1,868 research outputs found

    Transmission routes of African swine fever virus to domestic pigs: current knowledge and future research directions

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    African swine fever (ASF) is a major threat to the pig industry in Europe. Since 2007, ASF outbreaks have been ongoing in the Caucasus, Eastern Europe and the Baltic countries, causing severe economic losses for many pig farmers and pork producers. In addition, the number of ASF cases in wild boar populations has dramatically increased over the past few years. Evidence supports direct contact with infectious domestic pigs and wild boars, and consumption of contaminated feed, as the main transmission routes of ASF virus (ASFV) to domestic pigs. However, significant knowledge gaps highlight the urgent need for research to investigate the dynamics of indirect transmission via the environment, the minimal infective doses for contaminated feed ingestion, the probability of effective contacts between infectious wild boars and domestic pigs, the potential for recovered animals to become carriers and a reservoir for transmission, the potential virus persistence within wild boar populations and the influence of human behaviour for the spread of ASFV. This will provide an improved scientific basis to optimise current interventions and develop new tools and strategies to reduce the risk of ASFV transmission to domestic pigs.ISSN:0042-490

    TrivPlat - A monitoring, management and evaluation tool for electronic public procurement

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    Bad decisions in public procurement processes have two negative effects: price increase of public goods and services with an impact on public expenditure, and adversely effects on competition, with the negative result of loss of efficiency and social welfare. Electronic public procurement (EPP) has been considered an important tool for promoting competition, simplifying and ensuring transparency in decision-making processes, thus ensuring significant time and money gains. In Portugal, EPP replaced paper-based pre-contractual procedures for communication and processing based on information technologies and systems. Interested in this phenomenon, the authors of this paper structured the TrivPlat project, a tool of free access for monitoring, managing and evaluating electronic public procurement. This paper aims to present the TrivPlat project and its contributions to the discussion about additional efforts needed to be implemented in order to efficiently promote a more transparent and accountable governance, in the defense of public interest.This work is funded by FEDER funds through the Operational Program for Competitiveness Factors -COMPETE and National Funds through FCT -Foundation for Science and Technology under the Project: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022674 and PEst-OE/CJP/UI0758/2013-1

    Effect of Carvacrol on Salmonella Saintpaul Biofilms on Stainless Steel Surface

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    Purpose: To evaluate the effect of carvacrol against Salmonella Saintpaul biofilms on stainless steel surface.Methods: The effects of carvacrol on planktonic cells were evaluated by determining the minimum inhibitory concentration and minimal bactericidal concentration. The action of carvacrol on Salmonella Saintpaul biofilms on stainless steel surface was evaluated on established biofilm and on biofilm formation by counting the number of bacterial cells that adhered to the surface using scanning electron microscopy.Results: The antimicrobial activity of carvacrol in planktonic cells of Salmonella Saintpaul was observed. The highest inhibitory effect of carvacrol was observed on biofilm formation at different subinhibitory concentrations.Conclusion: Carvacrol reduced the number of bacterial cells that adhered to stainless steel surface, making it a potential compound for Salmonella Saintpaul control.Keywords: Salmonella spp, Biofilm, Planktonic cells, Carvacrol, Stainless stee

    Ethnobiology of snappers (Lutjanidae): target species and suggestions for management

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    In this study, we sought to investigate the biology (diet and reproduction) and ethnobiology (fishers knowledge and fishing spots used to catch snappers) of five species of snappers (Lutjanidae), including Lutjanus analis, Lutjanus synagris, Lutjanus vivanus, Ocyurus chrysurus, and Romboplites saliens at five sites along the northeast (Riacho Doce, Maceió in Alagoas State, and Porto do Sauípe, Entre Rios at Bahia State) and the southeast (SE) Brazilian coast (Paraty and Rio de Janeiro cities at Rio de Janeiro State, and Bertioga, at São Paulo State.)

    Dementia in a patient with Thymoma and hypogammaglobulinaemia (Good's syndrome)

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    Good's syndrome is extremely rare and refers to an acquired B and T cell immunodeficiency in thymoma patients. The authors of this article present a case report of a 75-year-old, caucasian male patient previously subjected to examinations for secondary dementia and recurrent infections, which revealed paraneoplastic syndrome arose from thymoma. He underwent thymectomy, while his immunodeficiency syndrome sustained with frequent opportunistic infections, constantly requiring intravenous immunoglobulin treatment

    Combinações entre cultivares, ambientes, preparo e cobertura do solo em características agronômicas de alface.

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    Objetivou-se identificar combinações entre cultivares, ambientes de cultivo e preparo e cobertura de solo capazes de melhorar o desempenho agronômico e aumentar a produtividade da cultura da alface em cultivo orgânico. A pesquisa foi conduzida na Universidade Federal do Acre, utilizando o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com parcelas subdivididas para cada experimento (campo e casa de vegetação), com quatro repetições. Em cada experimento, três cultivares de alface (Simpson, Marisa e Vera), constituindo as sub-parcelas, foram sorteadas nas parcelas, representadas por quatro preparos e cobertura do solo (encanteiramento com cobertura de palha de arroz, polietileno prateado, solo descoberto e plantio direto). A produtividade comercial de alface foi de 12,3 t ha-1 em cultivo protegido e de 7,9 t ha-1 em campo. O cultivo protegido promoveu melhor desenvolvimento das plantas, caracterizado por maior massa da matéria fresca e seca da parte aérea, massa da matéria fresca comercial e melhor classificação comercial, além de promover bom desempenho agronômico e maior produtividade em qualquer um dos preparos de solo. As cultivares Simpson e Marisa apresentaram massa da matéria seca da parte aérea semelhante e superior à ‘Vera’, porém, o crescimento do caule da ‘Simpson’ foi elevado, caracterizando pendoamento precoce, fato que reduz sua qualidade comercial. As cultivares Marisa e Vera não alongaram o caule indicando serem tolerantes às condições ambientais de Rio Branco. A cobertura do solo com casca de arroz ou plástico prateado contribuiu para minimizar os efeitos climáticos prejudiciais ao cultivo da alface em campo. O plantio direto orgânico não diferiu do plantio em canteiro descoberto