de dos barrios de la región metropolitana de Maringá (RMM), a saber, Jardim das Torres y Zona 02, mediante la identificación de las especies y a través del cálculo de índices de diversidad y de correlaciones bivariadas. Los estándares de diversidad son muy distintos, cuando comparados los barrios, y por ello hemos trazado directrices de planificación, con el objetivo de aumentar la presencia de la vegetación en la RMM, y contribuir para la conservación de la biodiversidad, y consecuentemente, de sus beneficios a los ciudadanos.Quintais residenciais urbanos possuem um potencial considerável para a conservação da biodiversidade e para a melhoria da qualidade de vida humana. Não obstante, esses espaços não são planificados, e existe pouca informação sobre a diversidade da flora presente nos quintais de moradores de diferentes classes sociais. Quantificamos e comparamos a diversidade vegetal dos quintais de dois bairros da Região Metropolitana de Maringá (RMM), a saber, Jardim das Torres e Zona 02, mediante a identificação das espécies e através do cálculo de índices de diversidade e de correlações bivariadas. Os padrões de diversidade são assaz distintos, quando comparados os bairros, pelo que traçamos diretrizes de planejamento com o objetivo de aumentar a presença de vegetação na RMM, contribuir à conservação da biodiversidade, e, assim, de seus benefícios aos cidadãos.Urban home gardens have considerable potential for conservation of biodiversity, and for increasing the quality of human life. However, these spaces are unplanned, and there is little information on the diversity of flora in the backyards of different social classes. We have quantified and compared plant diversity in the backyards of two neighborhoods in the metropolitan region of Maringá (MRM), namely, Jardim das Torres and Zona 02, by identifying species and by calculating indices diversity, bivariate correlations and planting potential. The diversity standards are markedly different when compared the neighborhoods, and therefore we have set some guidelines for planning, with the goal of increasing the presence of woody vegetation in the MRM, and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, and consequently its benefits to citizens