7,761 research outputs found

    Disorder effects at low temperatures in La_{0.7-x}Y_{x}Ca_{0.3}MnO_{3} manganites

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    With the aim of probing the effect of magnetic disorder in the low-temperature excitations of manganites, specific-heat measurements were performed in zero field, and in magnetic fields up to 9 T in polycrystalline samples of La_{0.7-x}Y_{x}Ca_{0.3}MnO_{3}, with Y concentrations x=0, 0.10, and 0.15. Yttrium doping yielded the appearance of a cluster-glass state, giving rise to unusual low-temperature behavior of the specific-heat. The main feature observed in the results is a strong enhancement of the specific-heat linear term, which is interpreted as a direct consequence of magnetic disorder. The analysis was further corroborated by resistivity measurements in the same compounds.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Are Neutron-Rich Elements Produced in the Collapse of Strange Dwarfs ?

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    The structure of strange dwarfs and that of hybrid stars with same baryonic number is compared. There is a critical mass (M~0.24M_sun) in the strange dwarf branch, below which configurations with the same baryonic number in the hybrid star branch are more stable. If a transition occurs between both branches, the collapse releases an energy of about of 3x10^{50} erg, mostly under the form of neutrinos resulting from the conversion of hadronic matter onto strange quark matter. Only a fraction (~4%) is required to expel the outer neutron-rich layers. These events may contribute significantly to the chemical yield of nuclides with A>80 in the Galaxy, if their frequency is of about one per 1500 years.Comment: Accepted for publication in IJMP

    Relação entre o intervalo de partos e o custo total de produção de leite por vaca no rebanho.

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    O intervalo de partos foi a variavel de maior impacto nos custos de producao de vacas da raca holandesa de primeira e segunda lactacoes, seguida da producao total de leite. A idade ao primeiro parto e o valor genetico relacionaram-se apenas com o custo de producao de vacas holandesas de primeira lactacao. No caso de vacas mesticas (HZ) de primeira e segunda lactacao apenas o intervalo de partos e a producao total de leite relacionaram-se com o custo total.Resumo expandido

    How Can Subsampling Reduce Complexity in Sequential MCMC Methods and Deal with Big Data in Target Tracking?

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    Target tracking faces the challenge in coping with large volumes of data which requires efficient methods for real time applications. The complexity considered in this paper is when there is a large number of measurements which are required to be processed at each time step. Sequential Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) has been shown to be a promising approach to target tracking in complex environments, especially when dealing with clutter. However, a large number of measurements usually results in large processing requirements. This paper goes beyond the current state-of-the-art and presents a novel Sequential MCMC approach that can overcome this challenge through adaptively subsampling the set of measurements. Instead of using the whole large volume of available data, the proposed algorithm performs a trade off between the number of measurements to be used and the desired accuracy of the estimates to be obtained in the presence of clutter. We show results with large improvements in processing time, more than 40 % with a negligible loss in tracking performance, compared with the solution without subsampling

    Testing the SUSY-QCD Yukawa coupling in a combined LHC/ILC analysis

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    In order to establish supersymmetry (SUSY) at future colliders, the identity of gauge couplings and the corresponding Yukawa couplings between gauginos, sfermions and fermions needs to be verified. Here a first phenomenological study for determining the Yukawa coupling of the SUSY-QCD sector is presented, using a method which combines information from LHC and ILC.Comment: 5pp, slightly expanded version of contributions to the Proc. of the Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS 06), Bangalore, India, 9-13 March 2006, and the Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 06), Irvine, California, USA, 12-17 June 200

    Complete fermionic two-loop results for the MWMZM_{W}-M_{Z} interdependence

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    The complete fermionic two-loop contributions to the prediction for the W-boson mass from muon decay in the electroweak Standard Model are evaluated exactly, i.e. no expansion in the top-quark and the Higgs-boson mass is made. The result for the W-boson mass is compared with the previous result of an expansion up to next-to-leading order in the top-quark mass. The predictions are found to agree with each other within about 4 MeV. A simple parameterization of the new result is presented, approximating the full result better than 0.4 MeV for M_H < 1 TeV

    Study of data variability acquired by multiple profilometers

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    The accuracy and reliability of road monitoring data constitute a major concern among road designers, contractors and road administrations. These data may have foremost implications on rehabilitation strategies and, therefore, on costs and service life. For this reason, this paper aims to provide the interested bodies referred with useful information in relation to the variability of data acquired by road profilometers that is usually required. Five road profilometers, which belong to consultancy companies and research institutions, were used. Macrotexture and unevenness was measured on three selected road trials. Five runs were performed by each profilometer in both lanes of the road trials. The mean and the standard deviation were used to study the variability of the results. In relation to the macrotexture no significant differences were registered. For the unevenness the ratio between standard deviation and average MRI is higher than 20% and about twice the one found for macrotexture

    Resistência do solo à penetração sob vegetação nativa e pastagem cultivada no Pantanal Sul-Mato-Grossense.

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as alterações na resistência do solo à penetração em razão da conversão da vegetação arbórea nativa em pastagem cultivada no Pantanal Sul-Mato-Grossense. The objective of this work was to evaluate the alterations in soil resistance to penetration due to conversion of natural tree vegetation into cultivated pasture in the Pantanal wetlands, at south of Mato Grosso, Brazil