451 research outputs found

    Introduzione soft alla matematica per l'economia e la finanza: I SISTEMI LINEARI

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    Quaderni di didattica. Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata. Università Ca'Foscari di Venezia

    Ritmo e perfil circadiano em pacientes com epilepsia mioclônica juvenil e epilepsia de lobo temporal

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    This study intended to compare the circadian rhythm and circadian profile between patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) and patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Method We enrolled 16 patients with JME and 37 patients with TLE from the Outpatient Clinic of UNICAMP. We applied a questionnaire about sleep-wake cycle and circadian profile. Results Fourteen (87%) out of 16 patients with JME, and 22 out of 37 (59%) patients with TLE reported that they would sleep after seizure (p < 0.05). Three (19%) patients with JME, and 17 (46%) reported to be in better state before 10:00 AM (p < 0.05). Conclusion There is no clear distinct profile and circadian pattern in patients with JME in comparison to TLE patients. However, our data suggest that most JME patients do not feel in better shape early in the day73136Este estudo pretende comparar o ritmo circadiano e o perfil circadiano entre pacientes com epilepsia mioclônica juvenil (EMJ) e epilepsia de lobo temporal (ELT). Método Nós entrevistamos 16 pacientes com EMJ e 37 com ELT do ambulatório da UNICAMP. Nós aplicamos um questionário sobre ciclo sono-vigília e perfil circadiano. Resultados Quatorze (87%) de 16 pacientes com EMJ e 22 de 37 (59%) pacientes com ELT relataram que eles apresentam sonolência pós-crise (p < 0,05). Três (19%) pacientes com EMJ e 17 (46%) relataram um melhor estado geral antes das 10h00min (p < 0,05). Conclusão Não há uma clara diferença de ritmo e de perfil circadiano entre pacientes com EMJ e ELT. No entanto, nossos dados sugerem que a maioria dos pacientes com EMJ não se sentem em sua melhor forma cedo pela manh

    Circadian Rhythm And Profile In Patients With Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy And Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.

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    This study intended to compare the circadian rhythm and circadian profile between patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) and patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). We enrolled 16 patients with JME and 37 patients with TLE from the Outpatient Clinic of UNICAMP. We applied a questionnaire about sleep-wake cycle and circadian profile. Fourteen (87%) out of 16 patients with JME, and 22 out of 37 (59%) patients with TLE reported that they would sleep after seizure (p < 0.05). Three (19%) patients with JME, and 17 (46%) reported to be in better state before 10:00 AM (p < 0.05). There is no clear distinct profile and circadian pattern in patients with JME in comparison to TLE patients. However, our data suggest that most JME patients do not feel in better shape early in the day.733-


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    Background:Nursing management in Rheumatic Diseases (RD) is focused on global patient care. Starting from basic knowledge of diagnostic and therapeutic management, nurses can assess the impact of RD on patients' quality of life not only at the physical level, but also at the psychological, social, and emotional levels.Objectives:To evaluate psycosocial changes in RD patients through nursing-led Patient-Reported OutcomesMethods:We performed a cross-sectional study of 100 RD patients compared with 100 healthy volunteers matched for age, sex and BMI. Specialist nurses invited patients and volunteers to complete questionnaires on quality of life through seven domains (anxiety, depression, fatigue, sleep disturbance, pain interference, physical functions and satisfaction with participation in social roles) of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS).Results:Among 100 RD patients, 52 (52%) had a diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis; 17 (17%) had a diagnosis of axial spondylorthritis (Ankylosing Spondylitis and Psoriatic Artritis); 25 (25%) had connectivitis (i.e. Lupus, Systemic Sclerosis, Sjögren Syndrome), and finally 6 (6%) had vasculitis. Median disease duration was 7±5 years. Just under half (43%) of RD patients had active disease measured by specific disease activity index. As shown in table 1, no significant difference highlight between the two groups with regard to anthropompetric and demographic characteristics. We found that patients report significantly greater psychosocial changes than healthy controls. More specifically, as shown in figure 1A, mean T score for anxiety, depression, fatigue and sleep disturbances were significantly higher in the RD patients than in healthy controls (56 ± 9 vs 48 ± 8 p<0.001; 52 ± 9 vs 46 ± 8 p <0.001; 58 ± 8vs 48 ± 8 p <0.001; 52 ± 10 vs 44 ± 8 p <0.001) respectively. Moreover, also in the social dimension in terms of pain interference, physical functions and satisfaction with participation in social roles, patients showed a median T score worse than healthy controls (Fig.1B).Table 1Patients(N=100)Healthy(N=100)pDemographic and AnthropometricAge (years)52.5±1151±18nsGender n male (%)43 (43)47 (47)nsBMI (Kg/m2)25.1±427.8±4nsSmoke n (%)52 (52)46 (46)nsMarital Status n not married (%)42(42)41 (41)nsOccupation n yes (%)31 (31)35 (35)nsEducation level n degree (%)54 (54)64 (64)nsRheumatoid Arthritis52 (52)-Axial Spondylorthritis17 (17)-Connectivitis25 (25)-Vasculitis6 (6)-Disease duration (years)7.1±5.18-Disease Activity n yes (%)43 (43)-Medications n (% patients)-NSAID7 (7)-Steroids26 (26)-Biological Treatment54 (54)-Methotrexate34 (34)-Continuous variables are shown as mean ± standard deviation. Categorical variables are presented as number and proportion. The overall p-value was calculated by the Mann–Whitney non-parametric test for independent samples and by Chi-square test as appropriateFigure 1.Median T Score stratified by study group. Data are shown as mean and standard deviation. The overall p-value wascalculated by the Mann–Whitney non-parametric test for independent samples.Conclusion:This exploratory study highlights the need to adopt validated questionnaires in clinical practice, and demonstrates that PROMIS is a valid, objective, and standardized instrument that can help nursing staff to better define the consequences of the disease in a patient's daily life.References:[1]Minnock P, McKee G, Kelly A, et al. Nursing sensitive outcomes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic literature review.Int. J. Nurs. Stud., 77 (2017), pp. 115-129[2]Bartlett SJ, Orbai AM, Duncan T, et al. Reliability and validity of selected PROMIS measures in people with rheumatoid arthritis. PloS One. 2015Disclosure of Interests:None declare

