19 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alam pada Kawasan Rawan Bencana untuk Kegiatan Pariwisata

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    After the eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010, tourism activities in Umbulharjo Village and Kepuharjo Village covered volcano tour, live in, camping and so forth. As the volcano tour grows, the number of visitors has increased but the daily routines of the local community have remained unchanged instead of drastically shifting to the tourism sector. Considering the importance of natural resources for tourism development, the joint utilization of them has created multiple overlapping functionalities. This research aims to assess the utilization of natural resources in disaster-prone areas for tourism activities. The study engaged a descriptive qualitative method with purposive and snowballing methods. The results showed some groupings of natural resources utilization based on the typology of goods and services, the disaster-prone locations, and abundant exploitation in their usage. The proposed management aimed to maintain their sustainable benefits either for supporting the tourism activities or the others


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    Pasca erupsi Gunung Merapi 2010, kegiatan wisata yang terdapat pada Desa Umbulharjo dan Desa Kepuharjo menjadi Volcano Tour, kegiatan live in, camping, tracking Merapi, Golf Merapi dan sebagainya. Seiring dengan berkembangnya Volcano Tour jumlah kunjungan wisatawan semakin meningkat, namun kegiatan masyarakat sehari – hari tidak hanya bergantung pada sektor pariwisata. Pada Desa Umbulharjo dan Desa Kepuharjo mayoritas kegiatan masyarakat pada kegiatan nonpariwisata adalah perkebunan, peternakan, kehutanan dan pertambangan pasir

    Ambiguities of neutrino(antineutrino) scattering on the nucleon due to the uncertainties of relevant strangeness form factors

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    Strange quark contributions to neutrino(antineutrino) scattering are investigated on the nucleon level in the quasi-elastic region. The incident energy range between 500 MeV and 1.0 GeV is used for the scattering. All of the physical observable by the scattering are investigated within available experimental and theoretical results for the strangeness form factors of the nucleon. In specific, a newly combined data of parity violating electron scattering and neutrino scattering is exploited. Feasible quantities to be explored for the strangeness contents are discussed for the application to neutrino-nucleus scattering.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, submit to J. Phys.

    COVID-19 restrictions and psychological well-being of fathers with infants admitted to NICU—An exploratory cross-sectional study

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    Aim To describe the impact of the COVID-19 restrictions on the caregiving activities and psychological well-being of fathers with infants admitted to neonatal units. Methods Cross-sectional study using adapted COPE-IS and COPE-IU tools. Participants\u27 recruitment occurred online via social media and parents\u27 associations. Online survey in English, French and Italian were distributed and promoted via websites and social media platforms of parent\u27s associations. The study was undertaken across 12 countries in Asia, Australia, Africa and Europe. Results A total of 108 fathers of NICU infants completed the survey. COVID-19 related restrictions were categorised into 3 types: no restrictions, partial and severe restrictions. Fathers who experienced partial restrictions reported more involvement in caregiving activities but high levels of emotional difficulties and sleeping problems compared to those who experienced full or no restrictions. Conclusion Given the impact on the psychological well-being of fathers, restrictions should be avoided as much as possible in the neonatal unit and fathers given free access to their infants if they follow appropriate infection control precautions

    On two weak CC Delta production models

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    We perform a detail analysis of two models of neutrino CC Delta production on free nucleons. First model is a standard one based on nucleon-Delta transition current with several form-factors. Second model is a starting point for a construction of Marteau model with sophisticated analytical computations of nuclear effects. We conclude that both models lead to similar results.Comment: 9 pages, includes 9 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    Expanding living donor liver transplantation: Report of first US living donor liver transplant chain.

