778 research outputs found

    Social media and tourism : a wishful relationship

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    For decades hospitality firms were used to domain the communication process. Thematic social network sites such as TripAdvisor became very important tools for travelers when deciding which hotels to book, and what restaurants and tourist attractions to visit, been a visible part of tourism communication evolution. Evidence suggests that e-WOM serves as a primary information source when tourists choose destinations, hotels, and other experiences. The role and use of social media in tourists’ decision making has been widely discuss in tourism and hospitality research, especially in the research phase of the tourist’ travel planning process. With the wide adoption of social media the influence of customers’ word-of-mouth increased and influences not only the research phase, but the repetition and overall customers’ experiences. To answer these questions a model assessing e-wom was developed and data was gathering from TripAdvisor regarding customer’s opinion in restaurant experiences. The results found establish the bases for understanding tourists’ engagement level and profiles.N/

    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Food Quality in UGC

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    AbstractUser-generated content diffusion on social networks has triggered an explosive attention in various disciplines. Within tourism activities, social media has growth in the past years rapidly through regular social network sites, or thematic social network sites such as TripAdvisor. The present study aims to provide a deeper insight into this matter, having as starting point the thought that clients posts good or bad reviews, regarding to different aspects of their experience; and, that a client who has a good experience in restaurant tends to revisit it and recommended it to friends, as opposite if the experience was bad they tell this to friend and recommend not visit. To assess customers’ reviews of restaurants, data was gathered on TripAdvisor of Top 10 restaurants in two island context Azores and Hawaii. All the comments were studied carefully and categorized in set of dimensions that measured how the entirety of a meal was perceived: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. As the results showed, food is the most decisive variable adopted in the UGC. Additionally, our findings support the notion that the overall quality of the meal reflects a lot more than flavor or taste of the food. To these elements, we need to add visual effect, freshness of the ingredients, and healthiness of the meal, among others as main contents spread on SNS. Thus, results reinforce the literature relative to the social media and ads to the knowledge of the contents created and shared by tourists relative to restaurant experience as a whole

    Do genocídio da criança e do adolescente negro durante e após a escravidão

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    Orientado a partir de análise histórica e materialista, o conteúdo que se segue busca apresentar reflexões sobre o genocídio da criança e do adolescente negro no Brasil. Fruto de revisão bibliográfica e documental, o texto procura apresentar, inicialmente, um panorama acerca do genocídio precoce do negro durante e após a escravidão, correlacionando esse problema social com o processo de arrecadação econômica do período histórico analisado. Em seguida, damos sequência na análise no contexto da proteção estatal destinada para crianças e adolescentes, abordando, preliminarmente, dois motivos que consideramos relevantes para compreender a destinação da proteção estatal para esses sujeitos, e a posteriori, investigando essa proteção realizada pelos Códigos de Menores de 1927 e 1979 e pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente de 1990, apresentando logo após, conclusões sobre o ainda operante genocídio negro que incide, majoritariamente, sobre crianças e adolescentes por ser derivado do preconceito de cor e da discriminação racial

    Stable leaders pave the way for cooperation under time-dependent exploration rates

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    Pinheiro, F. L., Pacheco, J. M., & Santos, F. C. (2021). Stable leaders pave the way for cooperation under time-dependent exploration rates. Royal Society Open Science, 8(2), [200910]. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.200910The exploration of different behaviours is part of the adaptation repertoire of individuals to new environments. Here, we explore how the evolution of cooperative behaviour is affected by the interplay between exploration dynamics and social learning, in particular when individuals engage on prisoner's dilemma along the edges of a social network. We show that when the population undergoes a transition from strong to weak exploration rates a decline in the overall levels of cooperation is observed. However, if the rate of decay is lower in highly connected individuals (Leaders) than for the less connected individuals (Followers) then the population is able to achieve higher levels of cooperation. Finally, we show that minor differences in selection intensities (the degree of determinism in social learning) and individual exploration rates, can translate into major differences in the observed collective dynamics.publishersversionpublishe

    O ensino de química abordando as controvérsias do método científico

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar como as concepções acerca do método científico no ensino básico influenciam no aprendizado de química por estudantes da educação básica. Para isso, foi elaborada uma unidade didática aplicada em uma turma de primeiro ano do ensino médio em um colégio da rede pública. Apresentamos aos alunos conteúdos de ligas metálicas de modo a desconstruir o chamado método empírico-indutivista, numa abordagem histórico-filosófica da ciência, com a exposição dos problemas com o referido método. Para a constituição de dados, foram aplicados questionários para comparação das concepções dos alunos antes e depois das aulas. A análise desses dados nos levou a percepção de que o ensino de química se utilizando das controvérsias acerca do método empírico-indutivista contribuiu com um melhor entendimento por parte dos estudantes dos conteúdos de ciências e do trabalho científic

    Genetic Variability of Stingless Bees Melipona mondury Smith and Melipona quadrifasciata Lepeletier (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from a Meliponary

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    The species of stingless bees Melipona mondury Smith and Melipona quadrifasciata Lepeletier are native to the Atlantic Forest, sensitive to environmental changes and therefore, endangered in several Brazilian states. This study aimed to evaluate the genetic variability of populations of these two species at the meliponary of the Regional University of Blumenau through the use of heterospecific microsatellite primers. We collected one worker from 19 colonies of M. mondury and from 25 colonies of M. quadrifasciata. We found low levels of genetic variability for both species, which may be explained by null alleles, queen philopatry and/or artificial maintenance of hives. Whether natural populations of these species are presenting low genetic variability they might be endangered

    Price-setting hotel competition with corporate social responsibility

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    Pricing plays an important role in any market competition, but particularly in those businesses that hold a seat in hyper competitive economic activities such as hotels. This paper analyses a market competition between one corporate social responsibility (CSR) hotel and one for profit (FP) hotel, in which both hotels set room prices. We study three different market behaviors: (i) both hotels take their decisions simultaneously; (ii) the CSR hotel takes the leader position; (iii) the FP hotel takes the leader position. For each situation, by using game theory techniques, we compute the different outcomes of the model at equilibrium. We also describe the effects of CSR on the outcomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Guerra e Cidadania de Primeira Classe

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    LENTHZ-SMITH, Adriene Danette. Freedom Struggles: African Americans and World War I. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2009

    Um olhar sobre a “América”: Experiências afro-americanas nas páginas de O Clarim da Alvorada

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