116 research outputs found

    Creatividad y rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de Bellas Artes

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    [Resumen] En este estudio, siguiendo la línea de trabajos previos, nos planteamos si existe relación entre algunos criterios de creatividad y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de Bellas Artes. Partimos de la premisa de que la creatividad es una competencia destacada en el desarrollo profesional del artista. Para ello seleccionamos una muestra de estudiantes de la facultad de Bellas Artes, a los que le aplicamos tres pruebas de creatividad: The Creative Imgination Scale, The Creative Experiences Questionnaire and The Khatena- Torrance Creative Perception Inventory. También obtuvimos el rendimiento en las disciplinas clásicas en Bellas Artes: Dibujo, Escultura, Pintura e Historia del Arte. Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto una correlación significativa entre las Experiencias Creativas y el rendimiento en Dibujo. Las Experiencias Creativas explican parte del rendimiento en Dibujo. Se proponen nuevos estudios experimentales en la misma línea de investigación.[Abstract] This study, in line with previous work, aims to assess the relationship between specific criteria of creativity and the academic performance of Fine Art students. We postulate that creativity is an outstanding competence in the professional development of artists. A sample of students from the Faculty of Fine Art undertook three creativity tests i.e., The Creative Imagination Scale, The Creative Experiences Questionnaire, and The Khatena- Torrance Creative Perception Inventory. In addition, performance in traditional Fine Arts disciplines was evaluated i.e., Drawing, Sculpture, Painting, and History of Art. The results reveal a significant correlation between Creative Experience and performance in Drawing. Creative Experience explained part of the performance in Drawing. Further lines of experimental research are propose

    ALFALFA HI Data Stacking III. Comparison of environmental trends in HI gas mass fraction and specific star formation rate

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    It is well known that both the star formation rate and the cold gas content of a galaxy depend on the local density out to distances of a few Megaparsecs. In this paper, we compare the environmental density dependence of the atomic gas mass fractions of nearby galaxies with the density dependence of their central and global specific star formation rates. We stack HI line spectra extracted from the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA survey centered on galaxies with UV imaging from GALEX and optical imaging/spectroscopy from SDSS. We use these stacked spectra to evaluate the mean atomic gas mass fraction of galaxies in bins of stellar mass and local density. For galaxies with stellar masses less than 10^10.5 M_sun, the decline in mean atomic gas mass fraction with density is stronger than the decline in mean global and central specific star formation rate. The same conclusion does not hold for more massive galaxies. We interpret our results as evidence for ram-pressure stripping of atomic gas from the outer disks of low mass satellite galaxies. We compare our results with the semi-analytic recipes of Guo et al. (2011) implemented on the Millennium II simulation. These models assume that only the diffuse gas surrounding satellite galaxies is stripped, a process that is often termed "strangulation". We show that these models predict relative trends in atomic gas and star formation that are in disagreement with observations. We use mock catalogues generated from the simulation to predict the halo masses of the HI-deficient galaxies in our sample. We conclude that ram-pressure stripping is likely to become effective in dark matter halos with masses greater than 10^13 M_sun.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Influence of spatial imagery and imagery control on geometric form location in paintings

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    he study of artistic works requires an educated vision, a certain way of looking that unveils potential relations amongst objects. Fine art students develop skills that are resultant of their training in finding possible connections amongst elements in a painting. One of the abilities related to the observation and analysis of a work of art is the capacity to form mental images. The present study involved 188 fine art students (105 first-year students and 83 fourth-year students) and was meant to find out whether their education level, their spatial imagery ability and their imagery control had any influence on the location of geometric forms in a painting. We assessed hits minus errors. Results showed Results showed that fine arts students’ spatial ability and imagery control explained a significant percentage of score variation in the task of locating geometric figures in Velázquez's paintings. The significance of these results is consistent with those obtained in previous studies, spatial capacity, and imagery control influence on the achievement of skills in the artistic field.Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Imagen normal-rara y su efecto en el recuerdo

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    [Resumen] Las estrategias mnemotécnicas basadas en las imágenes mentales son un buen instrumento para todo tipo de aprendizaje, sobre todo para el aprendizaje de palabras. Para el aprendizaje de palabras se recomienda utilizar imágenes raras, sin embargo, los estudios experimentales no son taxativos en relación con la eficacia de las imágenes raras. En esta investigación deseábamos averiguar la influencia del tipo de emparejamiento de la imagen: normal-normal, normal-rara, raranormal, rara-rara, y sin imagen, en el recuerdo inmediato y retardado de pares asociados de listas largas. Se seleccionó una muestra de 256 estudiantes de Bachillerato para que aprendiesen una lista de 20 pares de palabras siguiendo una de las cinco estrategias siguientes: sin imagen, imagen normal-normal, normal-rara, rara-normal, y rara-rara. Se midió el recuerdo inmediato y al cabo de una semana. Tanto en el recuero inmediato como en el retardado, se encontró que el emparejamiento que produjo un mejor recuerdo fue imagen normal-normal, seguido por la imagen rara-normal, y rara-rara. Se discuten los resultados y se proponen nuevas líneas de investigación.[Resumo] As estratexias mnemotécnicas baseadas nas imaxes mentais son un bo instrumento para calquera aprendizaxe, e sobre todo, para a aprendizaxe de palabras. Para aprender palabras recoméndase utilizar imaxes raras, nembargantes, os estudios experimentais non son taxativos en relación coa eficacia destas imaxes raras. Nesta investigación desexábamos averiguar a influencia do tipo de emparellamento da imaxe: normal-normal, normalrara, rara-normal, rara-rara, e sen imaxe, no recordo inmediato e no recordo retardado de pares asociados de listas largas. Seleccionouse unha mostra de 256 estudiantes de Bacharelato para que aprendesen unha lista de 20 pares de palabras empregando unha das cinco estratexias seguintes: sin imaxe, imaxe normal-normal, normal-rara, rara-normal, e rara-rara. Mediuse o recordo inmediato e o recordo unha semana despois. Atopouse, tanto no recordo inmediato como no retardado, que o emparellamento que produciu un mellor recordo foi a imaxe normalnormal, seguido po la imaxe rara-normal, e rara-rara. Discútense os resultados e propóñense novas liñas de investigació

