154 research outputs found

    Vitamin C and E supplementation prevents mitochondrial damage of ileum myocytes caused by intense and exhaustive exercise training

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    Rosa EF, Ribeiro RF, Pereira FM, Freymuller E, Aboulafia J, Nouailhetas VL. Vitamin C and E supplementation prevents mitochondrial damage of ileum myocytes caused by intense and exhaustive exercise training. J Appl Physiol 107: 1532-1538, 2009. First published August 20, 2009; doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.91166.2008.Intense and exhaustive exercise (IEE) is associated with oxidative stress in skeletal muscle, and we recently reported that intestine is sensitive to IEE. in the present study, we investigated the possible relationship between the effects of IEE on morphology and oxidative markers in the ileum and isolated mitochondria. C57BL/6 mice were ascribed either to a control group comprising two subgroups, one sedentary and another exercised for 10 days (E10), or to a corresponding supplemented control group again comprising two subgroups, one sedentary and another exercised for 10 days (E10-V). the IEE program consisted of a single daily treadmill running session at 85% of V(max), until animal exhaustion. Vitamins C (10 mg/kg) and E (10 mg/kg) were concurrently intraperitoneally administered 2 h before the exercise sessions. IEE was shown to cause 1) impairment of ileum internal membrane mitochondria verified by ultramicrography analysis; 2) increase in ileum carbonyl content (117%) and reduction in antioxidant capacity (36%); 3) increase in mitochondria carbonyl content (38%), increase in the percentage of ruptured mitochondria 25.3%), increase in superoxide dismutase activity (186%), and reduction in citrate synthase activity (40.4%) compared with control animals. Observations in the vitamin-supplemented exercised animals (E10-V) were 1) healthy appearance of myocyte mitochondria; 2) decrease in ileum carbonyl content (66%) and increase in antioxidant capacity (53%); 3) decrease in mitochondria carbonyl content (43%), decrease in the percentage of ruptured mitochondria (30%), slight increase in superoxide dismutase activity (7%), and significant increase in citrate synthase activity (121%) compared with E10 animals. Therefore, the present results strongly corroborate the hypothesis that IEE leads to marked disturbances in intestinal mitochondria, mainly in redox status, and affects whole intestinal redox status.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Biophys, BR-04023062 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Ctr Electron Microscopy, BR-04023062 São Paulo, BrazilCtr Univ Sao Camilo, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Biophys, BR-04023062 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Ctr Electron Microscopy, BR-04023062 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Resíduo agroindustrial na formação de mudas ornamentais irrigadas com água residuária

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    O reuso de água de esgoto tratada juntamente com o uso de resíduos industriais para a formação de mudas de girassol ornamental vem sendo uma alternativa econômica para o estado da Paraíba. Nesse contexto, a pesquisa foi realizada objetivando-se a utilização de resíduo agroindustrial na formação de mudas ornamentais irrigadas com água residuária. Desenvolvido em ambiente protegido na Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – UFCG, localizado no Estado da Paraíba-PB, utilizaram-se os seguintes tratamentos: 100% substrato comercial (SC), 100% solo (S), 100% fibra de coco (FC) e 50% (SC) misturado a 50% (FC), combinados com 2 tipos de água (A1 – abastecimento; A2 – residuária). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, num esquema fatorial de 4 x 2, com 3 repetições e 3 plantas por repetição. Foram avaliados a altura de planta (AP), o número de folhas (NF) e o diâmetro do caule (DC), comprimento radicular (CR), fitomassa fresca da parte aérea (FFPA) e da raiz (FFR), fitomassa seca da parte aérea (FSPA) e da raiz (FSR).  As maiores médias foram relacionadas à utilização de água residuária e resultados obtidos pelo uso dos diversos substratos, os quais tiveram significância para algumas variáveis, em pelo menos uma época de avaliação. Percebe-se a importância do uso de água residuária como fertirrigação das mudas e o reaproveitamento de resíduos industriais como substrato, sendo uma alternativa com grande potencial e viável para os pequenos agricultores

