2,547 research outputs found

    Recuperação de atributos físicos de um argissolo em função do seu revolvimento e do tempo de semeadura direta.

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    A melhoria da qualidade estrutural do solo pelo uso continuado do sistema semeadura direta ocorre junto com o processo de sua (re)acidificação. Em algumas circunstâncias, ocorre também compactação superficial devido ao tráfego de máquinas, que necessita ser corrigida pela mobilização do solo. Assim, em experimento conduzido há 12 anos sob diferentes sistemas de manejo do solo, avaliou-se o tempo necessário para o solo readquirir os atributos físicos iniciais, alterados no processo de revolvimento do solo, por ocasião da reaplicação de calcário. O experimento foi realizado na Estação Experimental Agronômica da UFRGS, em Eldorado do Sul - RS, em um Argissolo Vermelho distrófico típico. Os sistemas de manejo avaliados foram: (a) preparo convencional durante 12 anos, (b) sistema semeadura direta com revolvimento do solo para incorporar calcário a cada quatro anos, (c) sistema semeadura direta durante oito anos e (d) sistema semeadura direta durante 12 anos. Determinaram-se, imediatamente antes e 6, 12, 24, 36 e 48 meses depois da terceira reaplicação de calcário, a densidade, a porosidade total, a macroporosidade, a microporosidade, a estabilidade de agregados e o teor de C orgânico em três camadas (0,0-2,5; 2,5-7,5 e 7,5-15,0 cm) de solo. O revolvimento do solo para incorporação do calcário no sistema semeadura direta de quatro anos propiciou condições mais favoráveis de densidade e porosidade do solo, mas diminuiu a estabilidade de agregados. Houve necessidade de um período de quatro anos de cultivo do solo no sistema semeadura direta para o retorno da estabilidade de agregados à condição original. Os atributos físicos do solo foram mais uniformes no perfil no preparo convencional, porém com menor estabilidade de agregados na camada superficial, que foi relacionada ao teor de C orgânico

    Mist and Edge Computing Cyber-Physical Human-Centered Systems for Industry 5.0: A Cost-Effective IoT Thermal Imaging Safety System

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    While many companies worldwide are still striving to adjust to Industry 4.0 principles, the transition to Industry 5.0 is already underway. Under such a paradigm, Cyber-Physical Human-centered Systems (CPHSs) have emerged to leverage operator capabilities in order to meet the goals of complex manufacturing systems towards human-centricity, resilience and sustainability. This article first describes the essential concepts for the development of Industry 5.0 CPHSs and then analyzes the latest CPHSs, identifying their main design requirements and key implementation components. Moreover, the major challenges for the development of such CPHSs are outlined. Next, to illustrate the previously described concepts, a real-world Industry 5.0 CPHS is presented. Such a CPHS enables increased operator safety and operation tracking in manufacturing processes that rely on collaborative robots and heavy machinery. Specifically, the proposed use case consists of a workshop where a smarter use of resources is required, and human proximity detection determines when machinery should be working or not in order to avoid incidents or accidents involving such machinery. The proposed CPHS makes use of a hybrid edge computing architecture with smart mist computing nodes that processes thermal images and reacts to prevent industrial safety issues. The performed experiments show that, in the selected real-world scenario, the developed CPHS algorithms are able to detect human presence with low-power devices (with a Raspberry Pi 3B) in a fast and accurate way (in less than 10 ms with a 97.04% accuracy), thus being an effective solution that can be integrated into many Industry 5.0 applications. Finally, this article provides specific guidelines that will help future developers and managers to overcome the challenges that will arise when deploying the next generation of CPHSs for smart and sustainable manufacturing.Comment: 32 page

    Pressure of massless hot scalar theory in the boundary effective theory framework

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    We use the boundary effective theory (BET) approach to thermal field theory in order to calculate the pressure of a system of massless scalar fields with quartic interaction. The method naturally separates the infrared physics, and is essentially non-perturbative. To lowest order, the main ingredient is the solution of the free Euler-Lagrange equation with non-trivial (time) boundary conditions. We derive a resummed pressure, which is in good agreement with recent calculations found in the literature, following a very direct and compact procedure.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Phase conversion in a weakly first-order quark-hadron transition

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    We investigate the process of phase conversion in a thermally-driven {\it weakly} first-order quark-hadron transition. This scenario is physically appealing even if the nature of this transition in equilibrium proves to be a smooth crossover for vanishing baryonic chemical potential. We construct an effective potential by combining the equation of state obtained within Lattice QCD for the partonic sector with that of a gas of resonances in the hadronic phase, and present numerical results on bubble profiles, nucleation rates and time evolution, including the effects from reheating on the dynamics for different expansion scenarios. Our findings confirm the standard picture of a cosmological first-order transition, in which the process of phase conversion is entirely dominated by nucleation, also in the case of a weakly first-order transition. On the other hand, we show that, even for expansion rates much lower than those expected in high-energy heavy ion collisions, nucleation is very unlikely, indicating that the main mechanism of phase conversion is spinodal decomposition. Our results are compared to those obtained for a strongly first-order transition, as the one provided by the MIT bag model.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures; v2: 1 reference added, minor modifications, matches published versio

