49 research outputs found

    Induction of viral and tumour specific CTL responses using antibody targeted HLA class I peptide complexes

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    The production of cytotoxic T cells with specificity for cancer cells is a rapidly evolving branch of cancer therapeutics. A variety of approaches aim to amplify anti-tumour cytotoxic T cell responses using purified peptides, tumour cell lysates or recombinant HLA/peptide complexes in differing antigen presenting systems. Using a two-step biotin-streptavidin antibody targeting system, recombinant HLA-class I/peptide complexes were attached to the surface of B cells via the anti-CD20 B9E9-scFvSA antibody-streptavidin fusion protein. Flow cytometry with a conformation dependant monoclonal antibody to HLA class I indicated that targeted HLA-class I/peptide complexes remain on the surface of B cells in culture for periods in excess of 72 h. PBMCs were stimulated in vitro for 8–14 days using the autologous B cells as antigen presenting cells. Following a single cycle of stimulation specific cytotoxic T cell responses to targeted HLA-A2 complexes containing the M1, BMLF1 and Melan A peptides could be demonstrated by tetramer staining and Cr release assays. With the HLA-A2/BMLF1 complex up to 2.99% of CD8+ve cells were tetramer positive producing 20% lysis (E : T 10 : 1) of CIR-A2 target cells in an in vitro cytotoxicity assay compared to baseline levels of 0.09% tetramer +ve and 2% lysis in the unstimulated population. PBMCs from a healthy donor treated with two cycles of stimulations with targeted HLA-A2/Melan A complexes, demonstrated expansion of the melanA tetramer +ve population from 0.03% to 1.4% producing 15% lysis of Melan A pulsed target cells. With further consideration to the key variables of HLA/peptide complex density, the ratio of stimulator to effector cells and optimum cytokine support, this system should offer an easy and effective method for the in vitro amplification of specific cytotoxic T cell responses and warrants development for the in vivo induction of cytotoxic T cell responses in cancer therapy

    Immunity to Lutzomyia intermedia Saliva Modulates the Inflammatory Environment Induced by Leishmania braziliensis

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    Transmission of Leishmania parasites occurs during blood feeding, when infected female sand flies inject humans with parasites and saliva. Chemokines and cytokines are secreted proteins that regulate the initial immune responses and have the potential of attracting and activating cells. Herein, we studied the expression of such molecules and the cellular recruitment induced by salivary proteins of the Lutzomyia intermedia sand fly. Of note, Lutzomyia intermedia is the main vector of Leishmania braziliensis, a parasite species that causes cutaneous leishmaniasis, a disease associated with the development of destructive skin lesions that can be fatal if left untreated. We observed that L. intermedia salivary proteins induce a potent cellular recruitment and modify the expression profile of chemokines and cytokines in mice. More importantly, in mice previously immunized with L. intermedia saliva, the alteration in the initial inflammatory response was even more pronounced, in terms of the number of cells recruited and in terms of gene expression pattern. These findings indicate that an existing immunity to L. intermedia sand fly induces an important modulation in the initial immune response that may, in turn, promote parasite multiplication, leading to the development of cutaneous leishmaniasis

    Regulation of immunity during visceral Leishmania infection

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    Unicellular eukaryotes of the genus Leishmania are collectively responsible for a heterogeneous group of diseases known as leishmaniasis. The visceral form of leishmaniasis, caused by L. donovani or L. infantum, is a devastating condition, claiming 20,000 to 40,000 lives annually, with particular incidence in some of the poorest regions of the world. Immunity to Leishmania depends on the development of protective type I immune responses capable of activating infected phagocytes to kill intracellular amastigotes. However, despite the induction of protective responses, disease progresses due to a multitude of factors that impede an optimal response. These include the action of suppressive cytokines, exhaustion of specific T cells, loss of lymphoid tissue architecture and a defective humoral response. We will review how these responses are orchestrated during the course of infection, including both early and chronic stages, focusing on the spleen and the liver, which are the main target organs of visceral Leishmania in the host. A comprehensive understanding of the immune events that occur during visceral Leishmania infection is crucial for the implementation of immunotherapeutic approaches that complement the current anti-Leishmania chemotherapy and the development of effective vaccines to prevent disease.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement No.602773 (Project KINDRED). VR is supported by a post-doctoral fellowship granted by the KINDReD consortium. RS thanks the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for an Investigator Grant (IF/00021/2014). This work was supported by grants to JE from ANR (LEISH-APO, France), Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) (program Volubilis, MA/11/262). JE acknowledges the support of the Canada Research Chair Program

    A multi-country study of intussusception in children under 2 years of age in Latin America: analysis of prospective surveillance data

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    BACKGROUND: Intussusception (IS) is a form of acute intestinal obstruction that occurs mainly in infants and is usually of unknown cause. An association between IS and the first licensed rotavirus vaccine, a reassortant-tetravalent, rhesus-based rotavirus vaccine (RRV-TV), led to the withdrawal of the vaccine. New rotavirus vaccines have now been developed and extensively studied for their potential association with IS. This study aimed to describe the epidemiology and to estimate the incidence of IS in Latin American infants prior to new vaccine introduction. METHODS: Children under 2 years of age representing potential IS cases were enrolled in 16 centers in 11 Latin American countries from January 2003 to May 2005. IS cases were classified as definite, probable, possible or suspected as stated on the Brighton Collaboration Working Group guidelines. RESULTS: From 517 potential cases identified, 476 (92%) cases were classified as definite, 21 probable, 10 possible and 10 suspected for intussusception. Among the 476 definite IS cases, the median age at presentation was 6.4 months with 89% of cases aged <1 year. The male to female ratio was 1.5:1. The incidence of definite IS per 100,000 subject-years ranged from 1.9 in Brazil to 62.4 in Argentina for children <2 years of age, and from 3.8 in Brazil to 105.3 in Argentina for children aged <1 year. Median hospital stay was 4 days with a high prevalence of surgery as the primary treatment (65%). Most cases (88%) made a complete recovery, but 13 (3%) died. No clear seasonal pattern of IS cases emerged. CONCLUSIONS: This study describes the epidemiology and estimates the incidence of IS in Latin American infants prior to the introduction of new rotavirus vaccines. The incidence of IS was found to vary between different countries, as observed in previous studies. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical study identifier 999910/204 (SERO-EPI-IS-204