106 research outputs found

    Resistome in gram-negative bacteria from soft cheese in Brazil

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    ABSTRACT Objectives: evaluation of antibiotic resistance in Gram-negative microbiota from ready-to-eat cheese samples.Methodology: this research applied a specific method to evaluate the phenotypic susceptibility to antibiotics in a viable Gram-negative microbiota. The selected food was a cheese that is commonly consumed without thermal processing, the Minas Frescal cheese. The evaluation was followed by a PCR screening in this resistant microbiota, for genes that provide resistance to antibiotics and also to the quaternary ammonium.Results: all cheese samples demonstrated a resistant microbiota. In 13.3% of the cheese samples analyzed, the resistance reached all ten different antibiotics tested and, in 80%, 8 to 10 different antibiotics. In antibiotics considered critics as the carbapenems: ertapenem presented resistant microbiota in 86.7% of the samples. In cephalosporins, the resistance reached 100% in the third generation (ceftazidime) and almost half of the samples (46.7%) in the fourth generation (cefepime). In genotypic research, seven different resistance genes were found in 69.2% of the bacterial pools, including the beta-lactamase-producing genes ctx, tem, shv, tetracycline resistant genes and a high rate of integrons class 1 and 2.Conclusions: the results indicate phenotypically and genotypically that the Minas frescal cheese can present potential resistant microbiota. Therefore, the methodology used is a viable possibility and with a broader answer about the food microbiota role in resistance. This research corroborates the food area as an important sector to be managed to reduce the process of antibiotic resistance

    Application of the graph model for conflict resolution in the truck driver strike in Brazil: a Case Study

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    One of the most stressful human interactions is conflict. In some cases, it can bring high losses even to parties that are not involved in the conflict. A possible scenario for resolving the conflict can be found using a Graph Model for Conflict Resolution (GMCR) which is a tool used to analyze conflicts and present scenarios that can be seen as possible solutions to the conflict. Considering several stability criteria, in this work, we present a case study: the historical background, the modeling using the GMCR and the stable states according to the presented criteria of a conflict that occurred in Brazil, where truck drivers went on strike and generated damages to the population such as a supply crisis (of food, medicines, fuel, among other products) and financial losses to the government (delay in the flow of goods, crowding of ports, among others), mainly in cities far from large urban centers and in centers for the flow of goods by road

    Do methods for overcoming dormancy affect the physiological quality of okra seeds?

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    One of the main obstacles in the okra production is the physical dormancy imposed by the tegument of the seeds. Although several methods for overcoming tegumentary dormancy have been proposed, little is known about their effect on the physiological quality of seeds. Thus, this study aimed to verify the effectiveness of methods for overcoming dormancy (control - no treatment; pre-soaking - seed soaking in water at 30 ºC, for 6 h; thermotherapy - immersion in water at 60 ºC, for 3 min; dry heat - oven at 70 ºC, for 5 min; thermal shock - immersion in water at 30 ºC, for 30 min, followed by 5 ºC, for 24 h; and sand scarification - friction between seeds and sand for 20 min), as well as to analyze their impacts on the physiological quality of okra seed lots. After the treatments were applied, images of the outer seed coat were obtained and the moisture content of the seeds, first germination count, germination, emergence, germination speed index and seedling length were measured. The treatments of pre-soaking, thermotherapy and thermal shock remove cell layers in the chalaza region, allowing a greater water absorption and showing to be efficient in overcoming dormancy, without affecting the physiological quality of the seeds. On the other hand, the dry heat treatment can affect the vigor of okra seeds

    Socio-demographic characteristics are related to the advanced clinical stage of oral cancer

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    Social determinants may be associated with the onset and progression of the clinical stage of oral cancer. Aim: To evaluate the impact of socio-demographic characteristics on the prevalence of advanced clinical stage of oral cancer. Information about 51,116 cases of oral cancer, from all Brazilian states, between 2000 and 2012, was obtained from the Cancer Registry Information System. The clinical stage of oral cancer (dependent variable) was classified as initial (stages I and II) or advanced (stages III and IV). The relationship between the clinical stage of oral cancer and the following independent variables was analyzed: sex, age, schooling, marital status, family history of cancer, and origin of referral. Analyses on frequency distribution and multivariate binary logistic regression model were performed (?<0.05). Compared to individuals with no schooling, those who attended elementary to high school (OR=2.461) and college education (OR = 3.050) had a higher prevalence of advanced cases of oral cancer. Individuals without a partner (OR = 14,209) demonstrated a higher prevalence compared to married individuals. Subjects aged 20-44 years (OR = 4.081) and 45-64 years (OR = 14.875) had a higher prevalence compared to those aged 15-19 years. The variables gender, family history of cancer and origin of referral integrated the binary model of logistic regression, but did not present statistical significance. Socioeconomic factors may be related to the advanced clinical stage of oral cancer

