986 research outputs found

    Non-verbal learning difficulties

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    [Resumo] Partindo dum modelo neuropsicológico e inter-hemisférico de aprendizagem, o autor aborda o sindroma de Dificultade de Aprendizagem Nao Verbal (DANV) introduzido primeiro por MYKLEBUST 1973, e posteriormente, por ROURKE 1995, tendo por base a caracterizaçao psicoeducacional, subdividida pela análise das seguintes manifestayoes comportamentais: défices de organizaçao visuo-espacial, distúrbios psicomotores, défice de atençao e de intervençao meidatizada, sao sugeridas em seguida[Abstract] Starting from a neuropsychologic and a interhemispheric model of leaming, the author tries to present the syndrome of nonverbal disabilities, first introduced by Myklebust 1973, and afterwards by Rourke 1995, taking in the consideration a psychoeducactional profile based in the following behavioral manifestations: visuo-spatial difficulties, psychomotor disturbances, attention deficits and social apperception. Sorne assessment and educational interventions suggestions are presented and discusse

    Off-line robot programming framework

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    Comunicação apresentada na International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems and International Conference on Networking and Services (ICAS'05 and ICNS'05), Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia, 23-28 October 2005.The industrial robot programming is a work for specialist in robotics. Today, this work is very hard because there are many robot manufacturers with different languages and different programming environments. Although, off-line programming is an way that can reduce drastically the machines stop time to maintenance. With the use of object oriented design patterns, it is possible minimize the time spent in robot programming. In this work is proposed a off-line programming environment. This tool is based in one abstract model to program robots, encapsulate in java classes. This way has the main advantage of best source code utilization. Grouping the business classes in modules by functionalities, we can reduce complexity between low matching. Recognized patterns like Facade and Template Method will construct the base to develop this programming framework. The programming robot languages tested in this work was Rapid, Karel and Melfa Basic IV, respectively languages used by ABB, Fanuc and Mitsubishi constructors.Master Industrial Electronic Engineering - Project Supported by the Programme ALBAN, the European Union Programme of High Level Scholarships for Latin America, scholarships no. E04M033540BR. CIMATEC - Technology and Manufactory Integrated Center of SENAI-BA, Brazil

    Estudo da fauna chiroptera da ilha de Santa Maria

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    XIV Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Santa Maria 2009.Durante a Expedição Científica Santa Maria foi realizado o estudo para confirmar a presença das espécies de morcegos existentes nesta ilha, bem com a sua distribuição e localização de potenciais abrigos. Foram detectados indivíduos da espécie Nyctalus azoreum e Pipistrellus sp. através de vocalizações próximas da frequência 35 kHz e 45 kHz, respectivamente. Não foi possível capturar qualquer espécime para o esclarecimento da espécie de Pipistrellus na ilha de Santa Maria

    Off-line programming industrial robots based in the information extracted from neutral files generated by the commercial CAD tools

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    In order for a robotic manipulator to perform useful work, it must be programmed to accomplish the desired task or motion cycle. Nowadays industrial robots generally require a tremendous amount of programming to make them useful. Their controllers are very sophisticated, the commercial robot programming environments are typically closed systems and the programming languages varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Despite the great evolution of the industrial robots controllers, in the majority of the industrial applications, the robot programming is made, using one of the following ways: • Manual on-line programming; • Off-line programming; Manual on-line programming refers to physically teaching a robot the required trajectory, through interaction with teach pendant or other similar device (Lee & ElMaraghy, 1990). This programming kind presents the following disadvantages: very slow, it needs that the robot is available, difficulty in the handling of equipments, need some practice in the language used by the robot, and technical knowledge to understand the operation of the equipment. These disadvantages are very expensive in the industry because the productive process needs to stop for a long time. One simple approach to solve some disadvantages described above is the Off-line programming environments. These environments are based in graphical simulation platforms, in which the programming and execution process are shown using models of the real objects. Consequently, the robot programmer has to learn only the simulation language and not any of the robot programming languages. Other benefits in off-line programming environments include libraries of pre-defined high-level commands for certain types of applications, such as painting or welding, and the possibility to assess the kinematics feasibility of a move, thus enabling the user to plan collision-free paths. The simulation may also be used to determine the cycle time for a sequence of movements. These environments usually provide a set of primitives commonly used by various robots, and produce a sequence of robot manipulator language primitives such as ”move” or ”open gripper” that are then downloaded in the respective robot controllers. However, the off-line programming tools based in graphically 3D representation presents several problems in many industry applications, particularly, when the robot task or the robot trajectory needs frequent changes, for example: in welding applications where the configuration of the pieces to weld change frequently (the size, the shape, etc.); the robot painting and gluing applications can have similar problems. Nowadays, the CAD tools are often used in the industry to develop and to document the products and its manufacture. There are a lot of commercial CAD tools, like, AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Ideas and Cimatron, having each tool its own file format. However, it is possible to export the information of these pieces, in a neutral file format, namely: STL, IGES, STEP and SET formats. This work presents one solution for programming different robots based in the relevant information extracted from neutral files. The solution implemented was tested in the industrial robots Mitsubishi (Mitsubishi Move Master Industrial Robot) and ABB (model IRB 140 with IRC5 controller). This chapter is organized as follows: section 2 presents an overview about the format of neutral files (STL, IGS, STEP and SET); in the section 3, the algorithms for extraction of the relevant information from the neutral files are described; in the section 4, the developed tool for code generation for different industrial robots is presented; section 5 and 6 present the results and conclusions; section 7 presents future work.European Union Programme of High Level Scholarships for Latin America, Scholarship no. E04M033540BR - Programme ALBAN

