14 research outputs found


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    Keamanan informasi memainkan peran penting selama komunikasi di era teknologi terus berkembang. Pada penelitian ini dikonstruksi skema penggabungan kriptografi skema pembagian rahasia (t, w) dan steganografi audio dengan metode Least Significant Bit yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keamanan informasi. Kriptografi skema pembagian data rahasia adalah metode kriptografi yang tidak memerlukan kunci pada saat mengenkripsi, sehingga informasi tidak menjadi terpusat dan menyulitkan peretas untuk mendapatkan minimal share saat akan merekonstruksi pesan. Dalam implementasi penggabungan tersebut, dihasilkan suatu prototype program menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Python 3.10 dengan skema yang dipakai adalah skema (3, 4), media cover yang digunakan adalah audio, dan pesan yang dapat diproses adalah PIN angka 6 digit dengan digit pertama tidak 0 (nol). Hasil yang diperoleh dengan mengenkripsi dan embedding PIN, menghasilkan suara yang tidak terdengar berbeda dengan suara aslinya, sehingga sulit untuk diketahui keberadaan informasi di dalamnya dan PIN dapat dikonstruksi kembali dengan program dekripsi dan extracting. Information security plays an important role as long as communication in the technological era continues to develop. In this study, a combination of cryptographic secret sharing scheme and audio steganography least siginificant bit (LSB) was constructed which aims to improve information security. Cryptographic secret sharing scheme is a cryptographic method that does not require a key when encrypting, so that information does not become centralized and makes it difficult for hackers to get a minimum share when reconstructing messages. In the implementation of the merger, a prototype program using the Python 3.10 programming language is produced with the scheme used is scheme (3, 4), the cover media used is audio, and the message that can be processed is a 6-digit PIN number with the first digit not 0 (zero). The result obtained by encrypting and embedding the PIN, produce a sound that does not sound different from the original voice, so it is difficult to know the existence of the information in it and the PIN can be reconstructed with a decryption and extracting program

    Re-thinking the creative economy through informality and social inclusion: changing policy directions from Latin America

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    This chapter examines the extent to which a focus on the informal creative economy can support peripheral cultural scenes that remain invisible to policy and society. The first part briefly outlines the key features of informal settlements in Latin America; the second looks at policy initiatives in Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires that have sought to develop, encourage and support creative economies in disadvantaged or peripheral areas; the third part reflects on how these initiatives might help expand, challenge or rethink predominant views and policies on the creative economy from other contexts, assessing whether they might also help overcome ‘creative injustice’ (Banks, 2017) in the sector. Overall, the chapter shows how Latin American countries are starting to launch initiatives for the creative sector that are motivated by concerns with social inclusion and development in marginalised locations. However, these goals can be at odds with the frameworks from which the programmes develop, as they are often underpinned by a market-oriented logic based on individualistic entrepreneurialism and commercialisation