2,436 research outputs found

    [Cédula, 1798-02-21]

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Port. con esc. rea

    Título: Pragmatica 1676 04 29

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    Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Valencia. Estado del año 1765 en que se manifiesta el resumen de sus rentas de proprios y arbitrios y de los salarios ... (XVIII/911).Texto original fechado en Aranjuez a 26 de abril de 1761Copias fechadas en Madrid a 29 de abril de 1761 y en Valencia a 14 de mayo de 1761Sign.: [ ]3Port. con esc. xi

    Panegyrico que en diez y ocho de agosto ... se predico en la Iglesia Parroquial de Santa Marina, religión de San Juan, de la ciudad de Toro ...

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    Sign.: [calderón] 4, 2[calderón] 3, A-D 4, E 2.Texto con apostillas marginales.Port. con orla tip.Letra capital ornada

    Juicio crítico del estado moral y material de Segovia al presente y medios más discretos y oportunos para lograr su engrandecimiento

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    Estudio premiado por la Sociedad Económica Castellana de Amigos del País, en el certamen científico literario celebrado el 25 de junio de 1896Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Mente estendida e linguagem em ci?ncia cognitiva: da teoria enativa ? perspectiva sistemas complexos

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    O cognitivismo, primeira corrente te?rica em ci?ncias cognitivas, defende que, em fun??o da forma como o organismo processa a informa??o que capta do mundo, concebe uma conduta no meio. As informa??es na entrada s?o processadas pela estrutura cognitiva e, a partir disso, a??es externas ocorrem por meio de efetuadores. Em oposi??o ao cognitivismo, a teoria da ena??o proposta por Maturana e Varela ? uma an?lise focada na experi?ncia e na auto-organiza??o, a abordagem enativa defende a ideia de co-emerg?ncia entre objeto e sujeito no mundo, cujas implica??es conceituais e metodol?gicas para a investiga??o da mente e da linguagem s?o o foco deste estudo. Na perspectiva da abordagem enativa em ci?ncia cognitiva, entende-se sistemas cognitivos como sistemas autopoi?ticos acometidos por altera??es do meio e cujas a??es fa?am evoluir o ambiente. O desenvolvimento te?rico em ci?ncia cognitiva levou a uma abordagem diferente da estabelecida pelo senso comum, o que permitiu que os conceitos de linguagem como um fen?meno autopoi?tico e mente como n?o limitada aos contornos do corpo de um indiv?duo pudessem amadurecer. Partindo deste embate te?rico entre o cognitivismo e o enativismo, essa disserta??o foi elaborada com o objetivo de analisar conceitualmente a mente (estendida) e a linguagem de um prisma conciliador, isto ?, da perspectiva dos sistemas complexos. S?o analisados os conceitos de cogni??o, mente e linguagem e como a ci?ncia cognitiva enativa v? a mente e a linguagem dentro desse escopo interdisciplinar. Inicialmente baseada na revis?o bibliogr?fica em ci?ncia cognitiva enativa e na perspectiva sistemas complexos da cogni??o, a metodologia de pesquisa utilizada ? a an?lise conceitual dos termos ?mente estendida? e ?linguagem? em Maturana, Varela, Luc Steels, Andy Clark e David Chalmers. No primeiro momento ? feita uma revis?o acerca da no??o de mente e linguagem no cognitivismo, no conexionismo, no enativismo e na teoria dos sistemas complexos; num segundo momento, ser?o expandidos os conceitos de mente estendida, cogni??o corp?rea e linguagem como um sistema autopoi?tico especificamente na teoria enativa; e por fim ser?o apresentados modelos da perspectiva sistemas complexos sobre a linguagem emergente e sobre a mente estendida como processos semi?ticos em um coletivo de agentes a partir do trabalho de Luc Steels.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncias Humanas, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2020.Cognitivism, the first theoretical chain in cognitive sciences, argues that depending on how the organism processes the information it receives from the world, it conceives a behavior in the medium. The information in the input is processed by the cognitive structure and from there external actions occur from effectors. In opposition to cognitivism, the theory of ening proposed by Maturana and Varela is an analysis focused on experience and self-organization, the enative approach defends the idea of co-emergence between object and subject in the world, whose conceptual and methodological implications for the investigation of mind and language are the focus of this study. In the perspective of the enative approach in cognitive science is meant cognitive systems as autopoietic systems affected by changes in the environment and whose actions make the environment evolve. The theoretical development in cognitive science led to an approach different from that established by common sense, which allowed that concepts of language as an autopoietic phenomenon and mind as not limited to the contours of an individual's body could mature. Starting from this theoretical clash between cognitivism and enativism, this dissertation was elaborated with the objective of analyzing conceptually the mind (extended) and the language of a conciliatory prism, that is, from the perspective of complex systems. The concepts of cognition, mind and language are analyzed, and how enative cognitive science sees mind and language within this interdisciplinary scope. The research methodology used is the conceptual analysis of the terms "extended mind" and "language" in Maturana, Varela, Luc Steels, Andy Clark, and David Chalmers, based on the bibliographic review in cognitive science and in the perspective of complex systems of cognition. In the first moment a revision is made about the notion of mind and language in cognitivism, in connectionism, enativism and the theory of complex systems; in a second moment, the concepts of extended mind, body cognition and language as an autopoietic system will be expanded specifically in theative theories; and finally will be presented models of the complex systems perspective on the emerging language and the extended mind as semiotic processes in a collective of agents from the work of Luc Steels

