9,973 research outputs found

    Rejuvenation and overaging in a colloidal glass under shear

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    We report the modifications of the microscopic dynamics of a colloidal glass submitted to shear. We use multispeckle diffusing wave spectroscopy to monitor the evolution of the spontaneous slow relaxation processes after the sample have been submitted to various straining. We show that high shear rejuvenates the system and accelerates its dynamics whereas moderate shear overage the system. We analyze this phenomena within the frame of the Bouchaud's trap model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in PR

    Thermal annealing study of swift heavy-ion irradiated zirconia

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    Sintered samples of monoclinic zirconia (alpha-ZrO2) have been irradiated at room temperature with 6.0-GeV Pb ions in the electronic slowing down regime. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and micro-Raman spectroscopy measurements showed unambiguously that a transition to the 'metastable' tetragonal phase (beta-ZrO2) occurred at a fluence of 6.5x10^12 cm-2 for a large electronic stopping power value (approx 32.5 MeV Ό\mum-1). At a lower fluence of 1.0x10^12 cm-2, no such phase transformation was detected. The back-transformation from beta- to alpha-ZrO2 induced by isothermal or isochronal thermal annealing was followed by XRD analysis. The back-transformation started at an onset temperature around 500 K and was completed by 973 K. Plots of the residual tetragonal phase fraction deduced from XRD measurements versus annealing temperature or time are analyzed with first- or second-order kinetic models. An activation energy close to 1 eV for the back-transformation process is derived either from isothermal annealing curves, using the so-called "cross-cut" method, or from the isochronal annealing curve, using a second-order kinetic law. Correlation with the thermal recovery of ion-induced paramagnetic centers monitored by EPR spectroscopy is discussed. Effects of crystallite size evolution and oxygen migration upon annealing are also addressed

    The theory of quantum levitators

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    We develop a unified theory for clocks and gravimeters using the interferences of multiple atomic waves put in levitation by traveling light pulses. Inspired by optical methods, we exhibit a propagation invariant, which enables to derive analytically the wave function of the sample scattering on the light pulse sequence. A complete characterization of the device sensitivity with respect to frequency or to acceleration measurements is obtained. These results agree with previous numerical simulations and confirm the conjecture of sensitivity improvement through multiple atomic wave interferences. A realistic experimental implementation for such clock architecture is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 6 Figures. Minor typos corrected. Final versio

    Spin-polarized stable phases of the 2-D electron fluid at finite temperatures

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    The Helmholtz free energy F of the interacting 2-D electron fluid is calculated nonperturbatively using a mapping of the quantum fluid to a classical Coulomb fluid [Phys. Rev. Letters, vol. 87, 206404 (2001)]. For density parameters rs such that rs<~25, the fluid is unpolarized at all temperatures t=T/EF where EF is the Fermi energy. For lower densities, the system becomes fully spin polarized for t<~0.35, and partially polarized for 0.35<t< 2, depending on the density. At rs ~25-30, and t ~0.35, an ''ambispin'' phase where F is almost independent of the spin polarization is found. These results support recent claims, based on quantum Monte Carlo results, for a stable, fully spin-polarized fluid phase at T = 0 for rs larger than about 25-26.Comment: Latex manuscript (4-5 pages) and two postscript figures; see also http://nrcphy1.phy.nrc.ca/ims/qp/chandre/chnc

    Yield stress and shear-banding in granular suspensions

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    We study the emergence of a yield stress in dense suspensions of non-Brownian particles, by combining local velocity and concentration measurements using Magnetic Resonance Imaging with macroscopic rheometric experiments. We show that the competition between gravity and viscous stresses is at the origin of the development of a yield stress in these systems at relatively low volume fractions. Moreover, it is accompanied by a shear banding phenomenon that is the signature of this competition. However, if the system is carefully density matched, no yield stress is encountered until a volume fraction of 62.7 0.3%

    NP-hardness of decoding quantum error-correction codes

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    Though the theory of quantum error correction is intimately related to the classical coding theory, in particular, one can construct quantum error correction codes (QECCs) from classical codes with the dual containing property, this does not necessarily imply that the computational complexity of decoding QECCs is the same as their classical counterparts. Instead, decoding QECCs can be very much different from decoding classical codes due to the degeneracy property. Intuitively, one expect degeneracy would simplify the decoding since two different errors might not and need not be distinguished in order to correct them. However, we show that general quantum decoding problem is NP-hard regardless of the quantum codes being degenerate or non-degenerate. This finding implies that no considerably fast decoding algorithm exists for the general quantum decoding problems, and suggests the existence of a quantum cryptosystem based on the hardness of decoding QECCs.Comment: 5 pages, no figure. Final version for publicatio

    The Chao Phraya delta : historical development, dynamics and challenges of Thailand's rice bowl

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    The Chao Phraya basin has long been a water-deficity basin. Water stored in the Bhumipol and Sirikit dams only allow the irrigation of half of the delta, in average. The share of water available for agriculture in the delta is declining because of higher water abstraction both within the upper reaches of the basin and in Bangkok Metropolitan Area. The question of where, to whom, when and how this scarce resource is allocated is therefore of paramount importance. The paper first reviews the sectoral and spatial pattern of allocation in the last 25 years and assesses the efficiency and the equity of this allocation. It subsequently investigates all the options offered to increase management efficiency and proposes some guidelines for achieving higher equity and more even sustainability of farming systems. This includes technical, socio-institutional and economic issues. (Résumé d'auteur

    Shortcuts to adiabaticity for trapped ultracold gases

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    We study, experimentally and theoretically, the controlled transfer of harmonically trapped ultracold gases between different quantum states. In particular we experimentally demonstrate a fast decompression and displacement of both a non-interacting gas and an interacting Bose-Einstein condensate which are initially at equilibrium. The decompression parameters are engineered such that the final state is identical to that obtained after a perfectly adiabatic transformation despite the fact that the fast decompression is performed in the strongly non-adiabatic regime. During the transfer the atomic sample goes through strongly out-of-equilibrium states while the external confinement is modified until the system reaches the desired stationary state. The scheme is theoretically based on the invariants of motion and scaling equations techniques and can be generalized to decompression trajectories including an arbitrary deformation of the trap. It is also directly applicable to arbitrary initial non-equilibrium states.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figure
