2,493 research outputs found

    Multiservice UAVs for Emergency Tasks in Post-disaster Scenarios

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    UAVs are increasingly being employed to carry out surveillance, parcel delivery, communication-support and other specific tasks. Their equipment and mission plan are carefully selected to minimize the carried load an overall resource consumption. Typically, several single task UAVs are dispatched to perform different missions. In certain cases, (part of) the geographical area of operation may be common to these single task missions (such as those supporting post-disaster recovery) and it may be more efficient to have multiple tasks carried out as part of a single UAV mission using common or even additional specialized equipment. In this paper, we propose and investigate a joint planning of multitask missions leveraging a fleet of UAVs equipped with a standard set of accessories enabling heterogeneous tasks. To this end, an optimization problem is formulated yielding the optimal joint planning and deriving the resulting quality of the delivered tasks. In addition, a heuristic solution is developed for large-scale environments to cope with the increased complexity of the optimization framework. The developed joint planning of multitask missions is applied to a specific post-disaster recovery scenario of a flooding in the San Francisco area. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed solutions and the potential savings in the number of UAVs needed to carry out all the tasks with the required level of quality


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    The Finds

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    Idioma y saberes otomíes. rescate y práctica en la vida cotidiana

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    Este artículo contiene los resultados de la investigación sobre el papel de las mujeres otomíes en la transmisión del idioma en el ámbito de la vida cotidiana. Se buscó rescatar la relevancia del idioma materno para el funcionamiento de la vida social de los otomíes y reconocer la relevante función de las mujeres para que el otomí siga siendo un idioma vivo. Este es, particularmente para las mujeres, el referente generacional, la herramienta a través de la cual han adquirido un amplio reservorio de saberes. Desde el confinamiento de sus roles tradicionales, ellas encuentran en la esfera doméstica un espacio de privacidad y de confianza para hablarlo y forjar el respeto de los demás. La práctica cotidiana de sus saberes femeninos en ese espacio constituye uno de los vehículos que prolonga la vigencia y el desarrollo de su idioma

    The nurses who work in intensive care units: Profile and Professional Training

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    Objetivo: Identificar o perfil do profissional enfermeiro que atua em UTI. Metodologia: É uma revisão integrativa e a coleta de dados foi realizada em quatro bases eletrônicas no período de janeiro a junho de 2012. Foram selecionados 21 artigos, publicados no período de 2008 a 2011. Identificamos duas categorias relacionadas ao perfil do enfermeiro: Perfil social e formação acadêmica do enfermeiro de UTI e Capacitação do Enfermeiro para atuar em unidades de terapia intensiva. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram enfermeiros do sexo feminino, jovens, tempo de formado variando entre um e 25 anos. Identifica-se a necessidade do desenvolvimento profissional com atualização técnico-científica por meio de treinamentos, especializações e pós-graduação. Conclusão: O estudo deve provocar reflexão dos enfermeiros e gestores dos serviços de saúde quanto ao perfil adequado ao desenvolvimento de atividades em unidades de alta complexidade.Objetivo: Identificar el perfil de la enfermera profesional que trabaja en la UCI. Metodología: Se trata de una revisión y recopilación de datos de integración se realizó en cuatro bases de datos de enero a junio de 2012. Se seleccionaron 21 artículos, publicados entre 2008 y 2011. Se identificaron dos categorías relacionadas con el perfil de la enfermera: Perfil Social y formación académica de las enfermeras de la UCI y de entrenamiento de enfermería para trabajar en unidades de cuidados intensivos. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron enfermeras, jóvenes, formados de tiempo que va de uno a 25 años. Identifica la necesidad de desarrollo profesional con la actualización técnica y científica a través de la formación, especialización y posgrado. Conclusión: El estudio debería provocar la reflexión de los enfermeros y gestores de los servicios de salud como el perfil adecuado para las actividades de desarrollo en unidades de alta complejidad.Objective: To identify the profile of the professional nurse working in ICU. Methodology: It is an integrative review and data collection was performed in four electronic databases from January to June 2012. We selected 21 articles, published from 2008 to 2011. We identified two categories related to nurse profile: Social Profile and academic background of the ICU nurses and nurse’s training to work in intensive care units. Results: The results showed female nurses, young, formed of time ranging from one to 25 years. Identifies the need for professional development with technical and scientific update through training, specialization and graduate. Conclusion: The study should elicit reflection of nurses and managers of health services as the appropriate profile for the development activities in highly complex units.Este artigo foi extraído do Projeto de Iniciação Científica financiado pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)-Brasília-DF- Brasil

    The guilty brain: the utility of neuroimaging and neurostimulation studies in forensic field