    HI properties of massive galaxies from stacking

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    Galaxies have been found to divide into two families: one dominated by late-type, star forming, blue objects, which are rich in cold gas and have a low stellar mass surface density (mu*); the other is made of early-type, red and passive galaxies with higher mu* and on average low gas content. The physical mechanisms responsible for the galaxy transition between the active and passive regime are still debated. In the high mass range, mechanisms proposed to quench the star formation (SF) through cold gas heating or depletion are not efficient enough to reproduce the correct red sequence of passive systems, when implemented in models of galaxy evolution. Input for a better understanding of the physics of quenching mechanisms, and of their relative importance and efficiency, can come from a comparison of the cold atomic neutral hydrogen (HI) content and SF for a statistically significant sample of massive systems where quenching is at work. However, existing surveys do not sample this high mass, gas poor regime well enough. In this work, we study the HI properties of a volume-limited sample of ~5000 nearby galaxies with stellar mass M*>10^10 Msun, selected from the state-of-the-art blind HI survey ALFALFA to have optical and ultraviolet data so that star formation and galaxy properties can be derived. As ALFALFA does not sample with sufficient sensitivity the high mass, gas poorest range, we developed a software tool to co-add its data, in order to obtain average gas properties of galaxy classes which individually may be largely undetected. Using this technique, we study three types of quenching processes, namely the presence of a bulge component, feedback from an active galactic nucleus (AGN), and environmental mechanisms acting on the interstellar medium. Simulations of early-type galaxies with non star-forming HI disks have suggested that the presence of a bulge can stabilize the gas, thus preventing star formation, but on average we do not observe this. We find that, once mu* and NUV-r colours are fixed, the HI gas fraction in massive bulge- and disk-dominated galaxies is the same. A similar negative result is obtained if we compare M_HI/M* of AGN hosts and control galaxies, despite simulations that invoke feedback from AGN to heat or deplete cold gas in massive systems. The relation we observe between the cold gas content and the accretion rate in the red population actually points towards a co-evolution of SF and AGN activity, both driven by the amount of gas available. The last class of quenching mechanisms studied in this work includes environmental processes, which are known to affect the SF properties of galaxies and, at least in rich clusters, their cold gas content. For the first time, though, we study the effect of the environment on the HI content as a continuous function of local density, comparing it with global and inner specific star formation rate. The gradual increase in the suppression of SF from the inner to the outer regions that we observe, and the even stronger HI deficiency as a function of increasing local density, can be explained by a mechanism acting on the disk from the outside-in, like ram-pressure stripping of the HI. A comparison with mock catalogs from models, which include only removal of the hot gas, shows how models underestimate environmental effects, especially on the cold gas component of galaxies. We therefore suggest that, in order to improve our understanding of the galaxy bimodality in the local Universe, observations and models should particularly focus on environmental mechanisms acting on the cold interstellar medium. These processes are efficient over a broader range of local densities than previously thought, and could solve parts of the puzzle in the formation of massive and passive systems

    The Müller-Lyer illusion through mental imagery

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    Previous studies have pointed to a link between visual perception and mental imagery. The present experiment focuses on one of the best-known illusions, the Müller-Lyer illusion, now reproduced under conditions of real perception and by means of imagery. To that purpose, a tailored ad-hoc set of combined figures was presented to a total of 161 fine art students (M age = 20,34, SD = 1,75) who individually worked with two different variations of the Müller-Lyer figures which consisted of a 10 mm long shaft and two fins set at an angle of 30º, being 15 mm long in one instance and 45 mm long in the other. In small groups, participants also completed an image control questionnaire. Results yielded that the longer the oblique lines, the larger the magnitude of the illusion both in the situation of real perception and in the imaginary situation. Also, the magnitude of the illusion augmented in the situation of perception in contrast to the imaginary situation, both with 15 mm long fins and with those of 45 mm. However, no significant differences were found in the magnitude of the illusion between high and low individuals in image control, although interactions between image control and other variables were indeed significant. The consistency of the outcome is a step forward in the study of illusions through mental images and opens the door to new lines of research that could involve innovative methods of analysis, different versions of the illusion and wider groups of participantsOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUECSIC (Universidade de Vigo/CISUG) agreement with Springer NatureS

    La ausencia necesaria

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    Gimnasia rítmica : la imagen mental de novatos y expertos gimnastas

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    Se intentaba averiguar si el nivel de rendimiento deportivo influía en la viveza de imagen. Una muestra de 61 mujeres, practicantes de gimnasia rítmica, fueron clasificadas en tres grupos, en función de su rendimiento. Posteriormente cubrieron un test de viveza de imagen, y dos cuestionarios de viveza de imagen del movimiento. Las gimnastas de nivel alto diferían de las de nivel medio y bajo en viveza de imagen, evaluada por el test de imagen. Se proponen nuevas líneas de investigación.Possible relationships between sports skills and visual imaging capacity were investigated. A total of 61 female rhythmic gimnasts were classified into three skill-level groups (high, intermediate, low). These subjects then completed a questionnaire to assess visual imaging capacity, and two questionnaires to evaluate movement imaging capacity. Visual imaging capacity differed significantly between high-skill gymnasts and both intermediate- and low-skill gymnasts. New lines of research are proposed