    Strangeness in Astrophysics and Cosmology

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    Some recent developments concerning the role of strange quark matter for astrophysical systems and the QCD phase transition in the early universe are addressed. Causality constraints of the soft nuclear equation of state as extracted from subthreshold kaon production in heavy-ion collisions are used to derive an upper mass limit for compact stars. The interplay between the viscosity of strange quark matter and the gravitational wave emission from rotation-powered pulsars are outlined. The flux of strange quark matter nuggets in cosmic rays is put in perspective with a detailed numerical investigation of the merger of two strange stars. Finally, we discuss a novel scenario for the QCD phase transition in the early universe, which allows for a small inflationary period due to a pronounced first order phase transition at large baryochemical potential.Comment: 8 pages, invited talk given at the International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM2009), Buzios, Brasil, September 28 - October 2, 200

    Strange quark matter in explosive astrophysical systems

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    Explosive astrophysical systems, such as supernovae or compact star binary mergers, provide conditions where strange quark matter can appear. The high degree of isospin asymmetry and temperatures of several MeV in such systems may cause a transition to the quark phase already around saturation density. Observable signals from the appearance of quark matter can be predicted and studied in astrophysical simulations. As input in such simulations, an equation of state with an integrated quark matter phase transition for a large temperature, density and proton fraction range is required. Additionally, restrictions from heavy ion data and pulsar observation must be considered. In this work we present such an approach. We implement a quark matter phase transition in a hadronic equation of state widely used for astrophysical simulations and discuss its compatibility with heavy ion collisions and pulsar data. Furthermore, we review the recently studied implications of the QCD phase transition during the early post-bounce evolution of core-collapse supernovae and introduce the effects from strong interactions to increase the maximum mass of hybrid stars. In the MIT bag model, together with the strange quark mass and the bag constant, the strong coupling constant αs\alpha_s provides a parameter to set the beginning and extension of the quark phase and with this the mass and radius of hybrid stars.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, talk given at the International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM2009), Buzios, Brasil, September 28 - October 2, 2009, to be published in Journal Phys.

    Hydrodynamical instabilities in an expanding quark gluon plasma

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    We study the mechanism responsible for the onset of instabilities in a chiral phase transition at nonzero temperature and baryon chemical potential. As a low-energy effective model, we consider an expanding relativistic plasma of quarks coupled to a chiral field, and obtain a phenomenological chiral hydrodynamics from a variational principle. Studying the dispersion relation for small fluctuations around equilibrium, we identify the role played by chiral waves and pressure waves in the generation of instabilities. We show that pressure modes become unstable earlier than chiral modes.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Holographic rho mesons in an external magnetic field

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    We study the rho meson in a uniform magnetic field eB using a holographic QCD-model, more specifically a D4/D8/Dbar8 brane setup in the confinement phase at zero temperature with two quenched flavours. The parameters of the model are fixed by matching to corresponding dual field theory parameters at zero magnetic field. We show that the up- and down-flavour branes respond differently to the presence of the magnetic field in the dual QCD-like theory, as expected because of the different electromagnetic charge carried by up- and down-quark. We discuss how to recover the Landau levels, indicating an instability of the QCD vacuum at eB = m_rho^2 towards a phase where charged rho mesons are condensed, as predicted by Chernodub using effective QCD-models. We improve on these existing effective QCD-model analyses by also taking into account the chiral magnetic catalysis effect, which tells us that the constituent quark masses rise with eB. This turns out to increase the value of the critical magnetic field for the onset of rho meson condensation to eB = 1.1 m_rho^2 = 0.67 GeV^2. We briefly discuss the influence of pions, which turn out to be irrelevant for the condensation in the approximation made.Comment: 26 pages, 10 .pdf figures, v2: version accepted for publication in JHE

    Dense quark matter in compact stars

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    The densest predicted state of matter is colour-superconducting quark matter, in which quarks near the Fermi surface form a condensate of Cooper pairs. This form of matter may well exist in the core of compact stars, and the search for signatures of its presence is an ongoing enterprise. Using a bag model of quark matter, I discuss the effects of colour superconductivity on the mass-radius relationship of compact stars, showing that colour superconducting quark matter can occur in compact stars at values of the bag constant where ordinary quark matter would not be allowed. The resultant ``hybrid'' stars with colour superconducting quark matter interior and nuclear matter surface have masses in the range 1.3-1.6 Msolar and radii 8-11 km. Once perturbative corrections are included, quark matter can show a mass-radius relationship very similar to that of nuclear matter, and the mass of a hybrid star can reach 1.8 \Msolar.Comment: 11 pages, for proceedings of SQM 2003 conference; references added, abstract reworde
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