    Painful Birth of Trade Under Classical Monopolistic Competition

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    In the standard Krugman (1979) non-CES trade model, several asymmetric countries typically lose from increasing trade costs. However, all countries transiently benefit from such increase at the moment of closing trade, under almost-prohibitive trade costs (i.e., near autarky, which is possible only under non-CES preferences). In other words, during trade liberalization the first step from autarky to trade is necessarily harmful. Our explanation rests on market distortion and business destruction effects

    Effects of pollen collection on colony development and in the bromatological composition Apis mellifera L. pupae

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    Africanized bees (Apis mellifera L.) were studied in the Botucatu region (São Paulo State), Brazil, from August to November, 1996, with the objective of quantifying pollen trapping and its effects on colony development and composition of worker bee pupae. Mean trapped pollen yield was 1.47 kg/beehive. Trapping had little effect on brood production, causing only a 9.7% reduction in total worker brood area and a 4.0% reduction in drone brood area, as compared to the treatment without pollen types. Pollen harvest did not affect the bromatological composition of worker pupae (white bodies and slightly pigmented eyes), mean values obtained for both treatments being 18.87% dry matter, 48.07% crude protein, 18.52% ether extract and 3.72% ash

    Short stature caused by SHOX gene haploinsufficiency: from diagnosis to treatment

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    Estudos realizados em pacientes portadores de deleções parciais dos cromossomos sexuais permitiram a caracterização do SHOX, gene localizado na região pseudoautossômica no braço curto dos cromossomos sexuais, fundamental na determinação da altura normal. A perda de uma cópia deste gene na síndrome de Turner (ST) explica dois terços da baixa estatura observada nesta síndrome. A haploinsuficiência do SHOX é detectada em 77% dos pacientes com discondrosteose de Leri-Weill, uma forma comum de displasia esquelética de herança autossômica dominante e em 3% das crianças com baixa estatura idiopática (BEI), tornando os defeitos neste gene a principal causa monogênica de baixa estatura. A medida da altura sentada em relação à altura total (Z da AS/AT para idade e sexo) é uma forma simples de identificar a desproporção corpórea e, associada ao exame cuidadoso do paciente e de outros membros da família, auxilia na seleção de pacientes para o estudo molecular do SHOX. O uso de hormônio de crescimento (GH) está bem estabelecido na ST e em razão da causa comum da baixa estatura com o de crianças com defeitos isolados do SHOX o tratamento destes pacientes com GH é também proposto. Neste artigo será revisado os aspectos clínicos, moleculares e terapêuticos da haploinsuficiência do SHOX.Studies involving patients with short stature and partial deletion of sex chromosomes identified SHOX gene in the pseudoautosomal region of the X and Y chromosomes. SHOX haploinsufficiency is an important cause of short stature in a diversity of clinical conditions. It explains 2/3 of short stature observed in Turner syndrome (TS) patients. Heterozygous mutations in SHOX are observed in 77% of patients with Leri-Weill dyschondrosteosis, a common dominant inherited skeletal dysplasia and in 3% of children with idiopathic short stature, indicating that SHOX defects are the most frequent monogenetic cause of short stature. The sitting height/height ratio (SH/H) standard deviation score is a simple way to assess body proportions and together with a careful exam of other family members, effectively selected a group of patients that presented a high frequency of SHOX mutations. Growth hormone treatment of short stature due to TS is well established and considering the common etiology of short stature in patients with isolated defects of SHOX gene, this treatment is also proposed for these patients. Here, we review clinical, molecular and therapeutic aspects of SHOX haploinsufficiency.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq
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