628 research outputs found
Cartografia dos trabalhos de conclus?o de curso da Pedagogia da UFFS-Chapec? (SC)
This research exercise answers to the following problem: "What characteristics and contributions to teaching practice have marked the academic production within the framework of the Pedagogy Course Conclusion Work from Federal University of the Southern Frontier - Campus Chapec? (SC)?" Its purpose is to map the academic productions characterized as TCC. Methodologically, this is a qualitative / quantitative research, fulfilled with the documents already announced, covering the period from 2014 to 2017. The analysis and interpretation of the results was based on the contributions of Bardin (1977) and, more specifically, on the synthesis proposed by Trivi?os (1987), characterized by the processes of pre-analysis, categorical analysis and inferential analysis. The inventory was done from the available register in the institutional repository, systematizing it in a synoptic table, followed by the complete reading of the products, aiming, a posteriori, to identify which teaching learning were highlighted in the link with the profile of the pedagogue. Therefore, we listed 119 works registered as scientific articles considering that, in addition to the cartography, we proposed to find the contributions of the studies about teaching, we based it in the contributions of Arruda, Passos, Fregolente (2012), which referenced the FAD. It is worth mentioning that of the 119 (one hundred and nineteen) papers analyzed, 33 (thirty-three) of them present one or more focuses of teacher learning, thus, 27.73% of the mapped production is contemplated. In addition to this characteristic, the studies reveal directions, intentionalities, theoretical / methodological movements, in short a formative movement that deserves new studies, given the peculiarities of the course and institution.Este exerc?cio de pesquisa responde ao seguinte problema: ?Que caracter?sticas e contribui??es t?m marcado a produ??o acad?mica no ?mbito dos Trabalhos de Conclus?o de Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - Campus Chapec? (SC)??. ? prop?sito deste, cartografar e apresentar as caracter?sticas e contribui??es das produ??es acad?micas caracterizadas como TCC. Metodologicamente, trata-se de uma pesquisa quali/quanti, realizada com os documentos j? anunciados, relativos ao per?odo de 2014 a 2017. A an?lise e interpreta??o dos resultados deram-se a partir das contribui??es de Bardin (1977) e, mais especificamente, a partir da sintetiza??o proposta por Trivi?os (1987), caracterizada como pr?an?lise, an?lise categorial e an?lise inferencial. Fez-se inicialmente o invent?rio a partir do registro dispon?vel no reposit?rio institucional, sistematizando-o em um quadro sin?ptico. Na sequ?ncia fez-se a leitura integral dos produtos, tendo em vista, identificar aprendizagens docentes que mereceram destaque em aten??o ao perfil do/a pedagogo/a. Por conseguinte, inventariamos 119 trabalhos registrados como artigos cient?ficos, cujas caracter?sticas traduzem movimentos reflexivos inerentes ? pr?ticas de ensino, pesquisa e extens?o. Mais especificamente, sendo curso de forma??o inicial damos centralidade aos Focos de Aprendizagem Docente, aportados nos estudos de Arruda, Passos, Fregolente (2012), os quais referenciaram os FAD. ? merit?rio destacar que dos 119 (cento e dezenove) trabalhos analisados, 33 (trinta e tr?s) deles apresentam um ou mais focos de aprendizagem docente, logo, contempla-se 27,73% da produ??o cartografada. Al?m desta caracter?stica, os estudos revelam rumos, intencionalidades, movimentos te?rico/metodol?gicos, enfim um movimento formativo que merece novos estudos, dadas ?s peculiaridades do curso e da institui??o
Natural selection in common bean microsatellite alleles and identification of QTLs for grain yield
Natural selection acts to select better adapted individuals or alleles
in segregating population and help plant breeding. The objective of
this work was to verify the effect of natural selection on
microsatellite alleles as indicators of better adaptation and
identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for grain yield. This
study evaluated 107 progenies from the F8 and 107 from the F24
generation derived from crossing Carioca MG and ESAL 686 lines, carried
out by the bulk method, and evaluated in three different seasons:
winter 2001; rainy 2001 and dry 2002. It was utilized 22 polymorphic
markers and the natural selection acted in all of them. The frequency
of the alleles of the parent Carioca MG, the most adapted, was
increased in all of the 22 loci in F8 and 19 loci in F24. Selection
affected each locus with different intensities in different
generations. All of the selected alleles can be important for breeding
program. QTLs were identified in generation F8 and F24 at varied
magnitudes. The best marker PVttc002 explained 11.76% of variation in
grain yield. However, an elevated interaction between QTLs and the
environments was observed, showing the great difficulty in assisted
Predicting high risk of exacerbations in bronchiectasis: the E-FACED score
