230 research outputs found

    Utilização da farinha de Ariá (Culathea allouia) para elaboração de sopas desidratadas.

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    Aproveitamento tecnológico do fruto inteiro camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia (Kunth) Mc Vaugh) para elaboração de barra de cereal..

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    Efeito das cápsulas de camu-camu sobre a glicemia e o perfil lipídico de adultos saudáveis]

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    Introduction: Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia [Kunth] McVaugh) is a fruit from the Amazon region that has significant levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin C and flavonoids. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of capsules of camu-camu in lipid profile and glucose of young adults. Methods: Were evaluated 18 volunteers of both genders, aged between 21 and 35 years. The volunteers were divided into two groups: 1) intervention group, which received capsules of lyophilized camu-camu containing 320 mg of vitamin C; 2) control group, which received capsules containing 320 mg of synthetic vitamin C. The ingestion of capsules was daily for 15 days and blood samples were collected and analyzed before and after the intervention. Statistical differences in the levels of vitamin C in plasma, fasting glucose and lipid profile were verified by means of Student’s “t” test. Results: Was recorded significant increase in serum ascorbic acid and a significant decrease in fasting glucose, total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol levels in group that received capsules of camu-camu. There was also a significant decrease in LDLcholesterol levels in intervention group. In control group decreased significantly only the levels of fasting glucose. In both groups there was a tendency of reduction in triglyceride levels, although it has not been significant. Conclusion: It was concluded that the capsules of camu-camu were more efficient, presenting hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic action in volunteers studied. These results demonstrate the potential benefit of vitamin C and camu-camu health, presenting the fruit as an excellent source of this vitamin. © 2015, Editorial Ciencias Medicas. All rights reserved

    Aromatic and nutritional profile of an Amazonian autochthonous species, Caramuri Pouteria elegans (A.DC.) Baehni

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    The aim of this study was to characterize Caramuri Pouteria elegans (A.DC.) Baehni, an exotic fruit of the Amazonian biome to highlight it is a new source nutritional potential. The nutritional (vitamin A, B, C, and E) and volatile composition of the fruits was determined by physical [mass, diameter (longitudinal and transverse), yield] and chemical characterization (pH, acidity, soluble solids, proximate and mineral compositions) using headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS). The amount of vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium detected per 100 g of sample was 143.08 mg, 97.50 mg, and 14.75 mg, respectively. Volatile profile by HS-SPME revealed 87 peaks, however, only 26 peaks were noted due to the small peak area (<1.0). Arithmetic and Kovats retention indexes were calculated for compound(s) identification. The percentage of volatiles identification was 88.46%. The majority compound was α-Pinene with 21.77%. The study reveals that Caramuri is a great source of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C. © 2019, © 2019 Jaime Paiva Lopes Aguiar, Edson Pablo da Silva, Raimundo Carlos Pereira Junior, Dionisia Nagahama and Francisca das C. Do A. Souza. Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Efeito das cápsulas de camu-camu sobre a glicemia e o perfil lipídico de adultos saudáveis

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    Introduction: Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia [Kunth] McVaugh) is a fruit from the Amazon region that has significant levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin C and flavonoids. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of capsules of camu-camu in lipid profile and glucose of young adults. Methods: Were evaluated 18 volunteers of both genders, aged between 21 and 35 years. The volunteers were divided into two groups: 1) intervention group, which received capsules of lyophilized camu-camu containing 320 mg of vitamin C; 2) control group, which received capsules containing 320 mg of synthetic vitamin C. The ingestion of capsules was daily for 15 days and blood samples were collected and analyzed before and after the intervention. Statistical differences in the levels of vitamin C in plasma, fasting glucose and lipid profile were verified by means of Student’s “t” test. Results: Was recorded significant increase in serum ascorbic acid and a significant decrease in fasting glucose, total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol levels in group that received capsules of camu-camu. There was also a significant decrease in LDLcholesterol levels in intervention group. In control group decreased significantly only the levels of fasting glucose. In both groups there was a tendency of reduction in triglyceride levels, although it has not been significant. Conclusion: It was concluded that the capsules of camu-camu were more efficient, presenting hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic action in volunteers studied. These results demonstrate the potential benefit of vitamin C and camu-camu health, presenting the fruit as an excellent source of this vitamin. © 2015, Editorial Ciencias Medicas. All rights reserved