    Fibra de sisal como envoltório na drenagem agrícola

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    O trabalho foi realizado objetivando analisar o desempenho do sistema de drenagem com fibra de sisal envolto orgânico como material alternativo.  A pesquisa foi realizada no Laboratório de Engenharia de Irrigação e Drenagem da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. Usando-se um sistema experimental composto de nove tanques construídos de alvenaria e impermeabilizados internamente. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em um arranjo fatorial com três tipos de tubos, Drenoflex, Kananet e tubo de PVC liso próprio para Esgoto envolto com fibra de sisal num delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três repetições. Foram avaliados a carga hidráulica de entrada (he), fluxo(q) e resistência de entrada(re) e analisados  estatisticamente, utilizando-se o software ASSISTAT . A comparação dos tubos Drenoflex, PVC liso e Kananet envolto com fibra de sisal, as médias da carga hidráulica na entrada para os tubos variando os valores de 0,40486 a 0,35543, sendo significativo para o tubo Kananet, devido possuir furos maiores facilitando assim a passagem da água pelo tubo. E em relação à resistência de entrada na interação entre os tubos drenantes e a fibra de sisal diferiu estatisticamente com o tubo PVC liso. O desempenho do sistema drenante com envolto de fibra de sisal é considerado muito bom

    Unidades de produção agrícola controlada no semiárido para o tratamento de água cinza

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    As reservas de água doce, juntamente com as limitações de lançamento de efluentes no meio ambiente, culminam para a necessidade do uso racional dos recursos hídricos de modo a reduzir os impactos negativos da geração de efluentes. Nesse contexto, o trabalho foi realizado objetivando-se implantar e monitorar eficiência do tratamento da água, para o semiárido, de unidades de produção agrícola controladas UPAC’s utilizando as águas cinzas de uma lavanderia comunitária.  A pesquisa foi desenvolvida nas instalações da Lavanderia Pública do Distrito de Ribeira no município de Cabaceiras no Estado da Paraíba. Foram implantadas oito unidades de produção agrícola controlada e os parâmetros analisados das águas cinza coletadas dos pontos de observação das unidades foram: Condutividade Elétrica (CE), pH, e Oxigênio Dissolvido (OD).  No sistema foram plantadas duas culturas com destinação à alimentação animal as quais são a mucuna-preta (Mucuna pruriens (L.)) e o capim elefante (Pennisetum purpureum) e uma para consumo humano, o maracujá (Passiflora sp). O tratamento das águas cinzas nas Unidades de Produção Agrícola Controladas promoveu uma diminuição da CE, pH e OD das águas oriundas da lavanderia, tornando uma alternativa viável e sustentável para o tratamento de água de lavanderias como também para produzir alimentos para fins animais e humanos

    LC‐HRMS for the Identification of β‐Carboline and Canthinone Alkaloids Isolated from Natural Sources

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    β-carboline and canthinone alkaloids are widely distributed in the Angiosperms. Due to their diverse biological activities, the structures of these alkaloids have been used as important models for the synthesis of novel therapeutic drugs. Combining high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) has provided a valuable tool in the analysis of these alkaloids in, for example, plants, insects, marine creatures, human tissues and body fluids. In this review, we summarized the main β-carboline and canthinone alkaloids studied by liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) associated with mass analyzers, molecular weight information, mass fragmentation and biological activities, presenting an overview of increasing interest for carboline alkaloids study by LC-HRMS

    Endothelial Microparticles (EMP) for the Assessment of Endothelial Function: An In Vitro and In Vivo Study on Possible Interference of Plasma Lipids

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    BACKGROUND: Circulating endothelial microparticles (EMP) reflect the condition of the endothelium and are of increasing interest in cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases. Recently, increased numbers of EMP following oral fat intake, possibly due to acute endothelial injury, have been reported. On the other hand, the direct interference of lipids with the detection of EMP has been suggested. This study aimed to investigate the effect of lipid-rich solutions, commonly administered in clinical practice, on the detection, both in vitro and in vivo, of EMP. METHODS: For the in vitro assessment, several lipid-rich solutions were added to whole blood of healthy subjects (n = 8) and patients with coronary heart disease (n = 5). EMP (CD31+/CD42b-) were detected in platelet poor plasma by flow cytometry. For the in vivo study, healthy volunteers were evaluated on 3 different study-days: baseline evaluation, following lipid infusion and after a NaCl infusion. EMP quantification, lipid measurements and peripheral arterial tonometry were performed on each day. RESULTS: Both in vitro addition and in vivo administration of lipids significantly decreased EMP (from 198.6 to 53.0 and from 272.6 to 90.6/µl PPP, respectively, p = 0.001 and p = 0.012). The EMP number correlated inversely with the concentration of triglycerides, both in vitro and in vivo (r = -0.707 and -0.589, p<0.001 and p = 0.021, respectively). The validity of EMP as a marker of endothelial function is supported by their inverse relationship with the reactive hyperemia index (r = -0.758, p = 0.011). This inverse relation was confounded by the intravenous administration of lipids. CONCLUSION: The confounding effect of high circulating levels of lipids, commonly found in patients that receive intravenous lipid-based solutions, should be taken into account when flow cytometry is used to quantify EMP