BACKGROUND: Although the FACED score has demonstrated a great prognostic capacity in bronchiectasis, it does not include the number or severity of exacerbations as a separate variable, which is important in the natural history of these patients. OBJECTIVE: Construction and external validation of a new index, the E-FACED, to evaluate the predictive capacity of exacerbations and mortality. METHODS: The new score was constructed on the basis of the complete cohort for the construction of the original FACED score, while the external validation was undertaken with six cohorts from three countries (Brazil, Argentina, and Chile). The main outcome was the number of annual exacerbations/hospitalizations, with all-cause and respiratory-related deaths as the secondary outcomes. A statistical evaluation comprised the relative weight and ideal cut-off point for the number or severity of the exacerbations and was incorporated into the FACED score (E-FACED). The results obtained after the application of FACED and E-FACED were compared in both the cohorts. RESULTS: A total of 1,470 patients with bronchiectasis (819 from the construction cohorts and 651 from the external validation cohorts) were followed up for 5 years after diagnosis. The best cut-off point was at least two exacerbations in the previous year (two additional points), meaning that the E-FACED has nine points of growing severity. E-FACED presented an excellent prognostic capacity for exacerbations (areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve: 0.82 for at least two exacerbations in 1 year and 0.87 for at least one hospitalization in 1 year) that was statistically better than that of the FACED score (0.72 and 0.78, P<0.05, respectively). The predictive capacities for all-cause and respiratory mortality were 0.87 and 0.86, respectively, with both being similar to those of the FACED. CONCLUSION: E-FACED score significantly increases the FACED capacity to predict future yearly exacerbations while maintaining the score’s simplicity and prognostic capacity for death
O presente estudo teve o objetivo de realizar a avalia\ue7\ue3o de
custos de dois modelos de harvester, na colheita de madeira de
eucalipto. A pesquisa avaliou a derrubada e o processamento da
\ue1rvore, com idade de 6 anos, no sistema de toras curtas, para dois
modelos de harvester, em \ue1reas localizadas nos munic\uedpios de
Concei\ue7\ue3o da Barra \u2013 ES e Caravelas \u2013 BA.
Avaliaram-se dois modelos de harvester, PC-228 SHO e PC-200 LC, da
marca Komatsu. As informa\ue7\uf5es foram coletadas durante um
per\uedodo de 6 meses, que compreende os meses de mar\ue7o a agosto
de 2010, pelo m\ue9todo de censo. Calcularam-se os custos
operacionais dos dois modelos de harvester, pelo m\ue9todo
cont\ue1bil, o qual utiliza valores estimados em reais. Realizou-se
ainda a an\ue1lise de sensibilidade de custos para os elementos que
mais contribuem com o custo final. Obteve-se o custo operacional para
os modelos PC 200 e PC 228 de R 168,84 por hora efetiva,
respectivamente. Em rela\ue7\ue3o aos custos operacionais totais,
os custos mais significativos foram: combust\uedvel,
manuten\ue7\ue3o e reparos e deprecia\ue7\ue3o, com 24,41%,
22,39% e 19,08%, respectivamente. Na an\ue1lise de sensibilidade,
simulando uma situa\ue7\ue3o em que a empresa consiga uma economia
real de 10% em cada um desses itens, a mesma poder\ue1 obter uma
redu\ue7\ue3o no custo de produ\ue7\ue3o em 7%, para as duas
m\ue1quinas avaliadas.The present study aimed to carry through the evaluation of costs of two
models of harvester in the wood harvesting of Eucalyptus wood. The
research evaluated the 6-year old tree fallen and processing, in the
cut-to-length system for two models of harvester, in areas located in
the cities of Concei\ue7\ue3o da Barra, Esp\uedrito Santo state
and Caravelas, Bahia state. It was evaluated the models of harvester
PC-228 SHO and PC-200 LC, of the Komatsu Mark. The information was
collected during a period of 6 months, from March to August 2010, by
the method of census. It was calculated the operational costs of the
two models of harvester, for the countable method, which uses values in
\u2018Reais\u2019, the Brazilian currency. It was conducted further
analysis of cost sensitivity for the elements that contribute most to
the final cost. We obtained the operating cost models for PC 200 and PC
228 of R 168,84 per effective hour, respectively. In
relation with the total operational costs, the most significant costs
were: fuel, maintenance, and repairs/ depreciation, with 24.41%, 22.39%
and 19.08%, respectively. In the sensitivity analysis, simulating a
situation where the company gets a real economy of 10% in each one of
these items, the same one will be able to get a reduction in the cost
of production in 7%, for the two evaluated machines
Asteroseismology and Interferometry
Asteroseismology provides us with a unique opportunity to improve our
understanding of stellar structure and evolution. Recent developments,
including the first systematic studies of solar-like pulsators, have boosted
the impact of this field of research within Astrophysics and have led to a
significant increase in the size of the research community. In the present
paper we start by reviewing the basic observational and theoretical properties
of classical and solar-like pulsators and present results from some of the most
recent and outstanding studies of these stars. We centre our review on those
classes of pulsators for which interferometric studies are expected to provide
a significant input. We discuss current limitations to asteroseismic studies,
including difficulties in mode identification and in the accurate determination
of global parameters of pulsating stars, and, after a brief review of those
aspects of interferometry that are most relevant in this context, anticipate
how interferometric observations may contribute to overcome these limitations.
Moreover, we present results of recent pilot studies of pulsating stars
involving both asteroseismic and interferometric constraints and look into the
future, summarizing ongoing efforts concerning the development of future
instruments and satellite missions which are expected to have an impact in this
field of research.Comment: Version as published in The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, Volume
14, Issue 3-4, pp. 217-36
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