11 research outputs found

    Od adenomu ke kolorektálnímu karcinomu: Změna v DNA metylacích

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    Rakovina hrubého čreva (KRK) je hlavným problémom verejného zdravia na celom svete a je jedným z najčastejších typov rakoviny v rozvinutých krajinách. Najnovšie štatistiky stále naznačujú, že Česká republika má na celom svete vysoký podiel výskytu KRK, a to najmä u mužov. KRK je ochorenie, na ktorom sa okrem genetických a chromozomálnych abnormalít podieľajú aj epigenetické zmeny, z ktorých najznámejším je práve DNA metylácia. Zmeny v DNA metylácii sú najvýraznejšími mechanizmami, ktoré menia expresiu génov. Strata génovej funkcie epigenetickým umlčaním kritických génov môže hrať kľúčovú úlohu pri vývoji a progresii sporadických ľudských nádorov, vrátane KRK. KRK sa zvyčajne vyvíja z prekanceróznych lézii, známych ako adenóm. Málo je však známe o presnom načasovaní DNA metylačných zmien pri prechode zo zdravého hrubého čreva, cez adenóm až do zhubného stavu. Cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce je podrobne zhrnúť aberantné zmeny v DNA metylácií u ľudí s adenómom a u pacientov s KRK a zároveň zhrnúť aktuálne používané metódy detekcie DNA metylácie. Kľúčové slová: rakovina hrubého čreva, DNA metylácia, adenóm, metylačný fenotyp CpG ostrovčekov, hypermetylácia, hypometyláciaColorectal cancer (CRC) is a major public health problem worldwide and is one of the most common types of cancer in advanced countries. Recent statistics still present that the Czech Republic has a high incidence of CRC worldwide, especially in Czech men. CRC is known to be a disease that is caused not only by genetic and chromosomal abnormalities but also by epigenetic changes with the best-known DNA methylation. Changes in DNA methylation are the most prominent mechanisms that alter gene expression. Loss of gene function by epigenetic silencing of critical genes plays a key role in the development and progression of sporadic human tumors, including CRC. CRC usually develops from a harmless protrusion, known as an adenoma. However, little is known about the exact timing of DNA methylation changes in the transition from a healthy colon, through an adenoma to a malignant state. This bachelor thesis aims to summarize in detail the aberrant changes in DNA methylation in people with adenoma and in patients with CRC and at the same time to summarize the currently used methods of DNA methylation detection. Keywords: colorectal cancer, DNA methylation, adenoma, CpG island methylation phenotype, hypermethylation, hypomethylationDepartment of Genetics and MicrobiologyKatedra genetiky a mikrobiologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Coaching and it's impact on performace of sales representants

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    Diploma thesis is devoted to an analysis of psychological coaching as a method promoting the use of human resources and human potential to the performance improvement and employee development. The theoretical part provides a definition of coaching. It deals with the principles and techniques of coaching, perception of reality, finding solutions and by setting and achieving goals. It discusses human potential as a layout of assumptions to human performance and its exploitation. It describes ways to improve the performance and life satisfaction through coaching. The work also presents an overview of psychological approaches in coaching. The second part consists of a quantitative research, in which they analyzed the results of sales representatives, who took coaching sessions, before and after coaching. Based on the results of the research part of the thesis, there is a statistically significant difference (p< .001) between the performance of sales consultants before coaching and in three other measurements after coaching. Key words Coaching, self-coaching, goals, coaching principles, effectivity, sales person, performance, potential

    Conflicts in the workplace

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    (in English) Bachelor thesis writes about conflict as a normal and natural part of a workplace. It discusses the conflicts in the workplace and in a human life as a helpful factor of changes, but also a source of dissatisfactions, depressions, despair in case of being unsolved. Thesis describes conflict division styles, conflict resolution styles and personal assumptions of conflict perception. In the work teams part I am writing about differences between work team and work group, then I am describing division of teams and I am presenting several developmental theories. Thesis also follows up socio- psychlogical aspects of team membership and team work. It focuses also on team relations mapping. Other element of thesis is a description of symmetrical and asymmetrical communication. Identification of relationship between communication style and conflict presence is a subject of experiment proposal

    From adenoma to colorectal cancer: The study of DNA methylation profiles

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major public health problem worldwide and is one of the most common types of cancer in advanced countries. Recent statistics still present that the Czech Republic has a high incidence of CRC worldwide, especially in Czech men. CRC is known to be a disease that is caused not only by genetic and chromosomal abnormalities but also by epigenetic changes with the best-known DNA methylation. Changes in DNA methylation are the most prominent mechanisms that alter gene expression. Loss of gene function by epigenetic silencing of critical genes plays a key role in the development and progression of sporadic human tumors, including CRC. CRC usually develops from a harmless protrusion, known as an adenoma. However, little is known about the exact timing of DNA methylation changes in the transition from a healthy colon, through an adenoma to a malignant state. This bachelor thesis aims to summarize in detail the aberrant changes in DNA methylation in people with adenoma and in patients with CRC and at the same time to summarize the currently used methods of DNA methylation detection. Keywords: colorectal cancer, DNA methylation, adenoma, CpG island methylation phenotype, hypermethylation, hypomethylatio

