14,231 research outputs found

    Büchwald-Hartwig reaction applied to synthesis of new luminescent liquid crystal triarylamines derived from isoxazoles

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    © 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. The present work describes the synthesis and characterization of novel series of triarylamines isoxazoles (TAA) addressed to the organic photovoltaic materials. Diarylisoxazoles were synthesized by sequential [3+2] 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction between arylnitrile oxides and selected arylalkenes followed by MnO2-oxidation. Isoxazoles were coupled to diarylamines by Büchwald-Hartwig reaction to afford desired compounds 6a-k. Some TAA display liquid-crystalline behaviour and UV-Vis absorption and fluorescence emission were analysed for all samples of TAA 6a-k

    Bifurcations in the wake of a thick circular disk

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    Using DNS, we investigate the dynamics in the wake of a circular disk of aspect ratio χ = d/w = 3(where d is the diameter and w the thickness) embedded in a uniform flow of magnitude U0 perpendicular to its symmetry axis. As the Reynolds number Re = U0d/ν is increased, the flow is shown to experience an original series of bifurcations leading to chaos. The range Re ∈ [150, 218] is analysed in detail. In this range, five different non-axisymmetric regimes are successively encountered, including states similar to those previously identified in the flow past a sphere or an infinitely thin disk, as well as a new regime characterised by the presence of two distinct frequencies. A theoretical model based on the theory of mode interaction with symmetries, previously introduced to explain the bifurcations in the flow past a sphere or an infinitely thin disk (Fabre et al. in Phys Fluids 20:051702, 2008), is shown to explain correctly all these results. Higher values of the Reynolds number, up to 270, are also considered. Results indicate that the flow encounters at least four additional bifurcations before reaching a chaotic state

    Impacts of in vivo and in vitro exposures to tamoxifen: comparative effects on human cells and marine organisms

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    Tamoxifen (TAM) is a first generation-SERM administered for hormone receptor-positive (HER+) breast cancer in both pre- and post-menopausal patients and may undergo metabolic activation in organisms that share similar receptors and thus face comparable mechanisms of response. The present study aimed to assess whether environmental trace concentrations of TAM are bioavailable to the filter feeder M. galloprovincialis (100 ng L-1) and to the deposit feeder N. diversicolor (0.5, 10, 25 and 100 ng L-1) after 14 days of exposure. Behavioural impairment (burrowing kinetic), neurotoxicity (AChE activity), endocrine disruption by alkali-labile phosphate (ALP) content, oxidative stress (SOD, CAT, GPXs activities), biotransformation (GST activity), oxidative damage (LPO) and genotoxicity (DNA damage) were assessed. Moreover, this study also pertained to compare TAM cytotoxicity effects to mussels and targeted human (i.e. immortalized retinal pigment epithelium - RPE; and human transformed endothelial cells - HeLa) cell lines, in a range of concentrations from 0.5 ng L-1 to 50 μg L-1. In polychaetes N. diversicolor, TAM exerted remarkable oxidative stress and damage at the lowest concentration (0.5 ng L-1), whereas significant genotoxicity was reported at the highest exposure level (100 ng L-1). In mussels M. galloprovincialis, 100 ng L-1 TAM caused endocrine disruption in males, neurotoxicity, and an induction in GST activity and LPO byproducts in gills, corroborating in genotoxicity over the exposure days. Although cytotoxicity assays conducted with mussel haemocytes following in vivo exposure was not effective, in vitro exposure showed to be a feasible alternative, with comparable sensitivity to human cell line (HeLa).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Experimental Demonstration of a Structured Material with Extreme Effective Parameters at Microwaves

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    Following our recent theoretical studies [M. G. Silveirinha, C. A. Fernandes, Phys. Rev. B, 78, 033108, 2008], it is experimentally verified that an array of crossed metallic wires may behave as a nonresonant material with extremely large index of refraction at microwaves, and may enable the realization of ultra-subwavelength waveguides.Comment: accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters (in press). Applied Physics Letters (in press) (2008

    Complex critical exponents for percolation transitions in Josephson-junction arrays, antiferromagnets, and interacting bosons

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    We show that the critical behavior of quantum systems undergoing a percolation transition is dramatically affected by their topological Berry phase 2πρ2\pi\rho. For irrational ρ\rho, we demonstrate that the low-energy excitations of diluted Josephson-junctions arrays, quantum antiferromagnets, and interacting bosons are spinless fermions with fractal spectrum. As a result, critical properties not captured by the usual Ginzburg-Landau-Wilson description of phase transitions emerge, such as complex critical exponents, log-periodic oscillations and dynamically broken scale-invariance.Comment: revised version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Seasonal Thermal Sensation Vote - An indicator for long-term energy performance of dwellings with no HVAC systems