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    Several studies have aimed to address the natural inability of humankind to detect deception and accurately discriminate lying from truth in the legal context. To date, it has been well established that telling a lie is a complex mental activity. During deception, many functions of higher cognition are involved: the decision to lie, withholding the truth, fabricating the lie, monitoring whether the receiver believes the lie, and, if necessary, adjusting the fabricated story and maintaining a consistent lie. In the previous 15 years, increasing interest in the neuroscience of deception has resulted in new possibilities to investigate and interfere with the ability to lie directly from the brain. Cognitive psychology, as well as neuroimaging and neurostimulation studies, are increasing the possibility that neuroscience will be useful for lie detection. This paper discusses the scientific validity of the literature on neuroimaging and neurostimulation regarding lie detection to understand whether scientific findings in this field have a role in the forensic setting. We considered how lie detection technology may contribute to addressing the detection of deception in the courtroom and discussed the conditions and limits in which these techniques reliably distinguish whether an individual is lying

    A importância da literatura infantil afro-brasileira e africana no ensino fundamental do SESC - Petrolina/PE

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    This article aims to analyze the use and the repercussions that occurred with the children's literature Afro-Brazilian and African elementary education of SESC-Petrolina. It was used as the theoretical authors and documents as Brazil (2003), Coelho (2002), Jovino (2006) among others. As methodological resources, documentary analysis took place (the acquis of the SESC), observation of classrooms from 1st to 5th year of elementary school and questionnaires applied through the pedagogical coordinator, librarian and teachers of their respective classes. Found a small, but representative writings about qualitative thematic Afro-Brazilian and African noting that, despite the fact that teachers have the knowledge about the legislation and the theme, the actions taken are not systematized. It is believed in the importance of children's literature and other didactic instruments in promoting and recoverability of a portion of the population historically excluded. As a democratic education, with new paradigms of education valuing the culture diversity and ensuring compliance with the Afro-Brazilian and African culture

    Entornos educativos saludables de los estudiantes universitarios de enfermería

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    Introduction: This research aimed to determine the study and learning environments that have nursing students of the National University of Córdoba.Methods: Observational - analytical study, period 2011 Universe all students pursuing the degree. Sample stratified random. Technical self-administered survey. Primary source.Results: The population consisted of 290 students studying different subjects of the degree. 46% of students have between 18 and 25 years, 44 % between 26 and 40; 83% female; 68 % were single; 76% live with family, and 69% have dependents; 56% work and 44% receive help from parents or scholarship.When analyzing the environment in the organization and management dimension, in facilitating learning materials in-house services discipline highlights its availability in more than 70%. In the variable physical plant over 50% responded that it is not appropriate. Students are supported in their different pedagogical variations in values higher than 75 % As formulation processes complaints, 75% responded that their claims are not heard: by managers in planning Chairs respondents 78% do not exists a negative impact on all the subdomains. 52% of respondents said that driving during the study period shows no ability to manage. Regarding the aspect linking academic students do not feel heard in the institution by 65 %, responding to peer communication is low and intermediate collaboratively by 59 %. 78% of students say there is no communication between the two last ciclos. Por dimension to student participation in relation to the center 92% of students said they are not actively engaged and 59% say they do not promote a healthy environment.Conclusion: The organization and management, and communication are negatively identified. We consider remaining design elements that illustrate this problem as central to the politics of academic management, to build joint resolution strategies.Introducción: La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar los entornos de estudio y aprendizaje que poseen los estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.Material y método: Estudio observacional-analítico, período 2011. Universo, estudiantes que cursan la licenciatura. Muestra estratificada, aleatoria. Técnica encuesta auto administrada. Fuente primaria.Resultados: La población estuvo compuesta por 290 alumnos, el 46% poseen entre 18 y 25 años, el 44% entre 26 y 40; 83% mujeres; 68% solteros; el 76% convive con la familia, y el 69% posee familiares a cargo; el 56% trabaja y el 44% recibe ayuda de los padres o beca.Al analizar el entorno en la dimensión organización y gestión, en la facilitación de materiales, se destaca su disponibilidad en más del 70%. En la planta física el 50% respondieron que no es adecuada. Los alumnos reciben apoyo en sus distintas variantes pedagógicas un 75%. En la planificación de cátedras el 78% que no existe. El 52% respondió que la conducción en el período estudiado no demuestra habilidad para la gestión. Con respecto al aspecto vincular académico los estudiantes no se sienten escuchados en la institución en un 65%, respondiendo que la comunicación entre pares es poco o medianamente colaborativa en un 59%. El 78% de los estudiantes afirman que no existe comunicación entre los dos ciclos. Por último a la dimensión de la participación estudiantil en relación al centro de estudiantes el 92% respondieron que no participan activamente y el 59% afirman que no promueve un entorno saludable.Conclusión: La organización y gestión, y la comunicación son identificadas negativamente. Consideramos que resta diseñar elementos que visibilicen esta problemática como central en la política de gestión académica, para construir estrategias conjuntas de resolución
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