    Effects of high-intensity interval and moderate-intensity continuous exercise on inflammatory, leptin, IgA, and lipid peroxidation responses in obese males

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    Purpose: To compare the effects of a single high-intensity interval exercise session (HIIE) with amoderate-intensity continuous exercise session (MICE) on the inflammatory profile, IgA levels, and lipid peroxidation in sedentary obese males. Methods: Ten sedentary obese men (age 28.5 ± 2.7 years; BMI 35.9 ± 4.9 kg/m2; body fat 40.6 ± 2.0%) performed three experimental sessions, on separate days with 1 week wash-out period between interventions, according to a randomized order: (1) HIIE: 10 × 60 s at 90% of the HRmax alternated by 60 s of active recovery; (2) MICE: 20min at 70% of the HRmax; (3) Rest—control. Blood and saliva samples were collected before, immediately after and 60min after the end of each session in order to analyse serum levels of cytokines, IgA, and lipoperoxidation markers. Results: Leptin levels decreased immediately after HIIE (P = 0.033) and was different from the MICE (P = 0.025). IFN-g levels were reduced immediately after (P = 0.032) and 60min after HIIE (P = 0.003) compared to baseline, and it also increased IL-4 levels immediately after exercise (P = 0.007) compared to resting values. MICE promoted an increase in IFN-g levels immediately after exercise (P = 0.025) and 60min after exercise (P = 0.004) in relation to baseline. Both exercise conditions increased IL-6 levels up to 60min after exercise (P < 0.05). The IFN-g/IL-4 ratio decreased immediately after (P = 0.002) and 60min after HIIE (P = 0.005) in relation to pre-exercise. No changes were found for IgA-S and TBARS for any of the conditions. Conclusion: A single HIIE session is able to decrease IFN-g/IL-4 ratio, indicating an anti-inflammatory response, without alterations in the function of the mucosal immune systemand lipoperoxidation. On the other hand, a brief session ofMICE induced changes in the pattern of cytokines associated with increased cellular immune function

    Retrospective study of hematological changes in dogs with blood diseases of parasitic origin: 18 cases: Estudo retrospectivo das alterações hematológicas em cães com doenças sanguíneas de origem parasitária: 18 casos

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    In the clinical routine, blood tests are of paramount importance for the assessment of the health of animals, as they allow the quantification of red and white blood cells, and thus enable the detection and monitoring of hematological changes caused by diseases of parasitic origin. Because of the above, the objective of this work is to describe the main hematological alterations in canines with blood diseases of parasitic origin. A retrospective study was carried out of the medical records of dogs referred and treated by the outpatient team of the Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases of Animals of the Veterinary Clinic School of the Federal University of Sergipe, Campus do Sertão, from March 2022 to December 2022, all statistical data were analyzed using the InStat GraphPad software, with a significance level of p&lt;0.05. As a result, it was observed that 30% (18/60; p&lt;0.0001) of the dogs had blood diseases of parasitic origin. 5,55% (1/18; p&lt;0.0001) of patients were diagnosed with anaplasmosis, 5,55% (1/18; p&lt;0.0001) with ehrlichiosis, 11,11% (2/18; p&lt;0.0010) with babesiosis, 5,55% (1/18; p&lt;0.0001) with hepatozoonosis and 77,77% (14/18; p&lt;0.0003) with leishmaniasis. Monoparasitism and co-infection were observed in 94.44% and 5.56% of the animals, respectively (p&lt;0.0001). Anemia, anisocytosis, leukocytosis, lymphocytosis and, thrombocytopenia were the main hematological changes observed in parasitized dogs

    Physiological characteristics of grapevine under irrigation and fertilization management

