29,781 research outputs found

    Mean-field analysis of the majority-vote model broken-ergodicity steady state

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    We study analytically a variant of the one-dimensional majority-vote model in which the individual retains its opinion in case there is a tie among the neighbors' opinions. The individuals are fixed in the sites of a ring of size LL and can interact with their nearest neighbors only. The interesting feature of this model is that it exhibits an infinity of spatially heterogeneous absorbing configurations for L→∞L \to \infty whose statistical properties we probe analytically using a mean-field framework based on the decomposition of the LL-site joint probability distribution into the nn-contiguous-site joint distributions, the so-called nn-site approximation. To describe the broken-ergodicity steady state of the model we solve analytically the mean-field dynamic equations for arbitrary time tt in the cases n=3 and 4. The asymptotic limit t→∞t \to \infty reveals the mapping between the statistical properties of the random initial configurations and those of the final absorbing configurations. For the pair approximation (n=2n=2) we derive that mapping using a trick that avoids solving the full dynamics. Most remarkably, we find that the predictions of the 4-site approximation reduce to those of the 3-site in the case of expectations involving three contiguous sites. In addition, those expectations fit the Monte Carlo data perfectly and so we conjecture that they are in fact the exact expectations for the one-dimensional majority-vote model

    Are Magnetic Wind-Driving Disks Inherently Unstable?

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    There have been claims in the literature that accretion disks in which a centrifugally driven wind is the dominant mode of angular momentum transport are inherently unstable. This issue is considered here by applying an equilibrium-curve analysis to the wind-driving, ambipolar diffusion-dominated, magnetic disk model of Wardle & Konigl (1993). The equilibrium solution curves for this class of models typically exhibit two distinct branches. It is argued that only one of these branches represents unstable equilibria and that a real disk/wind system likely corresponds to a stable solution.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to be published in ApJ, vol. 617 (2004 Dec 20). Uses emulateapj.cl

    Discrete-Time Fractional Variational Problems

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    We introduce a discrete-time fractional calculus of variations on the time scale hZh\mathbb{Z}, h>0h > 0. First and second order necessary optimality conditions are established. Examples illustrating the use of the new Euler-Lagrange and Legendre type conditions are given. They show that solutions to the considered fractional problems become the classical discrete-time solutions when the fractional order of the discrete-derivatives are integer values, and that they converge to the fractional continuous-time solutions when hh tends to zero. Our Legendre type condition is useful to eliminate false candidates identified via the Euler-Lagrange fractional equation.Comment: Submitted 24/Nov/2009; Revised 16/Mar/2010; Accepted 3/May/2010; for publication in Signal Processing

    Analytical results for long time behavior in anomalous diffusion

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    We investigate through a Generalized Langevin formalism the phenomenon of anomalous diffusion for asymptotic times, and we generalized the concept of the diffusion exponent. A method is proposed to obtain the diffusion coefficient analytically through the introduction of a time scaling factor λ\lambda. We obtain as well an exact expression for λ\lambda for all kinds of diffusion. Moreover, we show that λ\lambda is a universal parameter determined by the diffusion exponent. The results are then compared with numerical calculations and very good agreement is observed. The method is general and may be applied to many types of stochastic problem

    Um exame dos determinantes da capacidade de pagamento da tarifa de agua no polo de irrigacao de Petrolina/PE.

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    O trabalho investiga algumas caracteristicas do pequeno produtor irrigante que se encontra em debito com o pagamento das contas de agua do Distrito de Irrigacao Senador Nilo Coelho (DISNC) no polo de irrigacao Petrolina-Juazeiro. Faz-se aplicacao de um modelo logit para determinacao das variaveis mais importantes na determinacao da inadimplencia do produtor. Os resultados do modelo indicaram como variaveis mais significativas a extensao da area irrigada, o nivel educacional, o periodo de aquisicao da propriedade, bem como, o periodo de dedicacao a atividade agricola na propriedade

    Exactly Solvable Interacting Spin-Ice Vertex Model

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    A special family of solvable five-vertex model is introduced on a square lattice. In addition to the usual nearest neighbor interactions, the vertices defining the model also interact alongone of the diagonals of the lattice. Such family of models includes in a special limit the standard six-vertex model. The exact solution of these models gives the first application of the matrix product ansatz introduced recently and applied successfully in the solution of quantum chains. The phase diagram and the free energy of the models are calculated in the thermodynamic limit. The models exhibit massless phases and our analyticaland numerical analysis indicate that such phases are governed by a conformal field theory with central charge c=1c=1 and continuosly varying critical exponents.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Optical phonon scattering and theory of magneto-polarons in a quantum cascade laser in a strong magnetic field

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    We report a theoretical study of the carrier relaxation in a quantum cascade laser (QCL) subjected to a strong magnetic field. Both the alloy (GaInAs) disorder effects and the Frohlich interaction are taken into account when the electron energy differences are tuned to the longitudinal optical (LO) phonon energy. In the weak electron-phonon coupling regime, a Fermi's golden rule computation of LO phonon scattering rates shows a very fast non-radiative relaxation channel for the alloy broadened Landau levels (LL's). In the strong electron-phonon coupling regime, we use a magneto-polaron formalism and compute the electron survival probabilities in the upper LL's with including increasing numbers of LO phonon modes for a large number of alloy disorder configurations. Our results predict a nonexponential decay of the upper level population once electrons are injected in this state.Comment: 10 pages, 23 figure

    Asymmetric exclusion model with several kinds of impurities

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    We formulate a new integrable asymmetric exclusion process with N−1=0,1,2,...N-1=0,1,2,... kinds of impurities and with hierarchically ordered dynamics. The model we proposed displays the full spectrum of the simple asymmetric exclusion model plus new levels. The first excited state belongs to these new levels and displays unusual scaling exponents. We conjecture that, while the simple asymmetric exclusion process without impurities belongs to the KPZ universality class with dynamical exponent 3/2, our model has a scaling exponent 3/2+N−13/2+N-1. In order to check the conjecture, we solve numerically the Bethe equation with N=3 and N=4 for the totally asymmetric diffusion and found the dynamical exponents 7/2 and 9/2 in these cases.Comment: to appear in JSTA

    Boas pråticas para produção de mudas de goiabeiras isentas de nematóides.

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    A qualidade física e fitossanitåria de mudas é fator fundamental ao sucesso do cultivo de plantas assim propagadas. No caso da goiabeira, mudas Isentas de nematóldes-de-galhas, principalmente Meoldogyne mayaguensls, constituem-se num dos requisitos de maior importùncia para o bom desenvolvimento de pomares, além de evitar a disseminação do nematólde a curtas e longas distùncias. As sugestÔes aqui apresentadas objetivam orientar a produção de mudas de goiabeira conforme os padrÔes de qualidade recomendados.bitstream/item/132820/1/ID-42057.pd