    Evaluation of extruded corn breakfast cereal enriched with whole peach palm (Bactris Gasipaes, Kunth) flour

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    The present study aimed to develop extruded corn breakfast cereal enriched with whole peach palm flour. A 22 central composite rotatable design was used, and the cereal was processed in a ZKS-30 co-rotational twin-screw extruder (Werner and Pfleiderer), followed by its physicochemical, technological and microbiological characterization. The technological analysis revealed higher expansion and lower hardness as well as adequate lightness and water-absorption and water-solubility indices of the breakfast cereal at low moisture and intermediate peach palm flour contents. Moreover, 3.84% moisture, 0.63% ash, 6.09% protein, 0.39% lipids, 85.94% carbohydrates, 3.11% fiber and 246 RE of total carotenoids were found in the physicochemical analysis, and the microbiological parameters were in accordance with the Brazilian legislation (Resolution RDC 12/01). These results show that extruded corn breakfast cereal partially substituted with peach palm flour is an alternative product with good characteristics and market potential. The most recommended operational conditions to obtain products with good technological characteristics were a peach palm flour concentration of 25% and feed moisture of 16.2%. © 2020, Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, SBCTA. All rights reserved


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    A segurança alimentar é uma preocupação recorrente, pois trata-se da necessidade de ingestão de alimentos que tenham um padrão de qualidade aceitável, sem risco à saúde. Neste trabalho, avaliam-se as condições de risco ambiental, associadas a uma área de livre comércio de pescado situada em uma região portuária localizada na Zona Sul de Manaus-AM, com 150 m de extensão, entre os igarapés do Educandos e São Raimundo, próxima a importantes locais comerciais; e as condições sanitárias do pescado durante sua comercialização, acondicionamento e descarte. No processo de análise foram consideradas as condições sanitárias do ambiente e do manipulador do alimento. O método utilizado foi a Análise de Falhas, Modos e Efeitos (FMEA). Os resultados demonstram que a aplicação do FMEA para cálculo do risco proporciona a identificação dos pontos críticos e a indicação das melhorias possíveis. Quanto ao local de análise, este encontra-se em um grau de risco variando de moderado a alto. Os fatores que podem ocasionar vetores prejudiciais à saúde pública, pelo manuseio inadequado do pescado, pela infra-estrutura local e higiene dos alimentos foram observados em 64% dos casos. E a geração de efluentes líquidos, resíduos sólidos e o consumo de água sem controle de qualidade foi associada a 36% dos casos. Apesar do quadro desfavorável, esta forma de comércio é uma vocação local e por isso deve passar por um processo de revisão do poder público, para busca de uma qualidade ambiental acompanhada da segurança alimentar do pescado comercializado

    Effects of Astrocaryum aculeatum Meyer (Tucumã) on Diet-Induced Dyslipidemic Rats

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    An in vivo study was conducted to assess the effects of the consumption of Astrocaryum aculeatum Amazon Meyer (tucumã) in the treatment of diet-induced dyslipidemia in sedentary and exercised Wistar rats. With an average weight of 350 grams, 40 male rats were divided into 4 subgroups of 10. The sedentary control group (SCG) was fed with commercial feed, while the sedentary treatment group (STG) was fed with a ration of tucumã. In addition to the sedentary groups, two exercise groups were formed. The Exercised control group (ECG) was fed with commercial food and the exercised treatment group (ETG) was fed with a ration of tucumã. Body weight gain and food intake were monitored during the experiment. Plasma was analyzed for cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-C, LDL-C, VLDL, total protein, glucose, insulin, and leptin concentrations. Our results show that the ECG group tended to consume more food, while the groups that were fed with tucumã pulp (STG and ETG) presented a greater tendency to gain body mass. ECG group showed a tendency towards a higher concentration of cholesterol in plasma, while STG and ETG presented higher absolute values for triglycerides and VLDL. No hypolipiemic effect was observed related to tucuma ingestion. © 2014 Geórgia Craveiro Holanda Malveira Maia et al