    Philippica zelosa, y religiosa invectiva, execracion de los torpes, y abominables sacrilegios, con que ultrajaron los hereges el Santissimo Sacramento del Altar, las sagradas imagenes, y templos en la irrupcion que hizieron à Castilla año de 1710

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Texto a línea tirada con apostillas marginales, separadas del texto por un filetePort. orlad

    A novel supramolecular organic-inorganic adduct containing alpha-Keggin-type [PW12O40](3-) anions and benzo-15-crown-5 molecules

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    The structure of the title compound, tris(hydroxonium) 12- phosphato-tetracosa- 2-oxo-dodecaoxododecatungsten hexakis( benzo-15-crown-5)±methanol±water (1/1/1), (H3O)3- [PW12O40] 6C14H20O5 CH3OH H2O (where C14H20O5 is benzo-15-crown-5), has been determined at 180 K. [PW12O40]3ÿ anions are typical of -Keggin structures, and the [H3O (C14H20O5)2]+ sandwich-type moieties contain a large number of short O O close contacts, suggesting strong hydrogen bonding within them

    Biolixivia??o de sulfetos secund?rios de cobre por micro?organismos mes?filos em diferentes reatores agitados.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Engenharia de Materiais. Departamento de Engenharia Metal?rgica, Escola de Minas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.A biolixivia??o de cobre a partir de sulfetos secund?rios, tais como a calcocita e a bornita, ? amplamente aplicada industrialmente em v?rios pa?ses do mundo. Isso ocorre porque esses sulfetos s?o facilmente oxidados pelo ?on Fe3+ produzido por microorganismos de biolixivia??o. No entanto, a biolixivia??o pode ser severamente impactada se o min?rio portar impurezas sol?veis que podem afetar o crescimento bacteriano. Este ? o caso do fluoreto, que existe como HF nas condi??es ?cidas aplicadas na biolixivia??o de metais b?sicos. Este ?ltimo pode atravessar membranas celulares e dissociar dentro da c?lula (por causa de seu pH neutro), reduzindo o crescimento bacteriano. Nesta disserta??o foi investigada a influ?ncia da concentra??o de fl?or sobre o crescimento de Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans e revelou que 20 mg.L?1 F?total inibiram a biooxida??o do ?on Fe2+. Tal inibi??o foi superada por adi??o de sulfato de alum?nio ao meio de crescimento. Em seguida, foi estudada a biolixivia??o de um min?rio de cobre secund?rio portador de fl?or (contendo calcocita e bornita) pela cultura mes?fila. Os efeitos do pH bem como as concentra??es de Fe2+, Al3+ e Mg2+ na extra??o de cobre foram determinados, os experimentos foram realizados em frascos Erlenmeyer (250 mL) contendo 100 mL de solu??o e porcentagem de s?lidos a 5% (p/v) agitada a 150 min?1. A cin?tica de lixivia??o da amostra foi ligeiramente afetada pelo pH e concentra??es do ?on Fe2+, sendo que as maiores extra??es de cobre foram observadas para pH 1,6?1,8 e 5?10 g.L?1 Fe2+. As concentra??es de alum?nio (at? 5 g.L?1) melhoraram a cin?tica de extra??o do cobre ? medida que os ?ons fluoreto foram complexados pelo elemento e a extra??o final de cobre atingiu 75%. Al?m disso, propondo uma adapta??o ao programa de ensaios metal?rgicos visando uma futura aplica??o industrial de lixivia??o em pilhas, especificamente em sistemas agitados, a segunda parte da disserta??o buscou comparar o perfil de lixivia??o de tr?s diferentes reatores (frascos Erlenmeyer, garrafas rotativas e um biorreator agitado mecanicamente) durante a biolixivia??o de duas amostras de sulfetos secund?rios com diferentes teores de cobre e fl?or. Na aus?ncia de uma fonte externa de alum?nio, os ensaios em Erlenmeyer n?o mostraram qualquer aumento no potencial da solu??o, independentemente da amostra de min?rio estudada. Concentra??es de fl?or e alum?nio em torno de 300 mg.L?1 foram registradas neste reator e a raz?o Al/F em torno de 1 explicou o baixo potencial registrado. Por outro lado, nos ensaios em garrafa e biorreator, a amostra de min?rio com menor teor de cobre produziu alum?nio (530 mg.L?1) acima das concentra??es de fl?or (380 mg.L?1), de modo que esse maior ?ndice Al/F estimulou o crescimento bacteriano. Isto se justificou, pelo fato do potencial da solu??o ter atingido valores acima de 600 mV ao final do experimento, o que indicou o crescimento bacteriano nesses reatores. Quando o alum?nio foi adicionado ao meio de crescimento, o potencial da solu??o aumentou exponencialmente, indicando boa atividade de biolixivia??o e at? 97% de extra??o de cobre foi observada nos tr?s reatores, mas as garrafas rotativas apresentaram uma cin?tica de lixivia??o mais r?pida devido a altas popula??es bacterianas (> 108 c?lulas. mL?1) proporcionada por uma melhor aera??o da