    Coupling quintessence kinetics to electromagnetism

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    We propose a general model where quintessence couples to electromagnetism via its kinetic term. This novelty generalizes the linear dependence of the gauge kinetic function on ϕ\phi, commonly adopted in the literature. The interaction naturally induces a time variation of the fine-structure constant that can be formulated within a disformally coupled framework, akin to a Gordon metric. Through a suitable parametrization of the scalar field and the coupling function, we test the model against observations sensitive to the variation of α\alpha. We undertake a Bayesian analysis to infer the free parameters with data from Earth based, astrophysical and early Universe experiments. We find that the evolution of α\alpha is specific to each cosmological era and slows down at late times when dark energy accelerates the Universe. While the most stringent bound on the interaction is obtained from atomic clocks measurements, the quasars provide a constraint consistent with weak equivalence principle tests. This promising model is to be further tested with upcoming and more precise astrophysical measurements, such as those of the ESPRESSO spectrograph.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. V2: matches published versio

    Robotics services at home support

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    This article proposes a robotic system that aims to support the elderly, to comply with the medication regimen to which they are subject. The robot uses its locomotion system to move to the elderly and through computer vision detects the packaging of the medicine and identifies the person who should take it at the correct time. For the accomplishment of the task, an application was developed supported by a database with information about the elderly, the medicines that they have prescribed and the respective timetable of taking. The experimental work was done with the robot NAO, using development tools like MySQL, Python, and OpenCV. The elderly facial identification and the detection of medicine packing are performed through computer vision algorithms that process the images acquired by the robot’s camera. Experiments were carried out to evaluate the performance of object recognition, facial detection, and facial recognition algorithms, using public databases. The tests made it possible to obtain qualitative metrics about the algorithms’ performance. A proof of concept experiment was conducted in a simple scenario that recreates the environment of a dwelling with seniors who are assisted by the robot in the taking of medicines.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    “Senhor, se eu sou a escolhida, abra o caminho”: Willie Ann Bowman e a circulação metodista transnacional (1895-1906)

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    Partindo de alguns traços biográficos de Willie Ann Bowman, missionária vinculada à Methodist Episcopal Church, South que atuou no Brasil entre 1895 e 1906, o artigo tem o objetivo de investigar a circulação transnacional de pessoas, saberes e práticas viabilizada pela denominação protestante norte-americana. Utilizando documentos oficiais produzidos pela Igreja, entre os quais destacam-se relatórios, missivas e periódicos, focalizamos o protagonismo feminino ao mesmo tempo em que enquadramos o problema a partir dos referenciais da História Transnacional da Educação. Desse modo, a investigação permitiu demonstrar que o vigor da circulação de pessoas e repertórios dinamizado pela Methodist Episcopal Church, South entre os Estados Unidos e o Brasil contribuiu para a construção de sentidos educacionais em âmbito local


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    As capacidades produtivas dos animais dependem de diversos fatores: genéticos e ambientais. O conhecimento da forma como os referidos fatores afetam a produtividade dos animais, carne e leite, permite ao produtor tomar as decisões técnicas necessárias para atingir um melhor índice de produtividade e rentabilidade da sua exploração. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal evidenciar alguns dos fatores que afetam as características creatopoiéticas e lactopoiéticas da Serpentina e a forma como atuam sobre as mesmas, usando dados recolhidos pela APCRS, desde 1991 a 2014, em efetivos dos seus associados, explorados em sistemas de produção tradicionais. Foram estudados os pesos ao nascimento (PN) (3,17 kg), ajustado aos 30 dias (P30) (6,47 kg) e aos 70 dias (P70) (10,51 kg), bem como os diferentes modos de cria dos cabritos. Considerando as diversas modalidades de cria, o potencial de crescimento observado foi: (i) aleitamento natural os machos cresceram 0,108 kg e as fêmeas 0,095 kg; (ii) aleitamento em boxes os machos cresceram 0,109 kg e as fêmeas 0,099 kg; (iii) aleitamento em grupo os machos cresceram 0,141 kg e as fêmeas 0,119 kg; (iv) aleitamento em cornadi os machos cresceram 0,106 kg e as fêmeas 0,100 kg; (v) aleitamento artificial os machos cresceram 0,095 kg e as fêmeas 0,085 kg. A análise das diferentes características lactopoiéticas basearam-se na duração da lactação (DL), duração da ordenha (DO), produção total de leite (PTL), produção de leite comercializável (PLC), teor de matéria gorda (TMG) e teor de matéria proteica (TMP). Analisando os resultados de produção verificou-se: (i) duração da lactação de 207,18 dias; (ii) produção total de leite 167,81 L; (iii) produção de leite ajustado aos 210 dias de 118,46 L; (iv) teor butiroso ajustado aos 210 dias de 4,91 %; teor proteico ajustado aos 210 dias de 3,78 %. Verificou-se que os caracteres de crescimento e de produção de leite estudados apresentaram diferenças altamente significativas (P < 0,01) de forma generalizada, como consequência das diferenças técnicas e condições ambientais existentes nas diferentes explorações. Os valores médios obtidos, bem como a sua variabilidade, para as características creatopoiéticas e lactopoiéticas, revelam que a aptidão da raça para a produção de carne e leite tem um peso considerável na sua viabilidade produtiva. A existência de animais com valores produtivos elevados incute a esperança que através de um maneio mais cuidado e de um melhoramento genético mais criterioso, será possível obterem-se valores médios mais elevados aos obtidos neste estudo

