147 research outputs found

    Development of modular machine design and technologies of dynamic action for finishing-grinding treatment by an oscillating abrasive medium

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    A complex approach is proposed to designing machines and technologies for finishinggrinding treatment of complex-shaped parts by an oscillating fine-dispersed abrasive medium. A designed element base has been developed for the design-technological synthesis of the autonomously controlled actuating mechanisms in the form of the device with the processed parts and the reservoir, combined into a single aggregate modular machine. The field of combining schemes of the power actions on an abrasive medium and processed parts has been considered

    Simulation of effects of metal phase in a diamond grain and bonding type on temperature in diamond grinding

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    Manufacturing diamond wheels on various bonds is a relatively high-cost process, requiring high labour and high consumption of expensive diamond grains but yielding relatively low productivity. With better knowledge of the various factors involved in the sintering process, the most efficient combinations can be found, leading to higher productivity. Currently, there are no scientifically based recommendations for the choice of the rational combinations of strength, brand of grain, graininess and concentration with the physical–mechanical properties of bonds. The aim of this research is the development of a technique for the theoretical definition of an optimal combination of strength properties of diamond grains and bond to provide maximum retention of diamond grain integrity during the process of diamond wheel manufacture. This is investigated using 3D simulations of the deflected mode of the sintering area of the wheel's diamond bearing layer

    Mathematical simulation of motion of working medium at finishing-grinding treatment in the oscillating reservoir

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    The results of mathematical simulation have been carried out for the pattern of working medium motion providing the technological process of finishing–grinding treatment in an oscillating reservoir. With use of physics laws, it is ascertained and grounded that the flow of granules at the plane wall of reservoir is travelling oppositely to the source of vibrations, whereas the granules are drifting on the cycloid–trochoid trajectories from the wall of reservoir, where the looped displacement is maximal, to the center of reservoir in which the shift of granules is reduced to minimum because of damping and dissipation effect. The received theoretical regulations have a fundamental nature and can be used at the account of technological parameters of designed vibration machines


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    Наведено результати досліджень окремих біохімічних маркерів крові та метаболітів сполучної тканини за остеодистрофії корів. Встановлено, що у корів із субклінічним перебігом уміст загального кальцію був знижений у 18,9 %, концентрація неорганічного фосфору лише в 5,7 % тварин. У хворих на остеодистрофію корів лише у 5 % корів загальний кальцій був у нормі, а в 95,0 % виявлено його зниження, яке поєднувалася з гіпофосфатемією у 35,0 % хворих тварин.Обґрунтовано найбільш інформативні тести ранньої діагностики остеодистрофії. Встановлено, що критеріями для діагностики субклінічного перебігу остеодистрофії є лимонна кислота, загальні глікозаміноглікани, хондроїтинсульфати та сіалоглікопротеїни. Дані маркери виходили за фізіологічні ліміти у 100 % корів за субклінічного перебігу захворювання та в клінічно хворих, проте концентрація остеокальцину –  знижувалася у 60 та 100 % відповідно.Приведены результаты исследований отдельных биохимических маркеров крови и метаболитов соединительной ткани при остеодистрофии коров. Установлено, что у коров при субклиническом течением содержание общего кальция было снижено в 18,9%, концентрация неорганического фосфора только в 5,7% животных. У больных остеодистрофией коров в 5% коров общий кальций был в норме, а в 95,0% выявлено его снижение, которая сочеталась с гипофосфатемией в 35,0% больных животных.Обоснованно наиболее информативные тесты ранней диагностики остеодистрофии. Установлено, что критериями для диагностики субклинического течения остеодистрофии является лимонная кислота, общие гликозаминогликаны, хондроитинсульфаты и сиалогликопротеины. Данные маркеры выходили за физиологические лимиты в 100% коров при субклиническом течении заболевания и в клинически больных, однако концентрация остеокальцина – снижалась в 60 и 100% соответственно.The results of some studies of biochemical markers of blood and connective tissue metabolites osteodystrophy cows are given in article. It was established that cows with subclinical disease course content of total calcium was reduced to 18.9%, the concentration of inorganic phosphorus in only 5.7% of the animals. In cows with osteodystrophy only 5% of cows total calcium was normal, and 95.0% found its decline, which combined with hypophosphatemia in 35.0% of patients animals.Proved most informative tests early diagnosis of osteodystrophy. Established that the criteria for the diagnosis of subclinical course osteodystrophy is citric acid, common glycosaminoglycans, and chondroitinsulphates sialglycoproteins. These markers beyond the physiological limits of 100% of cows with subclinical disease and clinically sick, but osteocalcin concentration - declining 60 and 100% respectively