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    Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) enjoys widespread use in Asia, but remains limited to a handful of centers in North America and comprises only 5% of liver transplants performed in the United States. In contrast, living donor kidney transplantation is used frequently in the United States, and has evolved to commonly include paired exchanges, particularly for ABO-incompatible pairs. Liver paired exchange (LPE) has been utilized in Asia, and was recently reported in Canada; here we report the first LPE performed in the United States, and the first LPE to be performed on consecutive days. The LPE performed at our institution was initiated by a nondirected donor who enabled the exchange for an ABO-incompatible pair, and the final recipient was selected from our deceased donor waitlist. The exchange was performed over the course of 2 consecutive days, and relied on the use and compliance of a bridge donor. Here, we show that LPE is feasible at centers with significant LDLT experience and affords an opportunity to expand LDLT in cases of ABO incompatibility or when nondirected donors arise. To our knowledge, this represents the first exchange of its kind in the United States

    COVID-19 restrictions and psychological well-being of fathers with infants admitted to NICU-an exploratory cross-sectional study.

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    AIM: To describe the impact of the COVID-19 restrictions on the caregiving activities and psychological wellbeing of fathers with infants admitted to neonatal units. METHODS: Cross-sectional study using adapted COPE-IS and COPE-IU tools. Participants' recruitment occurred online via social media and parents' associations. Online survey in English, French and Italian were distributed and promoted via websites and social media platforms of parent's associations. The study was undertaken across 12 countries in Asia, Australia, Africa and Europe. RESULTS: A total of 108 fathers of NICU infants completed the survey. Covid-19 related restrictions were categorized into 3 types: no restrictions, partial and severe restrictions. Fathers who experienced partial restrictions reported more involvement in caregiving activities but high levels of emotional difficulties and sleeping problems compared to those who experienced full or no restrictions. CONCLUSION: Given the impact on the psychological wellbeing of fathers, restrictions should be avoided as much as possible in the neonatal unit and fathers given free access to their infants if they follow appropriate infection control precautions

    Trends in cervical cancer incidence in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Background Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in women in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Methods Trends in the incidence of cervical cancer are examined for a period of 10–25 years in 10 population-based cancer registries across eight SSA countries (Gambia, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Seychelles, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe). A total of 21,990 cases of cervical cancer were included in the analyses. Results Incidence rates had increased in all registries for some or all of the periods studied, except for Mauritius with a constant annual 2.5% decline. Eastern Cape and Blantyre (Malawi) registries showed significant increases over time, with the most rapid being in Blantyre (7.9% annually). In Kampala (Uganda), a significant increase was noted (2.2%) until 2006, followed by a non-significant decline. In Eldoret, a decrease (1998–2002) was followed by a significant increase (9.5%) from 2002 to 2016. Conclusion Overall, cervical cancer incidence has been increasing in SSA. The current high-level advocacy to reduce the burden of cervical cancer in SSA needs to be translated into support for prevention (vaccination against human papillomavirus and population-wide screening), with careful monitoring of results through population-based registries.</p

    The evolving epidemic of breast cancer in sub-Saharan Africa. Results from the African Cancer Registry Network

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    Breast cancer (BC) is the leading cause of cancer in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with rapidly increasing incidence rates reported in Uganda and Zimbabwe. However, the magnitude of these rising trends in pre- and post-menopausal women is unknown in most African countries. We used data from the African Cancer Registry Network on incident breast cancers in women from 11 population-based cancer registries in 10 countries representing each of the four SSA regions. We explored incidence changes among women before and after age 50 by calendar period and, where possible, generational effects in this unique sub-Saharan African cohort. Temporal trends revealed increasing incidence rates in all registries during the study period, except in Nairobi where rates stabilized during 2010-2014 after rapidly increasing from 2003-2010 (APC = 8.5 95%, CI:3.0-14.2). The cumulative risk varied between and within regions, with the highest risks observed in Nairobi-Kenya, Mauritius and the Seychelles. There were similar or more rapidly increasing incidence rates in women aged 50+ compared to women &lt;50 years in all registries except The Gambia. Birth cohort analyses revealed increases in the incidence rates in successive generations of women aged 45 and over in Harare-Zimbabwe and Kampala-Uganda. In conclusion, the incidence of BC is increasing rapidly in many parts of Africa; however, the magnitude of these changes differs. These results highlight the need for urgent actions across the cancer continuum from in-depth risk factor studies to provision of adequate therapy as well as the necessity of supporting the maintenance of good quality population-based cancer registration in Africa