    Nursing Interventions in Prevention and Healing of Leg Ulcers: Systematic Review of the Literature.

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    Abstract Aim: To identify nursing interventions aimed at persons with venous, arterial or mixed leg ulcers. Methodology: Carried out research in the EBSCO search engine: CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MEDLINE with Full Text, MedicLatina, Academic Search Complete, sought full text articles, published between 2008/01/01 and 2015/01/31, with the following keywords [(MM "leg ulcer") OR (wound care) OR (wound healing)] AND [(nursing) OR (nursing assessment) OR (nursing intervention)], filtered through initial question in PI[C]O format. Results: The different etiologies of leg ulcer require a specific therapeutic and prophylactic approach. Factors that promote healing were identified: individualization of care, interpersonal relationship, pain control, control of the exudate, education for health self-management, self-care, therapeutic adherence, implementation of guidelines of good practice and auditing and feedback of the practices. Conclusion: Person-centred care and practices based on evidence improves health results in prevention and treatment of leg ulcers

    Utilização de plataformas web colaborativas na coordenação do processo de projeto de edificações em BIM : estudo de caso

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    Motivada pelo contínuo aumento da complexidade e redução de prazos no desenvolvimento de empreendimentos imobiliários, a coordenação do processo de projeto praticada hoje por construtoras apresenta obstáculos que dificultam a gestão do grande fluxo de informação comunicada durante etapa de desenvolvimento, impactando na qualidade final de projetos. As empresas construtoras, por sua vez, estão buscando, a partir da tecnologia da informação, novos processos que mitiguem essas dificuldades. As plataformas web colaborativas, quando utilizadas em conjunto com o BIM, surgem como uma ferramenta poderosa para centralizar e realizar a gestão da comunicação, aumentando a eficiência da coordenação de projetos. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho propõe uma análise da implementação de uma plataforma web colaborativa e seus reflexos na coordenação e gestão da comunicação no processo de projeto de edificações com uso da tecnologia BIM. Um estudo de caso foi realizado no setor de projetos de uma construtora e incorporadora de grande porte de Porto Alegre. O trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas principais: (a) compreensão do problema a partir de entrevistas e diagnóstico do setor de projetos da empresa; (b) implementação da plataforma no desenvolvimento de projetos de dois empreendimentos da empresa. A revisão bibliográfica foi realizada durante as duas etapas. Os resultados deste trabalho estão relacionados com a identificação de dificuldades na coordenação do processo de projeto praticada atualmente, bem como análise das contribuições e desafios da implementação da plataforma web colaborativa. Como principais contribuições, é possível destacar as boas práticas de comunicação descritas e a identificação de funcionalidades necessárias em uma plataforma para obter maior eficiência e controle da coordenação de projetos.Motivated by the continuous increase in complexity and reduction of deadlines in the development of real estate projects, the coordination of the design process practiced today by construction companies presents obstacles that hinder the management of the flow of information communicated during the design development, impacting on projects final quality. Construction companies, in turn, are looking for new processes based on information technology to mitigate these difficulties. Collaborative web platforms, when used in conjunction with BIM, emerge as a powerful tool to centralize and manage communication, increasing the efficiency of project coordination. Thus, the present work proposes an analysis of the implementation of a web-based issues collaboration platform and its reflexes in the coordination and communication management in the building design process using BIM technology. A case study was carried out in the design coordination department of a large construction company and developer in Porto Alegre. The work was divided into two main stages: (a) understanding of the problem from interviews and diagnosis of the company's design coordination department; (b) implementation of the platform in the design coordination of two company's projects. The literature review was carried out during the two stages. The results of this work are related to the identification of difficulties in the design coordination practiced today, as well as analysis of the contributions and challenges of the implementation of webbased issues collaboration platform. As main contributions, it is possible to highlight the good communication practices described and the identification of the main functionalities needed in a platform to obtain greater efficiency and control over the design coordination