12,669 research outputs found

    Impacts of in vivo and in vitro exposures to tamoxifen: comparative effects on human cells and marine organisms

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    Tamoxifen (TAM) is a first generation-SERM administered for hormone receptor-positive (HER+) breast cancer in both pre- and post-menopausal patients and may undergo metabolic activation in organisms that share similar receptors and thus face comparable mechanisms of response. The present study aimed to assess whether environmental trace concentrations of TAM are bioavailable to the filter feeder M. galloprovincialis (100 ng L-1) and to the deposit feeder N. diversicolor (0.5, 10, 25 and 100 ng L-1) after 14 days of exposure. Behavioural impairment (burrowing kinetic), neurotoxicity (AChE activity), endocrine disruption by alkali-labile phosphate (ALP) content, oxidative stress (SOD, CAT, GPXs activities), biotransformation (GST activity), oxidative damage (LPO) and genotoxicity (DNA damage) were assessed. Moreover, this study also pertained to compare TAM cytotoxicity effects to mussels and targeted human (i.e. immortalized retinal pigment epithelium - RPE; and human transformed endothelial cells - HeLa) cell lines, in a range of concentrations from 0.5 ng L-1 to 50 μg L-1. In polychaetes N. diversicolor, TAM exerted remarkable oxidative stress and damage at the lowest concentration (0.5 ng L-1), whereas significant genotoxicity was reported at the highest exposure level (100 ng L-1). In mussels M. galloprovincialis, 100 ng L-1 TAM caused endocrine disruption in males, neurotoxicity, and an induction in GST activity and LPO byproducts in gills, corroborating in genotoxicity over the exposure days. Although cytotoxicity assays conducted with mussel haemocytes following in vivo exposure was not effective, in vitro exposure showed to be a feasible alternative, with comparable sensitivity to human cell line (HeLa).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Induced spin-triplet pairing in the coexistence state of antiferromagnetism and singlet superconductivity: collective modes and microscopic properties

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    CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESThe close interplay between superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in several quantum materials can lead to the appearance of an unusual thermodynamic state in which both orders coexist microscopically, despite their competing nature. A hallmark of this coexistence state is the emergence of a spin-triplet superconducting gap component, called a pi triplet, which is spatially modulated by the antiferromagnetic wave vector, reminiscent of a pair density wave. In this paper, we investigate the impact of these p-triplet degrees of freedom on the phase diagram of a system with competing antiferromagnetic and superconducting orders. Although we focus on a microscopic two-band model that has been widely employed in studies of iron pnictides, most of our results follow from a Ginzburg-Landau analysis, and as such should be applicable to other systems of interest, such as cuprates and heavy fermion materials. The Ginzburg-Landau functional reveals not only that the p-triplet gap amplitude couples trilinearly with the singlet gap amplitude and the staggered magnetization magnitude but also that the p-triplet d-vector couples linearly with the magnetization direction. While in the mean-field level this coupling forces the d-vector to align parallel or antiparallel to the magnetization, in the fluctuation regime it promotes two additional collective modes-a Goldstone mode related to the precession of the d-vector around the magnetization and a massive mode, related to the relative angle between the two vectors, which is nearly degenerate with a Leggett-like mode associated with the phase difference between the singlet and triplet gaps. We also investigate the impact of magnetic fluctuations on the superconducting-antiferromagnetic phase diagram, showing that due to their coupling with the pi-triplet order parameter the coexistence region is enhanced. This effect stems from the fact that the pi-triplet degrees of freedom promote an effective attraction between the antiferromagnetic and singlet superconducting degrees of freedom, highlighting the complex interplay between these two orders, which goes beyond mere competition for the same electronic states.961113CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESCONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPES304311/2010-3Sem informaçãoWe thank D. Agterberg, A. Chubukov, J. Kang, and M. Schuett for useful discussions. D.E.A. was supported by the agencies CNPq (Brazil) and CAPES (Brazil). R.M.F. is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, under Award No. DE-SC0012336. E.M. is supported by CNPq (Grant No. 304311/2010-3)

    Efeito de óleos vegetais e mineral sobre ovos da mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci biótipo B.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de óleos vegetais e mineral sobre ovos de Bemisia tabaci biótipo B no feijoeiro comum Phaseolus vulgaris.Conpeex 2010

    Seletividade do óleo de mamona a estágios imaturos do Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1978 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae).