    Mothers in Drug Addiciton Treatment and After Treatment Period: Their Relationship Needs and Parental Competences

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    In my thesis I am writing about women, mothers, who are recovering from drug addiction. I am describing non-profit social organization SANANIM, which is specialized in treatment of all kinds of addictions. The tesis describes also about its parts and history. I am characterizing women - the specific group of a drug addicted people, their features, partner relationships and the connection with abuse and prostitution, subsequent pregnancy and decision to abstain and cure themselves. Then describes the influence of children in process of medical treatment. The empiric part consist of research, based on relationship needs and parental competences of clients from Therapeutic community Karlov and Rehab centre SANANIM

    The Single European Sky and its Development regarding to Brexit

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    Letecká doprava má v súčasnosti veľký význam, ktorý neustále narastá. Európska integrácia je otvorená tomuto rozvoju a snaží sa lietanie v priestore Európskej únie zjednodušovať prostredníctvom projektu jednotného európskeho neba. Ako aj v iných odvetviach, aj v leteckej doprave sa stretávame s vplyvom politických aspektov, ktoré nie sú vždy pozitívne. V súčasnosti Európska únia čelí situácii, s ktorou sa v svojej doterajšej histórii ešte nestretla. Veľká Británia sa rozhodla vystúpiť z EÚ, a teda aj z jednotného európskeho neba. Cieľom práce je objasniť možné scenáre Brexitu a ich dopady na fungovanie leteckej dopravy v Európskej únii. Ktorý z možných scenárov by bol pre európske letectvo najideálnejší a ktorý naopak môže mať fatálne dopady na leteckú dopravu v Európe?The air transport has a great importance currently and it is constantly growing. European integration is open to this development and is trying to simplify flying in the airspace of the European Union through the Single European Sky project. As in other sectors, there is an impact of political aspects on air transport, which is not always positive. Nowadays, the European Union is facing a situation that it has not yet encountered in its history. The UK has decided to leave the EU, and so the Single European Sky. The aim of the thesis is to clarify possible Brexit scenarios and their impact on the functioning of air transport in the European Union. Which of the possible scenarios would be the most ideal for European aviation and which may have fatal impacts on air transport in Europe?Letecká doprava má v současnosti velký význam, který neustále narůstá. Evropská integrace je otevřena tomuto rozvoji a snaží se létání v prostoru Evropské unie zjednodušovat prostřednictvím projektu jednotného evropského nebe. Jako i v jiných odvětvích, i v letecké dopravě se setkáváme s vlivem politických aspektů, které nejsou vždy pozitivní. V současnosti Evropská unie čelí situaci, se kterou se ve své dosavadní historii ještě nesetkala. Velká Británie se rozhodla vystoupit z EU, a tedy i z jednotného evropského nebe. Cílem práce je objasnit možné scénáře Brexitu a jejich dopady na fungování letecké dopravy v Evropské unii. Který z možných scénářů by byl pro evropské letectví nejideálnější a který naopak může mít fatální dopady na leteckou dopravu v Evropě

    The effect of sociomapping based team coaching

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    (in English): This dissertation seeks to verify the impact of sociomapping-supported team coaching on team climate and performance. Sociomapping, created in the 1990s to visualize team communication, plays here a role simultaneously as the main diagnostic and intervention tool. The theoretical part focuses on the teams and psychological analysis of such team aspects as size, roles, composition and the formation and development of teamwork. Attention is further paid to team coaching and sociomapping-based intervention. One chapter analyzes the relevant team processes according to available concepts, with a subsequent analysis of team performance and climate as two teamwork outputs relevant to the study. Due to the specificity of team data analysis, the last chapter discusses teamwork analysis models. The empirical part presents a study of 103 respondents divided into and conducted on nine intervention and 12 control teams. The teams worked together on team projects for about three months. The intervention groups were supported by team coaching that involved sociomapping, while the control groups only attended meetings to discuss current work topics. The teams in both the control and intervention groups were sociomapped a total of three times, but only the intervention teams were presented with these..