    The activity of laurel essential oil (crude and fractions) in the control of adult bovine ticks and larvae

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    Ectoparasites cause direct and indirect losses to farmers, affecting the production of meat and milk and increasing the production costs due to the acquisition of acaricides to maintain cattle health. The financial losses caused by Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, which is the main livestock ectoparasite in Brazil, reach approximately US$ 3 billion annually. The aim of this study was to evaluate the acaricidal effect of the crude essential oil (EO) and EO’s fractions (FR) obtained from Laurus nobilis L. (Lauraceae) leaves on Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Eight fractions were obtained, wherein five major compounds were identified (sabinene, α-terpinyl acetate, 1,8-cineole, linalool, and α-terpineol). The acaricidal activity of these FR was tested by the larval packet test. The EO was tested by the adult immersion test, and, at concentrations of 200, 100 and 50 µL/mL, the oil caused mortality of engorged females, egg mass reduction, and hatching inhibition. The fractions with α-terpineol and sabinene, as the major compounds, were the most active larvicides (LC50=0.13 µL/mL, LC99=0.51 µL/mL; and LC50=0.20 µL/mL, LC99=0.56 µL/mL, respectively). This assessment also indicated that fractionation was important since most of the fractions obtained were more active than the EO. Furthermore, this is the first report of laurel EO and its fractions employed in the control of cattle ticks. Thereby, new prospects for the use of this essential oil or its chromatographic fractions in products applied for cattle tick control can be opened up. However, studies in other stages of development of cattle ticks for the active fractions, and studies under field conditions, the effect on non-target organisms and residual effect on the environment are still needed to evaluate the acaricidal activity of EO and its active fractions

    Mucosal immunization with PspA (Pneumococcal surface protein A)-adsorbed nanoparticles targeting the lungs for protection against pneumococcal infection

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    Burden of pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae remains high despite the availability of conjugate vaccines. Mucosal immunization targeting the lungs is an attractive alternative for the induction of local immune responses to improve protection against pneumonia. Our group had previously described the development of poly(glycerol adipate-co-ω-pentadecalactone) (PGA-co-PDL) polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) adsorbed with Pneumococcal surface protein A from clade 4 (PspA4Pro) within L-leucine microcarriers (nanocomposite microparticles-NCMPs) for mucosal delivery targeting the lungs (NP/NCMP PspA4Pro). NP/NCMP PspA4Pro was now used for immunization of mice. Inoculation of this formulation induced anti-PspA4Pro IgG antibodies in serum and lungs. Analysis of binding of serum IgG to intact bacteria showed efficient binding to bacteria expressing PspA from clades 3, 4 and 5 (family 2), but no binding to bacteria expressing PspA from clades 1 and 2 (family 1) was observed. Both mucosal immunization with NP/NCMP PspA4Pro and subcutaneous injection of the protein elicited partial protection against intranasal lethal pneumococcal challenge with a serotype 3 strain expressing PspA from clade 5 (PspA5). Although similar survival levels were observed for mucosal immunization with NP/NCMP PspA4Pro and subcutaneous immunization with purified protein, NP/NCMP PspA4Pro induced earlier control of the infection. Conversely, neither immunization with NP/NCMP PspA4Pro nor subcutaneous immunization with purified protein reduced bacterial burden in the lungs after challenge with a serotype 19F strain expressing PspA from clade 1 (PspA1). Mucosal immunization with NP/NCMP PspA4Pro targeting the lungs is thus able to induce local and systemic antibodies, conferring protection only against a strain expressing PspA from the homologous family 2