    Роль инерционного механизма в процессе очистки воздуха в легких от аэрозольных частиц

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    A role of inertial mechanism for clearance of aerosol particle from the lung.Роль инерционного механизма в процессе очистки воздуха в легких от аэрозольных частиц

    Improving the Design of Diamond Wheel for High-Speed Grinding

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    Grinding at high speeds is a complex process requiring specific tools for successful use. Rotational stresses during high-speed grinding can lead to failure if the wheel is not correctly designed. These results are extremely difficult to be obtained during a large number of field experiments due to the high cost of testing equipment. So, the article describes ways of improving the integrity of the body of the diamond grinding wheel for high-speed regimes using analytical approaches and finite element method

    Impact of liquid metal surface on plasma-surface interaction in experiments with lithium and tin capillary porous systems

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    The lithium and tin capillary-porous systems (CPSs) were tested with steady-state plasma in the PLM plasma device which is the divertor simulator with plasma parameters relevant to divertor and SOL plasma of tokamaks. The CPS consists of tin/lithium tile fixed between two molybdenum meshs constructed in the module faced to plasma. Steady-state plasma load of 0.1 - 1 MW/m(2) on the CPS during more than 200 min was achieved in experiments on PLM which is a modeling far scrapeoff- layer and far zone of divertor plasma of a large tokamak. The heating of the CPS was controlled remotely including biasing technique which allows to regulate evaporated metal influx to plasma. After exposure, the materials of the tin and lithium CPSs were inspected and analyzed with optic and scanning electron micriscopy. Experiments have demonstrated sustainability of the tin and lithium CPSs to the high heat steady state plasma load expected in a large scale tokamak. The effect of evaporated lithium and tin on the plasma transport/radiation was studied with spectroscopy to evaluate changes of plasma properties and plasma-surface interaction

    System of Monitoring and Response to Public Health Emergencies of Sanitary-Epidemiological Character in the CIS Countries

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    The most important component of strengthening the potential for responding to biological threats both at the national and interstate levels is the formation of a unified system for monitoring and responding to emergencies (ES) of sanitary-epidemiological nature in the CIS territory.The aim of the work was to review the systems for monitoring and responding to emergencies of sanitary-epidemiological character in the CIS countries by the example of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic, to characterize the main areas of international cooperation on countering biological threats and coordinating international response measures in the CIS countries.Materials and methods. Information and analytical materials provided by organizations responsible for epidemiological surveillance and control in the CIS countries, Internet sources, and publications were used for the study.Results and discussion. The organization and functioning of the systems for monitoring and responding to emergencies in the CIS countries is a state function. It includes, as a rule, the national, regional (sub-national) and territorial (local) levels, which have horizontal and vertical connections. The legal framework is made up of documents of the legislative level. Interdepartmental interaction in response to emergencies is carried out both at the republican level and in administrative territories; the basis for interaction is the integrated planning of preventive and anti-epidemic measures and the functioning of the relevant organizational structures on an ongoing basis. Since 2015, with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation, programs have been implemented aimed at assisting partner countries in the implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005) in order to increase national response capacity and form a unified sanitaryepidemiological emergency response system in the CIS countries. The main areas of collaboration are strengthening the material and technical base and human resources of specialized institutions and scientific cooperation. As a result of the program implementation, a unified system for monitoring and prompt response to emergencies in the field of public health of sanitary-epidemiological nature has essentially been formed in the CIS countries to date, uniting more than 15 specialized institutions from 8 CIS countries