    The effect of sociomapping based team coaching

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    (česky) Disertační práce si kladla za cíl ověřit vliv týmového koučování s podporou sociomapování na týmové klima a týmový výkon. Hlavním diagnostickým a zároveň intervenčním nástrojem je v této práci sociomapování, které vzniklo v devadesátých letech za účelem vizualizace týmové komunikace. Teoretická část se zabývá týmy a psychologickým rozborem takových týmových aspektů jako je velikost týmů, týmové role, složení týmů či vznik a vývoj týmové práce. Dále je pozornost věnovaná týmovému koučování a intervenci, která probíhá na podkladu sociomapování. Následuje kapitola, která rozebírá relevantní týmové procesy dle dostupných koncepcí, a hned po ní je rozebrán týmový výkon a týmové klima jako dva výstupy týmové práce relevantní pro předkládanou studii. Vzhledem ke specifičnosti rozboru týmových dat je poslední kapitola věnovaná modelům analýzy týmové práce. Empirická část předkládá studii 103 respondentů, která byla provedená na 9 intervenčních a 12 kontrolních týmech. Týmy reálně pracovaly po dobu cca 3 měsíců, během nichž se věnovaly týmovým projektům. Intervenční skupiny byly podporovány týmovým koučováním zahrnujícím sociomapování, zatímco kontrolní skupiny absolvovaly pouze setkání s cílem diskutovat aktuální pracovní témata. Týmy v kontrolní i intervenční skupině byly celkem třikrát měřené...(in English): This dissertation seeks to verify the impact of sociomapping-supported team coaching on team climate and performance. Sociomapping, created in the 1990s to visualize team communication, plays here a role simultaneously as the main diagnostic and intervention tool. The theoretical part focuses on the teams and psychological analysis of such team aspects as size, roles, composition and the formation and development of teamwork. Attention is further paid to team coaching and sociomapping-based intervention. One chapter analyzes the relevant team processes according to available concepts, with a subsequent analysis of team performance and climate as two teamwork outputs relevant to the study. Due to the specificity of team data analysis, the last chapter discusses teamwork analysis models. The empirical part presents a study of 103 respondents divided into and conducted on nine intervention and 12 control teams. The teams worked together on team projects for about three months. The intervention groups were supported by team coaching that involved sociomapping, while the control groups only attended meetings to discuss current work topics. The teams in both the control and intervention groups were sociomapped a total of three times, but only the intervention teams were presented with these...Katedra psychologieDepartment of PsychologyFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult


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    The aim of the work was to verify the effectiveness of selected stimulant based on amino acids. Tecamin Max (dose 2.5 ml.l-1) and Controlphyt ID (3 ml.l-1) preparations were foliarly applied to basil 4 times during vegetation. Two harvests were carried out and the influence of harvest time on selected parameters was also monitored. The change in fresh matter, dry matter, drying ratio and essential oil content in 4 varieties of Ocimum basilicum L. ( ́Genovese ́, ́Letuce Leaf ́, ́Bavires ́, ́Pokemon ́) was monitored. After foliar application of stimulants, the dry matter content and drying ratio were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) affected. The variety significantly (P ≤ 0.05) affected the content of fresh and dry matter and the content of essential oils. The time of harvest did not have a significant (P ≤ 0.05) impact on any monitored parameter. The total fresh matter content ranged from 10.83 to 19.64 t.ha-1, the total dry matter content ranged from 1.19 to 3.17 t.ha-1. The drying ratio represents the ratio of fresh to dry matter and ranges from 4.33 to 14.36. The essential oils contained in the dry matter reached values from 0.38 to 1.08 ml per 100 g


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    The aim of the study was to verify the effect of plant spacing on the yield parameters and quality of edible hibiscus fruits, known as okra. The results were compared with other authors who studied the connections between plant spacing and other production parameters. Two varieties (\u27Baby bubba ́ and ́Clemson spineless ́) and different spacing effect (S1 = 0.6 x 0.45m; S2 = 0.5 x 0.45m; S3 = 0.6 x 0.3m; S4 = 0.5 x 0.3 m) on average fruit weight, yield per plant, yield per hectare and content of total polyphenols were tested in work. The average fruit weight of cultivar ́Baby bubba ́ variety was ranged from 25.7 g (S1) to 28.7 g (S2). The yield per plant was ranged from 308.2 g (S1) to 345.0 g (S2). The yield per hectare was showed by significantly different results; the highest okra yield was found in the variant of spacing S4 (21.1 t.ha-1) and the lowest yield was found in the spacing variant S1 (11.3 t.ha- 1). The content of total polyphenols in okra fruits was significantly highest in S1 spacing (16519.6 mg GAE.kg-1 DM), compared to other spacing variants. In ́Clemson spineless ́ okra cultivars, slightly different results were found. The average fruit weight of okra was ranged from 19.2 g (S4) to 25.8 g (S2). The yield per plant was ranged from 230.9 g (S4) to 309.3 g (S2). The effect of plant spacing in this cultivar was similar to results of yield in the cultivar ́Baby bubba ́. The yield per hectare was ranged from S1 (10.8 t.ha-1) to S4 variant (15.3 t.ha-1). The highest content of polyphenols was also found in the spacing S1 (17694.8 mg GAE.kg-1 DM). Obtained results showed on the significant effect of plant spacing and grown cultivar on the yield parameters and polyphenol content. Results can be usable for potential growers of okra in conditions of Slovak Republic, or Middle-Europe generally