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    The viticulture in the semiarid region of Brazil stands out in the country due to the expansion of its cultivated area and increased production, especially in the sub-mid São Francisco Valley. However, the supplying of water and an efficient replacement of nutrients to the soil are essential for these crops, due to the intrinsic climatic conditions of this region, such as low rainfall and high evapotranspiration. This study aimed at evaluating the physiological characteristics of ‘Itália’ grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) under irrigation and fertilization management. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design, with four replications, in a split-plot arrangement, with four irrigation water depths (0.75, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.5 times the crop coefficient) in the plots and four fertilizer rates (100 %, 75 %, 50 % and 25 %, based on the recommended fertilizer rates for this crop) in the subplots, with addition of organic compounds. The leaf water potential, leaf chlorophyll content, relative water content, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, internal CO2 partial pressure, leaf temperature and biomass accumulation in the berries were evaluated. The highest leaf chlorophyll contents were found in treatments with fertilizer rates of 70-85 %. Stomatal conductance decreased with the increasing irrigation water depths, thus reducing the internal CO2 partial pressure and increasing the leaf temperature and air vapor pressure deficit. The reduction of 25 % in the conventional fertilization and irrigation of 135 % of the recommended coefficient resulted in the highest average weight of berries. The highest yields were obtained with the lowest irrigation water depths and fertilizer rates of 50-65 %

    Avaliação de Desempenho de Transmissões de Vídeo 2K e 4K sobre Redes Sem Fio em um Cenário Indoor / Performance Evaluation of 2K and 4K Video Transmissions over Wireless Networks in an Indoor Setting

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    Com o crescimento do tráfego multimídia, com foco especial nos vídeos de alta resolução, percebe-se a existência de diversos desafios a serem contornados. Um destes pode trazer insatisfação ao usuário final diante do serviço prestado, se refere a qualidade percebida após o recebimento do streaming ou vídeo. Neste sentido, este trabalho realiza a avaliação de desempenho dos vídeos com resoluções em 2K e 4K, em cenário real indoor. Para este estudo empírico, utilizam-se métricas de análise objetiva como PSNR, VQM e SSIM, e uma subjetiva, o MOS, que representa uma opinião média do usuário após reprodução do vídeo. As principais ferramentas utilizadas neste estudo foram os frameworks EvalVid e MSU Video Quality. 


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    Objective: To discuss the applicability of integrative practices in the single health system through the existing literature. Methods: This is a qualitative integrative literature review. The search for works involved in the research was carried out in the following databases: SCIELO, LILACS, BDENF and MEDLINE, using the descriptors in health sciences: "Comprehensive health care", "Complementary therapies" and "Single health system". The inclusion criteria were: articles published between 2013 and 2023, with free access to full texts, articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish and related to the theme. Exclusion criteria were: duplicate articles, incomplete articles, abstracts, reviews, debates, articles published in event proceedings and unavailable in full. Results: The therapeutic resources that make up ICPs are diverse, and in public health services they are more frequent because they favor lower costs. Conclusion: It can be concluded that integrative practices integrated into PHC have a very satisfactory effect on users' quality of life, and should minimize medication that is often unnecessary.Objetivo: Discutir por meio da literatura existente acerca da aplicabilidade das práticas integrativas no sistema único de saúde. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura de caráter qualitativo. A busca dos trabalhos envolvidos na pesquisa foi realizada nas seguintes bases de dados: SCIELO, LILACS, BDENF e MEDLINE, a partir dos descritores em ciências da saúde: “Assistência integral à saúde”, “Terapias complementares” e “Sistema único de saúde”. Os critérios de inclusão foram: publicados no período entre 2013 e 2023, cujo acesso ao periódico era livre aos textos completos, artigos em idioma português, inglês e espanhol e relacionados a temática. Critérios de exclusão foram: artigos duplicados, incompletos, resumos, resenhas, debates, artigos publicados em anais de eventos e indisponíveis na íntegra. Resultados: Os recursos terapêuticos que compõe as PICs são diversas, sendo que nos serviços públicos de saúde eles são mais frequentes por favorecerem a diminuição de custos. Conclusão: Conclui-se que as práticas integrativas integradas na APS têm um efeito muito satisfatório no que diz respeito a qualidade de vida dos usuários, devendo minimizar ações medicamentosas que muitas das vezes não são necessárias