11 research outputs found

    Children and Their Parents: A Comparative Study of the Legal Position of Children with Regard to Their Intentional and Biological Parents in English and Dutch Law

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    This is a book about children and their parents. There are many different kinds of children and at least about as many different kinds of parents. In addition to the many different disciplines that study children and their parents, such as sociology, psychology, child studies and gender studies, to name but a few, this study concerns a legal question with regard to the parent-child relationship, namely how the law assigns parents to children. This subject is approached in a comparative legal perspective and covers England and The Netherlands. The book contains a detailed comparison and analysis of the manner in which the law in the two jurisdictions assigns the status of legal parent and/or attributes parental responsibility to the child’s biological and intentional parents. The concept ‘procreational responsibility’, which is introduced in the concluding chapter of the book, may be used as a tool to assess and reform existing regulations on legal parent-child relationships. The structure of the book, which is based on a categorisation of different family types in a ‘family tree’, enables the reader to have easy access to family-specific information.FdR – Publicaties zonder aanstelling Universiteit Leide

    Landelijke Afstand Ter Adoptie Registratie

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    Deze registratie biedt informatie over de onbedoeld zwangere ouders die hebben overwogen of besloten hun kind af te staan ter adoptie. De gegevens worden jaarlijks door Fiom verzameld bij de instanties die de ouder(s) volgens het Afstandsprotocol in deze situatie begeleiden. Dit zijn Stichting Fiom, de grootstedelijke Fiom-bureaus (Amsterdam en Utrecht), Stichting Siriz en Stichting Beschermde Wieg. Via de Raad voor de Kinderbescherming wordt informatie opgehaald over de voornemens afstand waarbij de ouder(s) niet door Fiom, Siriz of Beschermde Wieg begeleid is/zijn

    Registratie keuzehulpgesprekken onbedoelde zwangerschap

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    De registratie biedt informatie over vrouwen en mannen die vanwege een ongewenste zwangerschap een keuzehulpgesprek hebben gevoerd met een daartoe opgeleide hulpverlener. De gegevens worden ieder half jaar door Fiom opgehaald bij de instanties die de taak hebben deze gesprekken te voeren. Sinds 2019 betreft dit de instanties die officieel zijn toegetreden tot de Open House Keuzehulpgesprekken via het Ministerie van VWS

    Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of Solenostemon monostachyus aerial part extract in mice

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    Objective: Solenostemon monostachyus is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of various ailments such as ulcer, hypertension, pains and inflammatory diseases. Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of S. monostachyus aerial parts was carried out to ascertain its uses in traditional medicine. Materials and Methods: The aerial parts of S. monostachyus was cold extracted by soaking the dried powdered material in ethanol. The aerial parts crude extract (75 –225 mg/kg) of  S. monostachyus was investigated for analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities using various experimental models; acetic acid, formalin and thermal- induced pains models for analgesic study and carrageenin, egg albumin and xylene – induced edema models for anti-inflammatory investigation. Results: The extract caused a significant (pConclusion: The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of this plant may in part be mediated through the chemical constituents of the plant and the results of the analgesic action suggest central and peripheral mechanisms. The findings of this work confirm the ethno medical use of this plant to treat inflammatory conditions


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    Outsourced racism in Italy: discrimination at work and trade union responses in three sectors

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    Research findings suggest that in some Italian industrial sectors a structural relationship may exist between new forms of work organization deriving from subcontracting and the embedding of racial discrimination in the workplace. This article first analyses the transformations of work that have led to the increasing recourse to the use of outsourcing. The second part examines the structural transformations due to subcontracting in the construction, metalworking and shipbuilding sectors in Italy from a comparative perspective. The third part presents the main empirical evidence on the effects of the crisis that have made union intervention against both contractual stratification and racial discrimination particularly difficult.Research findings suggest that in some Italian industrial sectors a structural relationship may exist between new forms of work organization deriving from subcontracting and the embedding of racial discrimination in the workplace. This article first analyses the transformations of work that have led to the increasing recourse to the use of outsourcing. The second part examines the structural transformations due to subcontracting in the construction, metalworking and shipbuilding sectors in Italy from a comparative perspective. The third part presents the main empirical evidence on the effects of the crisis that have made union intervention against both contractual stratification and racial discrimination particularly difficult. © 2015, SAGE Publications. All rights reserved

    Alleen zorgen 1984 : Functioneren van alleenstaande ouders en hun gezinnen

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    Choke points in functioning of single parents. Family composition/ placement of children by intervention of Child Welfare Council / come into being and history of single parent family / attitude towards a ( possible ) new partner / employment and profession / contacts and satisfaction about the contacts with Employment Exchange and local social services / relief of children / availability labour market / day nursery with: employment/ volunteer work/ study/ leisure activities/ visits / income and expenditure / social security / alimony / housing situation / child rearing / day nurse centre / school/ take and get children / social contacts / contacts between child and second parent / house keeping and help with house keeping/ time spending on house keeping / holidays / lack of time, strain and stress / ( problems with ) illness, medical treatment, handicaps / organizations for information, advice or moral support / scale of: self appreciation, physical and mental symptoms, positive and negative feelings / perception of attractiveness of several forms of cohabitation. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposur

    Houding van leerkrachten t.o.v. een-ouder-kinderen 1988

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    Attitude of teachers towards children of single-parent families compared with children of two-parent families. Preferred advises and the motivation for their advises in different cases, concerning pupils with behaviourial and educational problems. The cases describe children from single-parent families as well as children from two-parent families / size of school / ideological basis of school / teachers secondary schools: educational school-types / size of municipality in which school is situated / characterization of neighbourhood in which school is situated / teachers secondary schools: which subjects r is teaching and in which educational type of secondary school / whether r is a class tutor / teachers elementary schools: in which class ( "groep" ) r is teaching. Background variables: basic characteristic