solu??o (6 mg.L?1 como a concentra??o de oxig?nio dissolvido).Copper bioleaching from secondary sulphides such as chalcocite and bornite is widely applied industrially in several countries worldwide. This is because these sulphides are easily oxidized by the ferric iron produced by bioleaching microorganisms. Notwithstanding, bioleaching can be severely hampered if the ore contains soluble impurities which can affect bacterial growth. This is the case of fluoride, which exists as HF in the acid conditions applied in the bioleaching of base metals. The latter can cross cell membranes and dissociate inside the cell (because of its neutral pH) reducing the bacterial growth. The current dissertation investigated initially the fluoride concentration which impaired the growth of At. ferrooxidans and revealed that 20 mg.L? 1 Ftot inhibited ferrous iron bio?oxidation. Such inhibition was overcome by aluminium sulphate supplementation to the growth medium. Subsequently the bioleaching of a fluoride?bearing secondary copper ore (containing chalcocite and bornite) by the mesophile culture was studied. The effects of pH as well as the concentrations of Fe2+, Al3+ and Mg2+ on copper extraction were determined in experiments were performed in Erlenmeyer flasks (250 mL) containing 100 mL of a 5% (w/v) pulp stirred at 150 min?1. The leaching kinetics of the sample was slightly affected by both pH and ferrous iron concentrations and the largest copper extractions were observed for pH 1.6?1.8 and 5? 10 g.L?1 Fe2+. Aluminium concentrations (up to 5 g.L?1) improved the copper extraction kinetics as fluoride ions were complexed by the element and the final copper extraction reached 75%. In addition, the metallurgical testwork proposed in feasibility studies for leaching projects comprise different type of reactor experiments such as rolling bottles whereas shaking flasks tests are of widespread use in academic research. Therefore the second part of the current dissertation sought to compare the leaching profile of three different reactors (Erlenmeyer flasks, rolling bottles and a mechanically stirred bioreactor) during bioleaching of two samples of the secondary sulphide ore with different copper and fluoride content. In the absence of an external aluminium source, the shaking flask experiments did not show any increase in the solution potential, regardless of the ore sample studied. Fluoride and aluminium concentrations around 300 mg.L?1 were recorded in this reactor and the Al/F ratio around 1 explained the low potential recorded. Conversely, the ore sample with the lower fluoride content produced aluminium (530 mg.L?1) above fluoride (380 mg.L?1) concentrations so that such higher Al/F ratio fostered bacterial growth. This justified the solution potential attaining values above 600 mV by the end of the experiment, which indicated bacterial growth in that reactor. When aluminium was added to the growth medium the solution potential increases exponentially indicating good bioleaching activity and up to 97% copper extraction was observed in the three reactors, but the rolling bottles depicted a faster leaching kinetics due to high bacterial populations (>108 cells.mL?1) provided by a better aeration of the solution (6 mg.L?1 as the dissolved oxygen concentration)

    The ₉₅RGD₉₇ sequence on the A alpha chain of fibrinogen is essential for binding to its erythrocyte receptor

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    Background: Erythrocyte aggregation, a cardiovascular risk factor, is increased by high plasma fibrinogen levels. Here, the effect of different fibrinogen mutations on binding to its human erythrocyte receptor was assessed in order to identify the interaction sites. Methods: Three fibrinogen variants were tested, specifically mutated in their putative integrin recognition sites on the Aα chain (mutants D97E, D574E and D97E/D574E) and compared with wild-type fibrinogen. Results: Atomic force microscopy-based force spectroscopy measurements showed a significant decrease both on the fibrinogen–erythrocyte binding force and on its frequency for fibrinogen with the D97E mutation, indicating that the corresponding arginine–glycine–aspartate sequence (residues 95–97) is involved in this interaction, and supporting that the fibrinogen receptor on erythrocytes has a β3 subunit. Changes in the fibrin clot network structure obtained with the D97E mutant were observed by scanning electron microscopy. Conclusion: These findings may lead to innovative perspectives on the development of new therapeutic approaches to overcome the risks of fibrinogen-driven erythrocyte hyperaggregation
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