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    Dwellings with no heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are commonly found in many countries. The long-term thermal performance of these buildings can be assessed based on hourly data of occupant thermal discomfort integrated over the required timespan (e.g. total degree hours of discomfort per year). This approach can be easily applied when simulation is adopted in the assessment, but field studies using this approach are rare as they would require complex, costly and long measurement/survey campaigns. This paper addresses the challenges on conducting field studies on long-term thermal performance of dwellings with no HVAC system by introducing a novel performance indicator: the Seasonal Thermal Sensation Vote (S-TSV). S-TSV adopts the standard 7-point thermal sensation scale and is based on the perceived overall thermal sensation recalled by the user of the building for specific seasons and times of day. The new performance indicator is not intended to replace existing ones, but to complement them in the understanding of the complex thermal performance processes taking place in buildings with no HVAC. S-TSV was applied in a field study targeting a small sample of dwellings in Brazil. Results demonstrate the capabilities of S-TSV to describe trends in buildings performance in this sample. S-TSV also assisted on the identification of relationships between such performance and some independent variables addressed in this field study (e.g. windows operation, footwear and income), considering a threshold of p-values <0.05 on the chi-square statistic test

    Aceite de linaza: Caracterización y estudio de su degradación oxidativa

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    This paper proposes to characterize and monitor the degradation of linseed oil under two oxidation conditions using some traditional oxidative and quality parameters. The experimental section of this study was divided into 2 stages. In the first one, three commercial linseed oil samples (OL1, OL2, and OL3) were characterized according to oxidative stability (90 °C) and fatty acid composition. In the second stage, the OL1 sample, selected due to its availability, was subjected to the following oxidation procedures: storage at room temperature conditions with exposure to light and air (temperature ranging from 7 to 35 °C) for 140 days and accelerated oxidation at 100 °C for 7h. Samples were collected at different time intervals and analyzed for oxidative stability (90 °C), peroxide value, and acid value. The results showed that all the samples presented a similar fatty acid profile and that the OL3 sample showed a higher induction period (p < 0.05). Regarding the oxidative degradation, the induction period of the OL1 sample reduced from 9.7 to 5.7 and 9.7 to 6.3 during 140 days of storage under room temperature and 7 h of accelerated oxidation, respectively. The end of induction period of the OL1 sample is expected to occur within 229 days according to an exponential mathematical model fitted to the induction period values at different temperatures. In addition, the OL1 sample met the limits proposed by Codex and Brazilian regulations for peroxide and acid values during the oxidation time intervals.Este trabajo propone caracterizar y monitorear la degradación del aceite de linaza en dos condiciones de oxidación utilizando algunos parámetros oxidativos y de calidad tradicionales. La sección experimental de este estudio se dividió en 2 etapas. En la primera, se caracterizaron tres muestras comerciales de aceite de linaza (OL1, OL2 y OL3) a través de la estabilidad oxidativa (90 °C) y la composición de ácidos grasos. En la segunda etapa, la muestra OL1 se seleccionó por su disponibilidad y se sometió a los siguientes procedimientos de oxidación: almacenamiento en condiciones ambientales con exposición a la luz y al aire (temperatura que varía de 7 a 35 °C) durante 140 días y oxidación acelerada a 100 °C durante 7 h. Las muestras se recogieron a diferentes intervalos de tiempo y se analizaron mediante estabilidad oxidativa (90 °C), índice de peróxido e índice de acidez. Los resultados mostraron que todas las muestras presentaron un perfil de ácidos grasos similar y también que la muestra OL3 mostró un período de inducción más alto (

    Obscuring Active Galactic Nuclei with Nuclear Starburst Disks

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    We assess the potential of nuclear starburst disks to obscure the Seyfert-like AGN that dominate the hard X-ray background at z~1. Over 1200 starburst disk models, based on the theory developed by Thompson et al., are calculated for five input parameters: the black hole mass, the radial size of the starburst disk, the dust-to-gas ratio, the efficiency of angular momentum transport in the disk, and the gas fraction at the outer disk radius. We find that a large dust-to-gas ratio, a relatively small starburst disk, a significant gas mass fraction, and efficient angular momentum transport are all important to produce a starburst disk that can potentially obscure an AGN. The typical maximum star-formation rate in the disks is ~10 solar masses per year. Assuming no mass-loss due to outflows, the starburst disks feed gas onto the black hole at rates sufficient to produce hard X-ray luminosities of 10^{43}-10^{44} erg s^{-1}. The starburst disks themselves should be detectable at mid-infrared and radio wavelengths; at z=0.8, the predicted fluxes are ~1 mJy at 24microns and ~10-30 microJy at 1.4GHz. Thus, we predict a large fraction of radio/X-ray matches in future deep radio surveys. The starburst disks should be easily distinguished from AGN in future 100microns surveys by Herschel with expected fluxes of ~5 mJy. Any AGN-obscuring starbursts will be associated with hot dust, independent of AGN heating, resulting in observable signatures for separating galactic and nuclear star-formation. Finally, because of the competition between gas and star-formation, nuclear starbursts will be associated with lower-luminosity AGN. Thus, this phenomenon is a natural explanation for the observed decrease in the fraction of obscured AGN with luminosity.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, 3 in color; accepted by Ap