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    Os óleos vegetais e inimigos naturais são considerados importantes métodos alternativos para o controle de pragas. O óleo de mamona destaca-se por apresentar propriedades físico-químicas que lhe conferem atividades inseticidas. O Trichogramma pretiosum é um parasitóide de ovo de várias espécies-praga da ordem Lepidoptera. Neste sentido, foi avaliada a seletividade do Óleo de mamona® nas concentrações de 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6% (v/v), do detergente neutro Zupp® a 2% (v/v) (emulsificante para o óleo), do inseticida clorpirifós a 0,5 L i.a./ha (testemunha positiva) e da água destilada para os estágios imaturos do T. pretiosum

    Runoff at the micro-plot and slope scale following wildfire, central Portugal

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    Through their effects on soil properties and vegetation/litter cover, wildfires can strongly enhance overland flow generation and accelerate soil erosion [1] and, thereby, negatively affect land-use sustainability as well as downstream aquatic and flood zones. Wildfires are a common phenomenon in present-day Portugal, devastating in an average year some 100.000 ha of forest and woodlands and in an exceptional year like 2003 over 400.000 ha. There therefore exists a clear need in Portugal for a tool that can provide guidance to post-fire land management by predicting soil erosion risk, on the one hand, and, on the other, the mitigation effectiveness of soil conservation measures. Such a tool has recently been developed for the Western U.S.A. [3: ERMiT] but its suitability for Portuguese forests will need to be corroborated by field observations. Testing the suitability of existing erosion models in recently burned forest areas in Portugal is, in a nutshell, the aim of the EROSFIRE projects. In the first EROSFIRE project the emphasis was on the prediction of erosion at the scale of individual hill slopes. In the ongoing EROSFIRE-II project the spatial scope is extended to include the catchment scale, so that also the connectivity between hill slopes as well as channel and road processes are being addressed. Besides ERMiT, the principal models under evaluation for slope-scale erosion prediction are: (i) the variant of USLE [4] applied by the Portuguese Water Institute after the wildfires of 2003; (ii) the Morgan–Morgan–Finney model (MMF) [5]; (iii) MEFIDIS [6]. From these models, MEFIDIS and perhaps MMF will, after successful calibration at the slope scale, also be applied for predicting catchment-scale sediment yields of extreme events

    Acúmulo de macronutrientes por cultivares de cebola, em um vertissolo no médio São Francisco.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi o de avaliar o acúmulo de macronutrientes pela cultura da cebola, cultivares Alfa São Francisco e Franciscana IPA 10, em um Vertissolo no médio São Francisco

    Competing magnetic orders in the superconducting state of Nd-doped CeRhIn5_{5} under pressure

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    Applied pressure drives the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet CeRhIn5_{5} towards a quantum critical point that becomes hidden by a dome of unconventional superconductivity. Magnetic fields suppress this superconducting dome, unveiling the quantum phase transition of local character. Here, we show that 5%5\% magnetic substitution at the Ce site in CeRhIn5_{5}, either by Nd or Gd, induces a zero-field magnetic instability inside the superconducting state. This magnetic state not only should have a different ordering vector than the high-field local-moment magnetic state, but it also competes with the latter, suggesting that a spin-density-wave phase is stabilized in zero field by Nd and Gd impurities - similarly to the case of Ce0.95_{0.95}Nd0.05_{0.05}CoIn5_{5}. Supported by model calculations, we attribute this spin-density wave instability to a magnetic-impurity driven condensation of the spin excitons that form inside the unconventional superconducting state

    Runoff and erosion at the micro-plot and slope scale in a small burnt catchment, central Portugal

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    Wildfires can have important impacts on hydrological processes and soil erosion in forest catchments, due to the destruction of vegetation cover and changes to soil properties. However, the processes involved are non-linear and not fully understood. This has severely limited the understanding on the impacts of wildfires, especially in the up-scaling from hillslopes to catchments; in consequence, current models are poorly adapted for burnt forest conditions. The objective of this presentation is to give an overview of the hydrological response and sediment yield from the micro-plot to slope scale, in the first year following a wildfire (2008/2009) that burnt an entire catchment nearby the Colmeal village, central Portugal. The overview will focus on three slopes inside the catchment, with samples including: • Runoff at micro-plot scale (12 bounded plots) and slope scale (12 open plots); • Sediments and Organic Matter loss at micro-plot scale (12 bounded plots) and slope scale (12 open plots plus 3 Sediment fences); • Rainfall and Soil moisture data; • Soil Water Repellency and Ground Cover data. The analysis of the first year following the wildfire clearly shows the complexity of runoff generation and the associated sediment transport in recently burnt areas, with pronounced differences between hillslopes and across spatial scales as well as with marked variations through time. This work was performed in the framework of the EROSFIRE-II project (PTDC/AGR-CFL/70968/2006) which has as overall aim to predict soil erosion risk in recently burnt forest areas, including common post-fire forest management practices; the project focuses on the simultaneous measurement of runoff and soil erosion at multiple spatial scales.The results to be presented in this session are expected to show how sediment is generated, transported and exported in the Colmeal watershed; and contribute to understand and simulate erosion processes in burnt catchments, including for model development and evaluation

    Efeito da terra de diatomácea sobre o desenvolvimento biológico de zabrotes subfasciatus em feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris).

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o efeito da terra de diatomácea no desenvolvimento biológico do caruncho Z. subfasciatus.CONAFE